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Search results

  1. Trebuchet

    Problem with authority

    This is not an INTP thing. It is a school thing. Everyone has teachers they hate at some point. Harry Potter had Snape, I had Mr. B------, you have this loser. Your goal is to get out of the class, right? I would add the sub-goal of not harming your academic record or making any enemies...
  2. Trebuchet

    INTP or "So-called"; Of what sort?

    Your post seems to show a lot of struggling in your life. You ask what is the purpose of INTPs and I think it might actually be to struggle with hard questions, including science, philosophy, and social structure. We don't take things for granted, or at face value. We aren't smugly certain of...
  3. Trebuchet

    Respect for an individual

    I really like this a lot, Blob. Well put.
  4. Trebuchet

    would an INTP make a good spy or Federal Agent

    I have a young relative who works for the FBI, and she really enjoys her job (which is at a desk, not in the field). She said it is frustrating not to be able to discuss what she does, and of course she has to wear a suit to the office, and they are very strict about cell phones and other...
  5. Trebuchet


    Brilliant. This is exactly right.
  6. Trebuchet

    How effective are INTP leaders?

    Necessity is a big one. I've stepped into leadership roles when no one else would, and did just fine. I did that in college when my team was preparing for a presentation, and I was the only one that had experience in public speaking. I did it when the company I worked for had a mandatory...
  7. Trebuchet

    The Power of Music

    That is certainly plausible. I've also seen a lot of stuff on how music affects children's mental development. I'm not talking about the so-called Mozart effect, for which I have yet to see any convincing evidence, but rather the statistically significant beneficial effect early music lessons...
  8. Trebuchet

    The Power of Music

    You know who has studied this extensively? Oliver Sacks, the English psychologist. He wrote a book called Musicophilia (http://www.oliversacks.com/books/musicophilia) which, like all of Sacks's books, is a great pleasure to read. It is a clear confirmation that music has great power, and...
  9. Trebuchet

    Favourite documentaries?

    Quantum Hoops was good. It is the history of CalTech's basketball team, once great, still relevant even with decades devoid of a single win. The people were fascinating and the history was fun.
  10. Trebuchet

    I shall now reveal the main purposes of compliments

    Great list, great thread topic, especially since compliments do bother so many on this forum. I think you left out (what number are we on now?) 15. Enthusiasm about someone else or their achievements. Compliments come without thinking when I really love or admire someone. I am utterly...
  11. Trebuchet

    College Sucks

    I'll PM you, LAM.
  12. Trebuchet

    Your mind is a house

    I live in an open-air beach house. It's probably a five-minute walk to the next house over, and some of them are surfing or playing in the waves. Some sand has tracked in on the bamboo floor and rag rugs, but I don't sweep it out very often. All the furniture is comfortable and worn, and all...
  13. Trebuchet

    College Sucks

    Actually, it never occurred to me that you were contemplating lying. Your original post made it clear that you were disliked the very idea, and were frustrated by the many people considered it the normal, correct way to do things.
  14. Trebuchet

    INTP me and the other me.

    They are both you. You simply use a different set of skills and mental states, different tools, in different situations. That sounds very effective to me. I am pretty sure everyone does that to some degree. I've heard people discussing work-life balance and talking about who you are at...
  15. Trebuchet

    College Sucks

    Well, Darby, that sounds like a wretched evening. I remember hating every minute of the college application process, so I am experiencing a nostalgic nausea on your behalf. Life gets better, though. To answer your question, no it is not all right to bullshit your application. Not everyone...
  16. Trebuchet

    Why isn't there a role-playing sub-forum?

    The MBTI is how I play RPGs, but I have only played a few INTP characters. Only 4 out of 19 according to my records. Hey, stop laughing! Anyone ever try playing an INFP? I've tried twice. Disaster, both times. ISTPs work best.
  17. Trebuchet

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Twelve hours of repair work is not a fun day. Thanks for all the efforts.
  18. Trebuchet

    How do I act normal?

    My advice is if you don't think something is funny, don't laugh. You do find some things funny, therefore you have a sense of humor, and don't let anyone tell you different. Anyone who says so clearly isn't funny. (You can probably tell I have the same problem and maybe some issues with it.)...
  19. Trebuchet

    Accused Rebellion?

    Never. But my parents are both INxPs so I guess they understood me pretty well, and I never had anything to rebel against. Sure, we disagreed on things, and argued, but they never thought I was rebellious. Parents, when they disagree with their children, find it extremely stressful. When...
  20. Trebuchet

    Introverts = Night Owls?

    I've always been a night-owl. I hate mornings. I don't know that it is a matter of being introverted, though. About half of all people are introverted, right? But the early birds definitely outnumber us.
  21. Trebuchet

    Do a lot of INTPs consider themselves different from the rest of society?

    Sure we are different from the rest of society. If we weren't, I wouldn't hang around this forum. I'm only here because people's posts make sense to me (even if I don't agree with them) and people don't act like I'm some kind of alien when I post something (even if they don't agree). INTPs...
  22. Trebuchet

    INTP worst fear: Dancing.

    I can't agree. I've never been to a rave but I've been to parties and events with a dance floor and had a great time. I like the rhythms and the fun. No one cares how I look when dancing, anyway. Once in college I was at a dorm party for halloween, and I was dressed in a fairly sexy...
  23. Trebuchet

    Lazy, Drunk, Drugs, Depression. INTP experiences from this forum

    Drugs: Never (EDIT: okay, I am a caffeine addict) Drinking: Rarely, never been drunk Depression: Once, definitely for cause Lazy: Actually, no Depression isn't self-indulgent. I know that used to be the common wisdom, but it's actually a very real thing.
  24. Trebuchet

    Making quick decisions/responding to emergency situations

    I haven't been in that many emergencies, though I try to be prepared for them (getting some training - a bit out of date this year though - and keeping supplies on hand). The times that emergencies came up, the difference in my reaction was how clear-cut the situation was. When my...
  25. Trebuchet

    Troubles with Compliments?

    I'm so glad you are not sinister. Of course, a sinister person would say that. :D A couple of posts back, you were criticizing people for not seeing that everyone, "even your distant father, has some agenda in mind." You, of course, don't have any more of an agenda than improving the...
  26. Trebuchet

    Troubles with Compliments?

    Since you are calling people demented (which is kind of mean), you must have a broader agenda. The pun was pretty good, though. I am not sure how sinister you are, but the sinister people I have met have clearly been far worse than you. Sinister people exploit every weakness people...
  27. Trebuchet


    I started playing drums at 23. While I never became great at it, I certainly learned a lot and had a great time, especially when I practiced for an hour a day (probably about the first 2 years). I continued to practice but time pressure dropped it to 20-30 minutes a day, and it wasn't nearly...
  28. Trebuchet

    Easier time getting through hard things?

    Absolutely, logic and reason are the first tools I use when facing difficulty. When they fail, I try applying them again, and again, and again, always baffled when I can't solve a problem that way. I do go to my husband and friends for comfort when something really big has gone wrong, such as...
  29. Trebuchet

    Happy birthday to MEEEE

    Loved the picture. Your boss sucks. I've had more than one boss who sucked that bad, and if you are anything like me, someday you will have a different boss that you actually like and respect, and you will look back on this job, and you will STILL hate your current boss. You been wronged...
  30. Trebuchet

    I Probably Shouldn't Be Worried....

    I don't think it's silly, but why is it stressing you out right now? Do you have a big choice to make?
  31. Trebuchet

    What Pisses You Off About INTPs?

    Certainly true of some INTPs, but not all. And have you ever tried to satisfy an xSxJ?
  32. Trebuchet

    Incurable (long)

    If you do adopt a persona, Keads, I predict it'll all end in tears. I've done that my entire life, and it has never once satisfied me. Even when it led to professional acceptance, I wasn't happy. Some of my biggest regrets in life come from doing exactly that. Recently I've tried being...
  33. Trebuchet

    Has there ever been a movie that made you cry?

    Probably both. I live in the US, so my experience may not apply elsewhere. But yes, in my experience, fewer men cry at all than women, and fewer men will admit it. Mostly I have seen men cry at funerals or other real tragedies, but not so much at movies. I do not think this reflects at...
  34. Trebuchet

    Incurable (long)

    First, you have my sympathy for your sorrow. It must be awful. It does sound like a real problem, and it is such a shame that your therapists don't believe you when you say it began before your deployment. Second, since you are looking for new ideas, I'll bring up Cognitive Behavioral...
  35. Trebuchet

    Has there ever been a movie that made you cry?

    Oh, nothing to do with weak Fe or anything like that. I said so mainly because I don't know any men who cry at movies. I am sure some do, and perhaps they will post so here, but I haven't met them. If someone is answering whether they ever cry at movies, I am guessing that more women than men...
  36. Trebuchet

    Has there ever been a movie that made you cry?

    That whole "cold" reputation is totally overstated. Just because other people can't spot our emotions doesn't mean they aren't there. So we aren't drama queens. I can spot the emotions in other INTPs easier than I can in many other people. As for watching dramas, you certainly described me...
  37. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    One of the great things about INTPs is that they can spot tiny logical flaws in arguments. You, bluesquid, are a master of exploiting this, and keeping INTPs busy refuting your arguments, which have more holes than a sieve. Congratulations, I guess. Conclusion: you are indeed a troll, and...
  38. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    The most prominent historical advocate for civil rights is maybe Nelson Mandela, but Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, King John Sigismund, Susan B. Anthony, and countless others have dedicated their lives to that cause. The most prominent gay rights activist, historically, is perhaps...
  39. Trebuchet

    Can you read eyes?

    34/36. I just read an article at Cognitive Daily a couple of weeks ago, that said it was easier to detect lies if you try to imitate a person's facial expression. So I tried that and I guess it worked.
  40. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    So far you have dismissed my comments as nitpicking (only an INTP would notice) and parochial (only an American would consider [that] "fighting for equality."). It is true: I am an American INTP. If you don't approve of that, fine. But you have not answered my question. What do you...
  41. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    Only an INTP would notice that you said anyone with a desk job is a waste? That wasn't a metaphor; it was an insult. And even if every other MBTI type in the world would be happy with that, it doesn't make it right. Okay, so equality is not your issue. That is fine, though I question why you...
  42. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    Great post EditorOne. I will add: What? I am actually involved in larger social issues. One example: here in California, as many people know, there is an ongoing fight over Prop 8, which bans same-sex marriage in our state. There are people here working hard on both sides of this fight...
  43. Trebuchet

    Miscommunications happen. I apologize again for any appearance of criticism of you. This isn't...

    Miscommunications happen. I apologize again for any appearance of criticism of you. This isn't the first time I've said something unclear, and I expect I should have thought through my post better before submitting it. Can I blame insomnia for a poor post?
  44. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    Sorry for misinterpreting, then. I redact any comment that could be construed as arguing with you.
  45. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    Why is it a problem for the younger members of this forum to be young? If some of them want to wallow in ennui, or try out 200 things without ever completing them, how is this wrong? INTPs spend many years gathering information about the world, drifting a bit, and finally they get a sense...
  46. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    I keep reading this thread because I am fascinated by the boorishness. Vrecknidj's choice to support his family is an excellent way of making a difference. He has chosen something that not only matters to him, but that he can successfully affect in a positive way. What an excellent choice of...
  47. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    Whoa. Harsh. I think that is the most negative single thing I have ever seen on this forum. One of the most incorrect, too. It isn't any of my business how old anyone is, but as I've said in other posts, I have observed that INTxs struggle with life early on, and actually find real...
  48. Trebuchet

    Help! What should I model?

    How about they way cholesterol controls the permeability of cell membranes?
  49. Trebuchet

    wrong assumption

    What exactly is wrong with D&D? I'll defend RPGs any time, any place. Bring it.
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