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Search results

  1. Bill Gates: INTP

    Yeah seems INTP.
  2. Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    I think the resistance to math,science and other similar topics is the INTP's Ti as well as even Si. Compared to an ISTP, we are more abstract then concrete which makes up a lot of applied math and applied science (Se). Science and Math can be very Te heavy because it relies on some sort of...
  3. An INTP geologist?

    I was interested at one time with geology, now I would rather study geography especially human geography.
  4. INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    The best are ISFPs who feel like they are ENTJs.
  5. Absent Minded Professor (Anti Math)

    Anyone ever take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences I think all INTPs are logical(T) but some are more spatial(N), while others are more verbal(S). Maybe this is what differentiates the INTP 5w4 which are more logical/spatial while 5w6 are more...
  6. Absent Minded Professor (Anti Math)

    Imagine if you were never introduced to math in school or at least required to take classes, would you be into it?
  7. ENTJ's make all the money

    LOL. ENTJ by itself just sounds like the Field marshal.
  8. ENTJ's make all the money

    Pretty much. This is the strength of the cognitive potentials of the ENTJ. It is interesting as both the ENTJ and INTP share the same functional stack, just inverse. What does this mean for the INTP? Are they most in inner focused(Ti/Si) as opposed to outer(working/extrinsic rewards)Te/Se...
  9. Jacques Fresco/Venus Project

    Interesting stuff.
  10. Programmers, can I get some input hurrr?

    Amazon is a pretty big web application. For their interface I am sure they have a whole department that is responsible for it including front end programmers and UX designers. There are two components of a website the front end and back end with many people specializing in either one. Some might...
  11. Philosophers Determine Society's Zeitgeist?

    Philosophy has no question created the structure of society.The particular study of ethics and psychology is interesting as it determines why people adopt ends to achieve means and what ought to they adopt in the case of ethics.
  12. ISTJ Appreciation Thread

    Yeah both introverted thinkers but opposite judging functions, with same perceiving functions. One is more grounded and other is more abstract focused . The ISTJ is linear while INTP is less as well.
  13. Individuality

    whats an example of that?
  14. Individuality

    That is the main question. A lot of people invoke pragmatism and ethical arguments to draw the line. Like I was saying we use languages to determine "you" and "I" in everyday communication and discourse. Even if in the deepest sense we understand its impossible to distinguish these...
  15. How Introspective Are You?

    Because your an ENTP, only the INTJ can match you when it comes to stuff like that.
  16. How Introspective Are You?

    I see. Then I guess that means extroverts are superior as they can be introspective as much as introverts, but focus on the external. Introverts are more narrow or singular minded. ENTP > intp.
  17. How Introspective Are You?

    What is the difference of introversion and being introspective or looking inward?
  18. ISTJ Appreciation Thread

    ISTJs are like parallel universe INTPs.
  19. Individuality

    Individuality is strected to the point of what you consciously have control of. Using communication like natural languages we can acknowledge certain givens like "I" or "You".
  20. TED Talks are Over-rated

    Yeah when I think of Ted talks I picture an SFP listening and feeling like they are the smartest people around. It's made for the SFP and in general sensor audience. Te Infeior and tertiary loves that shit. Don't get me wrong I've heard some good stuff at times but then they get banned. Kind of...
  21. Climate Change discussion split from "2050"

    Re: 2050 I agree but not related to the earth warming due to C02 levels.
  22. Climate Change discussion split from "2050"

    Re: 2050 Yeah its one of most bullshit marketing schemes ever.
  23. Programming styles and type

    Do you think there is any connection with computer programming styles/languages and type? I think INTJs for example are much better suited for using programming practices that focus on Te ways of organizing systems or software. An example of this would be following a very structured...
  24. Looking for advice about finding a job

    Why you say INTJ ISTP are better suited for that? For dynamical systems wouldn't areas in geotechnology be useful? It seems as if you would do some programming even if you specialized in dynamical systems.
  25. What Did You Want to be When You Grew Up?

    scientist or explorer
  26. Does this mean that INTP's?...

    What happens if interest rates rise?
  27. Does this mean that INTP's?...

    I would miss the division of labor and voluntary exchanges. There are a lot of things I rather have other people do. At the same time people would rather do different things then me.
  28. Bill Gates: INTP

    Newt seems more like entp
  29. Bill Gates: INTP

    He for sure I can say is an INTP before Gates. He was the quiet kid in the class doing some crazy shit with computers, but was too shy to tell people about his works until Steve came along. He was all about engineering before the business side, after he left apple he became a teacher(Fe).
  30. Bill Gates: INTP

    What about ENTJ? I believe he could be either that or really an INTP. ENTJs in a lot of ways are more similar to INTPs then INTJs. Its kinda like INTJs and ENTPs. I think it might have to do with same functions just inversed. I see Fi a lot in Steve jobs. I think he could of been an ESFP...
  31. Ti is an "action-based" kind of logic.

    Let's look at it from a basic perspective. There is a reason why INTPs are labeled as the "Engineers", "Designers", "Architects" or "Thinkers". These labels are associated with seeing a problem or some given, and trying to make it into a working or functional system. Ti/Ne mainly Ti with the...
  32. Shattering Hume's Guillotine

    Nature is already at a state of anarchy. What if you looked at earth from the outside. There are no borders or laws, the natural laws and physical systems that determine the course of events are all decentralized. The issue with libertarianism is the belief that the "natural order" has too...
  33. Shattering Hume's Guillotine

  34. Have you ever gone to a psychic?

    yeah that's where you find an INFJ
  35. The Future of Programming

    That's interesting as I prefer studying linguistics or discrete math rather then numbers or arithmetic as it is more "high level" like you say. I get bored fast when thinking about how low level things work in general, be it in computers or the immediate details of any other system. I think...
  36. Science is dumb.

    deductive based which are independent from observation or experience. "All bachelors are unmarried".
  37. Science is dumb.

    So in your mind is science only based on a posteriori knowledge. And reason (a priori), like thought experiments are only theories?
  38. Science is dumb.

    what is science?
  39. Science is dumb.

    I'm sure you would find private and government research that was wasteful. Dumb research is not dependent on the funding. I'm just saying without government subsidies for scientifically research, companies would be subject to complete market forces as they are now with private funding...
  40. Science is dumb.

    yeah philosophy of science
  41. Science is dumb.

    True but many folks believe the scientific method (in the empirical science way) is the most objective and non-bias way of looking at the world. The less dogmatic the better, which would be separating things into systems instead of combining everything like positivism does trying to explain...
  42. Science is dumb.

    Science can be as dogmatic as religion. See positivism.
  43. Asperger's Syndrome

    Would diagnosing a disorder in society be considered a game or are sets possible within that realm?
  44. Asperger's Syndrome

    LOL yeah. I can picture an ESTJ meeting an INTP for the first time and telling himself due to the misunderstandings "He must have Aspergers syndrome or something"...Unless the INTP gives off primarily Ne. The problem socially for me is I tend to ask a lot of questions and I have noticed many...
  45. What is you Code?

    So moral codes didn't exist before religion? Institutionalization of religions just made it into a dogma. Isn't reasoning with common welfare in mind a presupposition of ethics?
  46. What is you Code?

    Actually I used your argument to support my argument, to further your argument. In the end of the day I believe you are right, but instead of decrying it because of simplicity I would say its bad because of its vagueness. Everyone has heard of "The Golden Rule" and we are all taught it in...
  47. What is you Code?

    The Non-agression princple is a principle based of the loosely defined princple of "The Golden Rule". "Treat others as you yourself want to be treated" - by following this you are asserting that morality is determined by the individual. The non-aggression principle takes this a bit further by...
  48. What is you Code?

    For me it's the Non-aggression principle or you can call it the Golden Rule. Like what Architect said, the simplicity of it is it's beauty and strength. However this has it's negatives as people for some reason are more prone to complexity, rather then simplification. This can lead itself to...
  49. What is your race?

  50. You have a marriage offer from a British Royal

    American perspective worldview bias: thinking northern Europeans based cultures especially British, are superior and deserve acclaim. Funny how Americans fought a war to be independent now so much of government and systems are based off old British policies(monetary, imperialism, trade). If we...
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