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Search results

  1. Grove

    this is weird..., hey all, I'm a lady INTP and

    I like you. Welcome.
  2. Grove

    Fe: overdrive

    Wit. This happens to me a lot at the office. I'll spend a few minutes interacting with coworkers and as soon as I leave the room my face drops. I've gotten several strange looks from other coworkers that happen to be passing by...like as soon as I see them I put on my mad face. Not the...
  3. Grove

    INTP Interaction Manual

    Do not, I repeat DO NOT tell me something just to give me an answer. If you don't know the answer then tell me you don't know. I will not see you as weak, stupid, or unprepared...just honest. Knowingly giving me a wrong answer, or a guess, and passing it off as fact will only result in me...
  4. Grove

    How good are you at getting back to people?

    I'm pretty good with texts and phone calls--I'll get back as soon as I notice them. Mostly it is because I can't stand it when someone waits for days to respond to a text or a phone call. If I'm calling or texting you I have a reason (aside from just chatting), and it really isn't going to...
  5. Grove

    Music and Mood

    I typically listen to music that fits my mood. However, if I want to (calm down for example) change my mood I'll listen to something else. It is something I have to be ready for though.
  6. Grove

    Remember Everything anyone has ever said to you?

    This happens to me all the time. I have several friends that I’ve known since grade school and kindergarten and they are usually amazed that I can recount situations and conversations we had when we were 5. My mother is a different story. When I remind her of past conversations or things she...
  7. Grove

    How far can you remember?

    I remember dancing (read holding on to the bar and bouncing) in my play pin while my dad played records. I remember being on the "baby side" at the YWCA daycare and stealing the counselor's coffee and "escaping" from my crib at nap time. Play pin...no idea. Coffee and crib...2-3.
  8. Grove

    How do you solve a problem like rhetorical questions?

  9. Grove

    How do you solve a problem like rhetorical questions?

    Excellent question!
  10. Grove

    How do you solve a problem like rhetorical questions?

    Yeah, this can be a lot of fun.:p I do know that the examples above are rhetorical questions, and are not meant to elicit a response. I'd like to think I'm not that far gone. Better examples of what I mean: Any given person: Asking why X happens is like asking why the sky is blue...
  11. Grove

    How do you solve a problem like rhetorical questions?

    Yeah, so I have a little bit of a problem distinguishing what many people call "rhetorical" questions from actual questions. Maybe I'm just thick (always my first assumption), but, really, is there a difference? My problem may stem from an incident during a high school lecture in which my...
  12. Grove

    The 16 Desires of INTPians (or not)

    Most Curiosity Independence Tranquility Family Least Vengeance Status Power and if i must pick a forth- Social Contract
  13. Grove

    Hi! Again, I don't check this very often.

    Hi! Again, I don't check this very often.
  14. Grove

    difficulty maintaining convictions, weak opinions...

    Whatever I’ve got then…okay. I understand what you are saying, I've experienced this and I can only tell you how I have been able to "grow out" of it. Part of this has to do with your age (no mean faces- I'm not playing the age card) From what I can tell, you are far ahead of your peers in...
  15. Grove

    difficulty maintaining convictions, weak opinions...

    Are you looking for advice on how to handle this, or do you want examples of behavior that may reinforce it as a trait?
  16. Grove

    Oh, wow! Sorry about the delay in writing back, I don't check this very often. Yes, it has...

    Oh, wow! Sorry about the delay in writing back, I don't check this very often. Yes, it has significance, but I wouldn't call it particular. It was one of the neater images I found will googleing "the tree of knowledge."
  17. Grove

    hives logic question

    I had the same problem a few years ago (and yeah, hives on the bottom of the feet are super painful). The immunologist I saw was never able to determine why it was happening. Since then I've put myself on a daily regimen of zyrtec, I stay away from the foods I ate before the outbreak occurred...
  18. Grove

    List of Assumptions

    Thank you!
  19. Grove

    Female Oppression?

    This is going to be fun. I'll go get the sour patch kids.
  20. Grove

    Qs about your personal library

    how large is your own personal library? Right now three bookcases full, and a couple of boxes that I'm planning to give away/sell. Couldn't give an exact number. what types of books do you have? Children's lit (books I've kept), lit, general fiction, a little bit of sci-fi/fantasy...
  21. Grove

    Am I the only selfish asshole on this planet?

    Assuming that the intentions of others is inherently selfish is not my default position, in fact more often than not I am surprised when I finally figure out what someone is up to. (Perhaps surprised is the wrong word here, more like "wow, I didn't realize you were that self serving, now I know...
  22. Grove

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    Eh? Working toward the dream? I was unimpressed with academia for a while; I saw the dodgy side of it and wanted out. After a year of mulling over what I want and weighing my options, I've decided that I want to stay in/ associated with the academy. I know at some point I will need to get my...
  23. Grove

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    Seriously, I know exactly what you're talking about.
  24. Grove

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    I want a job that pays the bills and has benefits attached. Ideally, said job will be associated with the university I attend. I know that I want to stay in this area, and that I want to stay in academia (I can't imagine being in a work environment that isn't intellectually stimulating--I...
  25. Grove

    MBTI types of "Lord of the Rings" Characters?

    That's a whole lotta T.
  26. Grove

    data bases?

    Like JSTOR or Ebscohost? I have access to these by virtue of paying my fees as a university student. I've found that every once in a while one can find a given article already available for "free" online. When you find one you would like to share- google it- there may be a free route to it...
  27. Grove

    I have difficulty starting conversations or keeping them going

    I've found that it helps to refer back to something the person as already said or has expressed an interest. This helps me more with conversations with coworkers more than it does with random people at social events/gatherings. For example, I know that the coworker I'm talking to gardens and...
  28. Grove

    The Beatles Best Album

    Sgt. Pepper followed by the B side of Abbey Road.
  29. Grove


    I'm in the middle of it right now and yes it is hard to do and totally worth it. Keep it up and don't let yourself "rationalize" your way out of quitting. I don't recommend going cold turkey though. I'm not trying to imply that this is your thinking, but most people I know who have tried to...
  30. Grove

    Are INTP's bad at sensing other people's emotions?

    I've been thinking about this a little lately and I'm having trouble decideing if I need to change how I react to other's emotions. I don't have a problem picking up on them and in the past my impulse was to give into whatever anyone was feeling, either to justify their feelings for them, or to...
  31. Grove

    This weird "favourite number" research

    I looked up dyspraxia and it doesn't sound too familiar. When I'm really stressed I can have a hard time deciding where to move next, or what I should do next, but I consider this more of an overstimulation issue than a motor skills issue. Organization does not come naturally to me. I...
  32. Grove

    This weird "favourite number" research

    I found a dyscalculia symptom checklist and I fit 9 out of the 11 points. I suspected as much- math has always been hard for me and for a long time I thought I was just plain dumb. When I was a junior (3rd year) in college I was tested for and diagnosed with learning disabilities. I am also a...
  33. Grove

    Off to find work...maybe.

    Social scientist/social research. But that is what my degree is in, not (necessarily) what my career has to be. I kind of torn. I love where I'm living, but I might not be able to make the kind of money I want here. (I'm not talking about an excess, I just want to still have a positive...
  34. Grove

    Off to find work...maybe.

    Is anyone here living in West Virginia or originally from WV? I'm at an impasse. It is becoming increasingly clear that I'm going to have to leave the state to rack up the type of job experience I need to advance my career (as if such a trajectory can be predicted). I don't want to leave the...
  35. Grove

    Which People Inspire You Most?

    ^ I agree. I've never really had a singular person as a role model...never thought, "Wow, I want to be just like that person." I've always just picked up pieces from people, traits I thought were commendable or practical, or used their actions as a template for how I might handle a particular...
  36. Grove

    What songs are you listening to?

    I'm feeding a budding music crush on Pete Seeger inspired by the recent Labor Day festivities. If anyone is familiar with old timey / folk / labor themed tunes, please send them my way.
  37. Grove

    The Chronicles of Jaleho, Volume 1

    To be honest I only just skimmed. Where a'bouts in Ohio?
  38. Grove

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    ISFP can fit me as my shadow function, but I've only ever noticed it while working in the field for my job. I do survey research so I'm constantly on guard to maintain the integrity of the methodology of the project. I find this exhausting and I can get really emotional when my coworkers are...
  39. Grove

    Help finding GF food in US

    Now a days any larger chain grocery store should have a section devoted to organic/health foods. You won't find a large selection, but it might be enough to tide you over until you can find a better source. I'd stay clear of Wal-Mart though.
  40. Grove

    Question for Women- Makeup- yeah or nay?

    Normally, no I don't wear make-up. If I'm feeling saucy or have a work-related event where make-up is appropriate I'll wear eye liner, shadow and lip gloss (my coloring is such that I can get away without blush). I hate the way foundation feels and looks, and powder always makes me look washed...
  41. Grove

    INTPs and Leadership

    I agree with Anthile here, I am currently working on a project where I am performing a leadership role. I say performance because that is exactly what it is. I can lead them when necessary, but I prefer not to because it sucks up a lot of my energy. I seem to be pulling it off fairly well for...
  42. Grove

    Character Just Like You! (Mine's Ramona Q!)

    There aren't any characters I identify with (I really haven't put any thought into it), but a close friend of mine often told me that I remind him of Thora Birch's character in Ghost World and the main character in Dead Like Me. ?? who could say?
  43. Grove

    Where are you from?

    A) West Virginia. B) Yes, a strong identity- most of us do. C) I'm more interested in what ya'll think the WV stereotypes are.
  44. Grove

    What is it about...

    Good point.
  45. Grove

    What is it about...

    I assumed that there would be. I intent was not to start a debate about whether or not people are "real" on the internet. I just wanted to know where people stand on the issue.
  46. Grove

    What is it about...

  47. Grove

    What is it about...

    ...fake profiles that gets us in a twirl? How fake is too fake?
  48. Grove

    Requiem for XIII

    How many times has XIII popped up? How many personas?
  49. Grove

    What books have influenced your world view?

    Seven Daughters of Eve--Bryan Sykes
  50. Grove

    The 'Personal DNA' Test

    Respectful Inventor
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