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Search results

  1. INeedToPee

    INTPs and Ants

    no particular interest for ants from me. they're just not very exceptional or interesting to me. they are a nuisance to me if anything. one time at camp the camp leader/counselor (whatever he was called) told us they were edible. so i thought "cool, i wonder what they taste like" picked one up...
  2. INeedToPee

    Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon (The Anthem)

    you're definitely not alone on that one, i think it's just that we're always thinking of new possibilities and thus we are more oblivious than our peers. sometimes i would walk into a convenience store for something like, let's say, a bottle of lemonade. i would walk around browsing and thinking...
  3. INeedToPee

    What are you waiting for?

    waiting for this damn hurricane to pass, i hate being locked up at home all day despite my introversion :storks:
  4. INeedToPee

    Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon (The Anthem)

    kid cudi just seems to get us... when you say imagining stuff, you don't mean hallucinating do you? :eek: i mean, imagination doesn't sound unhealthy or anything
  5. INeedToPee

    What's sexy about an INTP?

    'sexy' is subjective (beauty is in the eye of the beholder.) we're probably not going to appeal to everyone, but i think our best qualities would be our independence and nonchalant attitudes (outwardly at least, but inwardly we are fucking intense people :cool:). people think im some sort of...
  6. INeedToPee

    Eye Contact?

    for me, i learned to do it out of necessity. i used to have low(er) self esteem and i wouldn't look at the person while speaking, but i think the way i started out was by doing a death glare kind of thing. but eventually it came more naturally to me. in a way (i don't know how to explain it) i...
  7. INeedToPee

    INTP cashier? + Minimum wage jobs suggestions?

    in interacting with people, you're going to be using Fe for sure but it's not like you have to come off as an Fe-dom or anything like that. Being friendly isn't a requirement for a job like that. I think the bigger problem you will face is boredom. your Ne will probably hate the stagnant nature...
  8. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    ooh i see. definitely, i have a wide array of interests, even if i dont have the time/attention span to go in depth with each of them. i embrace my Ne often :D
  9. INeedToPee

    Journey to find my type...help required!

    DISCLAIMER: ive only started reading about MBTI a few months ago. im posting so i can compare my results with others. its a part of my learning process. with that being said, i suspect that you are an INTP uncertainty, sounds P (maybe xNxP - Ne) knack for problem solving, possible T not ExSx...
  10. INeedToPee

    What genres do you prefer?

    electrohouse, prog. house, old school hip hop, hiphop, trance, dnb, alt. rock, and then random tracks that ive heard over the internet i like that quote! its a thought ive always had but ive never put into words
  11. INeedToPee

    Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon (The Anthem)

    yup, that song is great. Ratatat (the duo he collaborated with on that song) makes nice electronic music if you're into that sound. yeah, i never really cared for day n night tbh. his music appealed to me because of that unique style he has (and also the weed :smoker:). that whole album is...
  12. INeedToPee

    Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon (The Anthem)

    http://youtu.be/ngwSAgewU_o a beautiful track...spine chilling melody (instrumental for this song is Nosaj Thing's Aquarium) but i can really relate to the lyrics. they're so INXX i think kid cudi is either an INFJ or INTP. INxx for sure, but I'm certain he uses Fe-Ti
  13. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    what do you mean, academically or in another sense? or rather "why?" that would help me understand what you mean better
  14. INeedToPee

    Understanding MBTI and becoming less misanthropic

    LOL that was a joke in reply to "we should have sex" >_> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=a%2Fs%2Fl is that what you were asking about?
  15. INeedToPee

    Spotting ENFX

    i see these qualities in my ENFP and ENFJ friends too. i remember calling ENFJ out for being "artifical" and he genuinely didn't understand what i was talking about. i didn't know about jungian functions at the time, but looking back, i understand what i was thinking at the time. as for...
  16. INeedToPee

    Understanding MBTI and becoming less misanthropic

    doesn't sound dismissive, i do it all the time. i try to figure out everyone's type all the time and as long as you don't automatically assume they fall into the type's stereotypes, its not dismissive imo. and i totally agree with the part about how it lubricates interpersonal dynamics. As an Fe...
  17. INeedToPee

    nope, ive watched the movie though. the name is me just trying to be punny (the initials is INTP)

    nope, ive watched the movie though. the name is me just trying to be punny (the initials is INTP)
  18. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    i have decided that i am going to stay here because i don't want to leave school with debt and ill probably find the most internships (and the best?) here in NYC compared to the rest of NY state. i think ill learn a good amount through internships way since i don't really have much of an...
  19. INeedToPee

    Understanding MBTI and becoming less misanthropic

    haha whats your a/s/l? :rolleyes: hmm thats interesting...maybe that's why my close friends are usually xNFx... i can relate to this. people like that im open and accepting, not easily frustrated. and that "dislike" of types is still there, but i give everyone a chance, regardless of type...
  20. INeedToPee

    Understanding MBTI and becoming less misanthropic

    not sure if this is the right subforum for this thread but ill just post it here for now. is it just me or has reading about and understanding MBTI led to a more openminded view about people? i think it has lessened my misanthropic views of the world. i used to be so confused and frustrated...
  21. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    i think i understood all of these things before starting this thread, i just needed confirmation that im headed the right way (which i got!) so thanks for the input, i have a "plan" thought out. and ill see about that PhD when i get there, i guess. lets see if i can handle getting a masters...
  22. INeedToPee

    INTP (LII) INFJ (IEI) relationships, socionics take

    true, true. its just a difference in who is the benefactor really http://www.socionics.com/rel/bn.htm according to this description, they play very different roles haha thank you!
  23. INeedToPee

    Spotting ENFX

    two of my close friends are ENFx (one is an ENFJ and the other ENFP) the best way to differentiate them from ESFx through conversation (it's the same way to differentiate S/N in general). from my experience, the stereotypes for sensors being more "simple minded" is true. iNtuition users have...
  24. INeedToPee

    INTP (LII) INFJ (IEI) relationships, socionics take

    MBTI INTP = Socionics INTj because in socionics, the J/P dichotomy determines the first function (extraverts are the same, introverts have flipped j/p)
  25. INeedToPee

    Society: A Force For Conformity?

    yes, as long as society exists and the people within interact with each other, i believe there will be some sort of societal consciousness. how influential it is will vary from society to society, but it will still exist one way or another it does for those outside the "norm" but nowadays...
  26. INeedToPee

    Architect, Engineer or Designer?

    the ponderers, perhaps? since essentially what we do is ponder (Ti+Ne) or philosopher (since philosophy comes from a Greek word that means "love of wisdom") the other ones (architect, designer, engineer) are too specific for my taste and doesn't really represent our cognitive functions well...
  27. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    thats good to know, i didnt realize that. havent narrowed down what kind of role i want to play yet so ill figure that out later. thanks ooh, looks like ive been misinformed :confused:
  28. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    interesting...what would you label your occupation as? (or is there no label for it?) building your own prototypes sounds pretty cool, ive always wanted to design my own products thanks for the insight, its what i expected but its better to hear it from someone already in the industry...
  29. INeedToPee

    Need advice from current engineers!

    Hello everyone! I've been reading threads on here for a while now and I finally found a reason to post on here! So here it goes... Right now I am considering all these paths my life can take right now (in terms of education and then career) but I could really use some insight from people...
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