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Search results

  1. joal0503

    Louis C.K. INTP?

    the persona he projects, the illusion of his personality we see on stage and on television is all most people know about louis ck. but aside from how he TRULY is in the normal world, its almost impossible to be 100%. we can make guesses yea, but it just sort of irks me when people try to get...
  2. joal0503

    Holographic Thinking

    completely unrelated, but fascinating nonetheless http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ-3m5W4cp4
  3. joal0503


    i would love my elephant, faithfully forever
  4. joal0503


    wat wat? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_imbalance#Criticisms
  5. joal0503


    its just strange...i know many friends, family members who ive specifically asked if they ever remembered an actual test ... nobody can remember one... bulllllshit is what it smells like.
  6. joal0503

    The REALLY Real Toy Story

    from what ive seen thus far, they appear to have accomplished every scene.
  7. joal0503

    What should I do with my future?

    ive alerted the pope, and justin bieber.
  8. joal0503

    I am not broken

    i did, pretty anticlimactic...it just sprayed lemon vapor all around the microwave. metal is much more entertaining (88 mph...)
  9. joal0503

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    I really dont know how to respond to this... “A person with a strong complex thinks in terms of the complex, he dreams with open eyes and no longer adapts psychologically to the environment” - Jung 1907 i really have no idea if this is a correct connection...but maybe somebody could lead you...
  10. joal0503

    The REALLY Real Toy Story

    holy crap...its the entire film... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0j_Huv2Fg at this point, i cant decide if its completely rubbish, or a creative feat of imagination...
  11. joal0503


    or even better...utilize the uppers to morph into a god, and proceed to conquer the rest of the city.
  12. joal0503


    clinical depression....isnt that just a checklist of some sort? srs question... i mean, ive always heard people cite a 'chemical imbalance'...but is there a way to even 'test' for that? whatevs...welcome, lets ride some elephants :elephant:
  13. joal0503


    well, to be fair, i had no idea minuend was a lady. the OP, never really made it clear, and im not familiar with most of the established members...to me it was an androgynous perspective. whatever the confusion was, its all good. and p.s. you dont have to worry about me thinking im some male...
  14. joal0503


    what 'false information' do you speak of? again, i get what your advice is sayin...it makes sense...i just dont see how it applies here, and why you would go out of your way to call me out like that?
  15. joal0503


    okay, i was just giving friendly advice to a stranger. and i wasnt making anything out to be fact, or like i was representing medical research...it was pretty clear that i was just expressing a generic concern; research the procedures and make sure your health isn't compromised...which IS the...
  16. joal0503

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

  17. joal0503

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    are bisexuals just greedy fuckers?
  18. joal0503


    *applause it feels like there should be an intervention thread for that poor duxwing fella...harsh. WELCOME TO A PLACE, where i have no business welcoming people. Interwebz is awesome.
  19. joal0503

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

  20. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    if ur bored... Seeking the Stone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgQfC4WRg-g Hermeticism and Alchemy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YNdBpYh1eA Crisis of Consciousness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEG0syeAo4U Dreaming Awake at The End of Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC3rB001TcA
  21. joal0503

    Nostalgia - Are you drawn to it?

    is it possible to be nostalgic about time periods you didn't exist (human form) in yet?
  22. joal0503

    What should I do with my future?

    Option #4: -Quit school -Commit life towards building a time machine -Complete time machine, get babes and money -Travel back in time and repeat
  23. joal0503

    free energy devices

    it doesnt qualify as a free energy device...but its cool nonetheless... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130110142127.htm
  24. joal0503

    random scene

    i dunno its pointless...mebbe we could turn it into a 'post your favorite movie scenes' thread... im booooored. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0quUM-Nr2c
  25. joal0503

    Sad / depressive songs?

  26. joal0503

    I am not broken

    i blame coldplay
  27. joal0503

    I Tried To Kill Myself

    my contribution: hoooooray for being baked! :smoker: antidepressants and prescription drugs...thats a good ranting subject...
  28. joal0503

    free energy devices

    bahahaha alright free energy devices 0 spaceyeti 1 i guess it wouldnt make any sense if we chose to leave these sorts of devices out of our world, if they actually worked.
  29. joal0503

    free energy devices

    right right...i managed to pick up on his nonsense just from the appearance of that page...bad link i suppose...but did you get a chance to check out the patent details? thats what id be more interested in hearing more about... ^this stuff? goes whooooooooosh right over my head.
  30. joal0503

    Have you ever studied for a test/quiz?

    no...unless you count vigorously searching the internet for understanding hours before the paper is due, as a form of studying. i guess when it comes down to it, if somebody tells me the way to study (i.e. read x pages these days) ...i reject it and find my own way to learn. so i guess...
  31. joal0503

    Acting and INTPs

    i think its definitely fun to dream, and sort of play things out intrapersonally...but the idea of having to perform in front of large audiences...or to contribute to the decay of society via acting in hollywood really turns me off.
  32. joal0503

    free energy devices

    i dont know much about these things at all... now obviously i read something like and it makes sense... but then i see http://www.free-energy-devices.com/ which essentially is a lay mans catalogue of a bunch of devices that supposedly operate, harness, use, free energy... so...
  33. joal0503


    there are many subjects and areas yet to be discovered. try finding solace in the most mundane and strange subjects or observations. or more simply start some new hobbies and dont stress too much about your academic record.
  34. joal0503


    humans are not machines, we're organisms. i realize this is highly debatable. edit: oh snap, zordon from the power rangers used crystals
  35. joal0503


    and i think ur missing mine. theres nothing parallel about those subjects, except for the indoctrinated stereotypes that exist within your mind. i personally dont know anyone who believes that computers operate on mysticism or black magic. nor do i know anyone who think that the soul/energy...
  36. joal0503

    What is your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt? And why?

    dadddy, why did you eat my fries?
  37. joal0503

    What is your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt? And why?

    i did indeed :D *2010-2011 MS PAINT CHAMPIONSHIPS RUNNER UP
  38. joal0503

    Were you military?

    demographics of american miltary branches are interesting... the marines and army recruit uneducated poor young men... the navy and air force recruit older, educated, wealthy men... the point...how else are you going to get people to fight wars ? payyyyy up. srsly, its genius. its why so...
  39. joal0503

    Sword fighting

    scenario: you + 1 sword/sharp thingy of your choice vs. very large and hungry grizzly bear who wins?
  40. joal0503


    no , computers have guides and proven methods to describe how they work. they are machines. souls do not have any guidebooks. souls possess living organisms, not machines.
  41. joal0503

    What is your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt? And why?

    everytime i see a box of frozen yogurt, a little bit of me dies inside. ICE CREAM IS MY MASTER
  42. joal0503

    Human hive mind.

    that depends on how faithful, or how well connected the species is with their overmind.
  43. joal0503

    Connecticut Massacre

  44. joal0503

    Connecticut Massacre

    oh absolutely, theres plenty of moron cops, like there are plenty of moron truck drivers, or machinists, or professors, etc... id just say the numbers themselves would (probably?) show a great difference in police abuse/deaths....military deaths. The main reason being society seems to ACCEPT...
  45. joal0503

    Sword fighting

    ancient combat... either it was WAYYYYYY lamer than we portray it as today. I mean seriously...knives and arms...yes cool...but imagine what the average size of a common warrior was back then? and then picture a bunch of dudes running at eachother and trying to awkwardly stay alive, not hack...
  46. joal0503

    What are you currently playing? Rate it.

    because it IS awesome. :D
  47. joal0503

    Humans on Mars

    never seen em :( but seriously...just trying to imagine mars hundreds of millions of years ago...or at least a mars when it was able to support life forms with an atmosphere...why the hell could it not be possible?
  48. joal0503

    Humans on Mars

    the biggest mindfuck would be finding out that mars being is somehow the true home planet of our species ancestors.
  49. joal0503

    Connecticut Massacre

    its not the po po. its the military that takes care of this. besides we get the added bonus of being able to build a brand new foreign economy, and have all of the profit come back to a selected group of pockets. hooray
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