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Search results

  1. DarkGreen

    I like the scene where we find out why it's called Saint Ninnian's. Apparently he was a bum and...

    I like the scene where we find out why it's called Saint Ninnian's. Apparently he was a bum and he wouldn't help pay for the house or kids so his wife put up the sign that read on the house, "This ain't Ninnian's". But it kind of faded to "s ain't Ninnian's" which was really ironic. he was NO s...
  2. DarkGreen

    what was your favorite book?

    what was your favorite book?
  3. DarkGreen

    I liked Martin.

    I liked Martin.
  4. DarkGreen

    What Would it Take for Transhumanism to Occur?

    this reminds me SO much of Serial Experiments Lain. One of her classmates commits suicide but then a week after her death she messages Lain saying that she has just 'abandoned the flesh'. She's now living in the Wired, a global communications network, all thanks to 'Schumann Resonance'. Schumann...
  5. DarkGreen

    I love your avatar's, your style reminds me of 'The Far Side' comics.

    I love your avatar's, your style reminds me of 'The Far Side' comics.
  6. DarkGreen

    What are you all reading?

    Manchild in the promised land & Black like me :phear:
  7. DarkGreen

    :} Yeah, I read at like a fast pace. It was one book every week until I got a headache. On my...

    :} Yeah, I read at like a fast pace. It was one book every week until I got a headache. On my other account I chose Laterose as a username.
  8. DarkGreen

    Chakra Test

    zum vum rum yum hum om ah
  9. DarkGreen

    Chakra Test

    Root: Open (19%) Sacral: Under-Active (-81%) Navel: Under-Active (6%) Heart: Open (38%) Throat: Open (19%) Third Eye: Open (38%) Crown: Open (25%)
  10. DarkGreen

    euthyphros dilemma

    if murder's good, then why aren't you dead already? victim's family's would come after you.
  11. DarkGreen

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Inappropriate Behavior: YouTube - Paranoia Agent Opening
  12. DarkGreen

    Ew, your message virginity was stolen by Melkor? He messages EVERYONE, if you know what I'm saying.

    Ew, your message virginity was stolen by Melkor? He messages EVERYONE, if you know what I'm saying.
  13. DarkGreen

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    DesertSmeagle >:} YouTube - VAJAS - Sparrow of the Wind
  14. DarkGreen

    Who are we?

    I'm Dark Green. :smiley_emoticons_mr
  15. DarkGreen

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    yw. my first friend on here. :D
  16. DarkGreen

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Child of the Mushroom: YouTube - Cheech & Chong mexican americans
  17. DarkGreen

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Alisa, my favorite: YouTube - Paprika opening credits
  18. DarkGreen

    Bad book?

    Stabby Rip Stab Stab the Lord of the Flies.:aufsmaul:
  19. DarkGreen

    You people are so... INTERESTING!

    You could have been on Seinfeld easily. All he does is make one lined observations. :phear:
  20. DarkGreen

    sorry i just mon mon monned all over your page.

    sorry i just mon mon monned all over your page.
  21. DarkGreen

    Server Hack of the 20th

    :{ I forgive him because he didn't hurt us, in fact if he came onto this site and told us about his interwebs travels i would so take notes. it would be so cool if we could say we have a real hacker on this website. ^w^ :borg0:
  22. DarkGreen

    Best Careers for Types

    guys i have a big problem. i've been telling everyone i want to be a history major and i get decent grades in that. only, i'm starting to really like math. i like practicing it and writing about it and seeing the problems done. i like how you have to pace yourself and eat math up like it's an...
  23. DarkGreen

    [IMG] quick, change your profile picture to this. ITSASPACEYETI!

    [IMG] quick, change your profile picture to this. ITSASPACEYETI!
  24. DarkGreen

    Your username

    <- itsaprettycolor.
  25. DarkGreen

    How old are you people?

    typo retribution, i did that? i can't even remember five minutes ago. i sounded awesome, though, i actually got SOMETHING done.
  26. DarkGreen

    omigosh! your avatar is just too sad! it's like he's blowing out all the stuff that he's gotten...

    omigosh! your avatar is just too sad! it's like he's blowing out all the stuff that he's gotten out of life. ;-;
  27. DarkGreen

    Best comedians?

    Buzz Nutley.
  28. DarkGreen

    What are you all reading?

    ;M; my friend begged Gone With the Wind off of me. now i want to check out Pygmalian but i have OUTSTANDING library fines. well, a quarter a day and maybe i'll pay it off soon in like a year.
  29. DarkGreen

    Sexual deviancy

    it's good data. i'm sorry. :o
  30. DarkGreen

    How old are you people?

    I'm old enough to throw bombs behind my car while trying to race to get to the finish line. Then mom calls me down for dinner and I turn off Mario Cart for some meatloaf. Mmm meatloaf. :king-twitter:
  31. DarkGreen

    you read Lolita? with Humbert Humbert? what was it like?

    you read Lolita? with Humbert Humbert? what was it like?
  32. DarkGreen

    so, you love the Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy, why do you love it?

    so, you love the Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy, why do you love it?
  33. DarkGreen

    What are you all reading?

    yay! i love books! i'm reading Gone With the Wind. Scarlett's such an idiot but her attempt's at life are amusing. one of my favorite book btw is Gregor the Overlander.
  34. DarkGreen

    yum. that must be a Holsum's product.

    yum. that must be a Holsum's product.
  35. DarkGreen

    Basically my life story, also WHAT DO?

    you sound like Alex Dobyan, he came from Sweden too. are you Alex? he was open about his smarts, too. he told everyone that women are just for having kids and only hot women. then he planned a divorce after she had given him what he wanted. also he said she had to be a hot brazilian model in...
  36. DarkGreen

    Dealing with a sociopath

    >:} call out to the teacher in class what exactly he's doing when exactly he's doing it, no matter how many death glares you get. if he looks at you sideways, 'what are you looking at you little shit?' if you cause a big enough rumpus and swear to jeebus you won't stop till he does someone will...
  37. DarkGreen

    Sexual deviancy

    no, i'm saying that when a person is in love they should wait to have sex until marriage to build those sexual bridges and because i'm SO incompetent i can't even talk to someone i like. i can't be the only one on this site of misfits who thinks this way! other people are probably scared to...
  38. DarkGreen

    Learning how to fly.

    ooh ooh! i know! get your polar opposite magnetic signature and make tons of it. shove it somewhere in the desert and walk over it. you migt be polarized enough to float but only as far as the magnetic strip goes so don't go overboard! you might eat dirt.:king-twitter:
  39. DarkGreen

    INTP women and 2D:4D ratio

    My index finger is a whole part smaller than my ring finger but my family has weird hands.:o <--- See Avatar.
  40. DarkGreen

    Why do people like me?

    on the bus people asume i'm nice just because i ignore everyone and don't shout. what i do is retreat behind a book and people think im decently thinking of others. this one kid has made it his mission in life to talk to me, give me high fives, and draw my attention just because i don't bother...
  41. DarkGreen

    Sexual deviancy

    blech. im not planning on having sex ever. i like hugs and hand holding, maybe kissing. im a little sad there wasnt an abstinence option. i mean if you really love the person, why would you disrespect them like that? i remember finding a guy i liked and i couldnt say anything, i was so scared...
  42. DarkGreen

    I put on my wizard hat

    Or even this.
  43. DarkGreen

    I put on my wizard hat

    Or this could've happened.
  44. DarkGreen

    I put on my wizard hat

    This is what REALLY happened to Ob.
  45. DarkGreen


    My current background is Samurai Jack fighting Aku. :phear:
  46. DarkGreen

    First Person Psychological-Thrillers

    Tess of the D'Ubervilles
  47. DarkGreen

    Caricaturist asking for advice from his brother INTP's (and sisters too)

    >u< i'm a caricaturist too! anyway, i like the way you extrapolate the features of your subjects. i like to use markers and paint but to each his own.:o
  48. DarkGreen

    Music To Die To

    When I die I'd like the truth about me to come out: YouTube- Spose - I'm Awesome (Clean Version) =U+ He wears a green hoodie, I wear a green hoodie.
  49. DarkGreen

    sorry i don't like violence and sexy time but um i really DO want someone to walk with. lol how...

    sorry i don't like violence and sexy time but um i really DO want someone to walk with. lol how does Pennsylvania sound?
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