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Search results

  1. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    um... it really depends on what version we play, 4th ed. is really different its almost like it was made for board game play, if that makes any since, I don't know that much about 4th ed. 3.5 ed isn't that different from 3rd ed as far as i know, I have a feeling if we don't know something people...
  2. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    DO IT! - DO IT! - DO IT!
  3. gepcy loc

    Socionics and INTPs

    *eye twitches* Trying to categories people is like trying to square a circle, you going to go mad trying.... Even if its yourself. You cant take a person say s/he is something and just leave it at that, people are more complicated then that your not a cookie, you don't come from a...
  4. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    A febal attempt at generating more interest...... YouTube- IM IN UR MANGER KILLING UR SAVIOR Look.... its even christmasy!
  5. gepcy loc

    INTP weaknesses

    Organizational skills!!!!!! How dare you, My desk is a beautiful mess, and I promised my mom I'd clean my closet next Friday.
  6. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    I've played DnD before, I'm not used to playing 4th ed. yet though..... The worst part of playing this game is deciding what to be. How are ya' going to know what we role? Or are you going to role for us? I bet you could find some kinda dice rolling thing online that every one can see...
  7. gepcy loc

    Very reluctant to attend college....

    I made sure I attended every class I had because i was paying for them and not going was a real wast of money. Doing homework and studying is another story. I'm doing physics right now. *winks*
  8. gepcy loc

    do you know what you want?

    Theirs a lot of Is up their, maybe you should calm down and fallow the lead of the people around you. Even if you don't like it, you'll always end up getting used to it. What do the people closest to you want? If there happiness makes you happy. Do it for them not for you. That's all I know, I...
  9. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    It would be fun.
  10. gepcy loc

    Good evening.

    Sweden huh, That's cool, I pretty new here to so welcome. By the way trying to put people into a category and expecting them to stay that clean cut all the time is like trying to square a circle, you'll go mad trying.
  11. gepcy loc

    Play by Post DnD?

    * looks around all confused* I really don't know if I should be here yet but, I could start next week! my college semester ends then. Would it be medieval or futuristic...or what? Sorry if I did something im not supposed to by being here.
  12. gepcy loc

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    What songs are you listening to?
  13. gepcy loc

    Why did you pick your name?

    My name originated from Gency Loc. It came to me while using an elevator with a very faded sign. I'm not quite suer what it said I just remember there being two words Emergency Located with the Emer and the ated parts of the words gone, the only unfaded letters on the sign read 'gency loc' it...
  14. gepcy loc

    How Smart Are You?

    Im not smart. But I am eerily spock like, with just a hint of JTHM tendencies...... Melkor, you got nothin' on me, really.
  15. gepcy loc

    Any Clear Identity?

    I feel that increasingly with my parents. I pretended to be something I’m not or put off experiencing things or having relationships just to avoid arguing with them. Not that I care, once I’m out the house ill do what I want but its the fear of conflict, I believe, that causes those feelings you...
  16. gepcy loc

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    I still need to read the books. This society of ours is making it easier and easier to put off reading anything. But chances are ill pick up one of the books eventually. Does any one know what book in the sires the movie is?
  17. gepcy loc


    Blondes really?
  18. gepcy loc


    Right on! I dont care who said it really, it is a good quote. ya but..... ...See he's an equal opportunity tolerance warrior.
  19. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    You vomited on me ! But its all good now. Its not grudge worthy.
  20. gepcy loc

    Alignment Test

    True Neutral - I also got a True Neutral Elf Ranger/wizard on the character test.
  21. gepcy loc

    Talking to yourself

    I thought i got it from my mom, lol. Have you ever had an emotional thought at an odd time and expressed the emotion on your face with out noticing. Once in the middle of my of one of my college class i remember thinking of something funny during an exam, and it showed on my face and I...
  22. gepcy loc

    Berens' interaction styles and temperaments: the how and why of personality

    + or - Interpersonal and Intrapersonal I think things in our personality get tweaked a little with the different intellects we achieve as we grow up. Most of all i think Interpersonal and Intrapersonal IQs may effecte us the most. Like my lowest IQ ended up being the Interpersonal. I attribute...
  23. gepcy loc


    I have this new thing for Voltaire...... The philosopher not the singer. ( Although hes not that bad him self.) I really loved his book Candide, and adored his Dictionnaire philosophique as well. I think im going to add it to my Santa list. What do you guys think of him? I wont yell if you hate him.
  24. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    The chickens remains fall to the chard dirt below. But as the last bit of Chick fluff fell to the ground a golden egg appeared were the Chick last stood. Wondering what all a noisy, squishy, and explodey sounds were. Gebsy Loc sprang from here work bench in the garage/ laboratory a few yards...
  25. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Oh Noz! Damn you KFC man.
  26. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Wouldn't it lock on to you to? I'm a chick remember? You generate more heat than me.
  27. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    I apologise, I'm not normally mean I just feel obligated to defined myself when i feel I'm under attack. As for the spelling and grammar i just was never any good at it. I could blame it on having a mild form Autism, but I don't think its that, its just a weakness. Honestly I really wanted to...
  28. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Hen pecking :D
  29. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    [/COLOR][/SIZE] No .... you misunderstand, I want to talk to other INTP girls, I just carefully left it out so trolls like you wouldn't yous that as lesbo ammunition, this is the first INTP site I'v been to, so pleas...... Shut Off.
  30. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Who's, Lor? Well, I'm telling PETA about my boot abuse.
  31. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

  32. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Your just mad because I hate, Twilight. I apologize for reaching my animus before you did.
  33. gepcy loc

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Im a chick...... How many other INTP girls are on this site? So any ways... About Me: My favorite color: Green, Black, Red, Orange My favorite movies: Horror, Zombie, any Sci Fi that's not to fake. My least Favorite Movies: Chick flicks *cough*Twilight*cough* Favorite books...
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