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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    INTP personality and school

    Wow. I guess I'm lucky I have the Leaving Cert. In most subjects we have a huge test at the end of two years' study: I can slack off for two years and just study before tests, which is the way our grades are calculated, and get nearly straight As. In the Junior Cert, i got As in everything but...
  2. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    I found myself thinking that about a year ago. I've had friends who were skaters, and goths, and preps, sporty-happy-girly-girls, and it occurred to me at one point that I didn't fit any group. Immediately followed by "But why would I want to?" My name wasn't 'skater girl,' or 'goth'. I don't...
  3. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    ...You've explained it really well, actually. That's very true: I tend to take the crying as evidence that I must be sad, because people cry when they're sad. If I weren't crying, I would assume that I was mad at or frustrated with whoever upset me so badly, but if I'm crying, then I must...
  4. sagewolf

    Am I an Intj? or a intp? or a mix of both?

    heheh. Sorry James (and welcome to the forum!) but we may have lost interest in you. We're tend to do this... perhaps a thread split is in order? For my part, I'd say you sound like an INTP, and I highly agree with the notion that ADHD is made up. Apparently I have it too. We were too poor to...
  5. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    So I'm not insane! *pauses and thinks about what she just said I'm not as insane as I thought. :rolleyes: @Fordy: I know; everything is treated so seriously! It's great! (Not that the discussions aren't fun too: we like jokes. Sometimes they're very very bad... :D) Welcome to you too!
  6. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    Of course it's a mask! The cat made it himself and everything. He's that enthusiastic. :rolleyes: <--- We just keep being us. He's slyly watching us, but if we're weird and disturbing enough, he should go away. For good. Let's go all out and see if we can send him into an insane asylum. :phear:
  7. sagewolf

    INTP humor

    I'll have to watch that. Sarcastic humor and dark/macabre/utterly insensitive humor is well within my abilities and they're often the only kinds I use. I like weird stuff, though: that bit from Monty Python's Meaning of Life where they're looking for the fish (the bit with the guy in make-up and...
  8. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    (Yep: he's making us all happy by joking, see? What a first-class Forum Idiot! Accept your handful of mud and kick in the head with pride! *splat-boot*) On a side note that is really the main note, I just realised something: since I joined the forum and started taking part in the discussions...
  9. sagewolf

    For the love of......

    Hmmm... as a career move, the position of Trusted Lieutenant doesn't seem so bad, you know? I have morals and all, but they can be discarded in exchange for the fun and satisfaction of actually being Evil. *grins cruelly* Also I want a cape. And a gargoyle.
  10. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    When it comes to gender roles, I'm definitely counter-culture. ...In fads and fashion, I'm anti-culture. I refuse to do what everyone is doing-- if there's something I like and it's 'in', I'll stop doing it/wearing it/using it until it's 'out' again. (This never takes long, in my experience.)...
  11. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    @Fernando: Ah. Is that why i see a cat? In sunglasses? Because there's a tail in it? My brain makes weird leaps of logic sometimes... @Anling: Thanks for the welcome (your signature is great :D). When I argue with my friends I think the problem is that they're arguing their views and want to...
  12. sagewolf


    The idea that we're a storage system for information makes a lot of sense to this theory, especially since the common view is apparently that if you know a lot and you can communicate what you know coherently, you are apparently 'intelligent.' That's what my peers seem to think, anyway (maybe it...
  13. sagewolf


    Maybe since we're disposed to enjoy logical analysis and intellectual stimulus such as debating, we come across as being more intelligent when we talk to people, whether or not we actually have the raw intelligence/IQ. That and we're probably stronger in intelligences such as linguistic/verbal...
  14. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    Oh. No cute shirt then? ...Now I feel like an idiot. ...Or I was trying to create the impression in other people's minds that it was serious and Cryptonia wasn't being made fun of. ...I can't read social cues. So sue me. I've gone through my life happily ignoring culture. I was wearing boys'...
  15. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    It's hard for people to tell I'm female IRL, apparently. Gah. This has been bothering me since i first saw your avatar. Just a pair of glasses on a floor, right? Part of my brain wants me to think it's a cat. :confused:
  16. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    So that's what the 'Introit' part is for. Telling everybody what I'm like. Ah jeez... :rolleyes: I'm 18, and I think I know my calling in life: I'm a storyteller! I write, but I also plan to study animation in college and I'd like to make my own comics. Some people don't believe me when I say...
  17. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    Ooh, cute shirt. Whassit look like? :D A pale pink button-down shirt? That's fine! That would actually look really good, an it's got a bit of personality on a guy. They're freaks for telling you what you should wear and how your hair should be.
  18. sagewolf

    Taking and meaning offense [thread split]

    Re: The my body my right argument. [abortion -thread merge] Nothing offends me: I get annoyed with people who are easily offended. I can usually tell if something I say will offend someone, but usually either a) said someone is nowhere near me b) it's offending someone because it's not...
  19. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    Thank you for that, Jesin!
  20. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    Technically, 'normality' is what is culturally accepted/endorsed, or what is more prevalent in society. I would say my observer-ness is 'natural' for me: it is my usual and most comfortable state of being. I'm not normal. I don't give a damn, either. I agree with you on the values: cultural...
  21. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    That's when I usually get mine cut too. It's gonna get cut soon. It's in the way, and it frizzes like mad, and it blows into my eyes and stuff. So it gets hacked off to shoulder-length. :D You can wear pink if you want! As long as it's not hot pink. I'm sorry, but frankly, that doesn't look...
  22. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    Ah. I write like that sometimes, but more often the feeling is vague and I just write because I like to do it. Most of what I write lately is short stuff too: 3,000 words or less. Most of the ideas I run with are intellectual or hypothetical, though: I don't write for emotional expression the...
  23. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    I believe, as far as we go, that goes without saying. :D But who can help us? Who is brave enough? I love Monty Python. I hate my internet connection. It loads for ten seconds, and plays for three. ... Not even the Python crew is worth it. Thanks! I feel like I got conscripted into that...
  24. sagewolf

    Flocking INTPs

    I've never read that, but I definitely remember reading that the Fe shadow takes until adulthood or middle age to fully mature. Still, judging from the 'How do you feel emotions' thread, that's because we're all empty inside, filled with voids and unwilling to let ourselves express what emotion...
  25. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    It's probably not healthy to live your life constantly socializing OR constantly being on your own. Extraverts and introverts both need to learn to accept the chaos of interpersonal dealings and the quiet of personal, private introspection. It would lead to Es understanding themselves (and by...
  26. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    I get those feelings too, sometimes, but I wouldn't if a bunch of people I barely knew were watching a movie with my sister. If a bunch of my friends were going to a party, and I knew it was going to be loud and filled with people, my desire to connect with my friends and spend time with them...
  27. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    Yes: all our shoes are in a big pile next to the wardrobe just inside the door, unless they get really muddy. Then they're left outside until the mud dries, so we can brush it off. A huge pile of shoes. ...It wouldn't be very comfortable to take off our feet (but Jack gets away with bare feet...
  28. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    My mom would kill me if I didn't wear shoes outside: our entire yard is squishy mud. And she does not want it on the floor. I don't like cleaning it up, so I put up with the shoes. Maybe in college I'll ditch them for a while: you've put a lot of thought into why you walk around barefoot. (I...
  29. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    I don't watch horror movies. They just... don't scare me at all. Since that's the point, I don't bother watching them. I have very little fear, but every now and then I'll just be, I don't know, walking down the street, or down the hall, and I'll get a surge of adrenaline-- I'll be scared out...
  30. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    I found the forum and liked the idea of joining. It wasn't that i wanted to belong (I decided that sucked a long time ago, and I have a few friends in the real world anyway that I can get on well with) but that I wanted to join in with the discussions. Whenever I try to start a debate with...
  31. sagewolf

    INTP artists

    Cool! That sounds like the best job ever, if you could make a job out of it. I can sing (I'm in a choir), I play trumpet, I write fiction and I draw a lot. Paint is too messy for my room, but I do it in class and like it a lot. I like sculpture a lot too. I'm going to college next year and...
  32. sagewolf

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    Basically, I'm wondering how we all deal with interacting with people on a daily basis and the social image we try to generate. Do other people think you're weird? Do you downplay it or exaggerate it? Do you just not bother? When I started in secondary school, I didn't have many friends (I...
  33. sagewolf

    Flocking INTPs

    And that's because INTPs like to argue, but since there are so few of us it's almost impossible to find someone to argue with. Which is one of the reasons why we 'flock.' ;)
  34. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    The Void I can understand completely. A couple years I was, logically (of course) worried about it, wondering if there was something wrong with me because I didn't feel things at all, and wondering if I was going to grow up and be a murderer or a criminal because i had no emotional connection to...
  35. sagewolf

    Flocking INTPs

    ...I think people can change themselves to an extent: I could probably learn to open up more and express myself around others. I probably won't ever learn to be comfortable doing it, but I could learn to overcome the discomfort. That's their problem. xD If I can manage to be serious for half a...
  36. sagewolf

    The Power of Negative Thinking

    I think (THINK) I'm an optimistic realist: I envision and hope for the best, but I know it's not gonna happen. I usually think the exact opposite will happen, actually... And then I'm proved wrong most of the time, because something utterly mundane and boring happens. (There were a couple times...
  37. sagewolf

    INTP and Asperger's

    Um. I agree that the world has gone way overboard with diagnosing people as having a disorder just because they're not 'normal' (I apparently have ADD XP). Still, I do not believe INTP and asperger's/autism are the same thing. My brother and (suspectedly) sister are autistic; I am an INTP. My...
  38. sagewolf


    There are actually a couple threads dedicated to how we deal with having to be at those things (parties). Fear our Euro-ability to not enjoy booze. Yeah, alcohol is really bitter; I don't like it, but I can drink it without making a face, so I have a pint or two now and then, whenever I go out...
  39. sagewolf

    presidential census

    In theory, it's not a two-party system. Practice and theory aren't the same thing, really. It'll be a Democrat or a Republican. Same thing in Ireland, but the electorate is so bloody STUPID that it's basically been a one-party system for the past two decades. And Fianna Fail are utterly...
  40. sagewolf


    I believe it. Modern Irish is hard enough, although Old Irish they grew up speaking, so technically it was easier. Almost no-one grows up speaking Irish anymore; they learn it in school, and for a lot of them it's just not interesting, so most Irish people barely speak Irish at all. It's kinda...
  41. sagewolf


    The hangover the next morning, simply put. I can't enjoy anything that will cause me discomfort later. The way i see it, i don't know what I'm missing when I miss it, so I'd rather not know being drunk than know a hangover. *shrugs* I dunno. I'm too self-conscious to let myself be drunk anyway--...
  42. sagewolf

    A different perspective...

    It's a webcomic?! Errr... gotta go! *vanishes*
  43. sagewolf

    INTP and Pets

    I suppose by that logic, I love cows to death.
  44. sagewolf


    I know. I am such a drag at parties and stuff. ...Not that I ever go. :D I don't like coffee either, actually! I like tea. I'm accustomed to wine now, and I can manage beer. i would agree that it's acquired, and I don't think only drinking a bit of it at a time helps. The trick, I think, is...
  45. sagewolf


    Hahah. Has the Procrastinator's Creed been mentioned here? I'm a terrible procrastinator. Everything is best done tomorrow. Or the day after. Or on the bus on the way to school when I have to hand it up in the first class. I always finish homework on time, and I always get it done well (I get...
  46. sagewolf


    I live in Ireland. Enough said? :p Actually, I don't drink that much. I've been allowed (by my parents) since I was about 15, even though that only amounted to a glass of wine on special occasions. Now I'm actually drinking age and it's nothing special. I mean, I'll go out and have a pint, but...
  47. sagewolf

    INTP and Pets

    Can't find it. On a side note, the US FDA has apparently decided cloned animals are suitable for human consumption. Huzzah for wilfing. I love dogs-- big ones like huskies, alsatians and collies. (We have a collie right now.) I wouldn't mind a cat, and a snake or a big lizard would be a...
  48. sagewolf

    Social Gathering FAQ

    Big place. Bad place. Like highschool on steroids, but no teachers or structure to shut everyone up. Sometimes has drink. Sometimes has food. Always has noise that not even an iPod, MCR and top volume can not drown out. Never contains sanity of any kind. One a year, it can actually be enjoyable...
  49. sagewolf

    Flocking INTPs

    I used to think that about personality tests in general, a few years ago. I left it for a few years and came back to things like the enneagram and MBTI, but this time I didn't think it's so stupid. The difference, I think, is that then I didn't know what sort of person I was, so I didn't like...
  50. sagewolf

    About Introverts

    And the NTP part has no effect whatsoever? My friends are a bit weirded out by the fact that I don't go to parties, but they're also weirded out by my 'quirky' sense of humor and my complete lack of fashion-give-a-damn and my tendency to zone out and my love of reading and learning new things...
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