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Search results

  1. About you?

    What is your name? My name is Michael. Where are you from? I am from New York City in the United States. How old are you? I am 18. What's your gender? Male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Initially thought i was an INFP, but eh, over time and more self-awareness...
  2. Fully Developed and Healthy INTP

    It's not cool dude, i'm just giving my opinion. Not to start a flame war.
  3. Fully Developed and Healthy INTP

    Hmm I see your point Adymus, lol you seem hostile in that post -_-. I would agree with you about Jung being an INFJ, perhaps its my own bias for the INTP type, and the Ni function annoys me, the individuals that i have come across (INFJs mostly) have been self-righteous, have played the victim...
  4. Fully Developed and Healthy INTP

    Hmm, I'd probably say Jung, I subscribe to the Jung is an INTP theory so i really don't know, i think he had a great understanding of it all but he was known for his temper... Einstein perhaps?....
  5. Spot the Fake Smile

    8/20 :(
  6. youtube Channels?

    lol this thread is about two months old! going to pull a jesus here and resurrect it. I have a few videos, about nine of them >_> My Channel
  7. Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Yes AgentIntellect, Granted, but my response to IrishPenguin was more along the lines of his comment on my recent video post about Asperger's syndrome and indication of myself having the disorder. Than this quiz appeared and it all seemed very relative to the video discussion, err so yeah i...
  8. College students, what's your major?

    Okay so the thread count is at 199, and i have this URGE to make it 200, so don't mind this random, totally random post.... :)
  9. College students, what's your major?

    Analytic Philosophy is great!, have you read anything by Bertrand Russell yet?
  10. Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    IrishPenguin, I think you and I have started something here lol! My Results Your Aspie score: 160 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 38 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie hmm, seems like i've gotten the highest score so far... not sure if that's a good thing. Fuck....
  11. Gee

    YES! :smoker::D
  12. Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    YES!!!!!!!! Although Virtual XI and X Factor are really under-rated albums! Blaze is a great singer, different from bruce but still just great.
  13. What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    MAIDEN!!!!! Blaze is totally under-rated, his voice is great! Sign Of The Cross
  14. What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    .... Wonder if any other INTPs are fans of Opeth Yay for progressive death metal! Currently listening to this song, it's amazing!
  15. The Joy of Deep Discussions

    So, does that mean that we, as Intuitives can say that we finally won the war to be happy? give me a sensors' head to put on a pike! :hoplit02: N's 1 S 0 :kinggrin:
  16. The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test

    eh old thread... but here are my results, lol explains my fancy of politics The Sage You scored 36% Egocentricism, 24% Heirarchy, 66% Spiritualityand 62% Morality! You're The Sage! You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that...
  17. Alignment Test

    Hmm sounds accurate. Chaotic Neutral- A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral...
  18. I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    lol you're still with the hugs XD Fe must have taken you over Irishpenguin. err shit, you've figured out my secret plan:eek::( *runs to cave to develop new one* lol no, i'd be the little green emoticon in the first row looking upwards towards the INTP girl-queen bummed out that i have no...
  19. College students, what's your major?

    Political Science ... Minor - Philosophy "Why?" hmm I like to understand government, and how society works in a political framework, and being a 5w4 sx/so .... i have radical ideals that should be implemented!! On a more practical note, I will most likely go to law school and practice Human...
  20. The Why Club

    Why Why? :D:confused:
  21. I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    Congratulations on being one of the most coolest persons on the face of this planet. INTP girls are a gift to humanity :kinggrin:
  22. INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    Glad that i'm not the only one!, I would say that i act pretty much the same way as you stated in your post (I put it in bold). Lol maybe i actually do have Apsergers' and trying to pass it off or atleast make it seem less worse by attaching the INTP label to it, but eh, it's not really that...
  23. moral politics test

    Pretty Accurate, I'm a libertarian socialist (socialist-anarchist) YOUR SCORE Your scored -7 on Moral Order and 6 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Socialism Ideology: International Socialism, Libertarian Socialism Party...
  24. What's your GPA?

    Yeah for the most part... *sigh*
  25. INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    LOL! Totally don't know who he is but he's AWESOME! why do i remind you of him? :phear: and sorry guys, I should really multi-quote but err don't know how... i'll learn eventually.
  26. INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    Yeah I can but I'll stop for a moment, than revert back to the same pattern.... It seems to subside when i'm in class.
  27. What's your GPA?

    On a 4.0 scale HS - 2.8 1st semester of college - 3.53 2nd semester based on mid-terms - 3.87 yay for improvement? or kicking myself in the ass for not doing so well in HS.
  28. INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    Thanks Chronomar for the response, I've been doing it all of my life, never thought much of it until now. Just a curious phenomena that i want to find the cause of.
  29. INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    Hi Guys, Hope this is in the right section, Thoughts on the question posed in the video would be appreciated. Thanks to all that respond. eh sorry tried to embed this video but it won't which totally sucks. Is there a special code for embedding? just wondering or is it not enabled...
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