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Search results

  1. Grove

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    You still have a lot of learning to do. You still have a lot of learning to do if you consider this response to not have serious logical and historical flaws (to name only two). "How does it affect women? In truth, these findings guarantee little impact because they've always been there and...
  2. Grove

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    Civility, reason, knowledge, and understanding are key. A word of advice, snafupants, this assumption is incorrect. "How does it affect women? In truth, these findings guarantee little impact because they've always been there and we've been dealing just fine through the generations with this...
  3. Grove

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    Fair. My point is that this thread is not going beyond arguments not based on one of those two assumptions (assertions). At risk of dichotomizing all the posters thus far, either they believe the test to be (mostly) objective and an appropriate tool to measure full on intelligence. OR, they...
  4. Grove

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    Wow! I don't doubt that a "fundamental insecurity" is what is going on here. Please correct me if I'm incorrect. You ask a question about why men have higher IQ scores than women & relate an IQ score as an objective indicator of intelligence...correct? A number of individuals (male...
  5. Grove

    September 11th

    Ok, I'll bite. Please define "news", "inconsistencies", and "the whole thing".
  6. Grove

    Are you creepy/weird?

    I was once told by a friend that I'm the most normal non-normal person she knows. Take that as you will. Something I get a lot is that I'm nicer than my first impression were to imply, but that may have more to do with power relationships (perceived or real), than with me. Then again, maybe I...
  7. Grove

    singing about what is happening

    I catch myself doing this too. Not to the extent that people stare (mostly because it tends to happen at home & my roommate is of the same vein). If a pattern exists, I'd say it is most likely to happen when I'm in a good mood or when I'm doing kinesthetic memory tasks (mopping floors, dusting...
  8. Grove

    I'm new!!!

    I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
  9. Grove

    Parents of INTPs

    Re: INTP Parents Mother: INTJ Father: INTP (But, he seems more INFP to me.) *Brother ESTP. He will follow any one of us around the house while talking about whatever he finds interesting in that moment - usually sports related. He drives me and my Dad crazy. Hello, we’re walking away to...
  10. Grove

    why men shouldn't go shopping

    This is hilarious.
  11. Grove

    describe your genitals with a movie title

    LOL! Mr. Winkle Goes to War.
  12. Grove

    High on Cheese (the abuser)

    Re: Cheese (not the user) Do you have a penicillin allergy? If so you may want to take a Benadryl. This happens to my brother when he eats mushrooms. He is only slightly allergic to them so all that happens is a bit of loopieness and napping. But yes, cheese plate equals awesomeness...
  13. Grove

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    See, not the only one.
  14. Grove

    why has YOUR week sucked the big one?

    ^ This is exactly why I haven't done my taxes yet. I need to build up the strength.:storks:
  15. Grove

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    Bad. Very, very bad speller. Phonics has never worked for me so it is hard for me to use dictionaries (like if I can't discern what the second or third letter should be, how the hell I can look it up?). I'll look up spellings in a thesaurus instead. It is actually really frustrating at times...
  16. Grove

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    A long conversation with someone who can keep up. By "keep up" I mean move quickly from one topic to another and then back again with ease. Has interesting observations, asks questions, and generally likes talking about what has piqued their interest that day/week/month. A goods five or six...
  17. Grove

    Names n' Faces?

    This is how it works for me. I'll forget a name as soon as I hear it. I think it has to do with focusing on what the person is saying, or what is being said about the person that distracts me before I can solidify their name in my head. I won't know what to call someone, but I'll know...
  18. Grove

    Hello... My name is Don and I "think" I might be an INTP..

    While raised below the Mason-Dixon Line I've never been one for too much gentle hospitality when welcoming someone...anywhere. I'll give it a shot. Come on in, take a load off. Would you care for some iced tea?
  19. Grove

    What would dyslexics fit as in the MBTI?

    Yeah, I'm mildly dyslexic. I'm not sure what this has to do with type.
  20. Grove

    INTP's and sensitivity?

    Like others have mentioned, I can be overly sensitive if the criticism is of something important to me, if i think the judgments being made were done so hastily or without all of the information, and if I'm otherwise stressed out. What gets me though is that good friend of mine always...
  21. Grove

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Okay. I will use "ok", but it doesn't feel complete to me. I don't care what other people use.
  22. Grove

    What will it be stranger?

  23. Grove

    Does Introverted thinking use Language?

    This, at least in my experience.
  24. Grove

    noob but oldie maybe?

  25. Grove

    The worst Fox News moments of 2011

    I almost peed my pants when I saw # 23.:twisteddevil:
  26. Grove

    "Oh, now I've done it."

    This happening in your town where people (presumably) know the local history could be a blessing and a curse. Either they like what you've done with it or they get all picky about the details. Either way you can use it to your advantage....let them talk about it for a little while.
  27. Grove

    May I Ask for Your Opinion

    Holmes: Smartass remark FBI: Don't answer the phone.
  28. Grove

    Never been more proud.

    Cogs are turning. http://www.thedaonline.com/news/university-investigates-harassment-of-professor-1.2630455
  29. Grove

    Never been more proud.

    I understand and share your outrage that the student (to date) has not faced any consequences. Honestly, I don't know what regulations (if any) are in place here to address the issue in that manner. This occurred only a few days ago, perhaps the visible cogs haven't started turning yet.
  30. Grove

    Never been more proud.

    This is a link to an editorial a colleague wrote for our university newspaper. I want to share it with you and encourage you to continue sharing it with others. I've worked with him for over 5 years and am constantly impressed by his strength in conviction and his willingness to speak up for...
  31. Grove

    INTP Habits ...

    I do this often, but it was worse when I was a kid. I would search every rack in my parents' laundry room looking for my school uniform. I'd go through each rack one item at a time at least twice, and would completely miss the uniform. It was really frustrating.
  32. Grove


  33. Grove

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    At the moment I'm listening to a lot of: 1. Hasil Adkins 2. and by association, The Cramps 3. Emmylou Harris 4. VNV Nation 5. The Decemberists
  34. Grove

    I need your help. PLEASE.

    What is the surveillance camera situation where you live/ where is happened. If this was caught on camera, perhaps you can see the plate number of the vehicle and use that info to find the person. Plus, you will have proof that this person hit you, and may be able to have their insurance pay...
  35. Grove


    I did a social studies project on Di Vinci in Junior High. After I finished giving my report all the judge would comment on was how he had heard theories about Di Vinci being an alien.
  36. Grove


    Tim Hortons.
  37. Grove

    Who are we from a political perspective?

    I like you.
  38. Grove

    Who are we from a political perspective?

    YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck History Lesson Part 1 of 5‬‏ Welcome to the machine.
  39. Grove

    Who are we from a political perspective?

    Honestly, I don't know what the hallmarks of the philosophy are, aside from what I happen to catch on my local public radio station. I do know that as of late there are a lot of people, who two years ago would have called themselves conservatives or republicans, calling themselves libertarians...
  40. Grove

    Who are we from a political perspective?

    A question I've had for a while; what do libertarians (at least those on this forum) think about the economic and ideological standpoints of the American Tea Party? For our international members, is there a party in your political landscape that is comparable to the Tea Party?
  41. Grove

    Post your Big Five test results

    Inquisitive Extroversion |||||||||| 34% Orderliness |||||||||||| 46% Emotional Stability |||||||||||||| 60% Accommodation |||||||||||| 46% Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 72%
  42. Grove

    Teacher criticized me for being too philosophical.

    My Human Rights Prof. asked the class for the difference between moral regulations and laws. As a response I asked don't laws preclude morality? She said yes, but that I was being too philosophical. I'm still not really sure what she meant by that.
  43. Grove

    Explain Masturbation Please

    And the women have almost completely left the room; but back to the question about the spots. It is different for every woman, and then different depending on the circumstance. I'm sure that is not what you want to hear, but it is what it is. Generally speaking, an orgasm reached by way of...
  44. Grove

    Female INTPs

    You are awesome!
  45. Grove

    Sweet Potato Candy

    There is such a thing as potato candy, and depending on where they were from, your great-grandparents knew about it. I'm not going to look it up right now, but I think the process has something to do with mashing the potatoes, adding sugar and food coloring until you get a dough like substance...
  46. Grove

    being the english teachers favorite student

    This happened to me in grade school, and later I raised a few eyebrows in college. It only ever bothered me if it was someone I respected making the accusation.
  47. Grove

    Does anyone else notice this?

    I make a point to look someone in the eye when they are speaking to me, and while in a group I make sure to connect with the speaker from time to time--as if to say that yes, I am listening. I say make a point because I do have to remind myself to do it sometimes. When explaining something, or...
  48. Grove

    Why do you follow this personality-type bull-shit?

    bored now
  49. Grove

    Why do you follow this personality-type bull-shit?

    1. This is the INTP forum, not the INTJ forum. 2. This forum, like any other on the internet, serves as a place for like-minded individuals to have a chat. 3. Obviously you like this place enough to make an account and post a thread, even if it is just to berate us. What is it that you are...
  50. Grove

    Read minds: Microexpressions.

    6/10 right. I'm not so great at this.
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