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Search results

  1. joal0503

    personality results...help?

    schweeeet, thanks for the help yos!
  2. joal0503

    personality results...help?

    no, ive actually had a lot of doubts regarding the applicability as well as the sort of rampant "choose your own destiny" sort of feel a lot of these cheesey online personality tests have... and of course on top of that you have an abundance of general psychological 'science' that sort of keeps...
  3. joal0503

    personality results...help?

    i just have a really difficult time actually believing in any of it...but here are the results of a free test i did awhile back... what do i make of this all? specifically with the percentages...is it better to have such skewed tendencies? or better to be more in the middle of things...
  4. joal0503

    What are you currently playing? Rate it.

    ... 14.99 ... goooooooooo playyyyyy
  5. joal0503


    ive been this way my entire life. ive managed to get a college education without ever picking up a textbook...afterall its just pointless memory building for a lot of people...for me understanding the actual concepts took more introspection about myself and my relationship to the topic, than it...
  6. joal0503

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    i just watched an alan watts lecture.... domination requires the upholding of a belief that the world is in some sort of constant struggle between good and evil. thats just bullshit... if we realize that the inner darkness we use to judge and dehumanize our enemies with, resides within...
  7. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    ahhh i see...so its more of an endeavor of discovery ? It just always seemed like they were creating abunch of pointless analogues just for the sake of it...but that definitely makes sense. Especially considering how just a minor tweak can have drastic differences... MDMA...one of my favorites...
  8. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I'm not too familiar with any of these newer compounds....what exactly is the point of consuming these as opposed to the currently existing options? from my research it just seems like they are like the b squad of pyschedelics, or is that a stupid assumption?
  9. joal0503

    Extreme sports

    join the army?
  10. joal0503

    Morning / Evening People?

    i hate mornings...i love the night... something strange to note, all my life ive followed a pretty decent sleep schedule...go to bed at night, get 8 hours, wake up in the am... but a few years ago, i took an overnight position...and strangely enough, once my body was acclimated to a reverse...
  11. joal0503

    Extreme sports

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U362EJ5dvL0 i snowboard....but not in the same sort of kickass, energy drink slamming, fashion that would be considered "extreme"...
  12. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    the brave little psychedelic toaster, i dig it !
  13. joal0503

    Why do you like debating?

    why i enjoy observing debates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlx3v8RRqUU&
  14. joal0503

    fractal art

  15. joal0503

    fractal art

  16. joal0503


    sometimes i find myself sort of floating or walking in a non linear, and ultimately distracted path of orientation. ill just weave and move around, even jump off a wall now and again. just strange. ill find myself drifting into fictional conversations, scenarios, or even bizarre acting scenes...
  17. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    the gaian mind
  18. joal0503

    climate preference

    colorado and washington sound amazing...no particular reasons... :smoker:
  19. joal0503

    Does Personality Actually Exist?

    what would the personality of a feral human be?
  20. joal0503

    Find your Spirit Animal Test!

    You are a Human! (your score: 30)
  21. joal0503

    The Mighty INTP's and Deja vu

    ive experienced deja vu before...and i always come to the conclusion that my mind is simply replaying or jumbling together old memories or something...now the ones where i trace them back to a dream...thats when i just need to go out and drink more beer :smoker:
  22. joal0503


  23. joal0503


    its not a 'gift' in the sense that i feel you are wasting it or anything...i was more concerned about the possible effects it will have on your entire physiology. i dont know a whole lot about it...but id guess that having such a procedure would have major effects on the regulation of your...
  24. joal0503

    Temperatures Below Absolute Zero, Achieved

    its a trip...the hottest recorded temperature, is a negative on the kelvin scale.
  25. joal0503

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    110% mathematician, 23% dyscalculic
  26. joal0503


    excerpt from John Zerzan's Time and its Discontents http://deoxy.org/timediscontent.htm
  27. joal0503

    Funny sex words

    its not really a term...but ive always wondered what some alien outsider would think about our unusual habit of spraying sperm around in areas that make absolutely zero sense. i mean dont get me wrong, its awesome...but jesus what a waste of sperm. donkey: omg, what the hell are they doing...
  28. joal0503

    U.S. Second Amendment

    why does everyone believe this is something only americans have a problem with? or that somehow firearms are the ultimate evil in this world? look around...common themes prevail. money, power, control. to me this debate is silly. its nothing but more distraction and fodder. because nothings...
  29. joal0503

    A Rambling Conversation

  30. joal0503

    sites to make the work day fly by

    chomsky.info deoxy.org
  31. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

  32. joal0503

    Let's plunder Wikipedia!

    Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy an advanced and cool ass nuclear magnetic resonance technique, acronymically known as PENIS. Invented by Michael Gibby and Alexander Pines. "Pines" being yes, an ANAGRAM for PENIS. - Most Mature Person in the World
  33. joal0503

    Aquatic Ape Theory

  34. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

    considering what we guage 'success' and 'happiness' today, its interesting to see this as the prevailing attitude within society. That somehow without material and the current structure we have today, we simply could never be content without it, so those who lived before must have lived...
  35. joal0503

    Sports, cults, fanaticism, et cetera...

    is this the case? or is there something more external going around within large scale civiliization? Is it arrogant to ask, do people really choose and think on their own? I surely assume I do for the most part, but looking back it was terrifying the first time i was able to sort of step back...
  36. joal0503

    Sports, cults, fanaticism, et cetera...

    loyalty to a statehood and groupthink. plagues. it runs into our societies in outlets such as sports, media, entertainment, games, consumerism, its everywhere. one of the more powerful dividers we have among our new world. loyalty to a thing, and imaginary organization that doesnt exist. a...
  37. joal0503

    Aquatic Ape Theory

    i was sitting around the other day on the toilet, when a very peculiar idea floated into my dome... can we today, identify our successors in the animal kingdom? I mean think of it like this...if there were an intelligent form of life lets say just 100 million years ago, and it was making notes...
  38. joal0503


    If your a chick lady, I can really only say that I have no idea what its like to have the societal pressures that women go through with family/babies/alloftherestofthebullshit. from a male perspective, no way in hell would i sterilize myself. its just too much of an important biological gift...
  39. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

    its not like im some sort of feminist movement crazy...i tend to see a lot of negatives within the movement itself...but... i read something like this: and it makes sense thoughts? (yes im crazy)
  40. joal0503

    Spells that should have been in Skyrim

    tron swap ability to manually enter the vitual dimension and take over your character. ive sadly never played a skyrim game...i know, whats wrong with me?
  41. joal0503

    climate preference

    born in a humind continental transplanted into another humid continental what i enjoy: tropical wet dry semiarid your preference(s)?
  42. joal0503

    Connecticut Massacre

    im pretty sure the majority of prison systems in the US are privately owned, funded, etc. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9NDE5MTEwfENoaWxkSUQ9NDMyMjg1fFR5cGU9MQ==&t=1
  43. joal0503

    U.S. Second Amendment

    but the assumption that the military personal would remain obedient during a measure like this, is definitely being overlooked. its impossible to guess, but knowing military folks it would be a little hard to turn our own men and women against our own for simply owning a gun. it is a bit...
  44. joal0503

    is mbti restricted by environment and/or culture?

    thanks for the responses...helps clear up the picture!!
  45. joal0503

    The Hobbit/Peter Jackson

    imagination vs constrained adaptation isnt imagination always more fun?
  46. joal0503

    is mbti restricted by environment and/or culture?

    its a simple question, and i dont really expect a simple explanation. i apologize in advance if it sounds like a simpleton perspective, but i suppose thats the case here...i dont have much knowledge on this subject... but i just have a hard time visualizing the mbti being applied to other...
  47. joal0503

    Why did you pick your name?

    years ago, a randomly generated username. easy to remember. a good level of anonymity. no real purpose behind it. or at least its appears arbitrary enough for you to actually believe that ^ ...
  48. joal0503

    The Hobbit/Peter Jackson

    this is news in hollywood? :rolleyes:
  49. joal0503

    What movies are you looking forward to?

    its the dialogue, the characters, the cinematography...its just all so unique and fresh compared to a lot of the cookie cutter, make a quick buck, hollywood dribble that has sort of infested the market the past decade. id have to agree, i cant remember a tarentino film i disliked. im not...
  50. joal0503

    The Hobbit/Peter Jackson

    i wonder what would have happened if they had releasedthis beforethe lotr trilogy... id guess more people wouldnt be so picky about the film's frame rate 'issues'... expectations are just too high, and its not the lotr people are use to. sincerely, somebody who didnt really care for any of...
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