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Search results

  1. Wisp

    Help us with a forum logo

    Damn, I wish I could do IRC...
  2. Wisp


    We could have a gathering, but we're scattered over the globe... Ironically, all of my computer knowledge, is entirely practical. I can fix 'em. Can't do all that much else but I CAN fix them. I lied, I'm pretty literate, but that's where my focus. And yes, I'm a very expressed N type...
  3. Wisp

    Special knowledge - Regular behaviour

    I find it quite amazing, I can NOT read individual people for the life of me, but I read group dynamics very well. It's quite fascinating. I see who fits in where in friendships, who takes what role, without ever knowing who the people are. Maybe that's the best way... ~The Cynic
  4. Wisp


    Ah. Zakai has been drawn from his shell of flippant responses. Most impressive, I must say. However, I must tell you I can match your arrogance word for word. ~The Cynic
  5. Wisp

    Self Esteem

    Hehe. My personality is my restraining order... That needs to go on a poster on the wall of my room...
  6. Wisp

    dell xps 720 or alienware area 51?

    I'm not THAT huge into comp gaming, but I am reading CPU magazine right now... drooling over several thousand dollar computers...
  7. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    I'm lucky, one quick web search and a couple commands in the terminal and I'm functional! Actually, I'm using Ubuntu (Yay 8.04) right now on an HP notebook...
  8. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    It's so user friendly, that n00bs don't get it, and computer 1337s hate it! I, of course am using Linux right now... =)
  9. Wisp

    Debricked a router...

    Yeah, my dad did all the custom firmware, and he put it allon, and he was all ecstatic, until I asked one question: "What does it do now that it couldn't do before?" No answer... All though we have a PIII box that we plan to turn into a firewall...
  10. Wisp


    Yay Chekhov/Dostoyevski!
  11. Wisp

    dell xps 720 or alienware area 51?

    I have an Asus Mobo with an intel chipset, don't know too much about the nForce or ageia, but I know nForce is supposed to be pretty good...
  12. Wisp

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    Woooo! D&D, chocolate, and Weird Al! A winning triad! Bonus points for Dave!
  13. Wisp

    sweet nostalgia..........

    My room is fossilized on the ground level... when I try to clean it, some remnant of my past will distract me...
  14. Wisp

    Earth Day

    So the ESFJs of the world are happy. Doesn't mean I should give a damn. I'm no politician.
  15. Wisp

    Psychological Typing Children?

    Eh. The idea is not to tell the KIDS, and to keep in mind that as children, your personality type is a lot more volatile than it is as an adult, and they DO shift...
  16. Wisp


    I have such an intense fear of dying, I would never end myself. I've thought about withdrawing all contact from those I know though...
  17. Wisp

    Debricked a router...

    What model is it? (I assume you learned of the standard "reset button?")
  18. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Hah, BASIC... I know what you mean about Linux... Ah, my puny XP-fed self, trying to tackle a driver incompatability on an infamous wireless card with ndiswrapper... That kept me going for days... never did solve it. That was Ubuntu 8.1, BTW.
  19. Wisp

    dell xps 720 or alienware area 51?

    Ah. Oh well. Hopefully you won't have issues. Personally, I'm cynical about Crysis, nor do I have the specs to run it (C2D @ 2GHz, 800 FSB, GeForce 8500, 500mhz, 512DDR2 VRAM), but all it is is a tech demo with a plot tacked on to it. Oh well. It DOES look pretty. I'm cynical about both Dell and...
  20. Wisp

    Hello, Fellow INTPs!

    That spelling may just develop a twitch in me...
  21. Wisp

    Attraction - with regard for type, the parallel prequel...

    ... *ouch* ... My mother was tested as an INTP back in the days of HS, but I have doubts. Also, Kd, the point isn't that it would be hard to be in a relationship with an INTP, more than it would be boring.
  22. Wisp

    Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    ...Do you two hate each other?? I am quite sure it will make neither of you either good or happy to continue this scathing argument.
  23. Wisp

    the object of relationship?

    Also, you're 16, experience is lacking. One example shouldn't be the basis of a philosophy.
  24. Wisp

    Emotional latency

    I know what you mean. I've had situations with idiots that have REALLY drawn me out. I start calling them words they don't know, and probably never will. They try to ues the same words on me... ( Well you're a...) This only pisses me off more. The situation degenerates. I also get emotional...
  25. Wisp

    Alie is now alierae

    *puts Cabbo down* Ah. Peaceful again. =)
  26. Wisp

    Creative vents

    Nah, that's just him being a freak... =P
  27. Wisp

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Only if you kill him on his stage while he's triggering a secret conversation.
  28. Wisp

    Picking up?

    Ye Olde Handebooke of Grammarye
  29. Wisp

    The future, Change, and Stepping into Oneself...

    I don't think I need a job in public relations... But seriously, that's heavy duty stuff right there, but, I have to take it with a grain of salt. I doubt that'll work in all circumstances, only in certain psyches. Not all people fear what they love the most. Really.
  30. Wisp


    I know he was quite... interesting.
  31. Wisp

    Intro to.... Me

    I'm very prejudiced!!! I hereby invoke a blood curse on your family for generations!!!! MUAHAHA!!!!
  32. Wisp

    Hey, how's is going

    Eeek! Siblings! You two are... both brothers?
  33. Wisp

    Hello, Fellow INTPs!

    ...!!! Some spelled a 5-syllable word from another language correctly on a forum! Duck for cover, the end of the world is nigh!!!!
  34. Wisp

    About you?

    Look on the bright side, we walk the line between being alone and being unique, reaping the benefits of both!
  35. Wisp

    Debricked a router...

    I"m really happy today, I was working (computer shop), and I was able to take home a bricked router that was better than what I had, and I was able to reload the corrupted firmware on it. I just wanted to say HA! Thus concludes my meaningles topic...
  36. Wisp

    dell xps 720 or alienware area 51?

    Uh-uh. Stay away from Dell/Alienware. In the old days Alienware was great, but it merged with Dell, and its standards have slipped. BUILD YOUR OWN PC!!!! I cannot stress this enough. Also, 8800GTX --> 8800 Ultra. The difference is very noticable (to a PC gamer), also, 2GB Ram is a little low for...
  37. Wisp

    Emotional latency

    I get low ping... I'm good at recognizing group dynamics though...
  38. Wisp

    Special knowledge - Regular behaviour

    That's because many (mark me, not all) don't... Many horrible crimes have been committed in the name of god. Ayways... People watching... a little, but not to the degree you describe. I do it more out of boredom than a tragedy in my past.
  39. Wisp


    Yay chess.... It seems many INTPs play chess... NB3~!
  40. Wisp


    I wonder, would it be possible to get INTPs together in the chat and do Table RPGs over the interweb...?
  41. Wisp

    Hello, Fellow INTPs!

    Aye. My philosophy exactly... the parents don't agree, but whatever, not their decision...
  42. Wisp

    More spark, please, less meat

    Haha, I remember 5.25" floppies... My grandparents have a tower with one of those drives... it's running Win9X if I recall... Yeah, I'm having ATI issues w/ Ubuntu on my laptop...
  43. Wisp

    INTP by what measure?

    WAIT A MINUTE! The argument for legalization of marijuana has NOTHING to do with smoking it! It is the legalization of 'juana for medicinal purposes (painkiller), NOT so people can go around being potheads...
  44. Wisp

    Are you invisible?

    Haha, but I actually have useful things to say...
  45. Wisp

    Picking up?

    I did, but I felt like editing...
  46. Wisp

    Creative vents

    Oh, wow. That's a new one...
  47. Wisp

    Alie is now alierae

  48. Wisp

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    *reads topic title* YES. Just... YES. Marth FTW, though I second Lucario, Wolf, Lucas, Snake, Toon Link, Meta Knight, Luigi. I am a very versatile player who can trump most people with a wide range of characters. I am trying to hone my ability to main the random button. Eventually I'll post...
  49. Wisp

    More spark, please, less meat

    Nope. Wanna know why? Because all humans are fundamentally corrupt somewhere in their mind. People will find something, like putting people down due to the color of their spark... Anyways... I remember (or don't was too young yet, but I've READ about) Windows NT... back when we didn't have the...
  50. Wisp

    Hello, Fellow INTPs!

    I'm halfway in and out of IB (Honors). I despise that whole notion of the IB, most of the people who succeed, do it with some odd conglomeration of work compiled by 50 students or so... I actually DO my work... which is why I haven't been on in a while...
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