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Search results

  1. Wisp

    The INTP Personality: Did you get ripped off?

    I disagree wholeheartedly with the idea both that there are 'inferior' or 'superior' types, and also with the idea that logic is better than feelings, or even that feelings are vague and insubstantial. INTPs are a far cry from schizoids. We have mood swings like everyone else, but I do not...
  2. Wisp

    New Member: Introducing Rain

    Ha, nice to see you. We have one or two from Virginia, most notably being ME! Kidding, the most notable would be our esteemed admin, Jesin, but, w.e. :p Nice to meet you.
  3. Wisp

    S vs N

    Brilliant, AI. That's the best description of Ne/Ni I've ever read. I'm totally ninja-ing that from you from now on; you have been warned!
  4. Wisp

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    It's pretty common to have toilets in dreams as you wet the bed in childhood. I for one remember toilet-ninjas, but I won't even get into that... :p
  5. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Ouch, Snowqueen, that was cold... almost like ice... okay, nvm. And the bit that follows, well, the idea is not that everything is perfect, and that we skip off into the sunset and have happy INTPness forever. No. The idea is that this is the first major hurdle that plagues an INTP through...
  6. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Ah, Cog, you would disagree. Fear not, I shall rise to your challenge! First of all, since when did I stress conventional morals? The morals you should havfe should be your own. However, much like our logic far exceeds that of the average human, so too does an INFP's sense of morals, for they...
  7. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Personally, I would like to point out a gem of an idea put out by Waterstiller: INFPs I personally have found that the more time I spend around these elusive creatures, the happier I become. They act in a way that makes me remember who I should be, all of the time, but can't seem to remember...
  8. Wisp

    User Titles.

    I just think the quote "...will do Science to you." is the most fitting.
  9. Wisp

    Back from the Grave

    Oh, hey lightspeed. You rematerialized! You and Ragnar both! Whoa!
  10. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Whew, so much posting, so little time. Anyways, my generic prescruption for the post-breakdown recovery process is quite simple. Live. Learn. Love. All in equal measures. Even that last one. Obviously the ways to go about this are different for each person, and this is an over-simplified...
  11. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Toad, I didn't say that you couldn't find truth on the internet. You can, but in many ways the internet is counterproductive to growth. However, it can be a great asset as well, if used in a balanced fashion. (There's a whole thread's worth of discussion here) Also, to be perfect is a flaw...
  12. Wisp

    The INTP's coming of age

    Well, I was talking the IRC, and I had a slew of thoughts. They go as follow: INTPs have a very high capacity for fucked-up-ness. We have a penchant for clarity, and a state of emotional blindness and immaturity. The well-developed INTP will develop this into a balanced and devoted search for...
  13. Wisp

    Lazy Summer Days?

    I went to Otakon this summer. A bigger nerdgasm has yet to be seen by me.
  14. Wisp

    Depression and Intelligence?

    Hmm. Interesting question, and I think that the answer is yes. Or at least, partly. It certainly effects certain types of depression. For example, the quintessential 'stupid' person will likely go through life for quite a while, and find a niche. But he'll have the proverbial feeling of...
  15. Wisp

    Diablo II

    Sorry Decaf, I have a family reunion on Sunday. Also, what GMT is PST time?
  16. Wisp

    Diablo II

    Can I join in late? I have a fair amount of gaming time this summer that I could burn... >:D I will likely play a Sorceress.
  17. Wisp

    Diablo II

    I might be down for it. We could possibly use Hamachi... that way no account deletion via Blizzard?
  18. Wisp

    any good PC games?

    Bioshock or the Knights of the Old Republic. Or you could download Project64, and use it to play Ocarina of Time...
  19. Wisp

    Stupid laptop

    I'd like to state that my computers don't develop problems, because they know I will remedy them with PERCUSSIVE FORCE! That, and the fact that I use Linux.
  20. Wisp

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    That's Hugh Grant after Noddy slimed him. And, @_@ Dear god, EB, please, stop the torment...
  21. Wisp

    Temporary Closure - discussion

    I trust the mods, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss their decisions. I don't doubt that they come through and read these threads, so any ideas we have here, will trickle back to the higher levels, without anything being done. We should state views and opinions on administerial actions...
  22. Wisp

    Existential Crisis, Support Group

    *hug* I vote for explosion.
  23. Wisp

    Sex fetishes

    That article is like porn, for Wisp! ~<3
  24. Wisp

    You know you're an Intp when...

    XD INTP, destroyer of INTJs!
  25. Wisp

    Sex fetishes

    Magic. And dolphins are very subtle. :p
  26. Wisp

    You know you're an Intp when...

    *Wisp fires his DOLPHIN LAZERS at Cog and Saffy, and frees one inanimate INTJ, card still intact.* Hah! Betcha didn't count on the fact that I was chargin' mah lazers!
  27. Wisp

    Sex fetishes

    http://tinyurl.com/ce5m Enough said. Silly Kia, you don't need a suit because you ARE a dolphin, of course! :)
  28. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Kia and I have been known to complete the other's sentences... Low grade telepathy ftw!
  29. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    BS. I shut you out because you'll steal stuff. Kia can come in, though. :p
  30. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    *feels somewhat naked now* Only Kia is allowed to read my mind!
  31. Wisp


    Happy coming of age, Ermine! ... ... ... Now you can go buy lottery tickets, porn, go get drunk and so on! (At least where I am) Congratulations!
  32. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    @Echo We've actually known each other for some years now. Actually knowing each other isn't weird. Hell, we even went to school together for a time, although we aren't at the moment...
  33. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Uhh... We didn't meet here... we just both wound up here.
  34. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Out of curiosity, did you say that because you know we're from Virginia?
  35. Wisp

    any of you play instruments

    Well, I've been playing the guitar since August (8 months or so now, iirc) and I've been playing the cello for about 6 years. I can also sing, which you may know if you listen to the musical snapvine. I wish I had a decent mic to record on, though... :(
  36. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Yes, prolly, depending on the person. But that is not the purpose of the thread. So, let's drop it.
  37. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Y'know... Shut up, Face.
  38. Wisp

    2000th post?

    Heh. AI, my post count was higher than yours. If you'll recall, I am the spamlord, having spammed the forum into existance. Also, Ermine, gratz.
  39. Wisp

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    I just thought I'd pop in and assert that Kia is telling the truth. I am halfway to cloud 9. And, we live in proximity. I'm happy, atm.
  40. Wisp

    I Summon Decaf!

    Oooh, I'm sorry man. *gives hugs*
  41. Wisp

    Musical Snapvine!

    Put up something new. It was made by both myself and Godgryphon. I took the low part, he took the high part. I would also like to assert that he was recording with VASTLY superoir hardware, so eh. EDIT: The snapvine is acting wonky, so here's a temporary link...
  42. Wisp

    The Grand Census of May 2009

    I went as everyday in the poll, because I'm coming back into tactivity on the forum, and I've been here forever.
  43. Wisp


    It IS a pretty stupid song. I agree with Ermine.
  44. Wisp

    Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    My official Welcome Back, EB. Mightn't I direct you to the IRC?
  45. Wisp

    Suggestions for a loser.

    Nightwish. Elliott Smith Dream Theatre, again That first Evanescence album is quite good Simon and Garfunkel! Plenty of others...
  46. Wisp

    My story, your story... A game?

    Slipping inside, and closing the door, I threw off the protective garments of my soul just as readily as my overcoat and boots. Relaxing in the comfort of a well-known place, and a well-known fireplace, I sat down to kick my feet back, to take stock of all that had happened. Looking back, it...
  47. Wisp

    Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    Hmmm... I remember all of those avatars. Good times.
  48. Wisp

    Musical Snapvine!

    Godgryphon: That was quite good. The only thing I wish to say is, I think you should work on enunciating your notes a tad better. You sort of slide, and you sacrifice your intonation somewhat in doing so. AI: No comment.
  49. Wisp

    Musical Snapvine!

    Zephyri, your tone control is great! Makes me want to sing a round for everyone. Perhaps I shall. Anyways, I shall upload the version of 'Nights in White Satin' I did. I had to lower the original key 5 semitones to play it properly... Justin Haywood I'm not. EDIT: I almost forgot. I have a...
  50. Wisp

    Discussion: The Elder Scrolls Oblivion

    I never really played as much Oblivion as I wanted to, and I am now going back to it due to this thread. I hope you all are happy. As is my wont, I'm making a more or less pure mage character.
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