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Search results

  1. Vegard Pompey

    Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (HPMoR)

    Re: Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (so far) I find descriptions boring too, because I feel that most literature gets description wrong, at least according to me. Most writers describe too much stuff that isn't relevant and too little that is relevant, and they don't seem to realize that...
  2. Vegard Pompey

    Anyone obsessed with piano music?

    YouTube - Esbjörn Svensson Trio: Behind the yashmak (2/2) - live 2006 (e.s.t.)
  3. Vegard Pompey

    Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (HPMoR)

    Re: Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (so far) Half a dozen chapters in, I really like this. Though I will say the writing could be a lot better. The descriptions are lacking, almost the whole story is dialogue.
  4. Vegard Pompey

    Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (HPMoR)

    Re: Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (so far) I would love to read this story with you but not right now. I do find this intriguing. EDIT: I'm reading it. It's really cool. Harry Potter sounds like Latro.
  5. Vegard Pompey


    That is what I like the Nolan films for - the ones I like, anyway. I liked everything about both Batman films except the action scenes, and all in all I would say they're very good movies, and even if you may say they are not action movies at heart, there are still tedious action scenes that...
  6. Vegard Pompey


    I didn't mean to say that the movie not making perfect sense was a huge issue for me; I didn't name it as one of the two major flaws which really made the movie disappoint me. I do not yearn for a movie without action, I yearn for a movie with action done right. Even though Nolan had previously...
  7. Vegard Pompey


    I was actually pretty disappointed by the movie. I admit I found the plot intriguing and way better than that of your average big-budget Hollywood summer blockbuster although it didn't make perfect sense, and the soundtrack was delightfully overdramatic. I had two major issues with the movie...
  8. Vegard Pompey

    Everything except Rap and Country - and Jamiroquai

    Interesting. I see you've already found Dälek, so here are some other favourites of mine: Hip-hop: Country: (none of this is straight country, I hope it's all okay. RYM calls all of it country, I really don't have a clue myself)
  9. Vegard Pompey

    Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt

    That artstyle makes me wanna puke.
  10. Vegard Pompey

    The increasing decrease in creativity

    I have absolutely no idea why you would make this generalization. Just because Arcade Fire (there's no 'the', by the way) haven't made any drastic changes to their sound, that doesn't mean there aren't tons of bands that have evolved, for an example, from black metal to electronica via folk...
  11. Vegard Pompey


    Well, I made a psych rock mixtape. It's called Pieces of Bone. http://www.mediafire.com/?m4ukpkshud6ca5c Track listing: 1. Morgen - "Welcome to the Void" (4:49) 2. High Tide - "Walking Down Their Outlook" (5:00) 3. Country Joe & the Fish - "Porpoise Mouth" (2:51) 4. The West Coast Pop Art...
  12. Vegard Pompey

    Self Concept

    Oh Anthile, you pretentious pinteresque fucker. Lost Afraid Divided PANCAKES Self-pitying Let me try again: Divided Wistful Besieged Creative Uncertain
  13. Vegard Pompey

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Oh, I didn't actually know he introduced them. I found out about them through The Spoony One. Indeed, I wish I could share their perspective.
  14. Vegard Pompey

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    I know he doesn't come here much nowadays, but this seems pretty appropriate for Ogion:
  15. Vegard Pompey

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Okay, I give up. It took me forever, and I had to go through my entire library, but I managed to think of two. That may or may not suck. May do more later. Anthile: YouTube - Boards of Canada - Kaini Industries Cognisant: YouTube - Ulver - Nowhere / Catastrophe ♫
  16. Vegard Pompey

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Well, I thought for something to Cog, and then I found out Dormouse had already posted THE EXACT SAME SONG >.< And I thought Pornophonique was rather obscure :( Still working on something.
  17. Vegard Pompey

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    As much as I loathe The White Album, this is kinda cool. Threads like these kinda make me wish I was more popular here to validate recognition from more people than just Anthile. I'm gonna see if I can get over my egocentrism and think of some audial impressions for other members after I finish...
  18. Vegard Pompey

    Movie Soundtracks

    Synecdoche, New York has a fucking awesome song. Especially the recurring dmi theme (no idea what that stands for). Here's a short film set to one variation of that theme. YouTube - Good Morning Sunshine - A Short Suicide Circle is another movie with an underrated soundtrack. Just...
  19. Vegard Pompey

    what ever happened to fun?

    Well, in my case, I'm not really an asocial elitist intellectual asshole entirely by choice. For a year now I've been trying to get closer to my classmates, to become 'one of them'. But when I try to have some casual conversation that isn't about some esoteric subject that I adore, I can't seem...
  20. Vegard Pompey

    Melodic Death Metal?

    This is neither melodic death metal nor any other kind of death metal, and it barely qualifies as metal.
  21. Vegard Pompey

    Melodic Death Metal?

    Why did you have to revive these threads? I thought for a moment that Seducer had returned :(
  22. Vegard Pompey

    poker HUsng challenge

    You got it.
  23. Vegard Pompey

    poker HUsng challenge

    Just wait for me to turn 18.
  24. Vegard Pompey

    Hello. I am new, make me feel welcome!

    Am I mistaken, or is that Vision Creation Newsun, your avatar? If it is, you're welcome, if not, well...
  25. Vegard Pompey

    Last movie you watched

    Spent the day watching Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers and Millennium Actress, in that order, in memory of Satoshi Kon. I didn't watch Perfect Blue 'cause I had already seen it, same with Paranoia Agent. Paprika was very good, visually in particular, but the visuals were so consistently fantastic...
  26. Vegard Pompey

    Music To Die To

    Devin Townsend's album Ki, if only for the title track: YouTube- Devin Townsend Project - Ki
  27. Vegard Pompey

    Romantic Music

    :) I would have posted this if I hadn't refrained from posting the depressing-kind-of-romantic music. Kevin Moore might be my soulmate. Chroma Key is amazing, too. (One of his solo projects)
  28. Vegard Pompey

    something I discovered recently that you nerds will probably bust a nut over.

    I used to have this on my computer but never found much use for it. But if anything, your post gave me some ideas on things to use it for.
  29. Vegard Pompey

    Cog's Rep

    Voted "I like him", although I think he would make a decent world dictator.
  30. Vegard Pompey

    Romantic Music

    I'll try to see if my cynical, depressed mind can come up with something that isn't a horrible deconstruction of romanticism that I can still appreciate. Actually, one of my favourite songs of all time is kind of romantic. YouTube- ‪Soft Machine - A Certain Kind‬&lrm; And a tier below, there's...
  31. Vegard Pompey


    Would see this if I was stuck in a place that actually had a cinema.
  32. Vegard Pompey

    Ships are in the sky! Everything goes rushing past and you know the reason why!

    Ships are in the sky! Everything goes rushing past and you know the reason why!
  33. Vegard Pompey

    You have a really cool taste in art.

    You have a really cool taste in art.
  34. Vegard Pompey

    What animu are you watching now?

    Didn't know you watched this. Possibly the best animé series ever. I don't actually think that the first season is that different in quality from the following, it's just that the series is something that needs to grow on you. Why haven't you watched it already you dimwit?
  35. Vegard Pompey

    Last movie you watched

  36. Vegard Pompey

    Anyone obsessed with violin music?

    Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  37. Vegard Pompey


    You seem to be basing the entirety of your criticism on the quality of the reviews, and I would agree with you that most of them are not very good, so if you use the site primarily for reviews there are probably better options. I mostly just read the reviews of users I can trust and use the site...
  38. Vegard Pompey

    Top five favorite movies

    I liked The Beach. In fact, it's my favourite Danny Boyle film, but that's not saying much.
  39. Vegard Pompey

    Top five favorite movies

  40. Vegard Pompey


    echoplex, you missed this one: The Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed (I actually like that album)
  41. Vegard Pompey

    zombie fans

    Saying the 28 Days/Weeks Later movies aren't zombie movies is bullshit. Yes, the infected may not technically be zombies, but beyond that, they have far too many elements of the typical zombie apocalypse movie to be considered otherwise. You could say that they're not technically zombie movies...
  42. Vegard Pompey


    Yeah, he's an interesting person. Much more intelligent than a single glance at his reviews would have you believe. I'm pretty sure that Kid A review is almost completely serious. He loves that album. I love the way he reviewed it, his review is almost as artistic as the album itself.
  43. Vegard Pompey

    High stakes poker MBTI poll

    Kind of interesting, but nothing surprising really. I decided long ago that I am going to pick up online poker if I ever turn 18...
  44. Vegard Pompey

    Favorite Radiohead Album

    "In no particular order: Most of their discography."
  45. Vegard Pompey


    www.rateyourmusic.com One of my favourite sites. It's a site where people rate and review music, and since a year ago or so, also movies. It's also sort of a wiki on artists and genres. Wonderful place for recommendations. If you have profiles, please post them here. My profile...
  46. Vegard Pompey

    Favorite Radiohead Album

    In order of best to worst: 1. In Rainbows (Sometimes I feel like this is perfect music) 2. Kid A 3. Amnesiac 4. OK Computer 5. Hail to the Thief (May deserve a higher rank, but I need to listen to it more) 6. The Bends (I only care for Street Spirit and Nice Dream) 7. Pablo Honey (Pure crap...
  47. Vegard Pompey

    Need hate filled music

    A lot of metalheads look down on Slipknot because they're not "trve" or something. I dunno. I don't find them horrible, their music is just kind of immature... But a lot of angry music is.
  48. Vegard Pompey

    Art test

    A lot of the choices just seemed arbitrary. I brought up Audition because that movie is the antithesis of a date movie. City of God just seems arbitrary. To escape, I would probably watch something gory, violent, nihilistic and exploitative. There were no such options. If I was feeling blue, I...
  49. Vegard Pompey

    Art test

    This test was pretty bad. A lot of the time, the pictures could have easily been replaced with words (why a picture of a person writing instead of just the word "writing"?) and at other times none of the choices seemed to fit. I got Bright Spark, but I don't think that means anything. On a...
  50. Vegard Pompey

    Funniest INTP pics

    Most of these suck. But I can relate to this one:
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