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Search results

  1. Wisp

    type preference and attraction

    Haha, the Breakfast club... That was a good movie...
  2. Wisp

    Too much knowledge?

    Besides, if you need the knowledge, it will (usually) pop up.
  3. Wisp

    Sexually frustrated seal accosts penguin

    @_@... I think my mind broke...
  4. Wisp


    Uhhh, I noticed it won't submit if you hit the back button to go back into the game...
  5. Wisp


    Yes, Fernando, I realized that. I really was just curious. But if I wind up with any responsibility there is too great a risk that I'd lose interest...
  6. Wisp

    Hardy Heron

    Yeah, I need it, router is downstairs, my room is upstairs... yeah.
  7. Wisp

    Favorite Books

    Dragonlance! Win! There aren't that many who know much about it. Tasslehoff all the way. Anyways, as for Eragon, try again. I read Eragon at a point, and loved it, and still plan to finish the series, once Paolini gets off his ass and writes the expected predictable ending, but anyways, it's...
  8. Wisp


    I'm just wondering. Of all the administrators, Ragnar died, lightspeed left, maybe to return, I haven't seen blue tick around. In fact, the only one I've seen around is loveofreason? Shouldn't we have more than one active administrator-type person? Not that I want the job, I don't....
  9. Wisp

    Chat box revival

    But we already have a chatbox here, and... I, uh, don't know how to use mIRC... Shhh!
  10. Wisp

    Chat box revival

    Ok, I've said this before, but I think it's time to put this up again. We have a chatbox. USE IT! That said, a little while back, I had some pretty cool conversations with people in aforementioned box. You get answers from people in a realtime frame, no taffected by the constantly shifting...
  11. Wisp

    Foreign Languages/Linguistics

    HEY! I STILL have the highest post count around! I can hijack ANYTHING just TRY and stop me! Wahahahaa!
  12. Wisp

    Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    Whatever. Not my point. The point is that there is STILL physical manifestation
  13. Wisp

    indifferent architect, or architect of indifference?

    Whether or not we even have a True Calling is up to debate, you know...
  14. Wisp

    Do you like being an INTP?

    That is one of the more true statements I've heard today.
  15. Wisp

    Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    Thoughts are a stream of electrons running through our brains.
  16. Wisp

    Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    It's about the combination. There is no such thing as original thought, but there is such a thing as original combinations of beliefs... Also, technically, all thoughts have always existed, we just don't think about them.
  17. Wisp

    Hardy Heron

    It still has sketchy wireless. Not relative to the rest of Linux, but relative to Win/Mac, yeah, pretty sketchy.
  18. Wisp

    Hardy Heron

    I actually really like it. I have a dualbooting laptop (cramming windows AND Linux on a 30 GB HDD= Not fun) The only issue I have with it is that my video chipset (ATI IGP 320m) does some really odd stuff... Oh well. I don't use my laptop to game. Also, full wireless internet. That's a must, as...
  19. Wisp


    I think we all could, really...
  20. Wisp

    Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    Exactly. This always happens, but it happens to some people more than others...
  21. Wisp

    Do you like being an INTP?

    Oh right... I forgot... oopsies...
  22. Wisp

    Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    Oh hi, you're back! Been a while. Anyways... Why does it matter if we drag ourselves around? It shouldn't. From a purely logical standpoint, the brain is being illogicalif it rejects information, unless it comes from a shady source in which case it may not be true to begin with, so, from a...
  23. Wisp


    Yeah, but it sucks for people like us who can absorb knowledge as we hear it...
  24. Wisp

    Do you like being an INTP?

    And of course, the INTP is best equipped of any type to answer something objectively...
  25. Wisp

    Recommended reading section?

  26. Wisp

    Self Esteem

    Haha. That sucks. Stupid narrowminded professors, trying to weed out the intelligence of our generation and replacing with *shudder* STANDARDIZED KNOWLEDGE
  27. Wisp

    Special knowledge - Regular behaviour

    Wow. That has to be pretty high up on the "List of worthless skills"...
  28. Wisp

    How many INTPs do you know?

    OLSON TWINS??!?! KILL!!!!!! </badreference>
  29. Wisp

    Hi, I'm new here.

    Actually, he'll say those exact words too sometimes... A guy named Ian.
  30. Wisp


    Re: Recommended reading section? Wow... just wow. Now, what am doing on this forum? Oh right! Not doing more important stuff! Once this becomes a big deal to me, I won't do it!
  31. Wisp

    Hi, I'm new here.

    I've picked picked up the tendency to say "No. FAIL!" from one of my friends...
  32. Wisp

    Totally lame

  33. Wisp

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Eh. Probably. Not sure where, though...
  34. Wisp

    Self Esteem

    Speech, not essay. And, yes, INTJ does explain...
  35. Wisp

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Foreign Language. Eh. What, extrapolating on famous novels? parodical videos?
  36. Wisp

    type preference and attraction

    Eww... That could be messy... I feel like a psychological narcissist with my strong INTP/INTP/INTP score....
  37. Wisp

    Attraction - with regard for type, the parallel prequel...

    Hahaha,,, I like my "laser-guided bulls eye seeking arrows" of conversational dread. =) A good post all around, I must say...
  38. Wisp

    Self Esteem

    Who writes a 70 page speech? I barely have the attention span to write an essay...
  39. Wisp

    Totally lame

    Eh. True. But genitals holds a distinctly male connotation.
  40. Wisp

    Hi, I'm new here.

    Know of 8th block and the lunches already... The chameleon effect (n.) -- It's when you exhibit different (possibly fabricated) parts of yourself depending on who you're with at the time. Ex. If you're with musical-type people you wind up talking like you're a full-blown musician, if you're...
  41. Wisp

    Hardy Heron

    If you have windows on there you can try.... THIS!!!! _________________ HOWTO: Install Ubuntu Linux without burning a cd #EDIT: The automatic installer script included with this...
  42. Wisp

    How many INTPs do you know?

    Read Gifts Differing by Isabel Briggs-Meyers. Comprehension dawns with completion of the book.
  43. Wisp

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Fanfics, then.
  44. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Eh. Informally, you're right. Technically, my logic is infallible. I have no faith in typings on the interwebs...
  45. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Actually (and I've done research on this, they standardized language names a while back. Names that are acronyms are all caps. Practical Extreaction and Reposrt Languages condenses to PERL. Bourne Again Shell condenses to BASh or BASH.
  46. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    I know very (read: very) little of TI BASIC, though I do know a little... Lost my TI though so I can't work it in class... I'm learning perl as well as BASH right now, and I understand the way computers work and am comfortable with it, I just don't know syntax familiarly (is that a word...?)...
  47. Wisp

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Hmmmm... You have a blog. You go to a FL club.
  48. Wisp

    Totally lame

    Or vaginas. You forgot one.
  49. Wisp

    Hi, I'm new here.

    Holy sh*t. You live in my area. I actually applied to TJ, but didn't get in... My grades weren't high enough, and in retrospect I don't think I'd've enjoyed the workload... I go to Stonewall (*blech*) and am trying to learn things although I face extreme resistance... the sole saving grace...
  50. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Eh. Starting with Perl becasue I have a father who knows it fairly inside and out, but what I REALLY need, is that programmer mindset, which is something that I haven't developed yet. Even as an INTP with a penchant for long/complex words/phrasings I still tend to get swamped in terminology (as...
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