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Search results

  1. Wisp

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    A contact lens that works as an eye? (sorry, don't have time for link reading, now)
  2. Wisp

    Keyboard layouts

    ^^ because we're obtuse. And editor, I love hearing people talk about old tech! Please, go on!
  3. Wisp

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    Hah. I do the exact same thing for musical performances (Cello, vocals, somewhat, and I'm leaarning guitar). The whole "no one really gives a damn" approach helps... Though I think one needs to interact with the audience, and pay attention to be truly great... *END TANGEANT* You spelled...
  4. Wisp

    Wisp's 1000th post!

    Yes, LoR may grant me my title. I consent to be knighted. =P
  5. Wisp


    In regards to my earlier post, I don't think it's the content of what they're saying, just something about how they say it. Not very specific am I?...
  6. Wisp

    why were depressed

    @Ermine Lots of people don't know their purpose. I suppose one can't be sure save through divine intervention...
  7. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    No, EB's pick on the last page.
  8. Wisp

    Wisp's 1000th post!

    Then you fail... @Ogion Don't you REMEMBER the great fairies from OoT? They're some of the most hideous abominations ever created... And in such a great game, too... Oh, and when an admin does pop their head around, I wish to be "Linux Advocate". Not a fanatic like some *nix guys, just an...
  9. Wisp


    I'm 16, but I've found that I can usually tell the voices of teens from the US apart from the other people. Most notably I placed Severus, Chimera, and ScienceLady before reading their intro posts... Maybe a side effect pf public education in the US?
  10. Wisp

    Genuine Laughter

    It seems INTPs come in 3 kinds... a) Rare Laughing b) Rare Crying c) Both I hang out with other NTs, so I'm a b... My friends can be hilarious... I once had a conversation about price effective methods of captial punishment by firing people out of cannons... with cameras attached to their...
  11. Wisp

    Chat in IRC

    You post about that HERE but not in the thread I made for posting about it? Hmmm?
  12. Wisp

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    After reading the hail of chat-related comics I felt it necessary to point out that we have an IRC channel for that purpose now...
  13. Wisp

    Wisp's 1000th post!

    After a long intpforum.com hiatus I have returned in order to raise my INTP-ness... And to get a custom title. I just thought I'd make an easily hijackable thread with my name on it. Yay 1000th post! EDIT: hmmm.... now how does one change ones title...?
  14. Wisp

    Silence is Golden

  15. Wisp

    Chat in IRC

    Ewww... please tell me it's not a dial-up modem...
  16. Wisp

    Vista vs XP

    If you're performance oriented, you probably know a thing or two about computers... You might try a lighter distro of *Nix Also picture = priceless
  17. Wisp


    Then again, you just enjoy it, so maybe they're being nice.
  18. Wisp

    The Game

    Yeah Boris, and you call ME a poor sport... I unlike you, own a trenchcoat.
  19. Wisp

    The Game

    Not so, disbelief is a powerful tool! It doesn't work in religions becaue then god smites you anyway, but here it makes me INVINCIBLE!
  20. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    -_-' fooled eh?
  21. Wisp

    Chat in IRC

    Ta? Is that some sort of archaic australian farewell gesture, or a LoR thing?
  22. Wisp

    Admins and mods - the commentary.

    No, for devious you go to www.deviantart.com They just want to kill you is all.
  23. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    I mean, who has friends these days?
  24. Wisp

    Chat in IRC

    And then we will all have glorious retarded little conversations online!
  25. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    LoR is an E in disguise.
  26. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    Clear and morning-ish...
  27. Wisp


    String 'em up by the ankles and feed them terrible food, eh noddy?
  28. Wisp

    How many INTPs here have taken an actual test?

    Only internet tests...
  29. Wisp

    Chat in IRC

    Free software, definitely. I'm using Xchat currently, comes with my current Ubuntu install by default... if it isn't apt-get install to victory! (I remember reading somewhere that you use ubu LoR...) EDIT: This should be stickied to the top of the lounge so people find out about it, not buried...
  30. Wisp

    on-line/off-line [thread split]

  31. Wisp

    What other type irritates you the most?

    SJs suck in general, but E ones are the worst.
  32. Wisp

    NoID10ts 1,000th post!

    Actually, I'm on IRC with Ogion, atm.
  33. Wisp

    I Is Procrastinator.

    Hell, I'm directionally challenged, let alone horizontally... I can't get the motivation to GO anywhere...
  34. Wisp

    The Game

    Hmmmm... I do not believe in the game and therefore cannot lose it.
  35. Wisp

    Bleeding Edge Technology

  36. Wisp


    Hmmmm... I'm taking a Photoshop class, but I'm no great shakes...
  37. Wisp

    Doctor Who (BBC television show)

    Doctor Who = EPIC There can be no disputification of this truth.
  38. Wisp


    www.lastfm.com/user/wisp558 For some reason Amarok put down the last 300 or so of my BNL tracks played as Anna Nalick... hmm...
  39. Wisp


  40. Wisp

    Music Composition

    Does playing with chord progressions count???
  41. Wisp

    NoID10ts 1,000th post!

    I've been looking forward to that... You're in Australia-land aren't you, that's prolly why your always on during my late-night posting-sprees...
  42. Wisp

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    Hmmm... I find myself just sort of... staring at the floors during funerals...
  43. Wisp

    Hard time learning at school, help!

    All one has to do is think that someone might actually think a *shudder* frat boy *shudder* is in some way more intelligent than you and *bam* instant motivation...
  44. Wisp

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    I usually [abrubtly, awkwardly] change the subject. Depending on the person, sometimes I'll listen well... For some reason I like talking to people older or younger than I am, possibly because my peers are too ... boring/stupid/inconsequential
  45. Wisp

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    Mine is a sprite-recoloration gone reincarnation of me, made for me by a friend, because I lack artistic skills...
  46. Wisp

    NoID10ts 1,000th post!

    Hmmm... I was well on my way to being the first to having a 1000th post post, but, in true INTP style, I got bored and disappeared from the forum... =P
  47. Wisp

    Can an INTP understand emotions?

    Hmm... As I've said in other threads, I'm rather bad at seeing individuals, but the connections between them, that I can synthesize easily. So, I suppose I'm a bit Ti heavy, although I'm still quite Ne... I dunno. Maybe I'm just not emotionally Ne. I had a fairly stable childhood, with more or...
  48. Wisp

    The emotionally-invulnerable INTP

    In a way, I envy you guys. I can be... emotionally blind. About myself, about others, et cetera. However, it goes the other way. If I don't know much about those around me, I can't hurt them. I am my own foil. However, I'm not completely blind. I see connections between people. I can be good...
  49. Wisp

    Vista's connectivity issues

    Eh. I turn compiz-fusion etc. all the way up, so I'm not being nice to my gfx card. Then again, it's only a 50$ 8500GT... But, yeah, I would agree that Linux has the potential to make computers last longer. Especially if you use a distro that's built to be lightweight, like puppylinux. I've...
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