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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Owning tragedy

    I don't think that having other people share in your grief lessens your own, and having people rally around you is probably a good way for a lot of people to cope with tragedy. If you lose something, you get a temporary gain to offset the emotional impact of whatever happened. Helping others is...
  2. sagewolf

    Keeping a Journal

    I've tried to keep journals. I just never manage to stick to it for longer than a fortnight or so. I don't feel comfortable with leaving it around in my room-- I now no-one else ever comes in here, but it's not a travel log, it's for my emotions, and those are private. I don't like leaving them...
  3. sagewolf

    Owning tragedy

    I would be surprised if you hadn't heard of that, Lor-- it's on the national news bulletins here in Ireland. Last I heard it was about... 20, 30 dead? I tend to tune things like news out, but it's a pretty bad number, right? (Just don't go disappearing off the forums any time soon, or we'll all...
  4. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    And it has pretty biishie hair. That was high on your priority list, I'm sure. ;)
  5. sagewolf

    The Game

    *faceplant* The name of this thread is designed to screw up anti-losing streaks...
  6. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Yes. Logical loop; robot partner taken down. Now for the main problem... err, again...
  7. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Breathes fire on Fleur, melting the needles*
  8. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    Just for you, biishie-rin!!
  9. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Grabs Fleur's tail as she falls and clings to her tightly to keep from falling farther*
  10. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    *Claws all the flesh from Melkor's bones and proceeds to crack the bones open afterwards, one by one* Melkor, you taste so good, and you're so nice not to resist as I slowly and painfully kill you!
  11. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Continues petting the doll until it's been shredded beyond all recognition, then throws the fur in the air and leaps on Fleur*
  12. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    All I see is a little blue box with a white question mark in it. :( Awww, Melkie likes my compliments! Well he can have more! He's so kind, and helpful, and thoughtful, and accepting...
  13. sagewolf


    Welcome to both of you. We're insane, but it's a good kind of insane. It makes us feel good and stuffs. Oh, and whatever you see in the Madness Club, don't hold it against me. That is ENTIRELY Fleur's fault. –.–;; *Paint the kitty....paiiiiint the kiiiitiiiiieeee...*
  14. sagewolf

    Hello all

    You filthy hypocrite. :p Sorry, Yossarian, we seem to have turned your welcome thread into yet another 'Insult Melkor' thread. *sigh* *throws a rainbow of Happiness and Cutsiness at Melkor*
  15. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Yeah. He wants to be insulted... Aha! COMPLIMENTING him will hurt him! Like using cure on zombies! Yes! Melkor you RULE!! ^o^
  16. sagewolf

    Music OR Lyrics?

    Lyrics without melody are just words. Music is music, with or without words. I wouldn't listen to music if it weren't music. However, my favorite songs, the ones I listen to over and over and are in nearly every iTunes playlist I have compiled, are ones where I identify with the lyrics, and...
  17. sagewolf

    Why do Emo kids deny being Emo?

    By 'Emo' I assume you mean the social clique-- listening to heavy metal, dressing in black, dyeing your hair black (and straightening it, I think) and such? I could distinguish between an Emo and a Punk, or between an Emo and a... gah... I dunno. I don't know a whole hell of a lot about social...
  18. sagewolf

    Importance of Accuracy

    The standard response I get to such questions (I'm sorry, but I didn't quite understand that, can you rephrase it) is either a look that implies the person thinks I'm an idiot for not following their train of thought perfectly or a look that implies that I've implied that they're idiots for...
  19. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Makes little Fleur dolls out of the hair lying around her and begins petting them too* Preeecioooouuuuusssssss.....
  20. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    No, Grey, it should be a synthetic chemical compound produced to resemble shit. Real shit ould biodegrade and eventually disappear, and then he would nave no brains, and that would kill the resale/collector's value of these things.
  21. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Leaps out of the closet and begins ''petting'' Fleur so that fur comes out with every stroke* Yes....good kitty...good kitty...
  22. sagewolf

    Extroverts, how do you talk so much? And what are you thinking when you're not talking?

    This is all fascinating. You guys bounce ideas off each other and develop them that way. Sounds interesting, and I might try it out sometime to try and get a better idea of it... although I would need to reflect on it later anyway. ;) I can mange to be interested in almost anything, if I'm...
  23. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Scrubs paint off the wall* Fleur is a bad bad kittie! Drawing on my walls... *picks Fleur up and continues scrubbing the paint off the wall with her fur* My god, Fleur, you're scrawny. :p
  24. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    Well, what scales my claws left on your body are nice too, lor. ;) And Noddy you :phear:-ing bastard.
  25. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    *Jumps on Melkor and sets him on fire too* Wheeeee! Burn! (This is friendship? We are twisted little-- Hey! Melkor! You're meant to be dead, so get your sorry butt back here!
  26. sagewolf

    See, to them, you're just a freak... Like me!

    I'm an alien. ...Legally. O_o (I'm not an Irish national, is what I mean. Therefore I am an immigrant alien.) I suppose I do that too, although no matter who I'm talking to I'll announce whatever odd things come into my mind. The people who really see my ability to be outgoing and weird are...
  27. sagewolf

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

  28. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    HUG? Ahhhh... :eep: *Jumps on lor and squeezes, ripping her pretty wings to shreds with wolf-claws*
  29. sagewolf

    Why did you pick your name?

    Ummm. Sage= wise, smart, kick-ass-burn-everything-to-the-ground-class-in-FE. Wolf= Canis Lupus, large canine mammal native to Europe and North America, lives in packs, carnivorous, evolutionary ancestor of the domesticated dog, species which a have a slight obsession with. There...
  30. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    Hooray for Anthille understanding the true nature of the Internet. If it can be imagined, whether in your wildest dreams or darkest nightmares, IT IS THERE. (What do you people care if I'm naked? All that's under the clothes is fur anyway...)
  31. sagewolf

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    @Anling: Gunnerkrigg is the reason that comics, and the internet, were INVENTED. That's what I think.
  32. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bad fleur! Bad kitty! *sprays with water bottle* Get out of my happy place!
  33. sagewolf

    Frickin' Frackin' Persuasive Essays

    Why use rhetorical questions? Everyone knows they're out-of-place, don't they? ;) What's MLA format? Maybe you could find examples and just play up the suckiness of the government where you live, or even the inherent faults and defects in the system itself; write an essay based on how the...
  34. sagewolf

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    Mine is Kat from Gunnerkrigg Court while she builds her two-seater anti-grav aircraft in ONE FRIGGIN' NIGHT so she can rescue Annie. Which is just kind of... Awesome? Pure bloody utter Awesome? Yes. :cool: Kat rules. (Did I mention that the anti-gravity generator is made out of a thermos and...
  35. sagewolf

    What were you like in the womb?

    I kicked my mom a lot, I think. I can't say that I remember it, but I can't say that I remember this morning too accurately. I was probably spending too much time daydreaming and making up fantasies about what my life would be like after I was born to take much stock of my surroundings, knowing...
  36. sagewolf


    I read somewhere or other that 60% of Ts are men and 60% of Fs are female. (Can't remember where, sorry.) But I don't know if that's hormonal or built into the brain or a product of societal conditioning.
  37. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's the 34th rule of the Internet for you. @Fleur: That's MY PLACE! Get out! Get out! Out! Out! Out! (I'm normal too.)
  38. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, you are what you eat, right Noddy? You nudist banana you.
  39. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    *Shows innate and obvious friendliness by taking out a longsword and ripping both Noddy and Melkor in two before burning their bodies to nothing but ash* And before you even say ANYTHING about me inhaling the ash as it floats around in the air, I can't believe you would be so stupid as to think...
  40. sagewolf


    I'm counter-culture insofar as I am counter to the idea of belonging to a culture. ...Did that make sense? Essentially, whenever I notice that I'm starting to fit into a mould some way or another, I change something or other about my outward behaviour in order not to fit. If there were a...
  41. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    Actually, Lor, since we're us, subjecting us to F-ness is possibly the cruellest, most sadistic, horrifying thing that FP and Fukyo could ever have managed in this forum. I mean... the HUGs... What could be worse than that?!? Having a thread devoted to killing each other is nothing compared to...
  42. sagewolf

    See, to them, you're just a freak... Like me!

    Hell yeah! :cool:
  43. sagewolf

    Question for Introverts

    @chocolate: cool. I am actually fairly good at making other people laugh: it's when I just think of something and crack up in class or on the bus. I get weird looks for laughing in the first place and I just know that if I explain why I'm laughing to them they'll start giving me a five-foot...
  44. sagewolf

    See, to them, you're just a freak... Like me!

    Ahahahahah... YES. :mad: Being 'weird' in the same way that everyone else can be weird is well within my abilities, but being weird in a way that I think is me being normal: talking about something but being dead serious about it. They just don't know how to deal with that. Anymore I don't...
  45. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    Awww... poor Fukyo. We've warped your brain forever (see, I told you all we could!). ...I mean, we're very sorry and stuff. @FP: Nah, if he found anything we'd just kill him with it.
  46. sagewolf

    Question for Introverts

    @Da Blob: I suppose that honestly speaking, I don't really find a lot of people's jokes funny. But if they're actually telling me a joke, or if I'm having one of those days and want to be part of a (still always small) group, then I pretend to laugh at things, and no-one can tell the difference...
  47. sagewolf

    Expanding the MBTI?

    The idea of adding the J/P preference was to clarify which of the four preferences were extraverted and which were introverted, and thus in conjunction with the I/E preference, which were dominant, secondary, tertiary and inferior. (I think) Which, since everyone develops their functions at a...
  48. sagewolf

    What type do you get along with best?

    Most of my friends seem to be xNFPs, and there is one boy who I think is an INTP, but I have one friend who I really genuinely think is an SJ. O_o And yet she's this brilliant, funny, thoughtful person who doesn't grate on me at all. She must be an exception.
  49. sagewolf

    Ask an ESFP anything.

    Why did you come here (out of curiosity on my part)? Are we your test subjects or something? What is an ESFP's perception of us? Can I dissect your brain to see how it works?
  50. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    You don't want to help people at all, do you, Fukyo? You want to warp our brains and turn us into altruistic little Fs, just like you. :eek:
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