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Search results

  1. Wisp

    why were depressed

    Why, oh why didn't I take the damned blue pill as a fetus?! I kid, I kid... For some strange reason, I'd rather suffer brilliantly than slog alon gin blissful ignorance.
  2. Wisp


    Personally, I think my recorded voice sounds like a cross between a frat boy and a hillbilly. Luckily, I don't have to suffer through it, as it sounds much better when I am the one talking. I don't sound bad singing though, so eh.
  3. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    What for Vista sucking so bad? The only reason I'd install Vista would be to play around with it. I love new toys.
  4. Wisp


    No. That's the INTJ. An escape from poverty within a group masterminded by INTPs is. By ourselves, we'd never be motivated. Probably.
  5. Wisp

    weird shit makes me cry.

    Cabbo. Don't be a dick. Idon't think I've ever cried at lack of freedom. Anger, frustration, even rage are the staples. School evokes these best of all. I think I live in the stupidest coutry on earth...
  6. Wisp

    Challenge the next poster, repurposed?

    We'd come up with brilliant ideas, but we'd never take them anywhere. It'd be a fun ride though.
  7. Wisp

    "Im a PC, and I've been made into a stereotype"

    Not to mention about 5 stacks of Temper. I'm more of a Driz'l type. If you MUST stick with the original classes, I'd probably be Red Mage. It's my favorite class. My fav. party was always the Fighter BB RM WM Highend black magic was just never worth it in the long run, and the RW can cast...
  8. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Agreed. I, however, don't NEED DX10 yet, so I don't have Vista. I did however get a free copy of it through the MSDNAA program, so I'm trying to decide whether it's worth the HDD space and the possible Bootloader errors, which can REALLY suck.
  9. Wisp

    Vista's connectivity issues

    Buggy Vista drivers? Or something else entirely... My computer work area has NO way of getting cabled access, short of a 20+ft LAN cable running through 3 rooms... I'm bound to wireless... which sucks while trying to set up (yet another) Linux distro that doesn't like my D-Link WUA-1340.
  10. Wisp

    Desktop screenshot

    I'll pull a pic out of somewhere/// I just went on vacation, and then got homework-raped... no forum time... =(
  11. Wisp

    Serenity Now

    That... that isn't relaxing whatsoever.... o_0
  12. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    *Is trying not to use Vista before defaulting straight to win7*
  13. Wisp

    Debricked a router...

    I reflect your enthusiasm... =P
  14. Wisp

    "Im a PC, and I've been made into a stereotype"

    Black Mages forever. So... planning to betray the light warriors? =P
  15. Wisp

    How computer literate are YOU?

    Oh, giving the massive power sucker something to do other than just run aero/compiz while not gaming? =P
  16. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Me, I think that the only reason to use Vista (for me) would be to get a 64 bit OS (but there's still XP 64), or to use DX10. Pretty doesn't really count. I'd rather keep on using XP, running smoothly on my current 2GB.
  17. Wisp

    Fictional Characters

    And an INTP can't be verbally sharp? You wound me, good sir.
  18. Wisp

    INTP vs INTJ

    I love studying INTJs. They are, perhaps, the type I am most fascinated with. They are so like us, yet so different. That said, I would probably be able to come to an understanding with an INTJ, and not compromise my own inner integrity. If the INTJ wasn't rigid as a pole, as they sometimes are.
  19. Wisp

    INTP Phobia

    Well Cala, you couldn't kill a cockroach. Cut off their heads, they'll run for two weeks anyway.
  20. Wisp


    ... I haven't been that I'll for at least 3 years now... And given my age, that's a long time.
  21. Wisp


    Don't. His opinion is biased as I believe (IIRC) he is one of our two resident potheads... I'm on the same argument you are Cala.
  22. Wisp

    INTP marrying an INTP?

    SJ - Yes, I don't like them SP - They, however, know how to experience life for the thrill of life. Very infectious. I enjoy they're company. They're more likely to instill what Fernando was describing in an ESFJ, the ESFJ, would NOT let life go, they're too structured, yet also not logical. Not...
  23. Wisp


    Abstained. For the same reason Fernando posted eariler, minus the religion. Sometimes I feel that if you do something a religion tells you do, then you forfeit your right to choose, but then I come back and remember that you CHOOSE to belong to a religion, so eh. I guess I don't like feeling...
  24. Wisp


    I've always thought that being an I_F_ type would be a lot harder than being an I_T_ type. You need to have someone to talk to to let your emotions out, but you always need to be alone some as well. We ITs need the same things, but we need people in MUCH smaller doses, able to (happily) go days...
  25. Wisp

    Are any of you like me?

    I dunno. I seem to love music for the sake of playing/hearing it a great deal, even if that DOES sound a bit S-y.
  26. Wisp

    Nokia N95 vs iPhone (tech rant)

    Yep. One of the (many) gripes I have against apple.
  27. Wisp

    "Im a PC, and I've been made into a stereotype"

    My laptop Dual-boots to Ubuntu just great (took me AGES to enable the video acceleration (ATI IGP 320m, buggiest chipset EVER)), but my Desktop is having issues, I can't get my D-Link WUA-1340 up and running for Internet, so I'm carting packages via flash-drive, and hecticly typing commands into...
  28. Wisp


    Abstained. I value my health too much. Caffeine is good though, black tea, although I drink it to stay up, not to wake up.
  29. Wisp

    What in the world IS this?!

    In a general sense, the overall shape DOES look like a 'chet.
  30. Wisp

    Silence is Golden

    You ARE death....
  31. Wisp

    World War 2 History

    We're all just a little bit special. That said, where did our resident ENTJ wander off to? Heheh.... post 911... heheh... Ok I'll stop now...
  32. Wisp

    What in the world IS this?!

    Haha... Ithought it was a trebuchet as well...
  33. Wisp


    Almost. =)
  34. Wisp

    Permission to come aboard Cap'n?!

    INTPc scares me. I (luckily) found it AFTER I found this forum, so I got a taste of how such a forum SHOULD be before I found INTPc....
  35. Wisp

    Songs that offend you

    ....what?! That's the sort of closed-minded bullshit that pisses me off...
  36. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    Not to mention you need about 4gb ram to run Vista effectively...
  37. Wisp

    Nokia N95 vs iPhone (tech rant)

    Mmmm... the iPhone won't do flash, so all of youtube is being converted to iPhone happy format. This means you can't see all the videos on youtube. Only some of them. That said, my friend has an iPhone and it looks really cool!
  38. Wisp


    Ummm... medieval monks weren't very pious, at least a lot of them weren't, anyway...
  39. Wisp


    Well said.
  40. Wisp

    The Game

    No. Just... no. Also, 900th post! 100 more to go ;)
  41. Wisp


    Ah ha! our Si gives us a moderate gift at remembering the past and using our more dominat functions to come up with better ideas for the future!
  42. Wisp

    Favorite Books

    I'm just reading slowly, but I'm, say, 150 pages in. Slightly epic was meant as sarcasm, and caused by my disdain of utter enthusiasm.
  43. Wisp

    Would it be easier?

    YES YES YES. .... And Johnny Depp...
  44. Wisp


    I was about to say, wouldn't Si be nit-picking your mind, while Se would be nit-picking your surroundings...?
  45. Wisp

    What types do you find most prevalent?

    Yes. They're more commonly referred to as Guardians (SJ) Artisans (SP) Idealists (NF) Rationals (NT)
  46. Wisp


    Ah. Well, in that case the answer's yes, but fairly inefficiently, as it's better to just develop your tertiary and shadow.
  47. Wisp


    I more or less know what Si is, but I wanted to here other's thoughts, as tertiary functions have always interested me. The shadow is the shadow, and the Primary and Auxiliary are obvious, they work more or less together, albeit in different areas, and with an emphasis strongly on primary... I...
  48. Wisp

    Ever get into Trouble at School?

    *stands up and applauds Dev* Nice argument. Also, we can, to some degree, use Si to gather info about our minds, but this can be limited, as it's only a tertiary. It also has a lot to do with how we remember things (remembering things by atmosphere, as opposed to detail)
  49. Wisp

    Favorite Books

    I just started reading the cronicles of Thomas covenant, etc. etc., and it's slightly epic.
  50. Wisp

    I AM the daughter of....

    Eh true.
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