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Search results

  1. Glordag

    INTP, misunderstood?

    I've always done poorly in essays when I try to be extremely serious and explain myself clearly. When I BS I do great. An example: In high school, we had to prepare essays for practice of a statewide test that every student must take in order to graduate. In the first essay I followed all of...
  2. Glordag

    Color Career Test

    I got Organizer/Researcher, so I guess that lends a little support to your theory.
  3. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    That sounds awesome. I want it. :applaus:
  4. Glordag

    Posting Question

    :eek: Edit: 100 posts. I want a cookie. Or a lightsabre.
  5. Glordag

    INTP's: Left or Right brained?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't more recent studies showing that the whole "left-brained/right-brained" thing isn't quite as simple as people were making it out to be? Edit: Took the quiz. Edit 2: Apparently, I'm pretty boring ): .
  6. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    The idea that everything has to process through Ni seems crucial to your flowchart. Where did this come from? Not saying it's wrong, just wondering. It's now how I would have done things, but I'm guessing you may have a reference for it.
  7. Glordag

    Why did you pick your name?

    Some odd 14 years ago I used to use "Raistlin" as my nick for everything (I was young and I loved Dragonlance, what can I say?). I tried to play Warcraft II on the Heat gaming service, and it didn't allow duplicate account names. I was angry and decided to come up with a name that I would never...
  8. Glordag

    INTP, misunderstood?

    This sounds reasonable enough. I think most INTPs process a lot of incredibly ambiguous and abstract things at a very rapid pace, and then sort of "land" on our ideas/conclusions. Trying to relate the process back to another person is pretty difficult - we have to pause our Ti/Ne and try to...
  9. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    Responses above.
  10. Glordag


    It wasn't that I couldn't understand the material in grad school, I just lacked the discipline and stability to do so at the time. I was very stressed, and I wasn't getting much sleep, had a hard time being motivated to study, etc. I guess my main point was that the difficulty of some of the...
  11. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    I was thinking about this a little more, and I think I might try out a flowchart of how I think the functions might interact for INTPs. Granted, this will also be very subjective, but I think it may have some merit. My general idea is that INTPs perceive most things through Ne, which directly...
  12. Glordag


    Seconded. My degree is in mathematics and physics. I was going for my Ph.D. in pure math and dropped out when I realized it's not what I wanted to do any longer (I was also going through a stressful period of my life, at the time). While my ego would like to say that I can learn anything, I now...
  13. Glordag

    Wear purple day- Opinions

    Is there any research to back up the effectiveness of cues? I'm not saying there isn't, I'm just curious. In my eyes, if someone is depressed or has enough issue with their problem to begin with that they are contemplating suicide, I really don't think cues like "everyone wear purple" is going...
  14. Glordag

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    Uhm, yeah, can I please have a half rack implicit and a whole rational puree? Can you add a side of dichotomy? I think I'm going to crack open my Jung and see if I can make better sense of this implicit/explicit, rational/irrational, and complementary/dual business. I'm having trouble gathering...
  15. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    Cheers. If I wasn't so tired I would go into more detail about my issues with this in hopes of furthering the system. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.
  16. Glordag

    Linking Typology to Neuroscience

    ...You're completely losing me on how you're forming these correlations.:confused: It just doesn't seem to fit, to me. The four categories you picked (instinct, intuition, sensation, intellect) don't seem correct to me, the way you group the functions into those groups doesn't seem correct, I...
  17. Glordag

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    Ah, I see. If this is the case, then I can certainly see some truth in it. I can accept that :).
  18. Glordag

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    This is very different from how it works in reality, in my opinion. It's a nice theory, I just don't see it. However, you claim that you've experienced it, and you've proven yourself logical and capable enough that I have a hard time trying to call BS. Still, I just don't see it. At best, I...
  19. Glordag

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    What? I'm only 25:slashnew:. This just sounds like a nightmare any way I can look at it, especially in the context of an intimate relationship. Why does understanding someone's problem make for a positive experience? Generally that only seems useful if you can both understand the problem and...
  20. Glordag

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    Is this saying that ESFJ is the INTP dual? I do NOT get along with ESFJs (or ESFPs). They are absolutely the most conflicting type with me. It takes a very well adjusted one to not get on my nerves.
  21. Glordag

    MBTI "Debunked"

    How can you conduct a test when your assumptions are incorrect? This study is not impressing me.
  22. Glordag

    MBTI "Debunked"

    I'm reading it now, but I've already found one line that demonstrates that the author either doesn't know as much as they should to make this claim or isn't very careful with their wording: This is not true. People have innate preference(s) that determine what they prefer to. In my opinion...
  23. Glordag

    Wear purple day- Opinions

    Concur. I just don't really understand what it's supposed to accomplish, and I'm not even sure that I agree with it on idealistic grounds. That said, it is a shame how homophobic many people still are.
  24. Glordag

    Rubbish drawn in Windows 7 paint

    I want to play! Edit: Odd, I thought the pink portion was roughly the same area as the tan when I drew it. Apparently the bottom was hiding from me!
  25. Glordag

    Anyone obsessed with piano music?

    The thing that I love the most about great piano performances is just how much more powerful actually listening to the music is than remembering it. Even with my favorite artists like Bob Dylan or the Beatles, my recollection of the songs is almost as enjoyable as hearing them. Not so much with...
  26. Glordag


    He asked about intelligence, not IQ. :slashnew: (Edit: I guess your disclaimer kind of covers that. I just hate when people relate IQ and intelligence, I guess.) I think the OP hit on a key point in that INTPs tend to have low confidence. Additionally, I think the fact that we tend to see...
  27. Glordag

    It's Time For...

    No. Never. He's extremely disorganized. This seems like a P thing, but as several have pointed out already, that's not necessarily the case.
  28. Glordag


    I thought that this quote by my INTJ friend just now fit pretty well in this thread pretty well: This is vastly different to how I go about things...I have so many ideas flowing at such a constant rate, that I would never be able to keep to "milestones" if I tried to impose them on myself.
  29. Glordag


    I thought that this quote by my INTJ friend just now fit pretty well in this thread pretty well: This is vastly different to how I go about things...I have so many ideas flowing at such a constant rate, that I would never be able to keep to "milestones" if I tried to impose them on myself.
  30. Glordag

    Im sorry

    *sigh* The worst part about this is that I feel like he's sincere, yet he still curses and uses racist/derogatory remarks in his apologies. It's like he doesn't know any better, yet his actions still warrant the ban on some level. DO WE REALLY HAVE FREE WILL?!? It seems that destiny is against...
  31. Glordag

    Story telling

    Oh yeah, big time. Nobody seems to understand, either. The worst part is that people will expect me or tell me to tell a story, and then I lock up and it builds this awkward moment of anticipation and...yeah...it can be awful :eek:.
  32. Glordag

    Would you...

    Raging is pointless. *hides* :phear:
  33. Glordag

    INTP appearance (V.I.)

    Re: Suggestion This prospect horrifies me...
  34. Glordag

    Happy Birthday, WW!

    Happy birthday Werewolf! That's what I assumed WW meant until I read the thread, so now that's my permenant new name for you. Enjoy.
  35. Glordag

    Best PS1 Game of All Time

    5th for Tactics...such a great game. Runners Up: Alundra Soul Reaver Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
  36. Glordag


    Ohhh! I want one! Do they come in forest green? I need a medium, please. :^^: Actually, it's holiday season. I'll take 10. :D
  37. Glordag

    Random laughing

    Has anyone ever told you that you're weird? :ninjahidewhite:
  38. Glordag

    Anti-Procrasting Song

    I lol'd. And then cleared my sinuses. Well, half of them. Thank you.:applaus::gott0::babytap::ichnicht:
  39. Glordag


    Rest assured, my procrastination has NOTHING to do with my understanding of space and time. Though, if I put off going to bed to read about such a thing, I might make some progress...
  40. Glordag

    Intellectual vs Pseudo-Intellectual

  41. Glordag

    It's Time For...

    Oh...I felt like others were offering advice, so I jumped on board. :D That's why INTPs make bad lemmings, I suppose. Sorry about that :p.
  42. Glordag

    Boys and girls

    I think you only liked that answer the best because it is precisely what you were looking for. The question is whether or not that is correct and to what degree. I wouldn't be so fast to jump on statements like "women generally use this part of their brain, while men use this type". I'm not...
  43. Glordag

    It's Time For...

    If you try and talk to her about something that she's interested in, but you perhaps don't know anything about or aren't as interested about, it could be disastrous. The worst situation for an INTP is not knowing what to say next. In my opinion, see if you can gather something that she might be...
  44. Glordag

    INTP me or her?

    I'd argue that the percentages are crap for anything other than pointing out that there are distinct differences on how two people see things, despite the fact that they test out to be the same personality type online. In terms of any real analysis, I'd say they are kind of shady.
  45. Glordag

    Random laughing

    Hahaha. Yeah, I definitely have this issue. More often than not something will catch my Ne just enough to remind me of something in the past that will just send me into a smiling/laughing fit. I play a decent amount of chess (well, used to...trying to get back into it). It's especially awkward...
  46. Glordag

    Time Does Not Make It Any Easier

    After a more recent bout of attempting to go out, have fun, belong to groups, etc., and then comparing and contrasting that to how I feel when I stay home and work on projects/hobbies and game/watch movies/read/etc., it's decidedly clear that I truly enjoy being alone so much more. That said...
  47. Glordag

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Oh man, that was rad. I loved it. I would hug you, but I forgot how :slashnew:.
  48. Glordag

    INTP and INTJ ?

    Yeah, a dominant function will always be introverted for an introvert. The difficulty to many (especially extroverts) is that an introvert will primarily exhibit their extroverted function to the outside world. That's why introverts are often misunderstood. I completely agree about the...
  49. Glordag

    INTP and INTJ ?

    Yeah, I didn't pay attention to the order he put them in. I was just focusing on the topic of the thread and the fact that he mentioned Ne Ti. Besides, INTP interacts with the world through Ne, so I think the example still works :P.
  50. Glordag

    INTP and INTJ ?

    That was super obscure. I like it. I now have this image of an INTP looking at something like a pine cone, and then blowing it up on this digital projection in front of their face that only they can see. Sort of like those spaceship displays on sci-fi movies/tv series :D .
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