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  1. Wisp

    This board...

    Mmmmm... I'm okay with that. He DID get (effectively) his own board...
  2. Wisp


    I would think that an INTP would really be good at looks. It doesn't work nearly so well when your mom's an INTP as well... Damn!
  3. Wisp


    Thomas Jefferson -- Reduced to Internet junkie.
  4. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    ... Icanhascookie?
  5. Wisp

    I am here to hug you

    ...values? What are these ... values?
  6. Wisp

    Call me Ice-meal

  7. Wisp

    Silence is Golden

  8. Wisp


    Waaaaait... who's an INFJ??
  9. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    they make , about, 2^google each month. EDIT: Aww... I missed my 800 post celebration...
  10. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Blizzard makes, like more money than our number system can account for, each month!
  11. Wisp

    Is INTP passed genetically?

    @Fernando Easy. Your circumstances determine who you are, especially at young ages. Besides, it's fairly well accepted that sometimes people trying to force you to do something will make you gravitate away from it.
  12. Wisp

    Politics Board

    True. It was only a thought. I don't really care either way.
  13. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    I know what an MMO is... However I believe the single best example would be WoW...
  14. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

  15. Wisp


    The interweb is like a giant ocean of procrastination to drown in.
  16. Wisp


    already seen that one.
  17. Wisp

    Politics Board

    Exactly. There are a lot of political discussions in the lounge. Maybe their own board? Seems fitting.
  18. Wisp

    Why did you pick your name?

    You should really play it. Or I'll send you hate mail with copies of the game in it. Seriously.
  19. Wisp


    Well I at least hope you'll come back. (Don't be sad! My summer is waning too...)
  20. Wisp

    INTPs in the military

    Ogion! You're back!
  21. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Ewww... 95? And I thought ME was bad...
  22. Wisp

    Call me Ice-meal

    I was here since this was a desolate board where posts came about as often as rain in the desert. My original About You? post is on page two. Right after Vrecknidj, LoR, and Fernando. Not that I'm bragging. I'm just... bragging. :p @cognisant Maybe it's a hint you should post more... ;)
  23. Wisp

    Judging vs. Perceiving

    WHich is what I said. And, as I've said, SJs are hard-asses. Mainstream in every sense of the word.
  24. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    I know. What are you people, Anti-social? Oh waaaaait... Happy 300th post!
  25. Wisp

    Judging vs. Perceiving

    Well, seing as the INTJ is probably our closest MBTI relation, and he grew up in (probably) the same circumstances as you, chances are you'd see eye to eye on a lot of issues. The main difference between INTP and INTJ is that INTP have Ti, and INTJ have Ni, which makes them have great ideas, but...
  26. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    I missed you. I have a bad mental latency!
  27. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Mmmm... we're posting so close together, we COULD head over to the desolation zone... the chat box~!
  28. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Tiny portion of their overall profit. EDIT: Decaf slipped in ahead of me MS make s oodles of money off selling Windows to corporations. The big X is just a side project.
  29. Wisp

    Judging vs. Perceiving

    That it may or may not be a P thing, or that you too are counter-culture?
  30. Wisp

    The Simple Life

    I'd spend piles of cash on electronics and forego all those useless things, like eating, or sleeping.
  31. Wisp

    Why did you pick your name?

    ....D'oh! It's so much more than that... But yes. And Roy.
  32. Wisp

    Call me Ice-meal

    Haha... Although I doubt that was actually post 777, as I posted elsewhere afterwards. This, however, is post 778.
  33. Wisp

    About you?

    What is your name? David/Wisp Where are you from? Virginia. How old are you? 16 What's your gender? Male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Test from the gifted program. One of the cooler classes, I must say. How did you find out about this forum? Linked from...
  34. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    :p I really don't like apple though. They have, however, done a fantastic job in securing a fanbase from the "arty" people who don't know any better about computers.
  35. Wisp


    A Jew a priest and a black guy walked into a bar. They said "Ow!"
  36. Wisp

    Why did you pick your name?

    And the name of the traditional Jeigan character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Jeigan link
  37. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Nnnnn... Ubuntu is doing quite well for an easy to use Linux destop. And there are a LOT of people who don't like Vista. And the people who work/maintain Linux have done a lot of really good work. And Apple is just... blech. Apple is the polar opposite of Linux, seeing as it strangleholds all...
  38. Wisp

    Judging vs. Perceiving

    I think it's a combination. I know an INTJ that can be quite counter, though not so much anymore. I would think it's more of a S/N thing, but it's also J/P, I think. Being open, versus being focused on detail, many S's will never zoom out enough to see the big picture, and see the flaws. I...
  39. Wisp


    I threatened it just recently when utorrent 1.8 crashed it intermittently. I backrolled to 1.7.7 and it's been smooth ever since.
  40. Wisp

    Call me Ice-meal

    An active member?! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  41. Wisp

    The Simple Life

    Could always just be a very mild P.
  42. Wisp

    What songs are you listening to?

    The Vanity Project.
  43. Wisp

    Is INTP passed genetically?

    Yes and no. It is passed through both environment and genetics.
  44. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    Yes, but at what cost?
  45. Wisp

    Why did you pick your name?

    It's a classic. I learned it from a co-worker after it took me about two minutes to realize the computer wasn't turning on because I switched off the PSU... D'OH (I'm an intern at a computer repair shop...)
  46. Wisp

    INTP Engineers?

    I HAVE been looking forward to spore... @Fusion It seems like you have a solid grasp on who you are and where you want to go. Now all you have to do is get there. ...but while you're procrastinating from getting there, hang out here! With us!
  47. Wisp


    Neither did I...
  48. Wisp

    Why did you pick your name?

    I chose my name when I was young (5-ish). It's a relic of my past and of happier times. @ID10t Error: PEBCAD Problem exists between chair and desk.
  49. Wisp


    Haha... I swear at my computer too....
  50. Wisp

    Bi-Polar with MBTI Types

    ...Predictable. :p
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