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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Ne, Ti, and forums

    I'm going to post my understanding of both Ti and Ne here so that if I'm horrendously wrong, you can tell me so, since that would probably render this idea of mine completely invalid. Ti is the function which is concerned with evaluating, quantifying and defining things according to the...
  2. sagewolf

    All People are Random

    Weeeell... yeeeeesssss... but it's not only things that have an effect on us; we have effects on other things and people too. So the people we influence, especially kids, but others as well, change because of our presence, and after we're gone, at least some of them are left. They go on...
  3. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Oh, so you're saying that the ideas and views of the previous generations can not be improved upon? That you are entitled to be right by merit of your age? That my generation has nothing to offer the world? YOU JERK!
  4. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    "Mistake?" That sounds like miss-take-- you have obviously implied that women are more likely to be wrong! How can you be so inconsiderate?!
  5. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    That's true-- I do have far greater facility with the written word than with verbal communication, and being able to go over and over your expressions is useful. (Mind you, if it really helped me, I would be better at keeping diaries. =P Maybe I should try again.) I think, though, part of the...
  6. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    But don't you see, OTHER people will think it's a bad decision too, and there will be more jobs left for you out there because they didn't go into physics! Physics also shows a high degree of competency with computers and programming, though, since they run simulations of experiments before...
  7. sagewolf

    Genuine Laughter

    I tend to laugh when people are mad at me, unfortunately. Recipe for disaster. :(
  8. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    What's-yer-name, the English language has no words capable of expressing you. That is why I resort to such clumsy descriptions for the external indicator of your Self. =P
  9. sagewolf

    All People are Random

    That and the fact that our personalities are, in certain ways, born of our circumstances and our physical forms. The name my parents gave me, the characteristics that I inherited from them both, the places I have lived, the things I know and the people that I have interacted with all combine...
  10. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    NO! If you do it online people can see it: it's like posting it up on a bulletin board. Even email or something can be copied/seen by accident/saved. Better that it be a audial conversation that is then lost to the ether and forgotten.
  11. sagewolf

    Do we 'Asperger'?

    @Decaf: I think the system here is different to the one in America. It may have something to do (enter inner cynic) with the fact that the Irish Government pays for all our medication because we're poor and have medical cards, so they don't want to prescribe anything here. Actually, being...
  12. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Musician? Cool! What instrument do you play, or would you prefer to mix/compose music? Or do you just want to work in the film/TV industry? Awww, come on, xkc. Physics is cool. :D
  13. sagewolf

    Time Managment & Organizing

    It helps, at the beginning, to say "I'll just do this for ten minutes." Then, at the end of what seems to be ten minutes, look at the clock and say "Just until the clock hits a nice round number... turn of the hour... until a certain song plays on the radio... until until until. You may find...
  14. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Either sick, or disillusioned and bitter; human society will do that to you, yeah.
  15. sagewolf

    Do we 'Asperger'?

    According to my brother/sister's psychiatrist/speech therapist/occupational therapist (sorry--I can't keep those women straight. I never bloody see them anyway and they're almost all called Mary) Autism/AS is classed as a developmental disorder. Based on what I see of my brother and sister...
  16. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    I generally just break down and cry/go-completely-emo-for-hours, or I do math (step on my Fe some more by engaging the Ti). I know this isn't good for my mentally and I should talk to someone about it, but... what you said. There's no-one I trust. What I need is a payphone somewhere in the...
  17. sagewolf

    The Unknown

    A lack of confidence?.... When we see nothing, as in the unknown, our imagination takes over, right? Of course, your statement applies equally to what we know to be in fact, doesn't it? ;)
  18. sagewolf


    So that's what your avatar is. ;) Don't worry, you'll figure it out. It might be borderline, you know. INxP. I shall now give up on trying to be helpful and comforting because I'm not very good at it.
  19. sagewolf

    The Awkward Pause

    Even with my friends I feel like there's nothing for me to say in a conversation, if there's more than two or three of us, but in a one-on-one with even a total stranger I can hold my own perfectly well. In a group, though, no-one even notices that I'm not talking, because they're all just...
  20. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    It's because Melkor/Kowaii/Morgion changes his name so much. He's a slippery bastard. (He even admits it!) He tries to evade us, but it's useless. We know where he is. Certain things give him away. Like the spectres of Darkness and Discord that perpetually accompany him wherever he goes. And his...
  21. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    heheheh... think I'm entering a manic creative phase just now. Forget the evisceration! Get me a pencil! Stat!
  22. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    "Brainshowering"... for my thought process to be reduced from a thunder-and-lightning, cacophonous, pelting-rain and puissant expression of Nature's wrath and grandeur to a mildy annoying patter of water from the clouds above that will probably clear up soon anyway so why bother bringing a coat...
  23. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Yeah. At the end of my course I'll have a short film made, I'll be proficient in model, hand-drawn AND CG animation, and the animation industry, unlike many others, isn't retrenching with the global recession. Nor the games industry, from what I know. So I can work in pure animation, games...
  24. sagewolf

    The Unknown

    Hmmm. Perhaps I misworded myself: the Unknown seems to grow, because our perception of it grows as we gain enough knowledge of any given subject to grasp its scope. Obviously it really shrinks, but here it's our view and perception of it that matters, so that's what I was referring to...
  25. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    I don't suppose you could explain again then? From what you said: I feel like that too. My emotions are either all over the place, or buried so deep down inside I don't even feel them. A lot of the time, I'll misread them, because I'm so unused to them generally. A good example is when I'm...
  26. sagewolf

    The Unknown

    *Agrees with everything IB and Ermine said* Part of our fear of the unknown may stem from the fact that the more you find out about the Unknown, the more you realise there is. The amount to be understood doesn't shrink like other, normal, things you gather information about. It just keeps...
  27. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    It may be useful to remember that Psychology is a more practical subject (in terms of getting a job) than Philosophy, which may be one of the reasons it is more popular. Do not do the same thing as my mom and get a nearly completely useless degree... not that Medieval French Literature isn't...
  28. sagewolf

    Do we 'Asperger'?

    We have a thread about this already: INTP and Asperger's I wouldn't say INTPness and Asperger's/autism are the same thing. My brother has mild autism (extremely mild, with a coeliac diet) and my sister has severe. My brother doesn't seem like an INTP in a lot of ways. First, he's extremely...
  29. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    A stupid car rally is in my area and we can't leave the house because the roads are closed. On the plus side, I can't go to school and I have the modem for three weeks straight. On the minus side, it's raining. It's been raining all day. And the Killers' song 'Human' just will not get...
  30. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    What annoys me is the blanket-ban style use of PC phrases. Even if no-one who could possibly be offended by what you say is in the area, and the reason for the offense being taken (were there anyone there to take it) is shakier than a stone monument on stilts, you have to say a certain thing...
  31. sagewolf

    enneagram poll

    5w4, which I thought I'd posted already.
  32. sagewolf

    Good but lesser known games.

    Been a while since I played any games, but here you go: Dunno how you feel about turn-based strategy with a plot to rival RPGs, but I'm a fan of the Fire Emblem series. The most recent is... Shadow Dragon, which is a DS remake of the first FE, although I'm fondly remembering FE7, which was...
  33. sagewolf

    Glad to be Here. I'm NC.

    Then we didn't know each other after all. *shrugs* Well, we do now! Have fun here, if, as I said, it is indeed possible. @cryptonia: (belated) *grin*
  34. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's Thursday. Does that mean we're all cursed now? But Thursday can't be bad! Thursday is CHOIR DAY! :mad: Don't insult choir day! *Starts playing imaginary music on an imaginary trumpet* ImissbandImissbandImissbandImissband
  35. sagewolf

    Glad to be Here. I'm NC.

    Is this the Imp.writers where Melkor is Loki? That's the one I'm on. Also, since every letter of my username is as important as the others, (read: I don't like capitalizing usernames) it's a small s, as if that would make a difference.
  36. sagewolf

    Glad to be Here. I'm NC.

    sagewolf. I'm sagewolf just about everywhere I am. (Except LJ because some jerk stole it from me.)
  37. sagewolf

    Glad to be Here. I'm NC.

    Hey, NightCharm. Welcome to the forum! (Although if you're on Imp.Writers, we've already met, most likely...) Oh well. Have fun. If you can equate what we count as fun with whatever your notion of the word is... :phear:
  38. sagewolf

    INTP FanGirl :)

    Chocky is cool, because it has a K in it. I like that sharp, bitten-off sound. 'Kah!' I have really, really arbitrary reasons for my opinions sometimes. :D
  39. sagewolf

    INTP FanGirl :)

    A video of INTPs? A video of us making *gasp* conversation with another real living human? Or a video of you chasing us around and trying to get us on camera? ;) The complete text of any talk I may ever give to any audience: "Noooo! The light! It burns! No-- don't look at me! Leave me alone...
  40. sagewolf

    I'm having a hypomanic episode and I need to cram in revision for an exam in nine hours, what do I d

    Weeee! I like rushes like that: it's like being chased by something and you just feel so energetic. Good change from my usual apathetic trance. If you can at all, I'd channel that energy into revision. Read it out loud or find some other way to study that doesn't involve sitting down and...
  41. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Current philosophy is "grin and bear it". This school is a stepping stone to where I want to be. Whenever I get sick of it, I picture myself jumping up and down on it like the stepping stone it is, and I feel better. :phear:
  42. sagewolf

    INTP'S creativity

    Yes, but sometimes you're not aware of all the different meanings that find their way into the work. I've found symbolism in stories by other people and they just said "Huh?" when I mentioned it. But it came out. The creative subconscious at work... Just stick something in and it looks nice. You...
  43. sagewolf

    INTP'S creativity

    I get those little flashes too: I'll just have a thought out of nowhere. Mind you, it's not music, it's an idea for a drawing or a story, so I can just get out a piece of paper or foolscap, or, (if I'm at home) turn on the computer and start getting whatever's in my head down without much...
  44. sagewolf

    1000th Post!

    Your user name should be "post machine", actually. Man you're fast! Go Saffy!
  45. sagewolf


    When I'm alone, my voice is really expressive and varying, but then I start talking to someone else-- even a microphone or voicemail-- and I can hear how much flatter it suddenly gets without recording it and listening back. I don't want to know how atrocious it sounds after being recorded. I...
  46. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    If I planned to go to an American college, I would definitely do math at third-level, but doing something at third-level in Ireland means taking at least a two-year course in just that and nothing else. I would love to study math, linguistics, English, creative writing, psychology, sociology...
  47. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    The most valuable education would be one which instilled a desire to learn in people, but I agree: how is more important than the knowledge itself. Teachers are indeed weird sometimes... My math teachers have all been incredibly fun, enthusiastic, stimulating and incredible teachers, which I...
  48. sagewolf

    Hey =) Looking to learn about INTPs

    We're fascinating? O_o Huh. You could probably study me for several days without me noticing that you exist, actually. I am just that interested in the world around me.
  49. sagewolf

    Will life improve at college

    Well, the teachers did choose to stay in education instead of escaping like sensible people. At least the students mostly choose to eventually leave. :D
  50. sagewolf

    INTP'S creativity

    So... Hmmm. Does that mean that more popular views are more likely to come across in artistic work because they are more prevalent and more likely to be expressed, or that certain views are more likely to be taken from those works by people because they are more prevalent among those people...
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