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Search results

  1. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs are good at math/sciences?

    I like math and science although I am barely past high school level in these subjects. That should change in another few semesters hopefully. I would love to learn as much math as my brain can handle. There's just so much that can be done with it.
  2. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Chat in IRC

    IRC can be fun when people are actually chatting or not being really really lame. Are there any other good irc channels to go to?
  3. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    The Information Junkie Challenge

    If it involves free international travel or just a cool place to travel to and I don't have to do anything gay that could be fun. I doubt I'd win but I'd at least have to try if a free trip was involved.
  4. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTP and sibling position

    I am both an only child and the middle child. I have 2 half-siblings younger and 2 half-siblings older. I voted middle child.
  5. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    suppose the cell didn't die but emerged as a living synthesis of the 2?
  6. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Best Gift Ever?

    maybe a really cool 3D puzzle?
  7. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Troubles with Compliments?

    I don't get/give compliments much so I feel weird when I get them. I usually just say an awkward thanks. I am usually amazed when someone actually recognizes I do/did something that would warrant a compliment.
  8. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    I've read that bacteria and viruses can actually inject their DNA strand into an already existing DNA strand effectively altering it when they replicate.
  9. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs and Money

    I'd buy all kinds of useless shit if I had lots and lots of money:D Of course the useful things I'd do/buy would far outweigh the useless stuff. I would definitely have the mad scientist's dream mansion:cool:
  10. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs and Money

    I know, I was just sayin:p
  11. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs and Money

    I'm not so bad at getting the most bang for my buck....or my buck not spent:) I have all kinds of free tactics, and I don't even have to resort to thievery
  12. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    are you happy?

    panic attacks are no fun. Hopefully just sleep it off and feel better in the morning
  13. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    What would you do/be?

    a nano-being, never thought of that concept. That could be god-like
  14. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    are you happy?

    thinking about the future makes me happy:D
  15. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    Could it be possible that man-made changes actually cause de-evolution?
  16. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs and Money

    not eating out is no problem for me except for me being lazy and I hate doing the clean up after cooking. Cooking is great and I could easily excel in culinary arts but that is not something I would enjoy day in and day out. I love my own cooking:) If I ever have a partner she will either have...
  17. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    sometimes I wonder if we evolved from viruses
  18. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Sacred Home of Dragons

    No gold ones yet. I just wanna read the description of the gold one.
  19. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Adventure Games?

    Oblivion! I have barely done any of the main story line. There is so much to do and so many treasures to loot. And after a few days in-game all the enemies in caves/dungeons reset so there is an infinite amount of looting to be done. Nice eye candy too.
  20. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTP and sports?

    sports are no fun when it is forced
  21. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    are you happy?

    maybe, depends on the day.
  22. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    supposedly light and radiation(specific types and frequencies) can have a profound effect on DNA
  23. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTP and sports?

    I prefer silver to gold
  24. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    I wonder if GM wheat is part of the reason there's more cases of Celiac being diagnosed, or is it because we as a society are finally in a comfortable enough start to be able to analyze food/diet? It would be interesting to know whether certain foods contain or don't contain GM ingredients. I've...
  25. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    The Chronicles of Jaleho, Volume 1

    I only read the 1st paragraph. Fraggle rock and the Muppets were awesome! The muppets were slightly before my time but I had muppet babies and we watched the muppet movies in daycare. okay, read paragraph 2, Legos were awesome. good times
  26. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    I was the human dictionary/encyclopedia in 2nd-4th grade after that I had been to 3 schools and back and forth between parent so I was like screw it, schools suck, people suck and just completely slacked my way through school ever since.
  27. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    I never really thought this way before but after reading this one article that kind of put things into perspective. The average IQ is 100, so to an average person a 65 IQ is retarded. Look at the way "normal" people view retarded people. So by that system of thinking anyone that is 30 points...
  28. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    What would you do/be?

    I wouldn't mind being a massless form of energy that could shift at will....oh wait I think that's god:p
  29. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    What would you do/be?

    be a bird and swoop down and steal pad thai/ chocolate from people....that sounds like fun. I'd go around stealing people's sushi.
  30. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    What would you do/be?

    There are some belief systems where there is an inorganic form/stream of consciousness. I would like to be one of these lizard-type beings I saw this one time when I smoked this salvia stuff. Like a hominid-lizard. They had a strong communion with this inorganic consciousness and a mastery of...
  31. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Which INTP type are you?

    I am pretty much all the solipsists, also the context jumper and the reed in the wind too. Technically by my personality percentages, my P/N can switch in their order of dominance, making me the deadhead or the bodhidharma
  32. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTP and sports?

    I hate dancing but I don't mind watching females dance:p I am a male though. Only played it a couple times in high school but badminton was fun. You can beat the crap out of that thing and it barely goes anywhere:) I pretty much like all sports except for basketball and swimming isn't all that...
  33. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTPs and Money

    I have almost always been very low income. 26 and still stuck living with my parents. I suppose I am lucky in that sense but I would be completely screwed if I had to be completely on my own. There was a total of 5 months where I lived on my own not including the 3 semesters I went to...
  34. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    INTP and sports?

    I just tried golfing for the first time yesterday and it was nice. I think golf is an excellent INTP sport.
  35. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Another new INTP has come

    I also am an INTP with a large INFP side to me as well. I joined here a month ago and it has become my new home away from home when I'm at home:p
  36. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    best of luck, try to maintain as much connection to the outside world as possible. In such isolated conditions a lot of behaviors are seemingly contagious. At least you can use the internet, that is good. I wish I was better at the whole words of encouragement thing but I am trying.
  37. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    DNA can be altered using bacteria and/or viruses, at least in animals. I wonder, Do things evolve mostly from disease?
  38. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    that's probably it
  39. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Musical Snapvine!

    Here's another one I did a few weeks ago. Hope my slightly-better-than-average voice is somewhat enjoyable. I'm just a loser with karaoke level talent. <embed src="http://embed.snapvine.com/flash/starboard.swf?url=http://www.snapvine.com&urn=/api/get_blog_post/igu9LottEd69AwAwSFsPiA&type=mini"...
  40. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

  41. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    If I remember correctly corn has ALWAYS required human intervention to grow. Its just too bad they won't consider hemp/other quick growing alternatives to make biofuels from instead of corn. Supposedly there is going to be a sugar shortage because of the reduced amounts of corn syrup/high...
  42. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    one can only hope, I hate money. Maybe its because I never have much of it and when I do it always goes away. I wasn't born into the elite or the rich families so fuck them. They can eat a dick and die for all I care.
  43. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    I don't think genetic modification is developed enough to use on the large scale they are proposing is a necessity. I think it is just a way to keep stupid people breeding so there will be no shortage of money slaves to push along whatever agenda is in place.
  44. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    I wish I could escape this stupid person's paradise called america someday.
  45. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    being a complete introvert SUCKS in this world. So many times when I thought about taking out myself or others, but no one would get it. There wouldn't be any effort made to improve things. Only efforts to improve profit margins. I am seriously starting to think money is at the root of 95% all...
  46. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    How much can we lose?

    We will always lose as long as money is disproportionate to natural resources. If money were more reflective of the state of nature the economy would have collapsed decades/centuries ago.
  47. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    Yeah, I blame all our problems on people's clinginess to money/profits. Profits does not equal progress. So much progress has been destroyed all because of money. I'd like to see every single economy in the world fail so everyone would have no choice but to abandon the money/credit system. Of...
  48. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    I am INTP with a large side order of INFP. It really is a horrible combo, coming up with an imaginary semi-logical world to put myself into just so I can somehow justify living in the real world. I feel I am a bit more controlled by my emotions than a typical INTP. I will infrequently act on my...
  49. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    Mass farming practices are gonna get us all killed. Removing the genetic diversity is just gonna hurt us in the end. I read this article once that said the bananas people used to eat in the 50s were different than the ones today. They were bigger and tested better supposedly.That species got...
  50. Invoke Ninja's True Power

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    I spent so many years dumbing myself down that I am one of the more stupid INTP types. It seems like everything that I know is useless. I can't make any money yet. I haven't had a date in years. Haven't had a female take interest in me in years. No job in months. What the hell is the point of...
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