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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Agh. You beat me to the post. T.T Damn you ISP! The English education is made for and BY stupid people.
  2. sagewolf

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    Animation! I'm starting college next year, hopefully (I have to get in first and all...), and I'm really, really excited about it. I want to tell my own stories in my own style, so I think I'm going to have to turn to other artforms for a while, like comics or writing, until I manage to get a...
  3. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    For and BY, Saffy. For and BY. I have no bloody idea what my Tech project has to do with actual Architectural Drawing or architecture. We have to draw an MP3 docking station in a computer program that's only used for that specific course. How that helps us learn anything useful or interesting...
  4. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Yes, I realise that if I'm miserable, then I'm miserable, and if I'm perfectly likely to be just as miserable in college, but since I'm generally most miserable after I get home from school, I'm guessing that that actually is the problem. Keep in mind that I'm a very arty, bookish, private...
  5. sagewolf

    INTP'S creativity

    I agree with that. No matter what you try to communicate through art, someone else will see it differently, and no matter how true you felt the meaning or purpose you put into the piece was, the meaning that someone else takes from it will be just as true and important. It will just be their...
  6. sagewolf

    INTP Characteristics

    Female Oldest child: I'm seven or eight years older than my next sibling and 16 years older than the youngest. C-section birth/normal term Right-handed Arch-footed Parents divorced when I was an infant. Both later remarried: I'm the only child they had together, although I have three brothers...
  7. sagewolf

    Time Managment & Organizing

    Hahah. All my work gets done on a Sunday night, starting at about 8pm. I usually have between four and six hours' worth of homework every weekend, too, so it doesn't all get done. Ever. Oh well. I think that I managed to watch the entire second season of Scrubs this weekend, too, as well as...
  8. sagewolf

    INTP FanGirl :)

    i have plenty of takers at my house, but I'm the only one who thinks it's fun. They just think I'm being argumentative and annoying. :( Step 1 is indeed that. Step 2 is either to avoid everyone in order to think about that fantasy more or, if you failed step 1, to escape from the mental asylum...
  9. sagewolf


    Hey, Xel. Welcome to the forum. Hope you like it around here. (Cool name, BTW. :D)
  10. sagewolf

    Bad book?

    @Jesin: Exactly what happened to Eragon a while ago. The entire trilogy is a good example of "How Not To Write Fantasy" as well as being (and perhaps because of being) an extensive "Guide To The High Fantasy Subgenre". That is my contribution BTW: the Inheritance trilogy. Only read it if you...
  11. sagewolf


    I don't really care how I die as long as I don't win a Darwin Award for it. After I'm dead I want to go to Hell and get a job there. If my life is gonna suck this badly, I want to make sure other people's afterlives are just as bad.
  12. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    God, I hope college will be better. Mind you, I don't have to do loads of subjects, I get to focus intently on one thing for four years. So, as long as it's something I really like, college should be a heck of a lot better than the Leaving Cert. I'm sick of the emphasis on grades and points that...
  13. sagewolf


    I wind up having to teach my classmates quite often. It's okay when it's a subject like Math or Tech Drawing, where it's practical and I can just SHOW them how to solve a question without explaining too much beyond "and I'm doing this because...". I get asked in English, too, though, where I...
  14. sagewolf


    I actually feel like i have a good grip on who I am-- on that pillar of self at the centre of my being. It's how I fit into the world that I have trouble with, and that's probably just as important an aspect of my 'identity' as my self is. I mean, the 'me' that'll be in college a year from now...
  15. sagewolf

    Political Beliefs in Relation to MBTI Type

    The more I know about politics, the more I want to kill every politician alive in painful and long-lasting ways. If isolated mountaintops had internet access, I would live on one. So yeah. Screw politics.
  16. sagewolf


    I kind of like chess, but I have no-one to play against, so I just never play and I suck at it on the rare occasions that I do.
  17. sagewolf

    Sayings of the INTP

    I am, therefore I think. Error: Programme "Emotional Response" is not responding. End task? What do I do here?
  18. sagewolf

    What's your top five anime?

    1) Fullmetal Alchemist 2) Wolf's Rain 3) Serial Experiments Lain 4) Grave of the Fireflies (Not one of my favorites, but I would consider it one of the best.) ... 5)Whisper of the Heart. There I SAID it. :mad: I like a romance film. ...I haven't gotten a chance to see The Girl Who Leapt...
  19. sagewolf

    Non American Films

    I liked Pan's Labyrinth. (Mind, the version I have doesn't have an English dub, just subtitles.) Del Toro is my favorite director. Incredible. That's... all I have to add. ...Soz?
  20. sagewolf

    Eye issues

    Same here, although the last time I checked was about ten years ago. Mom always told me I'd ruin my eyes from reading in the dark, but it hasn't happened yet. ;) My mom wears glasses/contacts, though, so I might wind up needing them down the line.
  21. sagewolf


    Nice way to say it. :cool: I'm eighteen. (I pause a lot when I talk too, but I think it's more because I have to concentrate so hard on what I'm saying and making it come out right. I need a little bit of time to get my thoughts into coherent, grammatically-correct sentences before I start...
  22. sagewolf


    I like 1/0, too, and XKCD is just brilliant. If I had to recommend one, and only one, it would be The Makeshift Miracle. It's about Cody, who's in a depressed rut until he finds a strange girl in his backyard and travels to another dimension with her (it's been a while since I last read it...
  23. sagewolf

    Content INTP's - Your passion/motivation/inspiration?

    I like to tell stories and find new ways of doing things: I like finding my own way of doing things, more precisely. When I'm doing that, I'm happy, and when I feel that I can do that, I'm pretty much content. It's when others try to force me down another road that I begin to lose my motivation...
  24. sagewolf

    INTP terrible at algebra

    You cannot trump this woman. Trust me. She Ruled. She is half the reason I like math, and if she'd been taking a LC science subject this year, I would have taken it in a flash.
  25. sagewolf

    Thank You

    Yay! Thanks accepted and I thank everyone in return! (Civilianjones, you're awesome too!) ^^ A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses. For it to be correct, you should be able to replace the semicolon with a full stop and have two grammatically complete sentences. Example: Mrs...
  26. sagewolf


    Yeah. I'm considering moving to Australia when I'm older. The climate would be nicer, IMO. No government can be more incompetent than the Irish one. ZOMBIES would be more effective. I speak French, too, so I could do any of the Francophone countries perfectly well. Anglophone would be my first...
  27. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    We have one hons class and two pass classes. I think we have a foundation class somewhere as well, but I don't know: it may just be a class for those who find maths hard, but at pass level. Yes, but for my course, the portfolio points are added to the LC points. So in theory, I could get 1200...
  28. sagewolf

    Faith in our INTPness

    I doubt myself a lot. I do have something close to the second self-image that Ermine quoted, but now I'm doubting the quality of everything I come up with on my own. Since, in the real world, I just get a blank stare or wind up being made fun of half the time when I put an idea of mine forward...
  29. sagewolf

    INTP terrible at algebra

    Hah! No-- BETTER. She ruled: she was brilliant fun. And we got three free classes every year because she always takes our school's participants in the Young Scientist Exhibition to Dublin. She worked really hard for us and we could see it clearly: I think that's why she has my respect.
  30. sagewolf

    Fantasy Literature

    Ah. Well, I forgive him that, then. It's not as if I think they're not good, i just think they're not as good as most people seem to think they are.
  31. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    I flew through my maths test and had enough time afterward to write half a story. ^^; I write a line for every change too, though. Oh well. Timing is what the mocks are for. I go down completely wrong routes and then scribble out half a page, though, which costs me time sometimes. How far...
  32. sagewolf

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes He probably did. Either that or he decided that the Myers-Briggs system was too simple for him and subsequently devised a new subsystem to further divide his own type. Because we INTPs just love making up systems. If they aren't bullshit (or, as Staywhatyouare...
  33. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    I used to do that in third year: one of the boys in the class and I raced to see who could get math problems done first during class. Now I wind up going over everything a million times because one of the boys in the class asks me to teach him how to do things he doesn't understand. (But I...
  34. sagewolf

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes It's so nice to know that we have such diligent moderators on our forum. ;) I think I'm the fifth one. "Sarcastic and funny" describes me very well (even though sometimes people simply don't get it at all, there are a couple of people who I can always get laughing), and...
  35. sagewolf


    (Boku, your sig is great, you know that?) xD I was born in America and I've lived in Ireland for pretty near exactly half my life at this point. My observations of each country are far from flattering: I feel no attachment to either of them. I do like the fourth of July, though, especially the...
  36. sagewolf

    INTP terrible at algebra

    When I learned algebra I had the greatest math teacher in the world ever (now I have the second greatest math teacher in the world ever, but she gets some slack because she's also one of the greatest Irish teachers in the world). So we flew through the material. Learning how it was useful wasn't...
  37. sagewolf

    Fantasy Literature

    As far as Dragonlance goes, I thought Legends (Time, Test and War of the Twins, not necessarily in that order because I always mix them up) were better than Chronicles; Weis and Hickman were more in their stride as authors there. And every Dragonlance fan alive loves Raistlin, so they must be...
  38. sagewolf

    Genuine Laughter

    That is a good idea, but I'm too lazy to start it. And that is SO funny. :D
  39. sagewolf

    Top Language Picks

    1) English because it's my native language and everyone I know speaks it 2) Japanese because I like Japanese animation and culture (and I would be literate in Chinese by proxy ;)) 3) French because I go there often 4) Irish just so someone will be able to 5) Ancient Greek so I can insult...
  40. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    Sounds fun! (Uh...let me think?) To be fair, I kind of did probability; I read through the chapter and did some of the problems in the textbook to make sure I had the idea. It just looked like so much fun! (I didn't do much, though: I don't want to be bored in class for two weeks while the rest...
  41. sagewolf


    Would the entire type have just one Inner Child? Your topic title makes it seem like that's what you're looking for, but then you go on about childhood leaving scars, and that seems quite personal. Just wondering. For my part? Either Abandoned, Unbonded, or Playful. Probably bits of each...
  42. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    Higher Level Leaving Certificate Mathematics. It consists of Algebra, Matrices, Complex Numbers, Induction-logs-indices-binomial expansion-surds (all one question), Differential and Integral Calculus, Coordinate Geometry of the Line and Circle, Vectors, Trigonometry, Probability...
  43. sagewolf

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    Huh. Math is actually the only subject I enjoy in school anymore. My Art teacher pisses me off, English is vaguely interesting but still boring, Engineering moves at a snail's pace, Tech. Drawing is beginning to take all my time, Irish is enjoyable but extremely stressful, and French is mostly...
  44. sagewolf

    Why are you here?

    (I thought I posted here already) O_o Oh well. I find stimulating conversation here. In my school discussions are limited to 'what college are you going to' and 'did you see (insert crappy soap opera here) last night', so this place is a breath of fresh air. I find myself thinking more and...
  45. sagewolf

    INTP body issues

    Hah. I'm five feet tall-- have been since I was eleven (not that I checked or anything... T.T) and I have the same problem. All my trousers drag the floor, unless I can tie them up. (I can't hem things. Don't know how and I sew like a blind monkey anyway.) Other than that I'm either happy with...
  46. sagewolf

    How many books do you possess?

    I have, I dunno, between forty and seventy in my room here-- I can't be bothered to count. Mostly fantasy and sci-fi, although there are quite a few reference books and some drawing reference on anatomy and perspective as well. I'm not counting textbooks, which are tools of dominion of the eil...
  47. sagewolf

    Alignment Test

    ...I'm the only evil person here, apparently. Neutral Evil- A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that...
  48. sagewolf


    Your split of the two personality facets rings very true, Auburn. I can't count the times I've wished I could let out the enthusiastic, warm, friendly, fun-loving part of me without any abandon, but it cares what people think, so it's shy. Since the observant, analytical, thinking part has a...
  49. sagewolf

    Is this an INTP thing??

    "Put it in the dresser drawer." But mom, there are twelve of those in this room alone. "Put it in the one it goes in." Well, that clarified EVERYTHING. Thank you so much. People assume I can't hear them or understand them a lot when, in reality, what they said has too many interpretations...
  50. sagewolf

    ~Thinking out side humanity's spectrum~

    Sometimes I start talking and think my voice sounds weird. Really weird. I then begin to think other people's voices sound weird too. Before you know it I'm pondering my own tendency to see things in random and unexpected ways and comparing it to my past experiences of this (it's not common, but...
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