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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    The End

    Sorry to hear it, Crim. I'll light a candle for you all.
  2. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    You wouldn't be a cesspool of incoherent trivia unless you managed to link to some stupid wiki in every other post you made. Don't you worry about it. :D
  3. sagewolf

    Pan's Labrynth

    ^Ha! Faun. I'm so sorry....I shall return when I have intelligent things to say...
  4. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    You're brilliant, you know that? :) Thanks, EB: now I have a signature to compose and keep me mentally occupied all day long while I help my parents clean the house. Nobody... --1/0 ? --There is no title here ? --...is listening ? I can think of titles for other people...
  5. sagewolf

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    ...I have... to disagree. The only thing that's scarier than Ni is Ni coupled with Fe. They want to 'connect' with you, and they think they know how to do it. That's what creeps me out! :(
  6. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    Hmm... I like that quite a lot... You know what? LoR, make the title Badass Longcoat, like I said before, and I'll put something together on the "limen" subject for a signature. A properly intelligent signature. :rolleyes:
  7. sagewolf

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    ^Check what the link is, and you'll see it was a joke...
  8. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    Something like that, kind of shifting between the two at (or even against) will. And according to my dictionary, it did mean "existing in two states at once"... maybe I'll go and check Mom's dictionary. It's older and more venerable and stuff... And I don't even know what I'm saying. I know...
  9. sagewolf

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    We are all forgetting INTP/INTP. That is disturbing. Who let that omission slip through? :mad: And what about INTP/ESFJ? Surely it has happened at some point? Oh, I do. I do.... *shudders* Stay out of my mind! That is seriously just about the quickest and most efficient way to earn my...
  10. sagewolf


    Yay! Happy birthday, Ermine!
  11. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    No, not quite... I wanted to get across the idea of existing as fully as possible on opposing sides of a border or a threshold; thus liminal something or something liminality... Gah. This is troublesome.
  12. sagewolf

    Dark Movies

    My friend started watching halfway through, wondering why a kid's movie was on at ten p.m. Then Fairy-Eater appeared and she stopped wondering. :evil: The adverts on RTE (showed it) were really inaccurate, which is why she watched it in the first place: she wanted a nice, happy movie. Poor...
  13. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    ...Unless someone else can come up with a cool title involving the word "liminal" or some variation thereof. I like that word quite a lot, but I can't think of a decent way to use it...
  14. sagewolf

    Pan's Labrynth

    Good excuse to watch it again? ...It has been a while. Can I get back to this?
  15. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    I think they stuck Se in a freezer to make it really hard... they've broken it in two now, and they're advancing with the jagged, broken edges held out... *eats popcorn* Luckily Te has a BFS on its person, so no-one's going to get hurt. Permanently. ...Except Se, but it can't hurt anymore. Too...
  16. sagewolf

    Quality Education: A thing of the past?

    Supposedly the human brain functions best in blocks of forty(ish) minutes or so, but spending longer periods of time on a single subject is something I would prefer to switching seven times a day. If you're going to do something, you had might as well do it in one go. As for year-round...
  17. sagewolf

    Completing original work

    Hmm... try this method. Even if you have your first draft written, it may be no harm to go back and do this: it should be a lot easier to organise and perfect a structure than a finished draft, and since it involves slicing up the plot (into separate character plots). It also gives you specific...
  18. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    Hmm... That's what I'm trying to think of... My Ne is getting very annoyed with my Ti because Ti keeps rejecting all Ne's ideas. Once one of them kills the other I'll tell you what the decision is. If it's math/science-related, Ti won; if it's quirky or witty, Ne did. If it's profound or...
  19. sagewolf


    Personally defining something as a moral issue and living by the moral standard that you believe in is not arrogance. Rubbing it in others' faces, or attempting to force your standard on them, is arrogance, and I don't doubt that that is indeed the agenda of some vegetarians. The decision to...
  20. sagewolf

    Dark Movies

    Only two, and I don't know if they're what you're looking for exactly: -Grave of the Fireflies It begins with the main character dying and gets worse. Beyond not funny: I cried, dammit. Normally when characters die I get up and make tea. -Pan's Labyrinth (If you don't mind a fairytale, and...
  21. sagewolf

    are you a perfectionist

    That's me! I keep having new ideas for drawings and starting new ones instead of finishing the old ones. I needed to get a portfolio together as an entry requirement to my chosen college course, too. @Ulysses: J productivity is just a fancy way of compensating for the lack of Pness. :p It...
  22. sagewolf

    Different Function Attitudes

    First thought: Oh god not another wiki. TVTropes has already ruined my life! Second thought: Those are actually very good descriptions of the functions, especially the ones which aren't generally all that well understood. The first exercise for Fi seems suspiciously similar to the second one...
  23. sagewolf

    Alice in INTPLand

    ?em esufnoc ot gniyrt uoy era ,eyekwaH Stupid non-symmetrical question mark. Hello, Alice. Nice name: you have indeed tumbled up the rabbit hole. This is where everything makes sense, you see; the rest of the world is sadly perplexing in the extreme, not a place where we are welcome. *Doesn't...
  24. sagewolf

    Maturity in the INTP

    ^I've heard it said that humor is a method of discussing something very serious by putting distance between yourself and the issues it presents. I have infonesia about it, but I think that was the gist of the argument: instead of discussing something seriously, jokes are used as a way of...
  25. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    Really? Cool: here the slang term for money is "yo-yos." (Euros, although generally "Euro" serves as singular and plural, as does "cent".)
  26. sagewolf


    On empathy: yes. I, for one, have far greater empathy toward animals and even inanimate objects than I do toward other humans, even my family. (I say hi to any birds I see, and I arrange my stuffed dog and wolves on my bed carefully each morning so they'll be comfortable when I'm at school.)...
  27. sagewolf

    What would the world be like...

    Lots and lots of things would be planned, and perhaps even started, but very few of them would ever be finished, and the quality of what does get finished would vary greatly depending on how interested in their work the workers were. The book industry would be one of the biggest in the world...
  28. sagewolf


    @echoplex: Here's a description of the devilish role. @Concojones: No, empathy is related to Fe, extraverted feeling. Fi structures the inner world in the same way that Ti does, just with different criteria. It uses values to decide the importance or worth of a concept rather than logic. Fe...
  29. sagewolf

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    Congrats, Kia and Wisp! INTP/INFP= pwnage^∞. It's math, so it is naturally irrefutable and true. :p (For this INTP, anyway-- INFPs are more fun! And people with dominant Ni are scary-- they figure out too much without being told it. I don't like people knowing stuff about me...*shivers*)
  30. sagewolf

    I'm not a computer.. though I might be.

    Hello Android. Welcome to our dungeon. :)
  31. sagewolf

    Hello all

    Ooh, I want popcorn. Look at the little ants crawl everywhere... *Drops a spider in to see if they'll fight it* Welcome to you, Ardent.
  32. sagewolf

    I'm an ESFJ and here's a little about me!

    Oh, jeez. An ESFJ? Hmmm... better make this place more appealing to it... *hides bloodstains with a rug and stuffs the skeleton behind the sofa, where crunchin, growling noises are heard* Make yourself at home! *grin*
  33. sagewolf

    Who are we?

    Yes: That avatar is a contribution to the forum in and of itself. Brilliance. Not that snowcones aren't cool too... Damn. Now I miss snowcones with marshmallow on top. ...I mean REALLY miss them. ...I need a marshmallow NOW. *eye twitches*
  34. sagewolf

    User Titles.

    Aww, someone noticed me! (And I'm actually a girl, but I don't mind, because people in Real Life make that mistake too. :D) And happy birthday Cog. Have some shrapnel. *Tosses metal shards in Cog's general direction*
  35. sagewolf

    Text formatting in posts

    Ah! Cool-- I thought it just didn't get noticed that much. Okay, then, I'll be patient for the next software update. Strikethrough is fun. Thanks, Anthille. *Bounces on the bed happily*
  36. sagewolf


    All the numbers are about the enneagram. That site's pretty basic, but it has links and it's the only URL I can remember off the top of my head. Hey Enne. Welcome to the forum, hope you find a pleasant and friendly atmosphere as well as plenty of thought fodder floating around. This is a great...
  37. sagewolf

    2000th post?

    Maybe the forum changed, so it felt as if it became a new thing on its own, or it avoided becoming stale, at the least. Either way, don't be going anywhere-- you're part of why the forum is cool! :D
  38. sagewolf

    INTP and INTJ functions at work(differences explained)

    Fi? I get Fi, pretty much. Fi takes personal values and sorts then into a complex hierarchy, which becomes the FP's guiding light, similar to a moral compass, but with as much nuance, complexity, and weight that Ti assigns to logical principles and concepts. It's hard to explain, but using Fi is...
  39. sagewolf


    Interesting theory, Red Mage. Hmmm... let me elaborate on the N preference... N: An S (with tertiary or inferior iNtuition) may begin to use their N function immaturely, projecting negative and dark 'what if' scenarios and future possibilities, when depressed, and begin to dwell on these...
  40. sagewolf

    MBTI in relation to Archetype and Enneagram

    5w4, and it would really help if you posted some description (read: link) pointing us toward the way you found your archetypes. I find that I identify with INFP as well as INTP, but I usually find that INTP descriptions describe me better, especially considering that my F functions are...
  41. sagewolf

    are you a perfectionist

    No, not unless I really begin to be interested in something-- then I'm a perfectionist, but that only happens about once a month or less often. Otherwise I get whatever it is over with as quickly as possible, even if that means barely getting it done at all. Most of the time, things I choose to...
  42. sagewolf

    I Summon Decaf!

    Yay, it's Decaf! Welcome back, Decaf! So glad you came back to us! *Dances without moving more than a centimetre in any one direction*
  43. sagewolf

    Text formatting in posts

    ... ... I'm still waiting... ... waiting all alone... ... What do you think of it, at least?
  44. sagewolf

    2000th post?

    Go Ermine. That's quite an achievement, especially by only saying intelligent things. Of course, you've been here longer than anyone but Lor and Wisp, so that might help... :D Most of the other people here haven't even had a lowly year. ...Which is probably still a very long time for an INTP...
  45. sagewolf

    Quality Education: A thing of the past?

    Elaborate? I used to get straight As too, just by, as was said, not being an idiot and coming in every day. At the start of this year, I changed that to 'coming in for the tests' and got about half As. Of the other three subjects, one was Irish, which has never been an A for me, and one had...
  46. sagewolf

    MMDI Personality Type test [thread split]

    INFP: 89% INFJ: 85% INTJ: 80% INTP: 79% ENFP: 72% ISFP: 69% (If anyone wants to see the whole thing, the code was hatc. ESTJ is so small I can barely see it.) I can see INFP, yes, although I'm surprised it's so much higher than INTP. INFJ... yes, I suppose I can see how that came...
  47. sagewolf

    Maturity in the INTP

    How silly I am depends entirely on the person I'm with and the situation I'm in. Generally around my friends, I'm a nutcase, and in class, I'm more serious, although I still manage to crack jokes to the person next to me-- I find it virtually impossible to leave my sense of humour behind in any...
  48. sagewolf

    Eternal Laughter

    Welcome to the forum-- I hope you enjoy your time here. You certainly sound like a fascinating person.
  49. sagewolf

    Helping INTP develop emotional intelligence?

    I shall draw and study this. My Ti shall ruthlessly analyse it and never accomplish anything while my Fe screams "You're happy, dammit! Just accept being happy! You're not listening! Listen to me for once!" to no avail. Business as usual. *shrug* Most of the emotions I feel are the outer, pale...
  50. sagewolf

    7 Reasons the 21-st Century is Making You Miserable

    I can agree with that: I have periods of time where I feel more extraverted and find a lot of enjoyment in interacting with people and doing things, but when I'm not in that operation mode, I'm just as likely to hide away from everyone in a corner if I'm forced to leave my room. Sometimes I...
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