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Search results

  1. Lol

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dEfERBLwcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctB_h387_qk
  2. Lol

    Petty crimes

    Maybe have a ATM machine close to the shop so you can see if the customer is actually intending to withdraw cash and pay... There was a time where I was looking at a tie on a shop and held it in my hand. Browsing around the shop and completely forgot the tie was in my hand and left without...
  3. Lol

    What is your purpose in life?

    I've been doing a lot of research into personal develpoment/self help recently and a recurring theme that seems to come up is needing to have a life purpose. What are your life purposes? Has realizing what your life purpose is affected how you go about your daily life?
  4. Lol

    Thinking of making a University diary/blog on here

    Out of the 9 modules I'm doing this year fields is one of them. The majority of the course is electronics, maths and programming/matlab. Maths has been my favourite part of the course so far while I haven't found the rest of the course particularly interesting.
  5. Lol

    Thinking of making a University diary/blog on here

    The 5 weeks I've been at university have been a total train wreck. The course I am studying (Electrical and electronic engineering) is not what I expected it to be like and I'm sitting in lectures thinking wtf is going on. I thought engineering would be more science related but it's nothing like...
  6. Lol

    Hey, What is your career? Does programming really suit intp?

    Don't know why everyone says programming is ideal for INTPs, I've dabbled in it a few times over the years and have hated it :confused:
  7. Lol

    How common is it for INTPs to be shy?

    In small groups of people I'm not shy even if I dont know them but when im in larger groups (4+) I'm more quiet but I wouldn't say shy but because I genuinely don't know at what points i should say stuff.
  8. Lol

    what is the use of money and prestige?

    Money alows you to live your life to its fullest potential, not just women.
  9. Lol

    Thinking of making a University diary/blog on here

    So I've been at uni for around 2 weeks now and I feel I need a place to vent all of the thoughts in my head with the added bonus of getting some feedback from likeminded people who may offer insights to the situations that I go through. Plus, in the distant future I might come back to this...
  10. Lol

    What do you do to manage and release stress?

    I try to think less
  11. Lol

    When will vaping become safe?

    Not sure about countries with private healthcare, but here in the UK it could be because the cost of smoking to the NHS is greater than the tax revenue gained from the industry. Then theres cost to productivity (smoke breaks and sick days), or maybe governments just care about us..
  12. Lol

    You know you're an Intp when...

    ... you aint shit
  13. Lol

    INTP starting College/University soon...

    This might derail the thread... But Electrical and electronic engineering
  14. Lol

    INTP starting College/University soon...

    Pretty much as the title says, I will be starting university or college as they say in the US at the end of this summer. (Don't ask what course I'm doing). What was university like for you guys? Did you enjoy it or not? What things would you do differently if you could go back in time? I'd...
  15. Lol

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Animals prey on eachother physically, humans prey on eachother economically.
  16. Lol

    INTP Likeablility

    Was that sarcasm? :confused: Not in such a serious manner lol, keep it playful.
  17. Lol

    INTP Likeablility

    Just put one hand on their shoulder/arm when you want to emphasize a point you're making or when saying hello or goodbye. Make strong eye contact when you do it as well.
  18. Lol

    INTP Likeablility

    So I've got my first job at 18 years old working at mcdonalds. Mostly when I'm there im on the drive through and have to deal with a lot of customers throughout the day. As I'm new im kinda slow on the till which can cause queues to stack up and people get andry/upset when I get their orders...
  19. Lol

    Teenage INTPs and nihilism?

    As a teenage INTP (18), I cant really say that I struggle with Nihilism. Life can have a lot of different purposes it just depends on what you want from life I guess. What I have struggled with however is motivation to do things. I get called lazy and laid back quite often which I personally...
  20. Lol

    What do you dislike about your INTP self?

    As an 18 year old: (Don't know whether this is an INTP thing or just me) -Inability to get shit done -Only being comfortable to express a small variety of emotions -Feeling like the odd one out in a group
  21. Lol

    Is being an INTP worth it in the end?

    And I'm not depressed/bitter if that's how the OP came off :)
  22. Lol

    Is being an INTP worth it in the end?

    The main aim of my life back then was making a scientific discovery or achievement through something work related. I'd make the discovery then be content for the rest of my life. I think it was because I didn't really understand the importance of relationships with other people. But lately...
  23. Lol

    Is being an INTP worth it in the end?

    I know you don't really have a choice.. but it seems to me like that being an INTP is just not worth it :confused: When I was in my early teenage years I realized that I wasn't like the other kids, mostly because I didn't seem to click with the majority of them, was quiet/reserved but probably...
  24. Lol

    Expectations Vs Reality

    When you were about to venture out into adult life, what did you think it be like and how does it actually turn out to be? I'm a 17 y/o INTP in my last year of high school about to attend college/university next year and wondering what being independent would be like. :angel01:
  25. Lol

    Failed Dreams?

    I've seen/heard a lot of people say that when they were a child/teenager, they had big dreams going into the adult world, but they never seem to achieve it. Why?
  26. Lol

    Why do homosexual people want to get 'married'?

    I'm not saying that homosexual people should be denied the right of the right of union, but why do they want to get married? Marriage has always been the union of a Man and Woman, not Man/Man or Woman/Woman. Especially getting married in churches... The bible quite clearly states that it is...
  27. Lol

    Truth Contest

    http://www.truthcontest.com/ Thought I'd post this here for people who haven't already found it... Some pretty interesting stuff.
  28. Lol


    I should have done more to help
  29. Lol

    Whoever the sad loser is deleting my threads..

    I actually liked this members posts as well...
  30. Lol

    Pretty sad you guys delete threads..

    I was upset as well... I liked your thread and thought you spoke on important issues. Damn ISXJs! :p
  31. Lol

    I googled it but I don't understand what was humourous...

    I googled it but I don't understand what was humourous...
  32. Lol

    I just realized...

    No u
  33. Lol

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    Not for certain but I'd probably stick out like a sore thumb
  34. Lol

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    The stares would be too much to handle :p
  35. Lol

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    I'd like to live there but I'm black
  36. Lol

    Hmm...How should a ninja say hi?

    A ninja wouldn't say hi. They'd just stand there, watching, contemplating...
  37. Lol

    When did you first notice that something about you was a little 'off'?

    I must have noticed it as soon as I started Nursery (pre-school). For most of the time, I would play on my own and refuse to interact with others. I didn't think I was shy, if I remember correctly I never wanted to play with other people in the first place rather than being too self-conscious...
  38. Lol

    How do you type people?

    Do you: 1) Go through E/I S/N T/F J/P and try to determine which one of each said person is or 2) Try to work out their functions and what order they are in If you did both, would you end up with the same result?
  39. Lol

    We're all Slaves! All of Us!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_uLwHFR2aA Sorry, I don't know how to post the whole video here :confused: What are your thoughts on this? Does it have truths or is it all BS?
  40. Lol

    Other forums you enjoy?

    INTJ forum - More intellectual discussions over there. The Student Room - Mostly for the UK, It's useful for academic related subjects.
  41. Lol

    INTPs and Ants

    The 'Shit you did as a child' thread.
  42. Lol

    Effects of being an INTP only child.

    1) I was the only INTP with a family full of ESFX's =\ 2) Around 6-8 3)0 - I Only have around 2 real friends and acquaintances, but even they aren't that 'deep':slashnew:
  43. Lol

    You can't spell procrastinate without INTP...

    I don't want to do revision but I want to achieve my goal.
  44. Lol

    You can't spell procrastinate without INTP...

    Revision for exams. If I get good results then I can apply to a good college. Hopefully it will go uphill from there.
  45. Lol

    Eye Color

  46. Lol

    You can't spell procrastinate without INTP...

    Do you have any tips on how to do things that you don't want to do but need to do?
  47. Lol

    INTPs and Ants

    Reading around on some of the threads on this forum, I realised that a lot of us have had some sort of fascination with ants during childhood - whether it be observing, collecting or torturing them. Is this an INTP thing or does every child do this?
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