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Search results

  1. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    I'd encourage thinking of love not as a tethering-down (this I'm not sure I understand), and more as a benevolence which improves you personally. I, at least, think love is the purpose and meaning of man.
  2. Nicholas A. A. E.

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    I don't know. I've never had anyone close to me die. When I imagine it, I imagine that I would accept it in the Stoic manner, with a minimum of emotion. At the least, emotion would be put off until the funeral. I've never been one to be shocked by sudden news.
  3. Nicholas A. A. E.

    What was your childhood like?

    I agree with Cavallierose. I've never been in any fights, but if I had, my dad would be mad at me if (1) the fight wasn't inevitable, but I didn't walk away, or (2) the fight was inevitable, but I didn't throw the first punch.
  4. Nicholas A. A. E.

    The Best Personality Type For You Test (for romantic partner)

    INTJ The Mastermind You scored 25 I versus E, 0 N versus S, 60 F versus T, and 80 J versus P! If I got such a high P score, why did it give me INTJ? I'm not sure. It didn't want to give me my identical type...
  5. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Fun Humour Test

    the Prankster (33% dark, 19% spontaneous, 16% vulgar) your humor style: CLEAN | COMPLEX | LIGHT I was really low (statistically) on all three indices, but especially...
  6. Nicholas A. A. E.

    How many INTPs do you know?

    2 in RL. A friend, and my dad.
  7. Nicholas A. A. E.

    I was stalking your visitor messages, or something, and wanted to mention I think St. John's...

    I was stalking your visitor messages, or something, and wanted to mention I think St. John's College is totally awesome. I really considered applying there but my parents sorta convinced me to go somewhere where I can get a liberal arts education AND see some good science departments. Still...
  8. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Post 666! :v

    Post 666! :v
  9. Nicholas A. A. E.

    The Math of Beauty

    I wouldn't be so quick to assert this. Psychologists have been learning, for example, that babies are pretty dang smart, compared to what we thought a while ago. The same is probably true of early humans. Heck, we had language thousands of years ago. But even before we developed language, we...
  10. Nicholas A. A. E.

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Cobra gets a high five for posting a song by a group I actually recognize for once. ;)
  11. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Your Type of Girl Test

    Argh... this quiz was hard, because I kept trying to answer what I found attractive overall (like, who would I be interested in actually talking to, or something), if that makes sense, but it clearly wasn't working. I restarted and just went with what turns me on. (Which isn't, e.g., what I...
  12. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Google Chrome OS Launching Next Week?

    If it uses the same philosophy of Chrome, I don't think I'll enjoy it. Chrome isn't nearly configurable enough for me. :/
  13. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Not that I'm saying Ranondrugs is anything but beautiful, but what makes you say those other two wom

    I'm not trying to offend anybody! In my mind, appearance is a valid topic for discussion, as long as people recognize it's not as important as other stuff. Nothing wrong with discussing unimportant stuff. We do it all the time on here. There are nuances to appearance. Why do some people find XYZ...
  14. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Not that I'm saying Ranondrugs is anything but beautiful, but what makes you say those other two wom

    I see what you guys are saying... but it seems like we're closing an avenue of discussion to protect someone's feelings. And it seems that if there is one place in the world where you shouldn't have to do that, it's here on INTP Forum. I'm not saying Ranondrugs's feelings aren't valuable. It's...
  15. Nicholas A. A. E.

    INTP friends?

    Actually, I just remembered I do have an INTP friend. I feel bad for not remembering. I met him through a mutual friend, and I spent almost a year talking to him through Facebook without ever seeing him in person. We quickly realized we were incredibly similar in personality, and we joke about...
  16. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Not that I'm saying Ranondrugs is anything but beautiful, but what makes you say those other two wom

    Adaire might be right. Unfortunately, even INTPs usually fail at really repressing emotions. My intellectual judgement says that's a bad thing, because it means some topics (like this one, perhaps?) can't really be discussed, even on a place like INTP Forum. But discussion is inherently good...
  17. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Not that I'm saying Ranondrugs is anything but beautiful, but what makes you say those other two wom

    As long as we're being uncomfortable, I'll be honest and briefly explain my vote. The lip piercing just doesn't do it for me. It might be a whole different ballgame without the piercing (and I am serious there)... but no matter.
  18. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Anyone into investing?

    I'm not exactly the greatest George Soros fan ever. I think he's a massive tool. Does he have useful things to say anyway?
  19. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Looking for a good free MBTI substitute

    What test would you recommend I show people when I want them to type themselves? Perhaps not as an absolute result, but to point in the right direction so they can read descriptions and decide for themselves. Also, what set of descriptions would you recommend? I know there's a generally...
  20. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    Modern, Cool Nerd. Heck yes.
  21. Nicholas A. A. E.

    The Brutally Honest Test

    Heck yes. [B] 'you can blame it on your personality type now" Yeah, pretty much.
  22. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Anyone into investing?

    I'll be scared of investing until I can understand the basic principle whereby apparently the whole world is unwilling to invest in something that promises short-term loss, but virtually certain long-term gain (or alternately, short-term volatility, long-term stable gain). I DON'T GET IT. I'm...
  23. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    That assumes the object loves you back. What if he doesn't? Love does not require reciprocation. Love is a transitive verb, so it has subject and object. If I love you and you love me, then each of us is subject of one action and object of the other action. Or, by alternate formulation, "we...
  24. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Muscle Memory

    I've got pretty good muscle memory I think. I perform certain routine actions (e.g., opening a door, turning on the light, closing it behind me) more rapidly, consistently, and smoothly than most people. It's something I've consciously considered and modified in myself. I'd be able to dance...
  25. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    I replaced every instance of "love" with "trust." Perhaps this gets more to your fundamental question? I don't know. Love in general does not require trust, but romantic love, I'm pretty sure, does require trust. Can you think of a counterexample? I'm not sure I understand. If you love someone...
  26. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Any Diplomacy fans?

    I have Diplomacy, but it's one of those games sitting in my closet I've never played. Reading a brief description of it, I feel like I'm missing out.
  27. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    This actually came up in a conversation I had a while ago, and we reached the conclusion that conflict as actually not inherently a bad thing. Loving conflict is when two people each want the best for the other. Of course, one of them has to give in in order to not waste the other's time.
  28. Nicholas A. A. E.

    i'm a (clueless) mac

    Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. Linux has a different idea of "user" in the context of user friendliness. Or, at least, it should... Ubuntu tries to go with the usual definition. For me, user friendliness is being friendly to my needs. My needs are functionality, stability, and security...
  29. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    Hmm... I changed my mind. Actually, I think this can be accurately applied to love of (for example) one specific person and not everything. "I love you, as a person, in particular. This love is not limited by or subject to conditions or stipulations; absolute, unlimited, complete." (I can...
  30. Nicholas A. A. E.

    I have a game you will not stop playing..ever.

    How do I join this server? I don't see it listed on the public servers list.
  31. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Which is your dominant eye?

    Left-eye-dominant (even though my right eye has significantly better vision), right-handed. I snap my fingers differently from anyone else, but I don't know if that's relevant. I can't whistle either, but I can blow bubblegum. Wouldn't know how to go about determining brain dominance.
  32. Nicholas A. A. E.

    INTJ -> INTP -> INFP -> INFJ ...ENTP? (hobbies)

    Well, they're indicators that we can't manage our emotions well. That's objectively not a good thing.
  33. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    I'm starting to agree with munkey here. His statement needs no empirical evidence, it is a logical deduction. Even the definitions are conditions, separating one concept from another. However, this definition of condition makes the word useless for these circumstances. Surely there's a better...
  34. Nicholas A. A. E.

    i'm a (clueless) mac

    And this explains why I use Linux. User friendliness FTL :borg0:
  35. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Dumbing down the masses

    it's been a while since I considered it carefully, and dammit I forgot what my conclusion on abolishing public education was. I do think that preschool, and maybe kindergarten, is way too early for the government to be able to influence children. I think I'm in favour of your basic elementary...
  36. Nicholas A. A. E.

    McCain is INTP?

    I don't think it makes sense to shoehorn political preferences or even life choices in with personality type. It's just a tool, not the defining aspect of a person. I've considered joining the military, but for a variety of reasons don't actually intend to. Philosophical distaste of shooting...
  37. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Dumbing down the masses

    vouchers: Yeah, I agree. estrogen: yeah, it's starting to become a huge problem. i was reading about how other species are being affected, especially frogs and fish. in one particular lake, the concentration has risen 100-fold or something, too many of them are becoming female and it's damaging...
  38. Nicholas A. A. E.

    McCain is INTP?

    Zero - Thomas Jefferson did it! Go on wiki or something and read about how he got into politics and all. It's pretty cool. ^_^
  39. Nicholas A. A. E.

    INTJ -> INTP -> INFP -> INFJ ...ENTP? (hobbies)

    Not necessarily. Seeking truth is the driving force of my life, alongside seeking love. I am not sure of the relationship between the two, but truth is very important to me, at least. No simplification needed.
  40. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Press the button?

    What right, then, has the state to protect non-existent rights? Protecting rights is essentially illegalizing actions that would violate them. Illegalizing actions unnecessarily is an imposition on all citizens.
  41. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Unconditional Love

    It's possible to love someone while still despising their actions. This manifests in trying to help the person stop doing those actions. So, loving an immoral person isn't necessarily immoral. As for unconditional love, everyone experiences it. God 's unconditional love of us defines our...
  42. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Hey Ubuntu, Stop Making Linux Look Bad

    I agree with this guy. Also, my Karmic upgrade was initially fraught with much fail.
  43. Nicholas A. A. E.

    420 celebration!

    Which is cheaper for the consumer? Legal, taxed marijuana? Or illegal, untaxed marijuana? Legalizing marijuana would not get rid of organized crime.
  44. Nicholas A. A. E.

    420 celebration!

    I never said I thought all laws were just. America's got some huge legislative issues. I've heard the comparison between alcohol and marijuana before, and I don't have a ready answer. It's not a topic I discuss or think about a lot. So you guys can go ahead and ignore me; I'm conceding that...
  45. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Female INTPs

    <sees topic>
  46. Nicholas A. A. E.

    420 celebration!

    In any country, being loyal means following the laws, when they are just laws. As far as I can see, the illegalization of marijuana is a just law, though I don't hold this opinion very strongly. Either way, I like to give the government the benefit of the doubt. Civil disobedience is not...
  47. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Press the button?

    I don't want to derail the thread here but hunger is a political problem, not a production problem. It was my understanding this was also the consensus among modern thinkers, though I can't really speak to that.
  48. Nicholas A. A. E.

    420 celebration!

    I agree! I guess I was too succinct. I mean that among the things that are Right is loyalty to one's country, and that includes abiding by civil laws. So, except in circumstances like if the government doesn't have the right to the illegalization (that's vague but I'm feeling lazy), illegal...
  49. Nicholas A. A. E.

    Press the button?

    Do you accept any unalienable, natural rights? The overpopulation is bad science. We haven't hit that problem yet. No, our issue is underpopulation. But that's a different discussion.
  50. Nicholas A. A. E.

    420 celebration!

    I'd never consider smoking pot. First, it's illegal, and secondly, I will not take the chance of dependence or memory/cognitive damage. And I don't understand when smart people smoke pot. I really don't.
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