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Search results

  1. Perseus

    INTP Characteristics

    The Legal Advice team asked, and I replied (I had to qualify): White Caucasian male, hetereosexual, income low, savings zilch, English (ancestry believed to be Kentish south), normal number of digits on hands and feet, psychedelic (strong NP), Religion (I said Pass): henotheism, propensity for...
  2. Perseus

    INTP FanGirl :)

    The Kitten (ISFP) clashes with the Eagle (INTP). This is the worst possible match for our types. It is same Irrational v Rational problem we face. A Kitten with as high IQ is an apprentice Dinosaur (XNTP var.). I had a dream about one once. The Lizard (ENTP) is slightly more introverted than...
  3. Perseus

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    Send in the Mongoose (ENFJ var.)
  4. Perseus

    Hey =) Looking to learn about INTPs

    From personal experience, the Wolf Lady (ENTJ) is the worst offender for this. Don't scrabble around in the undergrowth for the key though. Walk away. She will probably decide on the size of your bank account. Go Dutch.
  5. Perseus

    Eight Functions

    The Wolfman (ENFJ) thinks the Horseman (ESFJ) or Pony Girl is the Devil (4th shadow process of Extroverted Thinking).
  6. Perseus

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    They are spooky. That's what the four-legged beasties say!
  7. Perseus

    INTP FanGirl :)

    I see ENTPs as Snakes, if extreme, and Lizards if not so extreme. Forays into this world on an Extroversion trip. Much the same thing happens to a Chocolate Snake as a Marzipan Dragon (INFP).
  8. Perseus

    The Killer Mouse that Contaminates

    The Killer Mouse that Contaminates Beware the ISFJ, for if you want a taste of hell before you die, they will give it to you with a sweet smile and a kiss. http://tinyurl.com/btgq6x
  9. Perseus

    Hey =) Looking to learn about INTPs

    Iganokami's Guide to the INTP Mate http://homepage.mac.com/bahlberg/iblog/B1386252977/C707866389/E447100039/index.html
  10. Perseus

    Maybe not a mental illness

    Psi Cops dispense these poisons.
  11. Perseus


    I have not yet heard a good idea come out of brainstorming yet. It is just a process to let off steam. On a ENTP trip, I can come out with latent ideas, but it is not the best way to portray them.
  12. Perseus

    Type Distribution

    Type Distribution Approximate type distribution as reflected in a 1998 random sampling of 3,009 out of 16,000 completed Forms M. ISTJ - 11.6% Inspector ISFJ - 13.8% Protector INFJ - 1.5% Counselor INTJ -2.1% Mastermind ISTP - 5.4% Crafter ISFP - 8.8% Composer INFP - 4.4% Healer...
  13. Perseus

    Yet another 'am I really an INTP' thread

    Don't go to the Picnic (important bit, that's for Teddy Bears ISTP). Refuse the advances if the Mother and run off with the Daughter on a Wayward Bus. the Graduate
  14. Perseus

    Hey =) Looking to learn about INTPs

    The INTJs will judge you. Mislead them with complexity.
  15. Perseus

    Slow Hand

    Religious Fanatic: http://tinyurl.com/yb4ufj This type has given internal logic up for the external imposition of logic. This is usually due to severe bullying and ridicule as a child, which causes this INTP to be crushed to an empty shell – the perfect vessel for religion. These INTPs have no...
  16. Perseus

    Non American Films

    "Get Carter" (UK version) set in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
  17. Perseus

    Expanding the MBTI?

    Political beliefs are like an overlay program on top of the PersonalityType Operating System. Like the tribe or gang (or school) that you belong to.
  18. Perseus

    Will life improve at college

    Number Five says it is all just a cosmic joke and you could get laid.
  19. Perseus

    Will life improve at college

    Diogenes was not a bright as Socrates. The Commander in Cheif must have been standing on the side of the Sun, putting Diogenes in his shadow.
  20. Perseus

    How you listen to music...

    Good question as I have got to move into the new millennium. I have been using cassette tapes for years, but the players are broken. Just poor quality ones. I have got to set up a new system. I could use an auxiliary computer but it might need a decent sound card and speakers. I thynk I would...
  21. Perseus

    I am a fish

    Just remembered, I played Chess against an NP (diagnosed with mental problems). He beat me (after I refused a draw) at Chess and was going to college to study Law (which was a decision I should have made, if I had the opportunity, which I didn't). NPs get diagnosed as weird because the...
  22. Perseus

    I am a fish

    Quenk says that occasionally people (by job circumstances) use their auxiliary function as their main function all the time. They could say they are acting "out of type"., I did this myself for five years and I was extremely depressed. I have seen a Skylark (INFJ) acting in this way and he has...
  23. Perseus

    Maybe not a mental illness

    Are you feeling Mad, Bad or Sad today? Mental illness is an illusion (very cleverly engineered) created by the Fraudians to protect the interests of the right wing (see Political Compass). Melancholia is just a reaction to avoidant behaviour of the other. If you are feeling depressed smash...
  24. Perseus

    I am a fish

    Animal types (simplified version) 16 x 12 = 192 at least, but it is really much more than that. Most people will be XXXX as near as damn it ??? e.g. (Hypothetical) I 7 N 6 T 5 P7 Strictly a Dragon INFP but near lots of others. Scale is 1 to 12.
  25. Perseus

    I am a fish

    The worst thing for an INTP is a ISFP. Nothing wrong with Dragons INFP other than that are a bit close to the Cats ISFP. There seems to be something wrong with every sort of relationship, but beware of ISTP females. If you want to visit the Cathouse it is up to you. The watering hole is the...
  26. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I would report that all my relationships have quickly ended in disaster with SJ Guardians and SF Irrationals, not so quickly in one case. I am not even sure I can be see eye to eye to NJs, NPs seem to be essential. ENTP, INTP, ENFP, INFP. Snake, Eagle (?), Ferret, Dragon (?). However...
  27. Perseus


    Hobbits (Rabbits) are ISXJ with a Sensing score on the low side, nearly Intuitive.
  28. Perseus


    Very good. Seperate animals with four legs from the flying types. Many people can shape-shift which just means variations in type according to circumstances, the most typical being the change to Extroversion. Spiders are ESFP in a different phylum.
  29. Perseus

    Scenes in Films

    39 Steps, the scene on the bridge (I'm afraid of heights), and there are a handful of tasteful touches in this film, including the waiter with the tray on the train. Das Boot is sprinkled with scenes, from the rowdy party at the beginning and when they are trapped at the bottom of the...
  30. Perseus

    One Night Stands

    Personal preference: Bad sex is better than no sex ? Yes or No ? Perservere: might get it together in the end. Except the Pony (ESFJ) girls don't understand this and all they want is a rough service. They can stay on the "D" train and I can keep my reputation.
  31. Perseus

    INTP faults?

    Replying to questions in mysterious animal metaphors Not finishing my sentences Interrupting conversations when not wanted Not responding to manipulation in a predicted manner Caustic acid remarks when irate Staring at people (this one is without foundation) Looking at people in a peculiar...
  32. Perseus

    INTP faults?

    I get accused of being reticient and withdrawn and living in my shell. When I get out of my shell, I get accused of being irritating and told to get into my shell again. Green Turtle XNTP
  33. Perseus

    INTP vs INTJ

    Self confident to the state that they think they are always right and dismiss the ideas of other people. Why they get hated is because they no fully well that others are opposed to their views and go secretly behind the backs of others. Their weakness is that Snakes (ENTP) can put ideas into...
  34. Perseus


    INTJs (who think they are always right) could be a Lych OWL in a "necromancer" darkness variant. Necromancer from the recommended fantasy writer Clark Ashton-Smith. Later writers like Frank Herbert (INTJ imitators) copied his style (outright plagiarism in places). CA Smith was INTP with very...
  35. Perseus


    The Devil is the fourth Shadow process.
  36. Perseus

    I am a fish

    Modern Animism Morph Changes under Stress Underwater Divination I knew that under minor difficulties that people adapt and can morph-change through different types. What I did not realise that under trauma, the functions are so messed up (possibly to the fourth inferior function [Quenk]...
  37. Perseus

    Jungian type prayers?

    I have seen these before. They have proven to be very accurate forecast of behaviour. One of the best ways of ascertaining the personality type of another. I am struggling with "let me do it my way". The adversaries are the Sheriff (ENTJ) and his Deputy (INTJ). ENFP is behaving like...
  38. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Some types should have a health warning attached, notably the horseplay and disease of the ESFJ, but I am having strong doubts about Ferrets and the Weasel tribe (ENFP). Also just about all Irrationals (SF) and the whores in the Cathouse (ISFP). ESFP (Butterflies) are Rainy Day Women.
  39. Perseus

    Bewildered (Coughing Blues)

    SF = Irrational
  40. Perseus

    LSD Thread

    It is about being accused of being "high", out of this world type of thing. That's cause they are sensors.
  41. Perseus


    Dwarves are Artisans using trees in their furnaces. The Sylan Elves live in the forets and protect the trees. Seven hundred elves from out the wood Foul and grim they were He felled the oak, he felled the birch, the beech nor poplar spared And much was grieved the sullen elves at what...
  42. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    Do they? Para-annoyed, I get. Sometimes called "Beside Ourselves" (Quenk) para- | par | pref.1 Bef. a vowel or h also par-. [Gk para, par- beside, beyond, past, (in comb. also) to one side, amiss, irregular, and expr. subsidiary relation, alteration, etc.] 1 Esp. Anat. & Med. Denoting...
  43. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    The Snake (ENTP) according to the Perseus way of seeing things, is said to "feather up" to INTP when his support is usurped by the hoodlums, petroleheads, horsemen etc. (ESFJ) and the Christians etc.
  44. Perseus


    Introvert 8 Intuitive 10 Thinker 7 Perception 11 Paragon Scale 1-12 In this theory, most people would be rather average and my IQ of 122/126 may reflect my Thinking level of 7, although the Thinking has to be applied. I should really be Level 8 based on my IQ results, but I probably lose one...
  45. Perseus

    I am not a Fucking Mechanic

    Friday, 25 July 2008 Modern Animism World (Latest Revision) Modern Animism World (Latest Revision) The World of Modern Personality Types: > ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers] Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy. > ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3%...
  46. Perseus


    Re-assessment Extroversion - Introversion Support (or lack of) for self expression in the community Sensing - Intuition Observation - learned Knowledge of the world Feeling - Thinking Applied IQ (as measured by tests) Judging - Perception The most difficult one to explain. How...
  47. Perseus


    I get like this when I am drunk. Extroversion, but after awhile I become exhausted. Also, the Horsemen (ESFJ) get spooked. They want to be in control and an ENTP is in control of his own destiny and has sewer plugs in his ears. He gets so carried away that he fails to notice envious Irrationals...
  48. Perseus


    You could refer to them according to their DNA sequences. The Nerd
  49. Perseus


    Aikodo has been adopted by at least one Wolfman (ENTJ) adversary. These bastards have learned it is the fashion and latched on to it.
  50. Perseus

    Existential Crisis

    Nihilism would be verboten to mature INTPs. You cannot make architecture out of nothingness.
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