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Search results

  1. Ermine


    That one makes me well up every time. Why did the girl have to die? She was awesome.
  2. Ermine

    The world is flat

    I don't know, maybe I'm just new to this and everyone else on the forum knows already, but I thought this was a fantastic lecture. http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/266
  3. Ermine

    Nietzsche on insulting hermits

    This why my emotions are particularly restrained in public. It would be horrible if I were to lose control in public/away from family. So far, I've only blown up on immediate family members. While I really regret it and all, it's much better for it to happen with family than anyone else due to...
  4. Ermine


    Hmm. This sequence is actually what gets me crying. Like I mentioned, I usually only cry out of frustration. It starts only as a lump in the throat and my voice cracking up. Then I get angry at myself for getting emotional over whatever the issue is, which results in actual tears. Then I get...
  5. Ermine

    What songs are you listening to?

    I'm not listening to this right now, but I found this recently and I love it. YouTube- Saybia - Empty Stairs
  6. Ermine


    I cried about a month and a half ago. However, it's hardly a good thing. It seems I only cry out of frustration. What I wouldn't give to cry in response to music, literature, an "emotional" happening, even sadness for all I care. Just not frustration or anger. I'm not to the point of trying...
  7. Ermine

    Body language

    Nice, Adymus. That's one of many reasons I'm glad I can draw accurately. Then there are a few less guesses. Never had the problem with forgetting common words though. Just have a hard time articulating ideas for contraptions I invent in my head, or extremely abstract concepts that don't have...
  8. Ermine


    Yipes! If appendicitis is a painful ordeal, what about stomach-itis? :phear: And with such a system, you wouldn't need intestines, colon, etc. When they're not being used, they could easily get infected. And if one were to take out any part of the digestive system they don't need, there would...
  9. Ermine


    I'm sure it can be done, though it would have to be made custom and would be more expensive than food. I wouldn't consider it since I like food so much.
  10. Ermine

    I've Never Been So Conflicted

    No, silly, Alucard has the best teeth. http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/images/animesoc/2006/02/28/alucard.jpg
  11. Ermine

    INTP and 'people pleasing'

    1. I'm sometimes like this. I'm nice to the point that I'm known for being nice. My mind knows that not everyone needs to like me, and that I will experience rejection whether I'm nice or not. But emotionally, this drives me crazy. It torments me if someone dislikes me for an unjustified...
  12. Ermine

    What songs are you listening to?

    Closure - Opeth YouTube- Opeth - Closure
  13. Ermine

    Khz Hearing test. Varying by age.

    Female/18 Could hear up to 17 kHz, and 18 was just an annoying vibration in my ear. I sensed it, but not as sound. Note: my speakers aren't the best and there's background noise.
  14. Ermine

    INTP & loneliness?

    Greetings Sealslayer. I recently discovered a way to alleviate loneliness without requiring commitment. I'm in college and have to walk a lot to get to classes, so while I'm walking, I occasionally start walking beside someone who seems to be going in the same direction and just start talking to...
  15. Ermine

    Emotional self-management

    Excellent! It's a great reminder. I wasn't specifically taught these things by my parents, but I learned through experience and example. However, like Preilemus, the execution is sometimes lacking. I also play guitar and used to be pretty good, but now I don't really know what my motivation is...
  16. Ermine

    Troubles with Compliments?

    Congratulations, AI! You had it coming. :D It's a good thing. At the very least, you get to spend time just for learning and there are prospects of a better job.
  17. Ermine

    INTPs are good at math/sciences?

    I enjoy some math concepts pertaining to visual stuff like graphing, fibonacci numbers, golden ratio, fractals, etc. I also am quite entertained by physics. However, they don't inspire me like art does. It's fun, but I wouldn't devote myself to it. @ Trebuchet, even when I took a robotics...
  18. Ermine

    Troubles with Compliments?

    Compliments make me feel awkward since compliments seem to imply that you have to do something in return. I don't like being forced into such an exchange. I don't have it nearly as bad as Da Blob, but I tend to second guess myself whenever I'm complimented. Did I actually look good in that...
  19. Ermine

    Best Gift Ever?

    Anything useful related to their interests. That and interesting books/CDs and gourmet dark chocolate with interesting flavor combinations. (The dark chocolate is just me, but you never know).
  20. Ermine

    are you happy?

    I chose the maybe option. I am currently content, but there are some things I need to fix and some things I need to achieve. That being said, I like my situation and I like where I'm going. I'm starting college tomorrow for the first time, love the attitude and atmosphere of the university...
  21. Ermine

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    No way! Encyclopedia was my role/nickname in school too. Not alienated for it, but people mostly didn't bother trying to befriend me. I was just a consultant.
  22. Ermine

    What would you do/be?

    I'd be an intangible "being" known as the media. I'm just thinking of the possibilities if the media were a single being telling people what to think. Maybe in such a state I could encourage more independent critical thinking. :D Either that or God, but that has been taken already.
  23. Ermine

    Which INTP type are you?

    If I had to guess, I actually am INTP. The other slight possibility would be NITP, though I'm not defined by being a rule follower at all. I only follow the rules when it benefits me and others. But I suppose that's a personal rule so...
  24. Ermine

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    Absolutely pathetic. Is it really intellectual to know how to multiply? Scary...
  25. Ermine

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    Yikes. I'm really sorry, and quite confused since you seem perfectly sane to me. Seems that your dad's the one with the issues, but what do I know? anyway... I'm sure you'll make it through alright.
  26. Ermine

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    @ the OP The prospect of such hybrid crops is scary. Potentially beneficial, but the consequences are enormous if someone makes a small mistake. Very possible since any human is prone to mistakes. Also, I'm very surprised that these people don't learn from the mistakes of the past. Correct me...
  27. Ermine

    Transition to Inactivity

    I guess I can't tell the reasons for total inactivity considering how much I post, but I go through lapses of more activity and less activity anyway. Here are some reasons that made me less active. 1. Trolls. If they end up infiltrating every corner of the forum like Face did, I don't post...
  28. Ermine

    Schools preaching leadership to students

    Yes, it's very ironic. I think encouraging leadership would be a great thing if they could only reflect the encouragement of leadership skills by teaching things like social intelligence, letting students having some independence, and by making sure the teachers are good leaders. Though most...
  29. Ermine

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    I don't dumb myself down per se. I retain my extensive vocabulary when talking to anyone unless I'm talking to a little kid, the mentally disabled, or someone who doesn't speak English well. I won't deny being smart, and I won't deny that I am who I am. However, for the sake of conversation, I...
  30. Ermine


    It would seem he was being overly reactive in this thread. I'm not absolutely sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if this were the reason.
  31. Ermine

    level of Chemistry interest

    I've taken high school chemistry. It had the potential to be interesting, but in my experience, it was almost nothing but following directions in labs and remembering various compund names and their abbreviations. I'm good at memorization, but I didn't like it. Another complaint is that, like in...
  32. Ermine


    Marvelous! I'd love to do this kind of stuff.
  33. Ermine

    In a perfect world...

    I like being an INTP. I wouldn't trade my personality for the world. What I want is skills. Though I'm content with solitude most of the time, I want more social skills so I can be at ease when I decide to put myself out there. I want the ability to make and keep friends. I also want to be more...
  34. Ermine

    I'm not INTJ, I'm INTP.

    I occasionally think about how I would react to a real life Galt. While I like some of what he stands for (self sufficiency and rationality), it would be maddening talking to him. He probably wouldn't take me seriously no matter what I do.
  35. Ermine

    INTP: Hoarder or Minimalist?

    I'm a hoarder when it comes to sentimental stuff/personal possessions, but I'm fairly minimalist when it comes to decor. I've hoarded all my books, even if I won't read them any time soon, and I have journals I've written since I was 9. My personal folder on my computer is a mess too with all...
  36. Ermine

    What songs are you listening to?

    In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth - Coheed and Cambria
  37. Ermine

    The Graphology Thread

    That handwriting self assessment was fairly accurate, except that it didn't capture the slant of my handwriting, and my margins. Other than that... That's Fe alright, but I seldom experience this, and it's usually in a negative way. But I suppose it's still in there. Reasonable after I...
  38. Ermine

    The Graphology Thread

    Of course not. Referring to the assessment about my handwriting, I'm working towards more practical goals. However, that's only because I need to accomplish the practical goals to get to the grandiose ones. I'm definitely ambitious, or so I've heard.
  39. Ermine

    I'm not INTJ, I'm INTP.

    Hi, new. I'm Ermine. Welcome and hope you find this place interesting.
  40. Ermine

    ah the humanity

    Subhuman? If we're all subhuman, who/what is human? At some point, I guess we have to accept that being human is a good and bad thing. Both insignificant and full of significance depending on who you ask.
  41. Ermine

    Body language

    It's scary to think that so much is communicated with body language and I'm not too good at using body language. I can interpret it alright, and I know I unconsciously use body language, but I have a very hard time purposely using specific body language, especially when it comes to eye contact...
  42. Ermine

    The Graphology Thread

    @ Truthseeker:
  43. Ermine

    Fi <-> Ti

    value - relative worth, merit, or importance principle - a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived, a personal or specific basis of conduct or management dictionary.com I decide what I value based on my principles, experience, and reason.
  44. Ermine

    The Graphology Thread

    Supposedly I have boyish handwriting...
  45. Ermine

    A History of INTP

    Really? My mom was pretty young when I was born. She was 23. The main thing I've noticed though with introverts is their tendency to be the oldest/only child in the family. Seems to be a common occurrence.
  46. Ermine

    Fi <-> Ti

    ^ Another example would be deriving values from principles and deductive reasoning. This would probably explain much of my Fi-ness.
  47. Ermine

    What songs are you listening to?

    In the Flesh - Pain of Salvation
  48. Ermine

    INTPs and Stress

    I tend to withdraw more than usual and obsess over whatever is causing my stress. I also tend to exaggerate things and accidentally blow up/break down on people if I'm not careful. Nothing personal. They were just unlucky enough to be nearby.
  49. Ermine

    Photobucket or Deviant art accounts

    I've got a photobucket account, but it's extremely disorganized. I really just use it for posting images on forums. Nothing special.
  50. Ermine

    I mainly use stumbleupon.com for finding new art. Other than that, I find new artists in...

    I mainly use stumbleupon.com for finding new art. Other than that, I find new artists in galleries and museums, word of mouth, and from art class/talking to art teachers. Long live Iron Maiden! :D And here are some links: YouTube - Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters...
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