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Search results

  1. Ermine

    Reactions to "duty", "virtue", "citizenship", etc...

    These can all be good qualities, but all too often, these are used to manipulate people into following social, religious, and political norms. For example, "if you aren't loyal to your country, you are a bad person". As for my reaction to the words, they all scream "establishment" to me. For...
  2. Ermine

    How important is eating healthy to you?

    I don't give it too much thought, I eat hardly any red meat, candy, junk food, fast food, or overly processed stuff. It all makes me sick if it becomes a part of my daily diet. And thanks to my mom's home cooking, I have a special place in my stomach for all things made from scratch, whether...
  3. Ermine

    Favorite Monty Python Skit

    Erm, on second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It's a silly place...
  4. Ermine

    What to do when you don't want to do anything?

    1. It happens all the time, almost any time I'm left alone without a schedule or people telling me what to do. For me, it helps to get up in the morning at a decent hour, and start a couple small "projects". For me, that would be something like trying out a new recipe, taking a walk with my...
  5. Ermine

    Who are we?

    Give me a reason to care, and a way to not be apathetic to the extreme and bored out of my mind. I don't want to feel this way, but it's happened nearly every time I've tried to push myself into a social situation.
  6. Ermine

    Do you resent people for not being unique?

    I don't resent "normal" people, just people who are ruled by peer pressure and any other bandwagon mentality.
  7. Ermine

    Attention Spans

    It's all one book. Godel, Escher, and Bach - Hofstadter. Proceed with caution, as it's a long, involved book that requires a lot of background knowledge to understand it easily.
  8. Ermine

    The order of your functions

    @ Cryptonia: Yay, mind twins! *high fives* We might be even more similar since this was just a rough guess and I didn't give it too much thought.
  9. Ermine

    The order of your functions

    I've taken the Cognitive Functions test a few times, but I don't remember the exact results, so here goes. Ti: 18 Ne:16 Fi:12 Te:10 Ni:8 Si:5 Se:3 Fe:3
  10. Ermine

    The INTP Personality: Did you get ripped off?

    I agree with Wisp's post and am of the opinion that we all have "issues", mild or severe. Less mature INTPs or INTPs with more issues can come off as schizoid, autistic, or as having aspergers to name a few, but that's a generalization. It's like saying that all shoes are sandals, or all shoes...
  11. Ermine

    Let's find friends for Toad!

    That would be amazing wherever I go, to have a local MBTI Intuitive Club. I'd never be alone! (in a good way)
  12. Ermine

    New Member: Introducing Rain

    Welcome. :) It's awesome to have new members now.
  13. Ermine

    Attention Spans

    Really? It wasn't even that long. But I guess I don't blame you if you haven't read the book I'm talking about. I really only zonk out for Coberst-sized posts unless I'm very interested.
  14. Ermine

    The sublime philosophical crap test

    I'm an N-A-O. Metaphysical Non-reductionist, Epistemological Absolutist, and a Moral Objectivist. Metaphysics: Non-Reductionism (Idealism or Realism) In metaphysics, my test measures your tendency towards Reductionism or Non-Reductionism. As a Non-Reductionist, you recognize that reality is...
  15. Ermine

    Attention Spans

    For me, it depends on how much I grasp the material. For example, I'm trying to read Godel, Escher, and Bach, but I'm having a very hard time doing so due to my attention span, and my lack of knowledge when it comes to high level math and computer science. It's very tedious as a result, though I...
  16. Ermine

    Accepting losing

    I think this is why we INTPs value competence, so we won't lose (much) in what we're interested in. I'm competitive, but not much more competitive than the next person. If I lose, I lose, but I'll end up working to prevent another loss.
  17. Ermine

    Music analysing and my pathetic artistic sense

    That's mainly why I love art, music, and literature so much, due to its complexity and patterns. And don't feel bad. I've taken a formal Music Theory course in high school (mostly centered around Baroque music) and I have played guitar and piano for several years and I still have a hard time...
  18. Ermine

    Analyzing - Reading suggestions

    Put simply, I look for symbols and icons in the artwork and try to link the symbols to their conventional meaning, the meaning they'd have for the artist, and the meaning they have for me. Though not all art is allegorical, all art that I know of gives meaning to otherwise meaningless things and...
  19. Ermine

    Alright, fess up!

    I can't play chess to save my life...yet. Supposedly INTPs are supposed to be good at this sort of thing. It's just a stereotype, but it's a stereotype I want to live up to! It's sad.
  20. Ermine

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    ^ Me too. At this point, I don't care about intellectualism nearly as much as I do understanding and being understood. This doesn't mean I'm willing to dispose of the less easily understood parts of me, but I've realized that intellectualism (not intellect) has kept me more aloof than I'd...
  21. Ermine

    I play piano in my head too. I'm not as good IRL though.

    I play piano in my head too. I'm not as good IRL though.
  22. Ermine


    That's just me too. Facebook is enough for me atm.
  23. Ermine

    To what degree should a person be self satisfied?

    Happy? Sure. Complacent? Absolutely not. I don't think there's any stopping point when it comes to being your best. It's a lifelong process. If you think you can't be any better than you are, why continue living? And I'm curious to hear another side to the argument. Is there any reason why we...
  24. Ermine

    Culinary Prowess

    ^ Why do you say that, Toad? I love cooking. I'm so glad that I managed to get into an apartment with a full kitchen during college. Cooking has definitely helped my Te, thinking in units, doing things in a step by step format and overall being more organized. I still need to find a way to...
  25. Ermine

    what is the most useless school subject

    I don't think there's any one most useless class. As for most useless classes, definitely health (nothing but stating the obvious and telling you how to have a "healthy social life"), IT Essentials (come on, who doesn't know how to use Microsoft Office?), and the general vocational requirements...
  26. Ermine

    INTP and ENTP

    Usually, I am very careful to be nice and compromise when I can around those kinds of people. Because of the energy spent in doing this, I spend as little time as possible with them. But from the way they treat me, I can't help but think they see me as arrogant. However, part of that may be...
  27. Ermine

    Psychiatrists are the law enforcers of society

    While psychiatrists tend to overstep their bounds, there is still mental illness. There's a difference between being different or seeing/thinking things other people don't and mental processes that are so debilitating that the victim can't function. There's still no doubt that there is a...
  28. Ermine


    Great thing to bring up, Sugarpop. The lack of visceral knowledge is exactly why I'm so insecure about my knowledge. As many models I have working upstairs, they aren't ever executed how I like. To a degree, all my life experience contradicts with how I think things are. And it doesn't help that...
  29. Ermine

    What are you investigating right now?

    Nothing special, but we're trying to read Godel, Escher and Bach, and trying to find new anime/manga.
  30. Ermine

    Procrastination or more?

    I like order, but I appreciate it in a different way than most. I'm an advocate of organized chaos. Sometimes I can find something better in a pile than I can a file cabinet. It really depends. However, I'm also pretty skilled at organizing things for other people if I try. For me, even a...
  31. Ermine

    User Titles.

    I loved that one! I miss it, Tekton.
  32. Ermine

    any one know some good guitar sites?

    I haven't experimented too much with different sites, but www.ultimate-guitar.com is great for all of those things. You just have to ignore all the idiots and pervs in the off-topic section of the forum. The forum is otherwise very helpful, and the tab selection is HUGE. For the D7 chord...
  33. Ermine

    INTP and ENTP

    Me too. Unless I'm interested, I'm just nice so people will be nice to me.
  34. Ermine

    The INTP's coming of age

    And where's Saffy when you need her? Or is she just quasi-angelic?
  35. Ermine

    The INTP's coming of age

    Overall, it feels like I'm on the edge of a huge waterfall. I keep trying to predict whether it will be a violent series of rapids or Niagara Falls. While I'm not as immature as I used to be, I still can't say I've been through any extreme hardship and/or breakdowns. Either that, or I'm just too...
  36. Ermine

    What would you ask?

    I really like the concept of a reactive test, narrowing down to specifics rather than answering the same questions over and over. And they could do to be more specific, especially with I/E, and S/N. For an I/E question: For a week, would you rather be... a. totally alone b. with a couple...
  37. Ermine

    MBTI of Nations

    Yeah. The US is way too big to go under one type. Most other countries are too sizable for that as well.
  38. Ermine

    Back from the Grave

    Long time no see, Lightspeed. Welcome back.
  39. Ermine

    Post MBTI tests?

    I think so. The more I've been trying to develop other functions, the less stereotypically INTP I am. However, none of that has been big enough for me to be another type according to any test, though I have some INFP and some INTJ characteristics.
  40. Ermine

    CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    For some reason, I like old school smilies in general. However, I think they can be added to. Here would be some examples from another forum. Just something a bit more fun and expressive.
  41. Ermine

    a new Babel?

    The tower concept is really awesome. It would totally revolutionize spacecraft. So far as I'm concerned, the moon is just a rock. Great place to build a more permanent space station. What I'm really excited about is getting people to Mars, as it has more potential, especially if we were to...
  42. Ermine

    Depression and Intelligence?

    I think intelligence gives someone more capacity to be depressed, happy, or anything in between. Like Wisp said, less intelligent people tend to be happy in general, but they're also somehow dissatisfied and don't know why. They don't seem to experience too many extremes. While I tend towards...
  43. Ermine

    mkay. I considered you to be a friend to begin with, so may as well make this official. Good...

    mkay. I considered you to be a friend to begin with, so may as well make this official. Good luck with your INTP collection.
  44. Ermine

    You know you're an Intp when...

    That would be awesome if there weren't zombies. I could do without the zombies killing my dog. Maybe if it were a virus that only I was immune to. I'd set up camp in a book store with a nice cafe and music collection. I'd also try my hand at artful graffiti. :) You've daydreamed that there was...
  45. Ermine

    Foibles anyone?

    I don't have any foibles that I know of, except that I absolutely have to go to the INTP forum every time I go online, whether I post or not. Thanks a lot, guys.
  46. Ermine

    Post MBTI tests?

    I find it more helpful to look at combinations of different functions than at set MBTI types. For example, I'm INTP, but it's more telling that the order of my functions is Ti, Ne, Fi, Te, Ni, Si, Se, Fe. Certainly a strong INTP, but this fills in the "skeleton" a bit.
  47. Ermine

    Women in the Workplace

    I'm not saying that they shouldn't be equal. My stance is that people are created equal, but different. It's just really hard or impossible to fill two gender roles at once. And who said anything about stay at home moms being dependent?
  48. Ermine

    Women in the Workplace

    Get back to the kitchen, Toad. You have won the Iron Chef sweepstakes and have been selected as a sous chef for Mario Batali in a high stakes competition! Go! Like AI said, the "modern" housewife mostly neglects her children, and is detrimental to society by failing in her responsibilities as...
  49. Ermine

    New Pain of Salvation Album!

    Ermine is shivering with excitement. :)
  50. Ermine

    Psychiatric Hotline

    *hangs up and smashes the phone with a sledgehammer*
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