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Search results

  1. PmjPmj

    Are any of you good at poker?

    *Bursts into thread, clearly exhausted and very late to the conversation* "I'm good at poking yer ma! GUFFAW! WHOOP WHOOP!" *promptly leaves thread, furiously patting himself on the back with glee*
  2. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Genuine belly laugh. Fuck, I'm in an uncharacteristically good mood today. Ah, drugs.
  3. PmjPmj

    Should I do acid

    Ha ha, yeah. I can see how that'd happen. Kudos for actually trying. The aforementioned guy I know is Ti dominant. He was pouring over documentation pertaining to Bitcoin for ages. He knows it like the back of his bloody hand now - he has a lot of money because of some intelligent decisions he...
  4. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    No curtness intended. Apologies. Just my usual NTJ thing of being a bit brief I guess. Historically I have found that forums are weird in the way they affect behaviour. If you remove the forum layer and contact them as 'another human being', I'm sure your inquiries will be met favourably. I...
  5. PmjPmj

    Should I do acid

    You can find anything you'd ever need on the dark web. Deep web. Dark net? I (legitimately) don't really understand how it works. I mean, I do theoretically, but I've never actually explored it myself. However, I know a guy who frequents it and uses it to procure various drugs. Nothing...
  6. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Why would he assume you're a tool? It's perfectly acceptable to get in touch with someone with "Hey, I hope you don't mind me getting in touch. I enjoyed our interactions on INTPf and wondered if you'd mind discussing a few things some time?" If I may, I'd advise that you stop worrying about...
  7. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    We can always get more hot sauce. It is well within our power.
  8. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Perhaps we should beat our chests and yell in unison to loudly proclaim our status as alpha-males.
  9. PmjPmj

    Enneagram Help.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JVX0BXxj2Q&feature=em-uploademail I swear to fuck that I sound 100% like a repressed ENTJ. The descriptions (the more in depth ones) often describe me far better than the INTJ variants... yet I seem to have a clear preference for introversion. But do I, or is...
  10. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm big in to my chillies and hot sauces. I grew some Scotch Bonnets one year. "No worries - I got this, bruh" I told my dad as I chopped one in half and popped the biggest segment into my mouth. For about .5 of a second, the taste was divine. Very fruity. Then, pain. Lots and lots of...
  11. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    A few moments ago whilst tidying the kitchen, I moved a bottle of habanero sauce. Without thinking about it, I then went to spend a penny. The chilli burn on my Johnson is exquisite.
  12. PmjPmj

    Should I do acid

    I have yet to try acid, but DMT was/is fucking amazing. If it's anything like that (which I'm sure it will be on some level - just not as intense) then yeah, go for it. Just ensure that you're in a good state of mind, in a safe environment and with someone who you trust implicitly.
  13. PmjPmj

    Mafia Signups Thread

    /IN for Helvete Dick /OUT for Harambe
  14. PmjPmj

    How to Manipulate/Seduce a Sensor?

    To be fair, the same could likely be said about myself or any other non-Ti dominant. I like to skim the surface of things. I'm seldom if ever 'deeply' interested in a subject. I like to skim and let patterns form. To a Ti dominant, I think 99% of the population are 'fucking idiots'.
  15. PmjPmj

    Mafia Signups Thread

    Kinda want, but I've decided to never play again after the farce that was my last game. Fuck you, RB. Destroyer of dreams; crusher of hope.
  16. PmjPmj

    How to Manipulate/Seduce a Sensor?

    What type of sensor are you talking? If Si, then talk about what's going on in the world of celebrities. Or tupperware. Or Anything else which is completely inane and would otherwise make you want to kill yourself. Si users are like this. They are the worst of the worst. Hate Si. Hate it in...
  17. PmjPmj

    Enneagram's relationship to Mbti

    There are some noteworthy correlations, but they certainly don't measure the same things. As has already been mentioned, the MBTI measures which cognitive functions we use. From there we can extrapolate some likely characteristics, interests, etc. It's surface-level stuff. The Enneagram...
  18. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    3 parts Amy 1 part Darcy HNNNNNNNNN maximum boncakes.
  19. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    I'd politely ignore it and move along.
  20. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    Especially sheepdogs. Fucking dirty, irritating fluffballs.
  21. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    I suppose it was actually just a figure of speech - but I hadn't considered the implications. Normally I'd see it a mile off, but for some weird reason I just didn't. Bleh.
  22. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Great game guys. If you haven't already, I implore you to read the mafia QT. It's basically just pages and pages of me and Helv losing our shit. I was not prepared to play as scum against you guys. I have been good at it in the past, but that was in games with individuals who were as new and...
  23. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Right, I'm off to bed. Fuck the lot of you. (<3)
  24. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    That's cool, Latte. You do that. *snigger*
  25. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Yellow: I hope you don't mind me hinting so obviously at my role, but I have PMed you and also contacted you via the QT. I can't let these people carry on like this. They're wasting time and my fate is sealed. It was both logical and kind to call it - hope that's ok with you.
  26. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyu82WG_edM He got there in the end, the lad. Right. Fuck off the lot of you. You're horrible. Horrible and mean. :elephant:
  27. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Fucking hell RB. Learn to read between the lines instead of feverishly clutching at straws. - I've been trolling for at least half a page - I informed everyone that I've contacted Yellow with a request - I've told you the game is effectively over "Read into that what you will"...
  28. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    IFTFY. Santa will gift you with lumps of coal this Christmas. Maybe an orange or two.
  29. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    I think Cheese > VICTOLY is the best option right now.
  30. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    I wasn't lying about contacting Yellow. In a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM
  31. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Whaaaat? You didn't find my case convincing, Minuend? My feelings are hurt ;_;
  32. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Cheese, your puzzle is irrelevant. I've already contacted Yellow with my own request. I am the doctor. Prepare to be shot, Cheese. You're done for. :smoker:
  33. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Cheese's rage burns through the monitor. Dude must be high pitched as fuck right now, squealing in damn near agony at RB's ignorance. FU RB. You're a bad person, and you should feel bad. You are the reason we can't have nice things any more.
  34. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    We have clearly established that RB is incapable of reading anyone else's posts. That'd require him to pull his head from out of his ass. So self involved, that one. ;)
  35. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Hey, redbaron. Go back and read #331: Learn to read. #rbfail #rbisscum #lynchthecunt #likenoreally-lynchhimnow >_>
  36. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    You're bullshitting me. Why did you re-vote me and fail to attempt a Cheese wagon? Poor form. Huge disparity between your words and your actions. Nah mate. You just can't be arsed now. Lazy, lazy boy. You've locked the kill in and now, even with 24 hours to spare, you've resigned yourself to...
  37. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Oh and I did actually note my role in my giga-post. So fuck you for skim-reading and missing it, buddy. :phear:
  38. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    No you weren't - don't bullshit me. A few piss-take posts wouldn't swing you. I've made my case. Do what you will (and what you will is me being lynched, so step the fuck down from your high horse and own it, pussy :p)
  39. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Positively Evil... ? Could well be!
  40. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Potentially Iffy :storks:
  41. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Somewhat Vague
  42. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    :facepalm: That vote. Hope: crushed.
  43. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    That's a shame. You also said that you're fine with mislynching. Which is also a shame. I'm with RB - I'd rather get it right. But, hey ho. Lynch me. When I flip green, turn your attention to Happy. I'm almost certain that he is the final scum. If it isn't him, I'll be incredibly...
  44. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    So to clarify (just popping in) you think that RB is playing a very clever scum game?
  45. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    I wasn't lying about anything. The semantics argument is a thing whether people want to buy in to it or not. Retrospectively, I agree that my comment was ambiguous and probably made me look scummy AF, but I posted hastily and just before going to bed after an incredibly long day. To...
  46. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    I am less than happy about this situation. Can't we just vote RB off and call it quits? We can all be friends here!
  47. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    If you liked that, you'll probably also enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w-58hQ9dLk
  48. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Summary of my performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsdCGQbbd8k Special message for redbaron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR7wOGyAzpw&list=PLXtM1K03stJo3vKejGKKUMqpuPbILVveF
  49. PmjPmj

    Doctor Who Mafia

    Fair points. More coherent and reasoned that your day one straw-clutching, certainly. Seriously - your arguments were so fucking weak on day one. But, this (^) I can get behind. Let me re-read Happy's contributions.
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