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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Weird mind state(s)

    Sometimes I'm thinking so hard that my eyes won't focus at all: I'll try to force them to focus on the desk or book or something but my mind's still going and I have to finish my train of thought before I can focus on the world again. Dunno if that was what you mean but I think it's what...
  2. sagewolf

    Archetypal Men & Women

    I'm a girl, and sometimes I do feel like being what society defines as 'feminine', but the rest of time I just couldn't care less. I do what I want, and apparently what I want is androgynous. So be it: I'm perfectly satisfied with it, and I don't care what other people think of me because of it...
  3. sagewolf


    I feel guilty, mostly, when I let someone down and they don't realise it. Apparently, I have a very competent, controlled, and capable image around other people (especially my teachers). In reality, I couldn't give a damn about school and I only do the minimum amount of work needed to get by...
  4. sagewolf

    Weird mind state(s)

    Makes perfect sense. Sometimes i have to talk to myself to sort out my thoughts, just to slow them down. I have feelings like that too, sometimes, when suddenly nothing makes sense, and then everything makes sense, and then the teacher is calling my name and everything's back to normal...
  5. sagewolf

    Do this apply to you?

    Strangely enough, the subject where I have the most difficulty of this type is Art. My Art teacher annoys the hell out of me with that stuff--not during history classes but during the practical classes. She wants to teach us the right way to draw and make art. I don't think there is a right way...
  6. sagewolf

    The Maturity of Functions

    Ooh, those suggestions look helpful. I'll write them down later. I'm 18-- I think my Ne is developing fairly nicely so far. I have spent hours at a stretch just thinking about a story in my head and wondering if it could be better if I changed this or that or the other... I'm quite good at...
  7. sagewolf

    Lucky Charms

    It would if you hit them with it repeatedly. That red stain on my shirt is... ketchup, yeah. It's a real bugger to get out, bl--... ketchup. I've been thinking, and say I actually do have a lucky charm and I bring it to tests to boost my score. Is the psychological effect of thinking the lucky...
  8. sagewolf

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    Gah. I'm in terrible shape: I think I got about a four in the most recent fitness test my school did. I'm incredibly physically unfit, which surprises a lot of people sometimes: I don't look unfit. But I am. Extremely. Too much time spent with books, drawings and Mr. Computer. I don't like...
  9. sagewolf

    The Definitive Personality Type Breakdown

    There's an Evil Overlord type. And I'm not it. -snort- I have to go kill some minions to calm myself down after that. :phear: *giggle* Hahah.
  10. sagewolf

    Re-writing the MBTI test

    You see life through the veil of coming days While world surrounding flits from 'neath your gaze. Yea_Nay_ This is SO BLOODY COOL. :phear: (Oblivious, I believe money was mentioned somewhere... ;))
  11. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    As in a 'faux-pas', yes. I study French for my Leaving Certificate: we have to study a major European language if we want to go to a national university. (Not that I do, but my mom made me study French anyway because she loves France...)
  12. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    "But I have homework--" "He's your brother. You're watching him." And my mother wonders why I don;t have a whole load of family values. I want to move far, far away.... Math is easily my best subject. I wind up teaching all the first principles proofs to a friend of mine fairly often, too...
  13. sagewolf

    Psych Experiment: Names

    Which has hereby been stolen. ;) Fantasy Writer's Trick no. 6.
  14. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    I am the default babysitter of two young children with autism. Let us join in our misery, severus! (No way is your class dumber than mine. A boy in my class had to ask what a PRONOUN was at one point.) On a plus note, I aced a math test today. After I spent half an hour running around like a...
  15. sagewolf

    You can't help but want to read this

    It tried to snow here a week or two ago. Nothing spectacular, and it didn't stick at all, but it was proper fluffy snow. Bloody nine-month winters. If we get a summer here, it only lasts a fortnight. It came in April this year, then in September for another three days. :mad: And hello Rikka...
  16. sagewolf

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    As far as I can tell, my Fe is somewhat more immediate than my Ti; it comes to conclusions a lot more quickly that I could come to them by thinking. They're not always the best decisions, so I'm cagy about listening to this side of myself, though. My Fe has one thing going for it in a big way...
  17. sagewolf

    Lucky Charms

    ...Gotta find a sword and a sack... Oh, no, wait, maybe some annoying person's head will do, and I can just staple snakes to it. ...Non-poisonous ones, of course, so I can't be killed by them. Okay. ...Hey! Over there-- I never liked that person. Off I go!
  18. sagewolf

    Female INTPs

    *Falls over in cruel, completely unsympathetic laughter* He deserved it. Whiny people are just annoying in general, not just whiny guys. I love screwing with people's minds too... :cool:
  19. sagewolf

    Psych Experiment: Names

    It's no problem! (Apologies for not getting myself on the forum to check if you actually replied or not.) I'll have it the next time I post: I don't get on the internet particularly regularly. (As I'm sure some people have noticed by now. ^^; )) (I like parentheses. (I don't know why.))...
  20. sagewolf

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    You don't need to beware this wolf, though. This wolf is nice. This wolf doesn't steal cakes, either, definitely not... *licks forepaw clean as covertly as possible* You can have that one for free. He tried to turn you against me. *growls*
  21. sagewolf

    The Voice Inside My Head

    I love that picture. I like the ones of Haku as well-- although DA screwed up and wouldn't let me comment there. :mad: I can see making a new personality for yourself. I think that's how Nikala started off, actually. Then she managed to worm her way into being a character in a story, so me...
  22. sagewolf

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    People in general are like that, though, aren't they? My parents are slightly different people in my company than they would be in each other's (thank goodness! ;)). We put on different faces depending on who we react to and what we react to. My Fe... god I don't know. It's like a little kid...
  23. sagewolf

    Psych Experiment: Names

    Hey Dagny, do you want me to give these questions to a few of the people I know IRL and see if they want to answer them? I know some cool people I could ask; they might give you a little extra data, seeing as we've forgotten that you asked us a question...
  24. sagewolf

    The Voice Inside My Head

    Voices in my head? Only about a million: one for every character I've ever come up with. Some are very annoyed with me after they were dropped from stories in one way or another. They refuse to die (and Jim hates me forever for killing his sister). Mainly, though, there's just me-- Artimaeus...
  25. sagewolf

    Lucky Charms

    I had a bracelet (kind of... it was a bracelet that was like the cuff of a glove that had had the part that goes over the hand cut off) and it had a yin-yang on it. I wore it bloody everywhere until I lost it, but it wasn't because it was lucky or anything. it was because the yin-yang (balance)...
  26. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    I feel like an idiot. I spent all day on the internet. AGAIN. I have tests this week. I am going to fail Irish. ...Why am I reading webcomics and posting on forums? Gah. And I wish 9th Elsewhere would load a teeny bit quicker. :mad:
  27. sagewolf

    Hello World...

    Welcome to you, 01010. I'm sure you'll have a great time here-- looking forward to hearing what you think of things!
  28. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    ... Well, we're waiting with bated breath here... Deviate!
  29. sagewolf


    Junior year is the second year, then? Good luck with the career guidance: it is needed. I get the feeling, though, from the people around me, that it's not just that they don't know what to do with themselves: they don't really care about figuring it out either. There's a huge emphasis here on...
  30. sagewolf

    Female INTPs

    Hahah. Female? Just about. There's a boy in my year that does Home Ec. and acts somewhat effeminate, and i joked to a friend recently that he makes me look like a boy; I make him look like a girl. It's actually not that far from the truth. I feel absolutely no pressure to conform to the gender...
  31. sagewolf


    So in USA college you take different classes, but mostly focus on one or two, is that it? We do courses over here: you apply for something very specific, like I said Animation. That means I'll do life drawing, study the history of the medium, film-making techniques and terminology, look at cel...
  32. sagewolf

    Stereo or Headphones?

    That explains it so perfectly. I can listen to whatever's on the radio, mostly, but when I have control of what I'm listening to, I can't help but skip ahead or back to specific songs that match my mood. It's almost like a kind of catharsis; instead of me moping or running off by myself or...
  33. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    That's how they go down sometimes, yeah. More often than not, though, I have to keep erasing and redrawing them until they look right. Sometimes this involves making a crude model out of my pencils and erasers so I can see the perspective and proportions better. Art is an expression: I don't...
  34. sagewolf

    Am I an Intj? or a intp? or a mix of both?

    You find that on fictionpress too. A couple of times I've been blown away by someone's writing and they're actually younger than me. I'm not even in college. And there's this 16-year old making me doubt my writing ability like real artists make me want to stab out my eyes with my own pencil...
  35. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    Ahhh... I wish I knew what the heck I was. I don't know what I am, although I think I show aspects of the Fool sometimes. And the Fool isn't useless! The Fool alerts us all to the absurdity of life and challenges us to challenge it. ...Yeah. Off I go. No1d01ts, do you see what I'm like? You...
  36. sagewolf


    Good luck with Cambridge. I'm hoping to study Animation at the IADT Dun Laoighaire: It's the only animation degree in all of Ireland! (I know how to pick my subjects...) I'll probably wind up going to England and doing it there.
  37. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    .... Damn. I wanted to be a gargoyle. Actually, no, I want to have a pet gargoyle. I want to be a mage. An evil mage. With skeletal minions. I'm not a threat to stability in the world as we know it. :o I swear.
  38. sagewolf

    In Which We Meet Sagewolf, the Protagonist. (Or So She Believes.)

    ...Ensalves? Did you mean enslaves? *snigger* Sorry... No-one enslaves me: it is impossible. For I... Am utterly and completely oblivious. ^^;
  39. sagewolf

    words are a destruction of thoughts

    But then we wouldn't have writing or poetry either. There'd be no point. And I agree with loveofreason; words as part of a poem or a story are creators in themselves, they become something separate from me and capable of their own lives, depending on who reads them. There's something incredible...
  40. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    Oh my God! It's a conspiracy! ...It's ALL A CONSPIRACY! They're trying to take over the world by depriving us of the ability to coherently express our thoughts through the English language! We must fight back! We must destroy them all! This one :rolleyes: and this one :cool: and especially...
  41. sagewolf

    Psych Experiment: Names

    How old are you? 18 What is your first name? Devyn. Pronounced like the English county. Are you always called by this name, or do you choose to be called by a nickname, middle name, etc.? I wouldn't be called by my middle name for love or money or all the tea in the world, never mind...
  42. sagewolf

    Stereo or Headphones?

    I wouldn't listen to my own music where other people are on a stereo or with any other method of broadcasting it, but I have no problem with turning the volume on my earphones up. They probably can hear it then, but experience suggests strongly that they don't give a damn what I'm doing anymore...
  43. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    That makes some sense, but I don't usually feel as if I'm revealing myself emotionally when I write or when I draw. There have been stories that I remember putting emotion into, and the themes of the pieces certainly speak to me emotionally, so i suppose it might be coming out subconsciously in...
  44. sagewolf

    Behavior of the Masses=good. INTP=bad.

    To put the context in which it was used into perspective, one of the boys in the class had to ask what a pronoun was at one point. We were only using it as a way to describe ourselves for our orals, and no-one, not even the teacher, in our class is a native French speaker. I see how the negative...
  45. sagewolf

    Behavior of the Masses=good. INTP=bad.

    Too bad. Now we don't know what the book was. :D That makes a lot of sense, though, the ability of a leader not being linked to how well he is perceived. (I'm sure hearing it would make the current occupant of the White House very relieved. Not that I think it applies to him, but...) The...
  46. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    Ah. I see what you're saying now. Sooo.... Hmmm. I know an INFP, and I wonder if I might be able to get her to give me a good answer on this if I asked her nicely and included a link to our happy little conversation, just so she can see I'm not attacking her, I'm just in a super analytical Ti...
  47. sagewolf

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    If we make him insane, no-one will believe what he says about us! And everyone else thinks we're crazy anyway, so what can go wrong? (Words of DOOM.) (What I had said here made no sense: I thought I was on a different thread. If you read it, ignore it. ^^; )
  48. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    So basically, they don't feel the need to analyse their emotions to the same extent that we do? And because of that, they don't see them the same way as us-- they still see them as being unchangeable, but they don't see them as being arcane and incomprehensible, which is the way I can think of...
  49. sagewolf

    Behavior of the Masses=good. INTP=bad.

    All the colleges I'm picking are art colleges, mostly, so yeah, I think I'll do fine in college. I was talking more about the perception of society in general, though, but since I spend so much time in that dump (the school) examples from it were the only ones I could come up with. @ Ogion...
  50. sagewolf

    Behavior of the Masses=good. INTP=bad.

    (Rant warning.) We were given a list of positive and negative traits in French class the other day to describe ourselves. What I'm linking to this post is the fact that 'casanièr(e)' was described as a bad one. A "casanièr(e)" is someone who would rather stay at home than be out enjoying...
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