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  1. Wisp


    That's what I meant. It's fragmented, and has occasional missing words... For example, "With a well-developed understanding of their environment and the ability to act very quickly, they may good athletes." Not complete. It should read "May be good" or "May make good" EDIT: Also, I'm...
  2. Wisp

    this is a scam right ?

    Only an INTP would want to find out they're INTPs...
  3. Wisp

    Possibly the youngest member...

    Your risk senses are dead on. I think not having money enough to buy food is fairly risky.
  4. Wisp

    The Shadow...

    Nnnn, I'm not saying they aren't useful, but they generally aren't enjoyable... I'd rather not subject myself to it on a regular basis.
  5. Wisp

    Attraction - with regard for type, the parallel prequel...

    That's the biggest truth in MBTI, and one any good MBTI book should emphasize, the differences within similarities.
  6. Wisp

    Nicotine Patches and Vivid Dreams

    Eh. But it could be. One never knows.
  7. Wisp

    Possibly the youngest member...

    Wow, that's a lot of money, but like I'm saying, artists tend to risk a lot more, than say, a bureaucrat.
  8. Wisp

    Are you invisible?

    Invisibility is real, but in a non-literal sense.
  9. Wisp


    It is a pretty title, but I have too much to read already....
  10. Wisp

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    I'm not really a conneiseur (damn french spelling), I really just go with what I like. I hear a track I like, I pick it up. It's that simple.
  11. Wisp

    I quit my job

    I feel sorry for the mentally crippled, as they have lost the thing that I value most. It makes me feel ... fragile.
  12. Wisp


    Quantum computong does seem like the logical next step, doesn't it.
  13. Wisp

    Rockstar's GTA a menace to society?

    Yeah, stupid people are easily influenced, a sad but true fact.
  14. Wisp

    Are you invisible?

    I'm the same way with lying. Also, I love the way stupid people will use what they think are big words in retarded ways...
  15. Wisp

    BoP - Bits of Paper

    It can join your own BoP collection!
  16. Wisp

    Handwriting Analysis Personality Test

    I have to wonder, though, how does one tell that much by one's handwriting?
  17. Wisp

    Art & Personality Test (Very Good!)

    You can get a more indepth breakdown of their psychoanalysis of you, tells you how they scored you in all categories.
  18. Wisp

    Are you on medication?

    Yeah, tomorrow is the best defence against today.
  19. Wisp

    Need help

    Haha, now thats a scary thought... emo psycho muslim terrorists (Not that most muslims are anything like that)
  20. Wisp

    Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    Yes, it has to be your own definition of good, because society's good is twisted.
  21. Wisp

    How Risk averse are you?

    I think that's it... and I believe yozuki's a he, unless I'm very much mistaken.
  22. Wisp

    Nicotine Patches and Vivid Dreams

    I've always been very reluctant to use any sort of drug on myslef, regardless of any sort of altered state I'd experience. The price of addiction is too high.
  23. Wisp


    Cats are the master race.
  24. Wisp

    Possibly the youngest member...

    Eh. Making money with art can be very sketchy.
  25. Wisp


    A tiger leaped over, I think it was a 14 foot high fence and mauled a bunch of people. They had to put 'im down.
  26. Wisp


    Yes I will!
  27. Wisp

    Hey hey

    That would be cool. I'll probably do that if I ever go to the vatican.
  28. Wisp


    So do I.
  29. Wisp


    Ah. cool. I get it now.
  30. Wisp


    Ah, I think I understand it now. And this is at university level?
  31. Wisp

    Picking up?

    Back of the shirt: "If you don't get it, forget it!"
  32. Wisp

    Nicotine Patches and Vivid Dreams

    Oh god. Now I don't have to take LSD, I can simply look at the sky and let my imagination loose... not that I've done LSD... *looks around furtively*.
  33. Wisp

    Threads suggestions

    W/e I don't have that problem anymore...
  34. Wisp

    Possibly the youngest member...

    Cabbo Pearimo's chaos theory of socionics... wow. And I agree with being nonmalevolently manipulative, like Cabbo said.
  35. Wisp

    Nicotine Patches and Vivid Dreams

    Eww... so you'll look into the sky and the clouds will all look like random objects, the sky would like an actual ocean, etc etc?
  36. Wisp

    Possibly the youngest member...

    Yeah, that is a good picture of a cat. I have a sister who's a good artist... (ISFJ) I don't know about you, but 8th grade was probably one of the best years of my life, then I went to HS, which meant all my friends but my two closest went to other schools... dammit. Also, the integrity of the...
  37. Wisp


    Mind explaining the GCSE system to a bumpkin from america?
  38. Wisp

    Picking up?

    I should wear a shirt "Hi I'm an NT guy and I'm obtuse!"
  39. Wisp

    Need help

    Hmmmm... I wasn't sure how far the emo "thing" had spread. I guess it made its way to Europe, at least...
  40. Wisp

    Art & Personality Test (Very Good!)

    I got... Cubism High: Intellectualism Average: Emotional intelligence, Emotional stability, Average Agreeableness Low: Extraversion, Conscientousness
  41. Wisp

    Art & Personality Test (Very Good!)

    I love how almost all of us get high intellectualism...
  42. Wisp

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    Stupid schools. Trying to hurry our inherent INTP-ness.
  43. Wisp

    Are you invisible?

    My tongue is sharp, my mental tongue more so. I wish people understood how much effort I make to tone my thoughts down so i don't hurt their precious feelings. I like teeling others because I like hearing people's reactions.
  44. Wisp

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    That would be cool. I wish I could take cool courses but I'm locked away as an underclassmen in high school... blech.
  45. Wisp

    Picking up?

    Though I'm a gu, I feel like offering my two cents as well. I think its both because it helps them pickup guys with insecurity complexes, and its easy. It's easy to act stupid, but it takes effort to act smarter than you are. I personally would never try to navigate the web of social subtleties...
  46. Wisp


    *Tiger jumps over the fence and mauls you* (Did you hear about the one in San Francisco?)
  47. Wisp

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    Ah, I can only take so much metal at a time... Guess it just isn't my taste.
  48. Wisp

    Dream 'Job'

    Ah the ADVISOR of the ruler of the world. Typical INTP sentiment. =)
  49. Wisp

    Hey hey

    I knew the LL theory was disproven... Aren't the illuminati fictional, an invention of Dan Brown's in Angels and Demons?
  50. Wisp

    Are you invisible?

    Any situation that involves me and "popular" people tends to end badly, usually because of my overly sarcastic, drawling tone. I also hate rulebook administrators... *shudder*
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