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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Intp central, how does it make you feel?

    The vibe I got from that place was an elitist one, like they thought all the other types were dirt. Didn't really like it, so I'm here to stay.
  2. sagewolf


    Go Ermine! Congratulations!
  3. sagewolf

    The introduction of me.

    Hello Malkavian. Hope you enjoy yourself here. I don't feel like writing a witty violent/self-depreciating welcome today (can't seem to think of one) so I'll just shoot you in the head. Remember to have fun!
  4. sagewolf

    Dominant Ne: what does it mean?

    *facepalm* I'm not a chocolate cheese cow... I'm a wolf... a wolf....
  5. sagewolf


    I agree; culture is something I am fascinated by and love to study. (I keep saying 'next year, when I'm living in Dublin and can go to libraries/get broadband/take up this hobby I will...) That said, I'm more likely to think Celtic/Gaelic culture is cool than that it's mine. It shouldn't be...
  6. sagewolf

    Help with in-class essays?

    I've never had that problem: I'm generally quite good a making essays up on the day. I rarely plan them out. Of course, owing to the structure of the Leaving cert, you can generally predict what kind of essay is going to come up, and plan it accordingly. It's especially easy in the Comparative...
  7. sagewolf

    The Swine Flu...

    I think they all tie for that auspicious honor. The HSE is fucked, although not apparently as bad as Mexico. Ireland has one case, out of approximately 4 million people. The media are reporting on it every damn hour. The first time I heard that Ireland had its "first case of probable swine...
  8. sagewolf

    Inner Personality type?

    Horse Tiger. Both, according to wiki, third trine: WTF? Okay, I can see that. Although 'honourable' I only see if it's my own personal code of ethics and honor. I never knew there were trines, or that you could have an inner animal. I notice that I have all the disagreeable personality traits...
  9. sagewolf

    Hi, tell me I'm good.

    Tekton's right: good is boring. Evil is what you want. Succumb to the dark side of the forum! (Meaning, step out of that tiny patch of light you landed in somehow. We really must fix the roof sometime.)
  10. sagewolf

    Why this collection of INTPs?

    But as old members leave (sadly) and new members join, those topics can be revived and rehashed. Still, i agree with you mostly. So much more that's interesting seems to happen here than on bigger forums like INTPc or INTJforum.
  11. sagewolf

    Self Awareness

    I think I have to agree with Slyguy (if I just strip his initial argument of the perception of you as fake). If you are 19, I can't find it in myself to believe that you have almost everything figured out. You may have everything that applies to your life specifically, as it is now, figured out...
  12. sagewolf

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    Maybe it's that we're talking for the sake of exchanging/refining our ideas, and they're talking for the sake of... well, talking, and bonding with the other person. Which we find completely alien. I've thought on occasion, "I would like to correct myself because I've refined my ideas since I...
  13. sagewolf

    I'm new but deep :)

    Your posts are very long. I'll see what I can say on them, although I don't post on everything. (You may also have managed the record for fastest name change in the forum.) Anyway, welcome to you.
  14. sagewolf

    Stuff I've told myself to help self improve

    This is a common misconception: a J preference does not mean someone is more inclined to be judgemental, only that they use their predominant Judging function (T/F, as opposed to N/S) in the outer world. INTJs are Js because they have auxiliary Extraverted Thinking. And the italicised statement...
  15. sagewolf


    Same as the OP, but substitute childhood for youth and youth for adulthood. It is, indeed, exactly half my life that I've spent in Ireland. I don't identify with either country, though. National pride, national identity, and patriotism have always been things I don't understand. "Patriotism is...
  16. sagewolf


    I've never been drunk, so I don't know what interacting with people when I am is like, but it's not that hard to learn to interact with people naturally without alcohol as a crutch--disengage the Ti and let the Ne take hold. It's easier to do that with NPs, though, because they have Ne too, and...
  17. sagewolf

    The Game

    ...Seems sound, but you wouldn't know you won, so what's the point of that? (Damn this thread: it was on the bloody index page!)
  18. sagewolf

    An experiment

    And it takes no effort at all to perform the dead-eyed 'I'm going to kill you all someday' blank stare that INTs are so very, very good at. ;)
  19. sagewolf

    The Dark

    I hate teachers who do that. There's no reason to turn the lights on if there's light coming from the window: our school recently got a new roof, so there are skylights in all the rooms save one. (Classes like art, tech. drawing and practical classes where you need to do things very precisely I...
  20. sagewolf

    The Swine Flu...

    And I'm going to have to feed all my new furry friends who lost their owners in the pandemic. Luckily, said owners will be close at hand-- how poetic, that they should continue to care for their dogs even after death. :D
  21. sagewolf

    My story, your story... A game?

    A wolf, alone... I have no memories of ever truly belonging to a pack. I range through the forests in search of a home, somewhere I can feel safe and wanted. I have found places where I have been content, for a time, but inevitably I vanish again between the ashes and firs of the forest...
  22. sagewolf

    An experiment

    I have what my mother calls a 'serial killer' smile, which is fake and used for photographs on outings I'm not really enjoying. it's obviously not convincing. =P I don't smile like that anyway-- my smiles are either barely there or they're grins.
  23. sagewolf

    The Game

    No, I'm being evil. You lost. I lost. You cannot win The Game. ... Everybody lose!
  24. sagewolf

    How do you like to read?

    I like to read sitting either cross-legged or curled into a fetal position/sitting (at the same time, kinda) on the floor. Lying down just makes my arms tired, and sitting up fully in a chair is uncomfortable and feels too formal for me to really enjoy the book. If I'm in bed, I prop myself up...
  25. sagewolf

    Text Speech

    I've just realised something: b*ard isn't censorship-- it's textspeak! B—*(ast)—ard Bastard! See! Textspeak! (I didn't know where else to put this, but here will do.)
  26. sagewolf

    The Grand Census of May 2009

    It would get clicked, too. You just know someone wouldn't be able to resist clicking it. :D
  27. sagewolf


    Chopping wood is doubly good for that: you destroy something and achieve a practical purpose, assuming you have a fireplace. If not, you can burn it in the yard, roast marshmallows over the fire, and say you're camping out. ;)
  28. sagewolf

    The Grand Census of May 2009

    I love the paradox of the final option, BTW, since by selecting that option they're participating in the forum and bringing themselves out of lurkdom. So the instant it gets picked, someone's a big liar. :D
  29. sagewolf

    Good evening kind people

    Heheh... that's what I did. I had to be told to make an intro thread by a mod. :D I just started posting all over the place and having fun. Hope you have fun here, anyway.
  30. sagewolf

    The Grand Census of May 2009

    I'm only here once every three or four days... neither the first option nor the second. (Once every two weeks? Nonsense!) I picked the first one, anyway, since the honest answer on my part is 'as often as I can'. And I'm not going anywhere either!
  31. sagewolf

    Job/Career Census

    Currently a high school (equivalent), but I'm studying Animation next year, although I'd also like to work as a comic artist. (I'm working on the plot/character designs for a webcomic right now, in fact.)
  32. sagewolf

    Consolidation of Forum Sections

    What? Capitalisation is the Main Tool of the Fantasy Author in making Mundane and Everyday Objects seem more important to the Plot. It ranks above Loquacious and Obfuscating Naming of Artefacts and the Random Replacement of the Letter 'C' with the Letter 'K'. (Making fun of myself is fun. :D)
  33. sagewolf

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    I do that quite a lot, and it pretty much socially cripples me. Every time I think of having a conversation, I paralyse myself before I even say a word by thinking of everything I could say and everything that could be talked about-- I have no idea of how to initiate small talk with someone. I...
  34. sagewolf


    My god, yes. If I'm going to be miserable and uptight and on edge all day, could I at least have the pleasure of having pissed everyone around me off too? (Then I calm down and reflect that it's a good thing I don't have to deal with the aftermath of a ranting, raving rampage through my tiny...
  35. sagewolf


    I hate crowds, mainly because I always get left off at the side of them. No matter who I'm at the crowded event with, friends or family or whatever, I'm always the one left over at the wall with a glass of water or whatever else can be gotten for free. And perhaps everyone's bags, because I'm...
  36. sagewolf

    Reading the long posts...

    I don't mind reading long posts, as long as they're interesting, well-written and not repetitive, so on and so on. There is one thing that really turns me away from a long thread, though, and that's a really long quote from an outside article in the middle of it, especially if it's the opening...
  37. sagewolf

    Text Speech

    Drive me insane. You referred to more than one thing, so you require the plural conjugation of the verb. Sorry, but you specifically mentioned grammar, so I couldn't help it. It was too ironic.
  38. sagewolf

    Would you like to be a kid again?

    To see the world around me with a perpetual sense of discovery and wonder, and never lose the curiosity I was born with-- to always, forever, see the world as something new, remarkable, and amazing... Yes, that is something I would like to recapture and retain too.
  39. sagewolf

    Did you game your myPersonality INTP test?

    No, I was careful not to game it. Whenever I caught myself thinking about what the question was trying to determine, I thought about angst and other F-y things to screw up my logic and stop myself from thinking clearly. I do, though, doubt the accuracy of the multiple intelligences test. I don't...
  40. sagewolf

    Dominant Ne: what does it mean?

    You'll pay for calling me that! I eat prancing chocolate cheese cows for breakfast! Hide and all! :evil: It's not at all uncommon to have unusual function orders, though. It's actually probably more common to have an 'incorrect' order than the one the four-letter code describes. (Rationally...
  41. sagewolf

    favorite annoying trait to others of the intp

    My tendency to half-do everything and "come back to that later/after a cup of tea/after lunch/tomorrow/insert-vague-time-in-future-here". Thing that really pisses my mother off: My quirky sense of humor: I seem to find being yelled at funny. I get in so much trouble for that. (Which leads to...
  42. sagewolf

    Do you like watching sports?

    Things that I want to devote a large chunk of time to: for instance, I draw nearly every day, but on a Saturday or Sunday, I'll take out a sketch or a doodle that I want to develop or I'll get an idea that I've had out of my head and down onto paper. I can spend as long as I like doing this...
  43. sagewolf

    Big 5

    Okay, let's see... Openness--88 You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. Conscientiousness--1 You probably have a messy desk! (Woot!) Extraversion-- 7 You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. Agreeableness-- 6 You find it easy to criticize others. (Your next...
  44. sagewolf

    How Did You Play?

    I had this little quasi-lego castle and knights toy and I would make up stories about the knights attacking or defending the castle or fighting each other or a dragon or such-- I don't remember it very well. Most of the time I ran out into the backyard and played on my own, or I stayed inside...
  45. sagewolf

    Why this collection of INTPs?

    I think what he meant (or at least part of what he meant) is that a lot of people here have either more developed Fe or Ne, or even Fi/Ni, than on other INTP forums. Auburn's name leaps out at me as I type this, because she's definitely an example of that kind of member, and it was that kind of...
  46. sagewolf

    Extraverted Intuition

    Ne is the function we mainly use to process incoming information: as echoplex said, it finds connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information, occurrences, circumstances, and so forth. It's also the function that comes up with possibilities, the workhorse of the 'what if' thoughts...
  47. sagewolf

    Thinking while walking.

    It would be hard to keep tabs on less...dedicated... pupils using that method, seeing as they'd be able to just wander off if they were all outside and walking. It will also never, ever, ever be implemented in most schools and classes (unless it's necessary for fieldwork and such) owing to the...
  48. sagewolf

    Your Clone?

    After the initial period of verification/awkwardness and embarrassment, there would probably be a longer period of intense friendship and closeness, where the two of us supported each other and enjoyed interacting with another person who understood us completely. Eventually, though, we'd wind up...
  49. sagewolf

    *crosses fingers and takes deep, calming breath*

    Welcome, phantome. Hope you enjoy yourself here-- it's not too hard to learn your way around. We'll turn on a 5-watt bulb to help you out for the first five minutes-- we're creatures ofdarkness ourselves. (Year ten is about, I think, 9th grade, seeing as the English don't have kindergarten...
  50. sagewolf

    F types, please help me understand your decision making process

    I can't believe I never posted here... I think echoplex was right-- T preference types prefer to decide on things based on objective values, and F preference types prefer to decide things based on subjective values. Ti decides whether or not a concept makes sense logically, and Te decides...
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