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Search results

  1. Wisp


    ....! Google'd~!
  2. Wisp

    Feel lonely?

    INTP forum: Counseling for Rationals! (NT)
  3. Wisp


  4. Wisp

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    *Congratulations! You killed Dissident! You leveled up! <Logic +1>*
  5. Wisp

    sleep and consciousness

    @Jesin. Could be a combination of INTP and teenager. Also, nice to see you back Titania. I kind of wish I had dreams, but I don't, anymore, not that I'd remember them. On occasion I will have a real dream, but it always slips away from me. I need a notebook by my bed so as to facilitate...
  6. Wisp

    Bi-Polar with MBTI Types

    When you're on an upswing, you prob'ly present more of an E type, and a downswing would bring out the I, and possibly your shadow, depending on how depressed you get. That said, I doupt BP has a real effect on your actual MBTI, but it could cause it to fluctuate with circumstance and make you...
  7. Wisp

    Serenity Now

    Well now it doesn't! =P
  8. Wisp

    How are You today?

    I have 2-3 weeks! Hah!
  9. Wisp

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    I personally like Barenaked Ladies and The Vanity Project.
  10. Wisp

    sleep and consciousness

    Once I stayed up all night to beat Sonic Adventure DX, and I was forced to go to church the next day, and I , uh, hallucinated, and lost my grip on reality.
  11. Wisp


    Myt friend who is an ISTP is a great fan of roller coasters. Taken from the SP combination, I think.
  12. Wisp

    Feel lonely?

    @ cryptonia Jesin kinda just said hi. Was that what you were thinking...?
  13. Wisp

    INTP and Pets

    Ran in the other direction? Sketchy at best.
  14. Wisp


    Of course it is, but THEY don't know that.
  15. Wisp

    Serenity Now

    IT's in Siberia! If it's outside, It'l look somewhat like Northrend.
  16. Wisp

    Star Wars Extended Universe

    EDIT: My sister stole my computer...Sorry 'bout that...
  17. Wisp

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum He/she/it
  18. Wisp

    INTP and Pets

    I would have replaced all of his shaving cream with itching cream, and stolen his SS number and bought thousands of dollars worth of electronics on ebay. Oh, and a new cat. Not that I'd actually do that... Heh heh heh...
  19. Wisp

    sleep and consciousness

    @Jesin Well duh we're in the same time zone. We could probably drive to each other's location in about half an hour. I said scarred not scared. His dreams are... for lack of a better word, interesting.
  20. Wisp


    Currently she won't get the %$#*& off my laptop and out of my room. @Editor Look out! Homicidal editor guy on the loose! Head for cover!
  21. Wisp

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum SHe said "That will last till October"
  22. Wisp

    Gender Roles

    @Perseus ...what? @Jordan~ Probably because, at least I, am more active and stimulated at night.
  23. Wisp

    Ever get into Trouble at School?

    Not too shabby. My school held me back and gave me shitty math teachers because I was too far a ahead. Made take AP Stat. What a joke. I went ahead because I was epic at ALGEBRA, not STATISTICS! I made a 3 on the exam, though.
  24. Wisp


    712 Just a hair past a convinience store. I was kidding, btw.
  25. Wisp


    My sister and I can be very scathing. She's INFJ.
  26. Wisp

    Star Wars Extended Universe

    Anyone read it?
  27. Wisp


    *Wisp's post count locked at -1* Well it WAS public, if one knew where to look... And you ARE a mod. If it was sensitive you could've taken it off.
  28. Wisp

    sleep and consciousness

    I have a friend [ISTP] who has the strangest dreams... AND HE TELLS THEM ALL TO ME! I'm scarred.
  29. Wisp


    My parents are convinced I'm lazy. I'm convinced I'm brilliant.
  30. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    Depend on the person. Peers judged by me to be "stupid" will be unacknowledged. I won't even stop my conversation with my friend, who will do it with less provocation than I do (A bit of a less mature INTP, I believe) But with normal people I will sometimes talk, sometimes use short answers.
  31. Wisp

    INTP personality and school

    YAY! Someone I can bitch about the IB program to! *hugs tekton*
  32. Wisp


    I have a picture of link, based off the manga. I'm boring, I know... -_-'
  33. Wisp

    Symphonic Metal

    Hmmm... Symphonic metal... this seems to be worth a looking over. EDIT: I just looked at Nightwish's Ocean born... I...I think I'm in love.... EDIT:EDIT: This topic has my official seal of win.
  34. Wisp

    Difficult INformation

    Monty Python= Win. ANyway, the interesting thing about the HP books is that you can read them again and draw details and connections out of it that you'd never have found. Every time I read it, I find something else. Well... the later ones that is.
  35. Wisp

    Music Board

    So I see. =)
  36. Wisp

    Difficult INformation

    The fact that television is much worse for you than reading is widely accepted. And even the "classic" literature is "better" than modern books, like, say, Harry Potter (which is great). The difference, as I view it, is that the information contained in a "classic" is more subtle, and less...
  37. Wisp

    How are You today?

    Life is good. I just got back from my SECOND vacation in a row, so I'm happy to be home and reunited with t3h int3rw3bz. I'm also suffering a mild WoW relapse, but I'm never serious enough to get anywhere, though it is fun, sometimes. I swear this forum is my main source of intellectual stimulation.
  38. Wisp


    Don't care. I usually make faces. Flaring your nostrils is key for any face.
  39. Wisp

    Music Board

    Just that, in the arts section. Als an Art board (EG visual art). Seems like it might work.
  40. Wisp

    sleep and consciousness

    I too have large problems with falling asleep. MY sleep schedule is all over the map. I suffer during school, when I get up at 5:30 every morning... blech.
  41. Wisp


    @cryptonia Back in the stone ages, when this board had about 100 posts, total, maybe less, LoR mentioned she was polyamorous. I would have thought she'd've mentioned it. Oh, and I DO use odd contractions...
  42. Wisp

    INTP and Pets

    Well that just sucks. Cats are the number one example of intelligent design... I kid, of course.
  43. Wisp


    Depends on observations as to how much I trust people. People who dress, not normally, but just a little odd (but not extreme) and wo talk in more or less the same way, and seem to be intelligent I will trust more. Yes, I'm biased, but I do acknowledge it.
  44. Wisp

    Gender Roles

    I believe cryptonia's last suggestion is true. Very odd things are discussed in the dead of night...
  45. Wisp

    Gender Roles

    Yes, but should we try to lean towards the tendencies, which DO exist.
  46. Wisp

    What MBTI Type fits this description?

  47. Wisp

    Gender Roles

    A sentient shouldn't beat a sentient, so meh.
  48. Wisp

    This board...

    That too. And linking MBTI to animals and moving the traits from each both ways.
  49. Wisp


    Easy. Windows has a search command. Use it.
  50. Wisp

    This board...

    Olba, that WAS a little blunt...
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