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  1. joal0503

    Being an INTP is a CURSE :(( Career/Major issue

    Fghw you are on one hell of a bump massacre.
  2. joal0503

    Dorner type (based on manifesto)

    related note: they are claiming the body found in the cabin had a single gunshot wound to the head. but...of course i cant find anyyyything else that confirms the body itself has been id with DNA/dental... so all they have is just a charred body with a bullet hole in the head. could be...
  3. joal0503

    IQ test which I believe is quite cool

    from what i can tell , looks like a link to a torrent... risks can be mitigated depending upon a user's experience
  4. joal0503

    Are you living in a computer simulation?

    choice, the problem is choice.
  5. joal0503

    Bill Maher

    I try to imagine current television having some sort of boring, dry,academic, live debate! reactionary survey results: "HOW STIMULATING!" 5 persons "NEEDS MORE BOOBS" 231,123,123 persons
  6. joal0503

    I like logic, you like logic, we all like logic.

    NO, enough pretending. we can just be honest and tell them to go fuck themselves.
  7. joal0503

    Bill Maher

    my issue, edited for fun: when ratings guides dictates your agenda/funding/being...its hard to really genuinely believe they are covering important issues. Regardless of which side they happen to be on...it can sometimes be just too much garbage.
  8. joal0503

    Bill Maher

    And that I do respect him for...he does definitely say the things that most people avoid. ever see Religulous?
  9. joal0503

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  10. joal0503

    Bill Maher

    i cant comment on his type...but ill comment on HIM. as an entertainer, i got respect for him...as a political commentator? nothing there. His ideas are fun, but too many times it just feels like hes trolling. and as far as politics infused with entertainment in general...blech.
  11. joal0503

    Sloth: the need for speed

    ahhh naw...thats him ridin the pure, unadulterated waves , @ 8 knot his moment of transcendence into the amazing world of aquatic motor sports.
  12. joal0503

    Are you living in a computer simulation?

  13. joal0503

    Sloth: the need for speed

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnaWCDg4m9I brilliant.
  14. joal0503

    1 asteroid + 2 meteor events? - half baked thoughts.

    1. it was a bizarre event...2 celestial events like that (the asteroid flyby) alone are extremely RARE events (check the probability)...but now it sounds like there was a 3rd unreported event in CUBA. That compounds the uniqueness of the events...
  15. joal0503

    Has anyone here ever beaten hair loss?

    this thread has taught me 2 things... 1. i should learn to profit off of human insecurities, it works sooo god damned well.. 2. there might be space for some sort of wig/hairpiece revival using new sources of synthetic hairs and materials. maybe even some sort of digital projection of hair...
  16. joal0503

    So I've come to the conclusion...

    wait...this isnt the case already here in america? maybe i need just stop getting up in the middle of the night, ruins my sample group.
  17. joal0503

    death of intelligence, the rise of personnality

    sorry for the red color.
  18. joal0503

    death of intelligence, the rise of personnality

    No no no ... celebrities, athletes, etc... compared to lets say, educators... doctors, lawyers, and engineers ... probably more of a social class issue of opportunity more than intelligence...just another 7am guess.
  19. joal0503

    Ask SpaceYeti

    You know...that actually works for me. Youre on death row for a crime you didnt commit, whats does your last meal consist of?
  20. joal0503

    Ask BAP

    Damn...Im only on 342,123...
  21. joal0503

    death of intelligence, the rise of personnality

    but doesnt american society seem to reward the dumbmasses, rather than the intellect? i have no idea how youd quantify this, but it does seem to be a popularly publicized theme.
  22. joal0503

    Ask SpaceYeti

    does my monkey avatar evoke the sentiment of longing for the unexplored?
  23. joal0503

    Ouija Board?

    lets hope its not a non-euclidean geometry quiz.
  24. joal0503

    Ask BAP

    would you be interested in a counting to 1,000,000,000,000 competition ?
  25. joal0503

    Are you living in a computer simulation?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BMYtnv_OnI Rest of the paper, can be found: http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.html Related papers and media can be found in this index: http://www.simulation-argument.com/
  26. joal0503

    thatgamecompany did Flower as well for the PS3.

    thatgamecompany did Flower as well for the PS3.
  27. joal0503


    Excerpts from Jung: http://recoveryfromschizophrenia.org/2012/03/carl-jung-on-schizophrenia/
  28. joal0503

    what amazes me, Is that in sense of detail,its all relatively simple... hard to describe...but...

    what amazes me, Is that in sense of detail,its all relatively simple... hard to describe...but as simple as it all is, its stunning ... And the soundtrack? omg, its beautiful. sound design, art, references to old lost cultures, it all encapsulates the moment, and provides a complimentary balance...
  29. joal0503

    addiction? quarter life crisis?

    Maybe he's just too bored.
  30. joal0503

    Ask BAP

    Nacho Preference: nacho cheese sauce or real shredded cheddar?
  31. joal0503

    Ouija Board?

    just once, i wish the spirit in my bathroom would tell me something other than "order pizza nau"
  32. joal0503

    Music, Memory, and the INTP

    sort of related (i wrote this in an audiophile forum discussing the first time)... To touch on it, I feel like theres some sort of universal HUMAN (not mbti specific) connection with music, mind, rythym, memory, emotion inducing tones, etc. This can be heightened through certain chemicals.
  33. joal0503

    The current conditions of the gaming industry...bleh...i could write pages of rantings...but ill...

    The current conditions of the gaming industry...bleh...i could write pages of rantings...but ill spare you. I definitely agree that most popular games are nothing but garbage to keep the masses in tuned to their masculine dominance. With FPS, I feel like there is a overlooked connection between...
  34. joal0503

    Fear has changed, "Terror" - Hegemony -

  35. joal0503


    love, the more i think about it, the more im convinced we've all been miserably indoctrinate/enslaved to believe in something that everyone is almost guaranteed to be delusionally attached to for life. they prey on the biological attractions innate inside of us all, and blow it up into...
  36. joal0503

    Noah and Sloan

    in the true spirit of hollywood, ive made amendments to the plot: real talk: i can dig this stuff, dude. 'sloan' is such a sexy military name, and im reaally likin the creativity :smoker:
  37. joal0503

    addiction? quarter life crisis?

    I wouldnt advocate psychedelics to anyone who isnt already curious about them on their own, but it just seems like you WANT to, and for some reason are holding back, seeking validity of the experiences from others? No clue, could be way off... Of course aside from that, Id just recommend...
  38. joal0503

    house/trance/electronic music

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV-hSgL1R74 *Classic
  39. joal0503

    Dualism = Idealism

    after the day of cognisance, can i be your boots shiner?
  40. joal0503

    Caffeine therapy

    im only commenting because i just saw a show on how they decaffeinate coffee using supercritical fluid extraction. a lot safer method that involves Co2. but yea i laughed my ass off when they pulled out this gigantic pile of pure caffeine...the guys eyes got huge...id imagine insufflating pure...
  41. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    ive been holding on to a gram of delicious mdma for over 3 years now...it might just turn out to be an interesting monday...
  42. joal0503

    Ask SpaceYeti

    what do you think of trance music?
  43. joal0503

    Dualism = Idealism

    interesting...you completely dismiss presence in a dimension...but are open to the possibility that it changes via reincarnation...hmmmm... multiverses. possibility that a spirit goes on to exist in another dimension AS a form of reincarnation?
  44. joal0503

    Kitties of the interweb! ...Hi :3

    "everythangs better when you're high" - a really high guy
  45. joal0503


    the variety of personality dynamic makes the world go round (and burn too). there would be no specific typology, without the other. rejoice, and welcome. schweeet.
  46. joal0503

    Kitties of the interweb! ...Hi :3

    he could always just practice yelling as loud as he can, like the majority of others do.
  47. joal0503

    So it's Superbowl Sunday in the U.S.

    the be fair, the madden cover...he was the super bowl mvp the year after the murders took place. its the one thing i HAVE to agree when Ray lewis is brought up...in teh context of a football player, he was a real pleasure to have watched.
  48. joal0503

    As an outsider

    im just too bogged down right now for an honest answer, so ill resort to imagery.
  49. joal0503

    Kitties of the interweb! ...Hi :3

    desperation is a key to humility. but srsly, i see a chick smokin a pipe, and i just lose it. cant help myself.
  50. joal0503

    As an outsider

    news itself is a farce to begin with. things happen on a daily basis, the news is simply the selection of stories that are told to uphold the status quo/agenda. reality is, experience in the present, regardless of whether or not its been reported as news. so i DO think there is some level of...
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