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Search results

  1. bananaphallus

    Bands you only seem to know

    For the longest time (5-6 months) I genuinely believed that I was only person alive who knew of Weezer, and their delightful music. Then 'Island in the Sun' or 'Hash Pipe' or some trash song was made, they were on TRL, and I nearly lost it, fired a gun into a crowd, haven't been the same since...
  2. bananaphallus

    ':o' <- I don't understand your reply to my post, I feel like I'm at a crossroads. If you were...

    ':o' <- I don't understand your reply to my post, I feel like I'm at a crossroads. If you were implying that I should be ashamed of what I wrote, well then bygod you're right, and I am.
  3. bananaphallus

    are there any words you just dont like?

    'foreseeable future'. It's an oxymoron for christ's sake, god dammit.
  4. bananaphallus

    Why psychology?

    Yeah, it was a bit of a disjointed post. The first sentence was a witty, incisive (being facetious, no dirty looks please) retort to Blob's post and is unrelated to everything that follows - which was me just thinking out loud.
  5. bananaphallus

    Why psychology?

    Laws are not inherently moral - Apartheid, for instance. I've often wondered just how much respect a legislator could actually have for a law they've created, or helped to create - in much the same way some people have difficulty imposing dietary restrictions on themselves and abiding by them.
  6. bananaphallus

    Introverts = Night Owls?

    So much of how I act and what I say, during the daytime, is filtered through my own notions as to how other people perceive me, and attempting to meet those expectations, being 'someone else' to preserve my sanity/inner sanctity - feigning aloofness, indifference, emotional and mental vacancy...
  7. bananaphallus


    YouTube search: Norm MacDonald, any of his talk show appearances, his call-in's to Dennis Miller's radio show, etc. - all pretty hilarious.
  8. bananaphallus


    [purely for the sake of argument, I happen to think it's a lovely avatar] Your avatar - I think it's ugly, off-putting, and in poor taste. You obviously feel the exact opposite. Who's right? Who's tastes are more refined/discerning? I'm also not sure I'd agree that those with what...
  9. bananaphallus


    When one person tells another they have 'good taste' in music, clothes, food, etc., what are they really saying? Was there some consensus reached on what exactly constitutes good taste? I'm assuming jeans, a pirate hat, canary yellow button-down, and a tie with tiger stripes on it - all worn to...
  10. bananaphallus

    Some websites of interest...

    helium.com is another site where you can submit your writing, really any form is accepted. People rate it, you can get feedback, even get paid for writing articles.
  11. bananaphallus


    Stressors: Not being able to think of the right word while writing, courtesy laughs, being pigeonholed - people's reactions to me, on occasion, not meeting their expectations, being forced to socialize/exchange pleasantries with people I can't stand (work), curtness, condescension, people...
  12. bananaphallus

    the INTP and his/her siblings

    As I was reading this thread the following exchange took place between my older brother (by two years, lone sibling) and I: brother: [two new articles of clothing in hand] "Look at these new shirts I got, twenty bucks each" [clearly pleased with price/quality ratio] me: Wow [feigning interest]...
  13. bananaphallus

    Philosopher Break-Up Lines

    Freud: I just don't know if I could ever be with someone who finds their own mother sexually attractive.
  14. bananaphallus

    Intp~the perfect criminal?

    I was pretty close to robbing a supermarket in my home town last summer, after realizing that they left beverages, beverage coolers, beach umbrellas, and firewood in the fire lane just in front of the store overnight, and that all of these things just happened to be in a security camera blind...
  15. bananaphallus

    Top 10 Albums

    You really can't beat an album with 'Kids With Guns', 'Dirty Harry', and narration by Dennis Hopper.
  16. bananaphallus

    Headlines That Make You Chuckle

    Funny-haha/mildly amusing headlines, anyone? Easyjet apologizes for photoshoot at Holocaust memorial Ice skating bear kills Russian circus hand
  17. bananaphallus

    What are you investigating right now?

    Are you familiar with Marc Weber Tobias?
  18. bananaphallus

    How important is eating healthy to you?

    I'm weird this way, I sort of go through phases, like for four months or so I'll literally eat/drink nothing but trash, soda, and heavy cream/crisco. Then out of nowhere, I'll come to see the err in my ways, become incredibly conscious of what I'm putting in my body, seriously consider going...
  19. bananaphallus

    MMDI & Type Dynamics

    INTP - 87% ENTP - 76% INTJ - 75% ISTP - 72% INFP - 68% ENFP - 67% INFJ - 66% ENTJ - 56% ISFP - 52% ESTP - 42% ISTJ - 41% ESTJ - 40% ENFJ - 36% ESFP - 33% ISFJ - 32% ESFJ - 21% - Ti - 28 Ni - 25 Ne - 24 Fi - 20 Te - 15 Si - 11 Se - 10 Fe - 7
  20. bananaphallus

    420 celebration!

    Even if it was a gateway drug, what difference would it make? Riding a motorcycle is much more dangerous/potentially lethal than riding a bicycle, yet both are legal. Would you like the government to decide which drugs are too harmful or potent for you?
  21. bananaphallus

    420 celebration!

    ...and those 'Above the Influence' commercials - fuck me! "Be yourself, be you're own man/woman, but take the message of this commercial as gospel/don't question it" They must know that some (I'd proffer most) people just genuinely enjoy the sensation of being stoned in good company, and smoke...
  22. bananaphallus

    Where do feelings come from?

    It's a wonder we're even able to function, considering how volatile and potent emotions can be - given our capacity for such feelings, do you wonder how they ended up being so well-regulated? Was this an inevitability - the result purely of expanded cognitive/physical 'real-estate', so to...
  23. bananaphallus

    are there any words you just dont like?

    I'm not sure if what I have to say is even related to what you've posted, but when people say things along the lines of, 'I wasn't being myself', it irks me. Are you really not being yourself? Is it possible to ever be anything other than ourselves? Or are you, in actuality, just not doing a...
  24. bananaphallus

    Misheard lyrics

    Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light 'Revved up like a Deuce', not douche. lolz, that one took me awhile. Also, 'Dirty deeds, dundergy?' ...years later, would discover they're really saying... 'Dirty deeds done chirt cheap'
  25. bananaphallus

    What was your childhood like?

    Couldn't agree more, there continues to be this vast chasm between sensible, real-world-applicable advice/guidance, and the nonsensical cliches parents use as surrogates for common sense in times when their children really just need to hear something from someone.
  26. bananaphallus

    Abstracts/Emotions Personified - The Game

    Disregard (or delete?) this thread please. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but...no. I was tired and fidgety. Sorry, Rudyard H. Doppelganger
  27. bananaphallus

    'mindfuck' is certainly apt, well said. I don't know to be honest, I've only seen it once, and...

    'mindfuck' is certainly apt, well said. I don't know to be honest, I've only seen it once, and that was some time ago, I think I was put off by how overwhelmingly 'dark' it was, but I was a different person then, maybe I should give it another chance. He's only directed one other movie that I...
  28. bananaphallus

    I feel like it's borderline sacrilege to say such a thing on this forum, but I didn't care for...

    I feel like it's borderline sacrilege to say such a thing on this forum, but I didn't care for Donnie Darko - don't get me wrong Jake Gyllenhall is a class act, but the movie itself - not a huge fan. Haven't seen Where the Wild Things Are yet, Spike Jonze is an extraordinarily talented man, hope...
  29. bananaphallus

    Yeah, it can be annoying how some movies are almost immediately subsumed into the whole 'this is...

    Yeah, it can be annoying how some movies are almost immediately subsumed into the whole 'this is ours' indie culture, but I've learned to forgive. Also, YES! The visuals are absolutely mindblowing, the first time I watched it, it was like 4 AM, and I was in that hazy gray area between...
  30. bananaphallus

    Actually, it's a screen capture from the lovely film, 'The Science of Sleep'. But you're free to...

    Actually, it's a screen capture from the lovely film, 'The Science of Sleep'. But you're free to interpret it however you'd like, although I probably just ruined that for you. I'm not sorry. : (
  31. bananaphallus

    Heavy Metal Band Names

    Pancake Revelation Pancakes Covered in Filth + Shit Warm Urine Blasted All Over the Front of Your House Baby Bump Punchers The Puppy Sodomizers Dump Trucks Full of Sadness and Anguish The Poop Your Whole Butt Out All Over the Place's Beloved Housepet Fuck Party Sizable Freight Train Full of...
  32. bananaphallus

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Eggs and toast that was helpful. Thank you.
  33. bananaphallus

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    What an unbelievably good song. iTunes doesn't have it, Limewire won't work, ipso facto I'm this close to starting a small, very manageable fire in my bathroom purely out of frustration.
  34. bananaphallus

    Space Fountain!

    Sayeth t'wat!? I can't be held responsible for my actions! This is madness!
  35. bananaphallus

    Space Fountain!

    Just vandalized the shit out of the 'space fountain' Wiki page! Check it out! NICE! :storks:
  36. bananaphallus

    What is Life?

    I find the lack of any discernible purpose or meaning to life both exceedingly frustrating/liberating.
  37. bananaphallus

    When you sit on a toilet

    I get completely naked (if at home, of course), otherwise I start to feel hemmed-in and encumbered about midway through pooing.
  38. bananaphallus


    This, tiled.
  39. bananaphallus


    The problems may lie in the consensus we've come to (culturally) with respect to what exactly constitutes the masculine male archetype, the actors I mentioned were probably more a consequence rather than a cause. I agree with you that this isn't a recent addition to human behavioral patterns...
  40. bananaphallus


    (rampant, completely baseless conjecture below) I think it's certainly possible this is just another manifestation of mindlessness, but I also don't think it's so far outside the realm of possibility that the unflappability, stoicism, and steadfastness typified by the heroes of yore (McQueen...
  41. bananaphallus

    Favorite time of the year

    The subtle pang of a crisp autumn night is something I enjoy immensely. Winter also, when it's not finding some way to ruin my day, i.e. beaching my car at the end of the driveway, it is delightful, mostly for the music, and just how insular and melancholic it all is.
  42. bananaphallus


    Well bravo for 'not giving a rat's ass', and no to your question, under no circumstances would I consider jamming my head into a toilet, unless of course a kitten had fallen into 'la mar del diablo' in such a way as to leave me no choice but to headbutt it to safety. I was just curious as to...
  43. bananaphallus

    Socially Awkward Introduction

    I'm of the opinion that age is an accurate indicator of how many years its been since said person was born, very little/nothing else. But, I'm also an ignorant, 20 y/o twat.
  44. bananaphallus

    can you be completely neutral

    I think this is why journalists/the news can never be truly objective.
  45. bananaphallus

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Sweet grapes of wrath I love this song: This one (this particular performance most of all), also:
  46. bananaphallus


    Exactly. :elephant:
  47. bananaphallus


    Would you describe yourself as generally apathetic? I get the impression, from time to time, that the expression of any sort of enthusiasm, or to seem passionate about anything, is almost seen as a character flaw nowadays, and that to be cool, means to affect this sort of contrived nonchalance...
  48. bananaphallus

    The Personality Defect Test

    Sociopath You are 86% Rational, 29% Extroverted, 71% Brutal, and 71% Arrogant.
  49. bananaphallus

    Do you think you fully belong here?

    4 or 5? I feel like I'm more honest here than anywhere else really, which is sad in some ways. Although that may not be saying much, seeing as how I lie a lot.
  50. bananaphallus

    Why do they say the Supermarket is the best place to meet women?

    I feel weird buying certain things, TP for one (and I get the megapacks, so awkward factor x4), I feel like everyone looks at with me a disgusted look on their face, picturing me just running around my house covered in soiled toilet paper, pooing and whacking off at the same time, shouting at...
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