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Search results

  1. Perseus


    If you are fully fledged operating ENTP Snake, you will spook all Horsemen (ESFJ), be in danger of attack from Unicorns, Petrolheads (Taxi Drivers, Bus Drivers, White Van Men), Spitting Camels, and their agents. You may drive, but you will not be married to your car.
  2. Perseus


    Bovines are ESTJ. I have seen one of these beat up an INTP because she wanted to go to the party and the ESTJ forbade it. She went any way: http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/11/chapter-27-pet-shop-bears.html The description is not very good on this one. I was concentrating on the caustic...
  3. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    Cathouse: ISFP type whores, maybe run by a Panther ESTP Doghouse: ISTP types.
  4. Perseus

    Existential Crisis

    And now all four Bruces launch into the Philosopher's song) Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant who was very rarely stable. Heideggar, Heideggar was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table. David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel. And Whittgenstein was a beery swine who...
  5. Perseus


    In the local Carnivore Society we are allowed to drink lots of beer and cider and to eat potatoes. Somebody sneaked a pea on to the Chairman's plate and he was sick!
  6. Perseus


    Does it have speaker notes and what are the hyperlinks like?
  7. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    ISTPs tend to be superficial, but, of course, they do not notice themselves, and the Wolfman (ENTJ) is apt not to differentiate them either. I don't know whether that is because he is impatient (probably), can't be bothered (just as likely) or genuinely cannot tell the Artisan from the Rational?
  8. Perseus

    Androdgony anyone?

    Cognition between the sexes is not very much different, and the Feeling 60% female 40% male is hardly a social trend and there are plenty of hard-nosed bitches on the "D" train. But why aren't there women snooker players in the professional game?
  9. Perseus

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    Another way to get below par marks in these sort of tests is to have poor eyesight or the wrong spectacles. I have even got lower marks for daydreaming during the tests. But as an employer (in the past) I paid quite a lot of attention to IQ results. And I tended to ignore realms of examination...
  10. Perseus


    On the contrary, your archetype is your personality type (in greater detail). e.g Loser: Vulture Religious: Albatross Golden: Golden Eagle Nerd: Buzzard Realist: Peregrine PS: I am not quite sure of the semantics. A bit of Devil's Advocate here. An archetype (pronounced...
  11. Perseus

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    IQ tests are accurate enough for any group bar ENTP/INTP. I come out as 122/126. The only reason why they are not accurate for our group as we get bored with them and could not really care a damn about the results. Unlike the INTJ-ENTJs.
  12. Perseus

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

  13. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    Hello, Has anybody been mistaken for a ISTP ? Sport I do not want to go to the Cathouse, Teddy's Bear's Picnic or the Barbecue (Ceremonies of the Horsemen).
  14. Perseus

    Change is Now

    That's what I said to the Bear (Queen of Hearts).
  15. Perseus

    What evokes feeling in you?

    Feelings experienced most often are 1) sexual pressure 2) goodwill ambience 3) seething anger Less often 4) hatred by others 5) endomorphins from others (sometimes unwanted) 6) caustic explosions of anger 7) extreme logic distress (4th inferior) 8) sexual activity and fucking 9) creepiness...
  16. Perseus

    Dealing With Stress From Work

    All OK. But ENFJ women may (or may not?) may have synthesised/subliminated some rather rigid ideals/opinons/atttitudes compared to the INTP. The INFJ has to regress if she has a partner. And then change:rolleyes: partners.
  17. Perseus

    INTP vs INTJ

    The main behavioural difference between a INTP and a INTJ I have observed is that the INTP will not manoeuvre secretly behind your back (in normal circumstances).
  18. Perseus


    Does anybody use Powerpoint for presentations? I am not very keen on this limited software. Is there a better program for presentations? The Speaker Notes on my old version could not be seen very well on-screen.
  19. Perseus


    It think the idea is you go to the wilderness to discover yourself and then the elders opf the tribe decide who you are. cf. Native Americans: Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Hawkeye etc. In my Modern Animism terminology, INTPs are likely to take the archetypal role of Eagle, Albatros, Condor, or...
  20. Perseus


    This is the Sage of the Idealist Dragon (INFP) goal. Not for me. I call this Elip Tilicum.
  21. Perseus


    My archetype morph-shifts from Perseus to the Phoenix, although I think I am really Perseus going through a bad phase. The trouble is Perseus is not actually allowed to go around killing adversaries in modern society or turning them to stone*. So I might be a damaged Phoenix by default. It is...
  22. Perseus

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes Constantly getting laid are the Pet Shop Boys, although this usually refers to Artisans (SP) or Horsemen (ESFJ). It is a farmyard. Insulting.
  23. Perseus

    Dealing With Stress From Work

    Dealing With Stress From Work How do you deal with work-related stress? Each personality type has different stressors and copes in different ways. Better understanding of your own stressors and coping mechanisms can help you reduce the tension and anxiety work stress often creates...
  24. Perseus


    Strategy is meant ot be the strong point for INTPs. We lose out on tactics and silly mistakes and sometimes we get bored with the end game.
  25. Perseus

    Change is Now

    ANALYSTs are anti-authoritarian iconoclasts, continually questioning how and why things are done a particular way. The ANALYST sees life's journey as architecture and invention: ``building the better mousetrap.'' ANALYSTs are revisers, critics, planners, boat-rockers, changers, idea-people...
  26. Perseus


    Hello, A separate group for relationship discussions.
  27. Perseus

    Do this apply to you?

    I was a compulsive reader outside the curriculum, but I had to go to work (in a mundane job) to afford to buy the books.
  28. Perseus


    Each animal type has its own method and frequency, e.g. the Horsemen ESFJ is very likely to do a straight facial attack with his fists, whereas the Eagle INTP is more likely to use the glass in the face. The Eagle being the more dangerous when roused to extremes, but the Horsemen is roused by...
  29. Perseus

    What type do you get along with best?

    I have gone off Ferret (ENFP) girls, they turn Weasle too easily. Weasles are fatal to extroversion ENTP and are a bit inhibiting for the Eagle INTP at the watering holes. I just did not realise how much trouble they can cause. Aided and abetted by Guards (SJ) and Irrationals (SF).
  30. Perseus

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes No, its real. The Guards (SJ) hate you/me/us and you had better get that through your head. Satire is a side issue. The real issue is to hide your true intentions and don't wear your heart on your sleeve like an Idealist (NF). These Guardian bastards will ambush in a...
  31. Perseus

    Do this apply to you?

    Pass. I didn't go to school after the age of 14. England 1960s. This was illegal but they didn't want me there disrupting the classes, so they turned a blind eye. Popped in to do a few exams which I passed if they did not require rote learning, or actually reading the set books.
  32. Perseus

    Eye issues

  33. Perseus

    Wild Cathedral Evening

    Hello, Late at night debating about the only card-carrying INTP, with excessive NP, which album of Bob Dylan's is mostly Eagle distress screeching without modification to the tastes of musicians rather than nature? My vote is for Another Side of ...
  34. Perseus

    Please help for my sleep issue

    Can't say I have ever got over this problem, except when I can't get to sleep at all.
  35. Perseus

    What other type irritates you the most?

    The Wolfmen ENTJ cause a lot of trouble because they are in positions of power (like the Sheriff of Nottingham). And they do not use Extroverted Feeling, our fourth inferior (Robin Hood), but their fourth shadow process. The Hawk INTJ is the deputy. I had better shoot him as well! I have got him...
  36. Perseus

    INXP Girls

    Bear (ISTP) hugs can put a strain on your system. Called "Straining up under the Bear". 'My Jack of Hearts disappeared and I was left with the Seven of Spades', she said, fiddling with her silver crucifix, hung like badge of distress around her neck. I scarpered before I got kicked in the head.
  37. Perseus

    Sayings of the INTP

    If something can be proven, it can also be not proven. We are all innocent and we are all guilty, but you cannot say that to the Horseman, because he always thinks he is right and everybody else is wrong. It is Irrational (SF).
  38. Perseus

    Sayings of the INTP

    This is the Bitch
  39. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    The system has not been developed properly yet. e.g ESFJ standard is the Horse (or Pony if young) (see Tantric Asian sex videos if in doubt) but variants include the Camel with different levels of Feeling/Thinking from the wild Mustang Sally (thinking is low, sometimes not operating at...
  40. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I am beginning to think that I am INTP in the real world, but INFP with relationships. The Feeling/Idealist bit is my vulnerability ot Emotional Devastation, and my lack of resolution. Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFP's natural partner...
  41. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Modern Animism World (Latest Revision) http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/07/modern-animism-world-latest-revision_25.html
  42. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the INTP's natural partner is the ENTJ, or the ESTJ. The INTP's dominant function of Introverted Thinking is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Thinking. The INTP/ENTJ...
  43. Perseus

    INFP relying on thinking judgement?

    If under distress you become critical and with a tendency to impulsive action, I would class you down as INFP. A Dragon from bitter waters. Myself, I become over-emotional but it would need more alcohol than good for my health to make me be impulsive. However, my thinking is not high and I...
  44. Perseus


    I found the web page on my own. Spoiled is ESFJ, perhaps ISFP.
  45. Perseus


    ESFP Rainy Day Women: they are used to it.
  46. Perseus

    What type do you get along with best?

    Although I am going through a bad period right now, my friends in the past (some have betrayed me) have been an Owl INTJ (untrustworthy and secretive), Skylark INFJ (had too many of his own problems), Hawk INTJ (too busy and a bit vain), IXTP (better at detail, better memory, but much less...
  47. Perseus

    What other type irritates you the most?

    You won't like Cats ISFP. It is the SF Irrational versus the NT Rational which means they always get the wrong end of the stick.
  48. Perseus

    Dream woman/girl or man/boy

    Found one like this. She was Pony though and I had a lucky escape after a sleepless night (to avoid a fight). Pony girls (ESFJ) do not understand body language. They are fucking ridiculous.
  49. Perseus

    Doing LSD downunder

    What is the Dreamin? Is it like 40 days in the wilderness or the dream periods of the Native Americans?
  50. Perseus

    Fantasy Literature

    Then there is the Sore Dragon: But strange and peculiar things can happen in the night. Yikes! there are ghosts around. The cupboard beneath the stairs began to creak alarmingly. And then this creeping pitter-patter of feet. it was a sound that didn't come from human feet. What strange...
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