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Search results

  1. Ska

    college baseball

    Because it's a form of entertainment that generates mass amounts of fans/viewers and therefore money. Remember that sports players didn't always make this much money - their salaries grew as the industry grew. And would it be fair to let the team owners keep the vast majority of profits while...
  2. Ska

    Analysing the Four Functions.

    With Te, thinking always starts and ends with the object. With Ti, thinking always starts and ends with the subject. It may venture out into the objective world, but it always starts and ends with the subject.
  3. Ska

    Analysing the Four Functions.

    Any T/F function is rational or directive, meaning it influences things and makes decisions (how you feel about something, or what you think about something). And objective/Subjective in how it was being used is simply referring to where it's oriented (towards object or towards the subject)...
  4. Ska

    Lenore Thomson, folks

    Sparrow - I just wanted to let you know that every post/video I've seen from you on this forum has made me want to throw up in my mouth. Also, all you've ever tried to do here is match up to your type and act accordingly - you're even doing it in this thread. It's no wonder you think this...
  5. Ska

    You people are so... INTERESTING!

  6. Ska

    Anyone move across a country for love?

    What do you have to lose? Or, I guess, what do you have to keep that's more important than love?
  7. Ska

    I need new music

    I suggest checking out The Cat Empire if you haven't heard of them. They're pretty hard not to like.
  8. Ska

    INFP to INFJ type conversion - How is this possible?

    http://www.greatlakesapt.org/uploads/media/beebe1.PDF http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/9648-types-brain-pseudo-science-behind-mbti.html? I think that provides some solid evidence for what an INTP brain looks like -- or at least how it functions.
  9. Ska

    INFP to INFJ type conversion - How is this possible?

    You have a preference for those functions because they stimulate you the most psychologically. The functions that give you energy are not going to change, and thus your preference is not going to change. There's some good information in this thread if you want to read more. But the main...
  10. Ska

    INFP to INFJ type conversion - How is this possible?

    You can think what you want, but it's pretty accepted that the functions we use are cemented in place and unchangeable. Maybe there's a difference in your behavior now and then, but the bottom line is that you were still using the same cognitive functions then and now, and that is what...
  11. Ska

    Not a Gateway Drug

    http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/67 I really doubt the amount of people who smoke marijuana is going to increase when/if it's legalized, especially when you consider the amount of people that already smoke it. It runs rampant throughout high schools across the country. It will...
  12. Ska

    Anal C**t

    What horrible people
  13. Ska

    I want to sabotage a relationship..

    Re: I want to sabatoge a relationship.. http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=8039 One is bound to get their face-palm-worthy threads mixed up eventually
  14. Ska

    Locked in a personality type?

    I just want to point out that it's not very likely you are an INTP. You seem very Fe oriented to me. Perhaps you are: ISFJ, INFJ, ESFJ, or ENFJ.
  15. Ska


    I'm sorry I was speaking of these fat chicks:
  16. Ska


    I think you should make a lot of videos and just put them on your Youtube account. That way you'd be super duper awesome. You wouldn't be like those stupid fat chicks....you'd be cool and smart. Don't worry, we'll be here keeping a close eye on all your updates.
  17. Ska

    I want to sabotage a relationship..

    Re: I want to sabatoge a relationship.. So because this relationship MIGHT not be in their best interest and he MAY be saving them a lot of trouble, he should cause them both harm? Who is he to say that this relationship shouldn't happen? He could have no idea what he's talking about - he...
  18. Ska

    I want to sabotage a relationship..

    Re: I want to sabatoge a relationship.. If this is the case, then I think your only option is rather clear: you must quite literally eliminate her* *This is not my official legal advice
  19. Ska

    RSA Videos

    I stumbled upon this site a while ago and I love watching the videos here. I find the awesome animations very helpful when listening to what they have to say. There's only about 10 videos right now, but it appears they add a new one every month. http://comment.rsablogs.org.uk/videos/
  20. Ska

    expressing views

    DesertSmeagle, I think you should answer these questions yourself and see if that clears things up for you, because you seem to be missing the point...
  21. Ska

    If I'm INFJ can I stay

    Are you saying that the self is always the best indicator of type? I would have to disagree...I would say someone such as Adymus who is very educated on this subject is, on average, better at reading most people than themselves. This is really an interesting situation. As Adymus guessed...
  22. Ska

    INTPs and low latent inhibition.

    "High levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine (or its agonists) in the brain have been shown to decrease latent inhibition" This makes very much sense to me based on what I know about marijuana, schizophrenia, and the link between the two. Marijuana use causes dopamine levels to increase which...
  23. Ska


    And I presume you head the department of trendy, irrelevant insults?
  24. Ska

    If I'm INFJ can I stay

    That sounds Ti-Ne right there This also sounds INTP. Perhaps you are an INTP, and your mind initially gravitated to brutal honesty, but you now restrain yourself due to negative experiences?
  25. Ska

    If I'm INFJ can I stay

    Are you sure you are not an E? You seem very engaged with the camera the whole time. I'm thinking ENTP, which would explain why you would have a more developed feeling function than an INTP. That sounds ENTP to me. An ENTP you would be more concered with using your Ne to come up with ideas...
  26. Ska

    If I'm INFJ can I stay

    Do you think you switch perspectives a lot? I remember my INTJ friend telling me about his Ni...we walked into this pizza shop and he told me his immediate thought process was what they were thinking about - what would they be thinking/felling after working their all day? Once I understood this...
  27. Ska

    INFP to INFJ type conversion - How is this possible?

    I don't know how to explain your "fitting in" stage in college, but everything else in this post sounds INFJ to me. This is when you're describing yourself as an INFP, but this sounds very Ni-Fe to me. I think the transformation you speak of later is just you developing your tertiary Ti. I...
  28. Ska

    Type and Drug Use

    What makes you think LSD is so dangerous? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article6894710.ece http://www.helium.com/items/1083952-why-lsd-is-safer-than-alcohol
  29. Ska

    INTP AND A.D.D. ?

    I think it's more of a P vs. J thing. http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/9648-types-brain-pseudo-science-behind-mbti.html?
  30. Ska

    Invisible on youtube

    How about you put your youtube videos on photobucket and just tell the viewer at the beginning that they can view a better version on your youtube page? You could also possibly provide a link to the corresponding youtube video or your youtube page in that video's description.
  31. Ska

    Invisible on youtube

    Is there a way you could advertise your youtube page from your photobucket page? If they like your photobucket page they should be interested in your youtube page as well.
  32. Ska

    N or S

    Bring up theory or anything outside the box. If they are ISFJ, they will be dominant Si, and have little tolerance for this...
  33. Ska

    Guide to typing in real time.

    My attempts on the second-to-last batch: Knoxville: Berardi: Kressley: McGuire:
  34. Ska

    Ni-Dom Anger

    WTF was that?
  35. Ska

    INTJ or INFJ?

    After reading that post I'm leaning towards INTJ. Maybe you could ask her some Fi and Ti questions and see if she has conscious use of those? This might be a good place to start for Fi: This is from the guide to typing in real time thread. Do you recognize that in her? I knew what Adymus...
  36. Ska

    yay i haven't posted in a while. I have a friend to type

    As someone with both INFP and ENFP friends, I would say that ENFPs are definitely more amusing, especially since their Ne prevails over their Fi. Fi just isn't all that amusing compared to Ne. That's not to say INFPs aren't good friends to have, the entertainment value just isn't there as much...
  37. Ska

    Stereo or Headphones?

    Even though you have already been corrected, I still feel the need to reply to the extreme ignorance of this post. TRUE punk has a message behind it...an intelligent one. Sure, maybe if you consider Blink 182 and Green Day punk you might be able to get away with what you're saying, but I still...
  38. Ska

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Operation Ivy...nice. YouTube- Rancid - Old Friend
  39. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    If you were brought up in a very F family then I would say it's just that you have a better developed Fe than most INTPs. Similar to how my whole family is filled with sensors, so my Ne is probably less developed than a lot INTPs...something I definitely want to work on.
  40. Ska

    Sweet Potato Candy

    If any food is deserving of it's own thread it is definitely tacos!
  41. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    Hmm...I wonder how other INTPs feel about this.
  42. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    It's alright, mrpeters, I don't mind it so much over the internet. I'm safe here. :) Alright, one more Fe test: If you're watching a movie, say a funny one, would you enjoy it more if someone you were watching it with, say a friend or a family member, also enjoyed it and laughed at it? This...
  43. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    I certainly don't like to talk about sex, especially with those I don't know very well. In fact, I'm near terrified of talking about sex unless it's someone I have a very close relationship with. I find this to be very, very different from my peers. As for actually having sex, though, I can't...
  44. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    I didn't really find much in there that relates to me...especially about expressing myself through things like poetry...I do enjoy helping others, but I believe other INTPs do as well. Another thing that leads me to believe I have Fe as my inferior function is that I highly relate to this...
  45. Ska

    Rate the Song Above You

    Pretty good as well...really liked the piano part from around 1:40 to 2:40 ...kind of hard to give it a rating, since I don't have much to compare it to blues wise, but I'd say 7/10. YouTube- Cat empire - Fishies
  46. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    Oh yea, that's another thing I've thought about before, me, as an INTP, and playing on hockey teams all my life. I was the captain of many of the teams I was on and while I hated giving emotional speeches or anything of the sort in the locker room, I did always have something to say in the...
  47. Ska

    Rate the Song Above You

    Alright, the point of this thread is pretty self-explanatory. Rate the song above you, and then post a new song to keep the cycle going. Ratings do not have to be on any sort of scale, they can also simply be given as a review of the song. I'll start...
  48. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    I would say that depends on how obvious. I have a hard time defining qualities about myself because I don't have much else to compare it to. How about I give some examples from yesterday that I think were my Fe: I'm sitting down playing a video game alone. My brother's friend's girlfriend...
  49. Ska

    INTP or just a wannabe?

    I think you just confirmed your INFJness for yourself right there, mostly in the part at the end. I think I would actually have a similar response to how you handled the situation with your friend applying for a job. I can give rational reasons to make people feel better, but I can't really...
  50. Ska

    Ne and Writing

    This is exactly what I 'm talking about..I'm glad someone caught the gist of what I was trying to say. I think many people interpreted this thread as me saying Ne automatically makes me some brilliant or award-winning writer, which I'm not by any means, but what I really meant is that when I...
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