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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    *Attempts to be 'friendly'* .... *looks word up in dictionary* ...Hi? ... *Hides in the corner with Noddy*
  2. sagewolf

    What 'Outside' World?

    I see my personality as my sense of self, my sense of who I intrinsically am regardless of external influences and situations. But I agree that we show different sides of ourselves around different people or groups of people, around casual friends or trusted friends, pets, parents, co-workers...
  3. sagewolf

    What 'Outside' World?

    There's already a really recent thread about that (a fifth function) somewhere or other around here. Ah, but we're Ps with dominant Ti, aren't we? ;) When you said Ps use their perceiving functions to interact with the outside world and Js use their judging function for the same thing, that...
  4. sagewolf

    Lucky Charms

    Just so everyone will actually be able to read that. The background here is kinda dark, you know? So dark font colours don't work so well... I found a cool rock. It travels everywhere in my pencil case because I like it. It's probably not lucky or anything, but it's... sharp. And jabby. And...
  5. sagewolf

    Question for Introverts

    I think those things are small talk, only it's all of them nearly at once, one right after the other. Only, when other people do it, it keeps going, somehow. I do not get that. Mentioning one topic in every different exchange of sentences is bizarre and confusing, and I just can't change topics...
  6. sagewolf

    Do we 'Asperger'?

    The child has never experienced 'normality'; the psychologist/psychiatrist that diagnosed him has no experience of the world he perceives. Medication may do more harm than good, and I would be extremely wary of giving a young child any drug, because of the disproportionate effect it might have...
  7. sagewolf

    Question for Introverts

    Try telling jokes or being really, overtly, utterly unmistakably light-hearted and funny. That's an easy way to get an introvert to see that you're trying to have a conversation with them and be nice/friendly/outgoing. Also, I find (and I think other Is probably do to, judging from the people...
  8. sagewolf

    Background/Social Class ?

    I have no idea. Our situation has been steadily improving over the past few years, so we're comfortable but not rich. Almost anything I can think of that would indicate our class has a 'but' attached to it. So I put middle class, because based on your description, I wouldn't be able to think of...
  9. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    O_o Well, if you really want to go out that way, do you mind us just hacking off your arm and using your humerus? It would save us a graverobbing expedition. ...No, a wolf's den does not have any spare bones just lying around. You cannot have my midnight snacksies. :p
  10. sagewolf

    Social Phobia

    I can hold my own in a conversation of one or two other friends. When the group gets bigger, though, I tend to just drop out and start watching, because I usually doubt I'll get a word in. Public speaking terrifies the heck out of me: I also have a very low, quiet voice so that doesn't help: no...
  11. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    He gives us so much cannon fodder to hit him with that we take a few days or so to run out after he disappears, yes. ;)
  12. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Hey! Implying that INTPness is better than other things is an insult to the members of this forum that aren't INTPs-- you devalue their INFPness or INTJness or whatever else they happen to have!
  13. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    You shouldn't refer to PC-ness when you're trying to be PC. It makes you look insincere. That renders everything you just said on behalf of the insulin-challenged members of society hypocritical and therefore offensive.
  14. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Is that why your face turned into a skull for a while there? ;)
  15. sagewolf

    Expanding the MBTI?

    I thought the crux of introversion/extraversion is how you gain and lose mental energy. An introvert recharges their 'batteries' by being on their own and spending time in contemplative thought or whatever any individual does with their 'me' time, but is drained when they interact with others...
  16. sagewolf


    LOL. :D Literally. Would relationships merit an entire subforum...? Do we pay that much attention to them? I mean, generally, when you post details of your personal relationship on the internet, one assumes you want advice or empathy. We're more likely to get out the Ti scalpel and dissect the...
  17. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    Only because we're all afraid of those...feely-thingies... :eek:
  18. sagewolf

    All People are Random

    I agree, Gorgrim: there are concrete reasons why I am the person I am today. They may be, in a sense, random reasons with no intent or planning behind them, but I am the person I am because of certain factors in my environment making an impression upon my personality and my values and my...
  19. sagewolf

    Text formatting in posts

    Can we have strikethrough as a formatting option? Please? :o
  20. sagewolf

    INTP rants

    I hate it when it snows then rains five minutes later and everything turns to slush. It serves no purpose, looks awful, turns the ground here into a bog, and gets all my trouser hems wet (which, when inside, I have to walk on in socked feet).
  21. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    The words 'low sucrose' are offensive to diabetics, because it implies that there's something wrong with them when in fact it's a medical condition and they can't help it.
  22. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    How to offend a frankfurter in two easy steps: 1)Cover it in relish, ketchup, sauerkraut and/or mustard. 2)Eat it. :cool:
  23. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Carinthian, you have offended me because no-one I am not sensitive by nature and you are obviously unaccepting of the natural diversity in the human race.
  24. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    By which you mean bathtub? (You have offended those who insist on good spelling, unless there is indeed such a thing as a bath tube, in which case I have offended you. Indeed, I will offend you again by saying I don't give a female rat's scrotum whether I offended you or not. :p)
  25. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Agents of evil, darkness and chaos have no honor or pride in themselves. Look at the conversation saffy posted in the random thread. I mean, come on. :p
  26. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    "Classes" is offensive to those who don't live in egalitarian societies: it's not their fault they're segregated by their birth circumstances. And it's hypocritical to ninja someone with a post that complains about being ninja'd. Apologise to me or I'll sue you!
  27. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    He's hiding his rank to lull us into a false sense of security. I am not fooled. He's some kind of secret agent of high rank, posing as a low-level demon to lure in more victims for those he does serve.
  28. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    You should us the word 'subject' more carefully. People aren't meant to be under the control of others anymore, you know: no-one can have 'subjects' nowadays.
  29. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    What, because they're fallen angels, who turned from the path of God and rejected his teachings? That would make them your underlings, so no, we still wouldn't trust them. (oh snap!)
  30. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    The word 'sensitive' is offensive to people with skin problems, so that you know.
  31. sagewolf

    Animation as an artform

    Yes, that's one of the greatest things I think animation has going for it. Everything in animation can be exaggerated, not so that it will mean more, but so that it will mean it more clearly. It's easier to identify with the characters, I think for that reason. 2d animation is my favorite...
  32. sagewolf

    Ne, Ti, and forums

    I know memory itself isn't a function. ;) But our use of memory seems to stem primarily from Si. I agree that Ne is used to make some connections, but it doesn't get half the usage here that it would get IRL. :( Which is bad, because I like my Ne. (Well, bad for me, anyway.)
  33. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Well, since Fukyo is an INFP, we can trust her. She has to go against the grain (of her type) to hurt people. And saffy is an angel: why would INTPs distrust an angel? :p
  34. sagewolf


    I have actually heard the sentence "I'd fuckin' love to fuckin' fuck that fuck" in this country. It gives the impression that they don't know any other word that they could use. Generally if I'm mad I say things like 'flip'. Mainly because I do not want to emulate the above example, but also...
  35. sagewolf

    Animation as an artform

    Wooo! I'm glad you guys have such a positive opinion towards it. I will compose a coherent post when it's not one a.m. x_x
  36. sagewolf

    Silence is Golden

    *reads note, gets up, and duct-tapes Jesin to bannister rail, not forgetting to gag her to preserve the silence* *lies back down* ^o^ Yawn.
  37. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    ...That... ....is... ...just... ...creepy...
  38. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Actually, you know, I'm not surprised.... :phear:
  39. sagewolf

    What evokes feeling in you?

    My iPod is possibly one of the most private things I own. We needed to find iPod docking stations recently for a project (do not ask) and the teacher couldn't believe almost no-one had one. When he asked me "why do you not have one?" I couldn't think of an answer. Why would I have one? It's a...
  40. sagewolf

    Ne, Ti, and forums

    @ Ermine: Yeah, I have problems with my Ne sometimes too, but I'm getting more perceptive all the time. I think things about people, out of the blue. "He's mad." "She's upset." Then I just stand there and wonder what to do about it, so it doesn't really help me much. :D One example that I can...
  41. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Ah, but we already saw it, saffy. Unless... *GASP* There's MORE?! :evil: We'll have the remains sent to your office-- ninth circle, right?
  42. sagewolf

    Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Ah, I see. Victims can't do anything for themselves: they're doomed to be victims forever, no matter what they try. They'll just keep being pathetic and down-trodden all their lives. You go wallow in your superiority over there, where you can't hurt all the victims of the world. This is fun!
  43. sagewolf

    INTP rants

    I hate it when people think they know everything. Especially when they won't even listen to other POVs. I hate it even more when the subject of contention is an actual fact that can be disproven fairly easily. And they just don't care.
  44. sagewolf

    How are You today?

    We'll post when we feel like it! You will not make us post! .... ...Damn. :mad: Today not bad. Had chinese food for dinner. Roughhoused with dog. Made fire all by myself (it's hard without kindling, okay?) Happy now? :p
  45. sagewolf

    INTP in tragedy

    I feel empty at the time (tragedy) , as if it hasn't happened at all. It's later, when I'm thinking about something else that's kind of related, that the loss will hit. I think it has to do with realising what I have actually lost, what that person meant to me. When my grandmother died, I didn't...
  46. sagewolf

    Silence is Golden

    *Stretches out, curls up, and takes a snooze* -.- -.^ :cool: -.-
  47. sagewolf

    How do you feel emotions?

    *Oh snap* ;)
  48. sagewolf

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Scrubs is a hospital sitcom. The main character, JD (Dr. John Dorian, precisely), though, keeps having these bizarre fantasies about anything that catches his mind, like connecting with a German-speaking patient by dancing to the German version of '99 Red Balloons' in his hospital room with red...
  49. sagewolf

    Animation as an artform

    As I'm sure I've said about a zillion times on this forum, I'm planning to study animation next year. But whenever I tell people IRL this, I am asked 'Oh, is that like cartoons? Are you going to work for the Irish Times then?" Ugh. This does not bode well for the artform I am hoping to pursue...
  50. sagewolf

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Scrubs (weird, but funny) Blackadder series (hilarious!) Air Crash Investigation (because I'm morbid) Seconds From Disaster (see above; I like this more than ACI) ....I have no TV signal where I live, so those are my only ones. T.T Either my parents or I have a boxset (Scrubs and BA), or I only...
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