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Search results

  1. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    It is a simple expedient of allocating animal names to the initials. cf. Astrology. Not that I have any respect for Astrology as a useful science. IXXJ is the Secretary Bird. Although, I am not sure how secretive it is?
  2. Perseus

    INTP humor

    I have sarcasm down as an INTJ trait. Personally, I go straight to caustic and miss out sarcasm, which I have never ever used and I am not quite sure how to?
  3. Perseus


    PS: Quite a few people in Human Resources think that personality profiling is not quite the business. I think it is dismissed as "primitive thinking". However, I suspect they fail to realise the implications for personal growth. Or it is too tricky for the run of the mill Earthlings. I...
  4. Perseus

    What type of profiles of offenders and victims do Forensic Psychologists use?

    Although, it is difficult to prise out the secret information, the conventional psychiatric, perhaps Millon is used in the UK. However, jailmates know about the Pony (ESFJ) girls and some psychologists know about the Weasel (malignant or corrupted or compromised ENFP). Dutch Police Officers...
  5. Perseus


    I am positively NOT a self harmer. Never occurred to me as anything other than stupid. Have you seen the film "The Secretary" ? which is meant to be classed as psychological, but it is boring soft porn. I think more of murdering Cassiopeia than self harm.
  6. Perseus

    Simple Quiz Question for INXPs

    This is is more pertinent for INFPs. What are Crocodile Tears? This is along the lines of "is the glass half full or half empty" It is , of course, "half full of liquid and half full or air"
  7. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    The Snake (ENTP) feathers up to become an Eagle.
  8. Perseus


    How do you score on the Paragon Grid http://www.oswego.edu/plsi/16TYPE.htm This is the best guide. http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=652&highlight=paragon Andy http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ There's a Hole in Reality through which We Can Look if We Wish Introvert 8...
  9. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    The Secretary Bird (IXXJ) is a good choice. She is not a goer.
  10. Perseus


    Beware of sudden shocks with Panthers (ESTP). You may be surprised one day, or shocked or distraught.
  11. Perseus

    Who are You? *inside*

    Perseus http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ Phoenix XNXP from Neptune http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ Andy http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ There's a Hole in Reality through which We Can Look if We Wish
  12. Perseus

    Where are you from?

    Perseus http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ Phoenix XNXP from Neptune http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ depending on morph-shifting Cheers Andy Horton. glaucus@hotmail.com Shoreham-by-Sea (West Sussex, England, UK) http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Shoreham.html
  13. Perseus

    What type of profiles of offenders and victims do Forensic Psychologists use?

    What type of profiles of offenders and victims do Forensic Psychologists use? Conventional psychiatric or the Millon existential system? Or Myer-Briggs? Or a mixture? Or something different? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081212075530AAvZnFO Specify nation please?
  14. Perseus

    You Know Don't You?

    You do know the Engineer's answer to question is the glass half full or half empty?
  15. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    The trouble with the Ferret is she can try and Weasle out of it.
  16. Perseus

    Stalking Horse

    I have hired a psychologist. It is now a psychologist + me v psychologists battle. The Police are there to prevent murder. I have now planned a counter measure to one possibility. Offer gifts as an appeasement to the attacker, gifts with a hidden venom. They offered me gifts and I smashed...
  17. Perseus

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    The Mongoose (ENFP) torments the Snake (ENTP).
  18. Perseus

    Stalking Horse

    Yep the Watch. They watch around whilst the mayhem goes on and then prosecute te Scapegoats (ESFJ thickos).
  19. Perseus

    Stalking Horse

    Mostly psychological. The Police have only been called twice. A danger of being murdered is possible. I have been nearly killed once and suffered brain damage (not yet recovered). This was by proxy partly as a result of the mailicious rumours spread by the stalker.
  20. Perseus

    Stalking Horse

    How do INTPs deal with psychological stalkers please? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalking I have got a blown psychotic stalker on my case. In danger.
  21. Perseus

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    It is about time you sent a picture. I have not got time for chatting around. INTP small talk aversion tendency. Time is in too short supply to idle around in chat rooms.
  22. Perseus

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I do not sleep very much at all. But I get people in my dreams a lot, and I take it they are sending me messages. Very disturbing, they can be as well.
  23. Perseus

    interactions with ENFJ

    I got punched in the head by one of these, but this was partly my fault. We do not see eye to eye. They have different emotional/spiritual needs to us.
  24. Perseus

    INTP Writers

    I propose Roald Dahl was an INTP. With a touch of ESTP in his earlier years? I am not so sure of my ground here. Intuition says and close analysis may not bear this out as correct?
  25. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    An ENFP Mongoose is great, but can she control her emotions? This is when the Feeling level is high and Thinking is almost non-existent at times, even thinking about emotions. In this way they can resemble the ESFJ young Pony, except the Perception is more like an Artisan. If the Intuition is a...
  26. Perseus

    Archetypal Men & Women

    The animal types came from my creative side of my mind.
  27. Perseus

    Weird mind state(s)

    She entered the room and created a Buzz. What has the Queen Bee (ESFP) been up to now ? (who has she been shagging?) But around the Pet Shop Boys, such activity does not even create a stir.
  28. Perseus

    Do this apply to you?

    ENFP the Ferret is my preferred role as Colombo the Detective at Fancy Dress parties.
  29. Perseus

    How computer literate are YOU?

    We could a web designer on the Small Publisher forum to exchange technical stuff when I/we have forgotten how to do it. http://publisher.jiglu.com/ Most of the members have not progressed to Flash or even CSS. Started early and have not kept up. Can any money be made out of web pages...
  30. Perseus

    Lucky Charms

    Apotropaic magic From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Gorgoneion) The ancient blue and white "Nazar boncuğu" symbol, a stylised eye thought to "avert evil", appears on this contemporary airplaneApotropaic magic is a ritual observance that is intended to turn away evil. It...
  31. Perseus

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    My best intution backed up by insufficient evidence, is lack of parents, or lack of parental or family or society support, leads to the extreme characters like INFP and INTP, ENTP. The male head of the family is traditionally the Guardian in western society. Guardians understand rules and...
  32. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I think the INFP Dragon is a bit problematical as well. Dragon at the extreme Feeling end goes Heart to Head and the Eagle goes Head to Heart. I expect (my intuition) says that extreme Feeling types may cause problems for the Rationals. It is how to cater for their emoptional needs, and lots of...
  33. Perseus

    Archetypal Men & Women

    Native Americans did not have the system in Britain and America. Continental Europe is not so defined either. As well as the Horsemen (ESFJ), the Bullies (ESTJ), Wolfman (ENTJ) and Hawks (INTJ) reinforce the system. Even Dragons (INFP) and Religious Eagles with a Broken Wing (INTP) have been...
  34. Perseus

    Archetypal Men & Women

    It is the Horsemen ESFJ who do this. See their profile for the importance of gender allocation with this personality. ESFJs incorporate many of the traits that are associated with women in our society. However, male ESFJs will usually not appear feminine at all. On the contrary, ESFJs are...
  35. Perseus

    Archetypal Men & Women

    I did a test conversation with a ESXJ woman. She had a much more clearly defined gender allocation roles that NPs who do not seem a damn either way, unless conditioned otherwise (and they might try to fit in by pretending). Phoenix XNXP from Neptune The Ferret or Ermine ENFP has the same...
  36. Perseus

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: Which type of INTP are you? I have added two rare types. The Recluse. Hides away in a fortress. The Thespian. A serious actor rather that the travelling performer. (These can be mistaken for Gypsies and persecuted.) The essence of all types is they are hated by the Horsemen (ESFJ)...
  37. Perseus

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    Beware of a Dragon (INFP) with a lowish intuition. They are Cat-like (ISFP) and incompatible. This is the biggest problem. They can regress to Sensing mode with too much sex. A Snail should be OK, as she does not get enough sex, outside of a Harem. Lives in a tumulus (on a hill) with her...
  38. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Cat v Eagle A section is devoted to using this information with problem solving and communication. All eight functions are needed when dealing with problems. Here is where the value of the combined skills of a group are shown to be greater than those of the individual, assuming the group...
  39. Perseus


    Hellp Please sign on at http://www.stansco.com/ if you want a game. I cannot get any of the other sites to work to my satisfaction. This one has the simplest format. Andy
  40. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    The Mongoose (ENFP) torments the Snake (ENTP). Type Relationships says Companion. Companion similar modes of expression: bear each other's company well Puff the Magic Dragon (Malignant INFP) terrorises the Snake.
  41. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    How the malignant Weasel (ENFP) is Made and other Stories How the malignant Weasel (ENFP) is Made and other Stories She (or he) starts off as an honest Ferret and marries a Horseman (because she is so keen on new experiences like sex, and the Horses are the randiest players around) and...
  42. Perseus

    Lord of the rings!

    Just because we cannot run after and chase you doesn't mean we cannot talk to one another, and one of us could trip you up or bash you on the bonce with a branch. Beware of an angry Dryad! http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/07/angry-dryad.html The mechanism in science in which they...
  43. Perseus

    Lord of the rings!

    The Ent behavior was stupid. Tolkien got than one wrong. For someone who knows about Animism in Nature through experience. Tolkien was right about the pre-Romans in England speaking Latin in the towns though (my opinion: the linguists have now been proved wrong on their native extermination...
  44. Perseus

    INTPs at Critical Stress

    Hello, INTPs at Critical Stress Eagles don't howl, they utter a caustic precision sound. However, although the utterer may be in great distress, it does not come across like this to other people. Only other Eagles can hear the sound of distress. This did sound caustic. It was not very...
  45. Perseus

    INTP The Wizard

    I have decided that the best mate is the ENFP Ferret, but it might not last a lifetime. INTPs at Critical Stress Eagles don't howl, they utter a caustic precision sound. However, although the utterer may be in great distress, it does not come across like this to other people. Only other...
  46. Perseus

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Dreams with people in them are messages. Others are messages from the Gods. They reflect the unconscious emotions of the Others.
  47. Perseus

    Intp~the perfect criminal?

    Bears (ISTP) are frequently criminals. I suspect that INTPs would make good criminals and if they were bullied or blocked at an early age, they could adopt the criminal lifestyle. Most of the violent criminals are ESFJ Horses. The drug dealers are this type often. I have known INTJ...
  48. Perseus

    INTP depression prone?

    My intuition would say the Chameleon would be a INXP with a lowish Thinking score. I would intuit that INTPs with the higher thinking scores would be more prone to ordinary depression. Serious clinical depression is different though. This distress would cause inferior and shadow functions...
  49. Perseus

    Female INTPs

    Beware of the Groovy Cats! Click on cats for the link. The Eagle will not understand when the Cat wanders off to get what she needs in bed on an away day.
  50. Perseus

    Relation between Jung and Freud ’Unification theory of classic psychology’

    Freud is sort of family orientated and Jung appears to either the older group or younger people like INTPs who did not have a close family life. Freud does not mean much to me. Transference belongs to both worldviews.
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