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Search results

  1. Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    Nooooo...!!! I lost my high score in Hexxagon!
  2. Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    Haha wow, I've just noticed the forum went poop. Was looking for my post from yesterday and couldn't find it. Thought I had lost my mind and imagined posting it.
  3. Schizoid

    Well, I've decided that all of my current problems in life are basic fears, besides procrastination. The thing is, the Enneagram gives you positive ways to resolve basic fears. So if you can identify which basic motivator you've encountered that is in a negative cycle, causing your...
  4. Economics

    Oh, and I know how government should ideally manage the economy. The thing is, I would never trust them to actually manage it this way. I would go so far as to say it is utterly impossible without a new form of government that has yet to be invented. - Capitalism with minimalist regulation...
  5. Economics

    Well my economic knowledge is from undergrad college, where I took the basic macro-economics and micro-economics classes. These classes completely transformed my political perspective away from socialist towards a smaller-government view. It was primarily macro-economics class that shaped my...
  6. The Solution for Personal Transportation

    I believe this fellow has solved the oil consumption problem of personal transportation. http://www.ted.com/talks/shai_agassi_on_electric_cars.html It obviously works less ideal in the continental land masses, but I would buy a car like that if it ran cheaper than gas. If you combine...
  7. Ethanol

    Haha, I just got to the end of it..... hahahahahah Why am I still using a desktop? I want one of these nano-computers in my clothing that has a virtual reality interface... oh wait, developing the hardware for that would take 5 years, and the software another 2 years, after the technology...
  8. Ethanol

    I agree with Ray Kurzweil's point of view when applied to technology as a whole, but not when applied to specific technologies in a short window of time. A specific hurtle in development can delay development for years if not decades. He talks about when one paradigm ends, another begins...
  9. PHP/MySQL

    Well let me put a disclaimer on that. That's the solution if your list is only a few hundred units long. Since they can reserve weeks in advance, I presume, you may have a list of many thousands of units. If this is the case you may want to store data containing the number of reservations for...
  10. PHP/MySQL

    When they activate a button by clicking on it, perform a loop search that goes through the entire list of reservations. Have it count the number of times their user name appears and if it exceeds 15, cancel out of the reservation process and just display text at the top of the page or some such...
  11. Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    A lot of you are talking about procrastination and honestly, it hasn't been much of an issue for me. I definitely have it like the plague, but over the last few years I've accepted it as me rather than letting it get to me. This has allowed me to develop the attitude that it's alright to...
  12. PHP/MySQL

    I've used both before. The problem with that stuff is once you're out of it for a while you forget the details. I could pick it up again pretty easily, but no, I wouldn't be a wizard presently. I do recall getting apache + mySQL + php all working harmoniously on windows was difficult.
  13. 95% Introvert Club

    Welcome, sheepie! brain, kinda sounds like how I am. I'm either 110% into a girl or not at all. There's no in between. Trying to start a relationship at 110% doesn't work, though.... :(
  14. Bias in the Media?

    Notice I said they "perceive it as necessary". Yeah, it's describe from my right leaning point of view, if I was left leaning I would have just said "it's necessary spending". It's all about how high you set the bar for how big government should be compared to where we are at. So I think...
  15. Bias in the Media?

    Ah you're wrong about this. Libertarians probably assume everyone understands why they pursue smaller government, I know I do. The thing is, once you're able to understand and comprehend the macro economy with a critical analysis of what happens in the real world, you're forced to conclude...
  16. Bias in the Media?

    A true libertarian is a misguided idealist, yes. Government is required in many instances. I think there is a practical stance on each side, the difference being... A practical libertarian wants as little government as possible to maintain a healthy, stable, and secure economy in which there...
  17. Ethanol

    Yeah, he's a poor spokesperson unless you want country hicks as supporters. You're right about government shoving the wrong option down our throats, but even if it accomplished a few goals it could be worth it. Yeah, they might pick ethanol, but that would allow for energy independence and...
  18. Diablo II

    Ah crud, you guys just reminded me of the account I haven't logged onto since last winter which had a bunch of rare items on it that are now deleted. Had one of those rare set items for sorceresses. ;(
  19. 95% Introvert Club

    Well she's an INFP... that pretty much says it all. Their introverted tendencies juxtapose with bouts of extroverted friendliness draw us INTP's out of our shell.
  20. Bias in the Media?

    CNN makes a fair attempt at being unbiased, but my original comments were in reference to CNN. Though other news stations I can't stomach and CNN is what I generally watch, so I'll agree it's probably the best out there. Red Mage: I see some truth in this reasoning. About FOX, I tried...
  21. Bias in the Media?

    I'm guessing it's always been this way and I just never realized it until I was 18 or so. Just lately, I've found it over the top. I didn't mind their jibes at Bush, those were fairly entertaining but a**-kissing? ... not so much.
  22. Ethanol

    Honestly, I like the Pickens Plan because it is something that the USA could implement NOW. Not 10 or 20 years from now. Yes, the guy is pushing it partially for his own financial gain because he's a major shareholder in a natural gas company. The thing is, if you evaluate the plan on its...
  23. Bias in the Media?

    So I flip on the TV today and reporters are making all these stretching arguments crediting Obama with the rallies in Iran. Somehow his conciliatory speech on June 4th may have spawned this response in the Iranian election. Who knows, this analysis *could* be correct on some level, but it's...
  24. NT's - Superior Beings?

    No, I think INTP's are the lowest rung among all NT's. Remember, NT includes ENTJ, INTJ, and the ENTP. I think if you broke it down by pay into the 4 basic types, the NT type would be highest paid on average. It's a guess, you'd have to research it to find the truth. Just let's put it this...
  25. Declining Civilizations

    Plastics The transition away from oil based plastics will be a gradual one in a capitalistic economy. This is because decisions are made on the level of individual companies. - Oil prices go up - Plastic prices go up - Company A is incurring too high of costs on their packaging - Company A's...
  26. Ethanol

    I did a college presentation on ethanol and it is a fact you have reduced mpg when using it. Even when it is blended in gasoline in a 10% ethanol mix, it should reduce your mpg by a small amount. Ethanol significantly reduces carbon emissions if it is being manufactured from living plant...
  27. MBTI Type %

    As far as the types go in general, I think there are a limited number of ways to process information in most human brains. I think sensing exists in all brains, but gets overridden at some stage by a quickly developing intuition. I think feeling also exists in all brains, but at some point is...
  28. NT's - Superior Beings?

    I doubt NT's would be ranked among the happiest people on earth, inferior type in my opinion. I'm sure we're the wealthiest though if that's what you mean.
  29. Am I Really an INTP?

    I'll also just mention, the N stuff just turns off while I'm in working mode. What good is N when there's stuff to be done? N will just distract you from the task at hand. N might be good for analyzing the task itself and devising a new method, but it can't focus on a mundane task where the...
  30. Am I Really an INTP?

    A gas station, the same one for the past 5 years. But it's not your average gas station where they have a thousand rules to follow and there's well thought out policies, with a manager on each shift. It's a family owned one and I ended up working a shift where basically I was the senior clerk...
  31. Fe

    Fi ftw
  32. Am I Really an INTP?

    Well I might be IXXX, since the last three I can change at will, my developed functions are... Ti, Ne, Ni, Te, Fi, Si - The weakest among these are Fi, Si, but they are moderately developed. My Fe and Se are undeveloped. INTP (Ti, Ne, Si) - Normally me INTJ (Ni, Te, Fi) - Me when I get...
  33. What do you want in life?

    What do you want/expect from life? 10 more years and a comfy grave. What are your dreams/aspirations? Dreams ans aspirations are for children. What is your philosophy for living? I live to experience life, not that this is enjoyable or dreadful for that matter, I'm just here. A guest on...
  34. Am I Really an INTP?

    XNTX lol... makes me wonder if there's an XXXX out there.
  35. Am I Really an INTP?

    It's possible to fall about dead in the middle of E and I. Those people require a well balanced life involving the a moderate dosage of socialization and introversion. I had an ENTP roommate that would test as an INTP or INTJ. He spent a lot of time on his computer doing projects all alone...
  36. Strong Te & Ni in INTP's?

    Ermine, do your Ne and Ni get along? I think mine argue a lot. I guess I see their difference now that you put it like that. I generally see all possibilities, and know which is right, but there's also this overwhelming sense that nothing is right because it is all relative. I can poke...
  37. Scientists/Engineers and Moral Responsibility?

    How many major wars have occurred between established, powerful nations since the creation of atomic weaponry? I'm not saying it's moral or immoral, just there's a whole other perspective to take on it. Ideally weapons enforce peace, rather than instigate death. Also, living on a rifle range...
  38. Strong Te & Ni in INTP's?

    Yeah I have trouble distinguishing the two N's, to me it feels like the same thing.
  39. Strong Te & Ni in INTP's?

    I feel these two functions are fairly developed within me, to an equal extent as Ti and Ne. It makes me wonder if other INTP's have well developed Ni and Te or not? Strangely, I no longer use Ni or Te much anymore. Te is nice for school projects that have to be accomplished by a deadline...
  40. Am I Really an INTP?

    Figuring out your type is easy, you just have to know yourself. Not who you want to be, but who you are. I vs E, which one are you? It is quite easy as how much time do you spend alone, and do you feel more energized by others or by being alone? N vs S ... read the definition of both, and...
  41. How an INFP would become an INTP, or vice versa

    Your reasoning sounds good brain, but I think I agree with Jenny and her analysis. You might also consider working towards a well-adjusted INTP. One who recognizes and values their feelings, integrating it into their life in a logical way. This might resolve your original issue of lacking any...
  42. Am I the only one who doesn't care about Obama's latest activities?

    It's the women who are into this stuff. I looked up the results in a lot of the swing states that McCain had to win in order to pull off a victory and in pretty much every swing state McCain had a slight majority in male votes. However, in the female demographic, Obama carried about 60% of...
  43. Lifelong Happiness

    Ahh... shit.
  44. INTPs and Leadership

    I was freshmen class president in High School and well, I was horrible at it. The reason being I thought dances and High School as a whole as utterly stupid. In summation, I used it as an excuse to skip out on classes. At work I occasionally fall into a leadership role where I have to train...
  45. Amusing Wikipedia prank

    The reason wikipedia is so great is because it is malleable, if it had to be 100% accurate, it would cost 100 times more to maintain the content that they do. You sacrifice 1 or 2 percent of accuracy for the product being offered for free, which is well worth it. If you open up an old...
  46. Maturity in the INTP

    -Have you noticed a certain immaturity in yourself or fellow INTP'S? You have to distinguish between different types of maturity. INTP's are more mature than most when it comes to having an insightful, well thought out perspective on an issue. We'll give a response that you might expect...
  47. Depression as an evolutionary function

    Life is life, if you want to be a happy person, you have to be happy with your life, whatever life that is. There are many people in this world who have a more miserable life than mine, in fact my life isn't that miserable and is fairly normal, but I don't enjoy it nor am I happy. Yet I know...
  48. Vegetarian?

    With fish, del, is right. I used to fish a lot and we got warnings in our manuals about how contaminated certain species are. Here's the thing with fish, the least contaminated ones are in upriver wilderness rivers and lakes. The more down river you go, and the more populated the lake, the...
  49. Quality Education: A thing of the past?

    The problem is western society no longer values education. If you ask a parent in what way will they mold their child, I bet you, almost always they will put all sorts of things at the top of their list, yet it will rarely be education. That's the responsibility of schools, not parents. Sure...
  50. Vegetarian?

    The economy will determine when it is no longer feasible to grow meat in vast quantities. Then transitioning to a more vegetarian diet will take place. Individual citizens trying to speed up this transition with their own effort is kinda silly. If it is a biological / social issue, then...
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