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Search results

  1. pretty sure I'm an ENTP

    Umm, E and I are not functions. INTPs have a dominant Ti (introverted thinking) function and a secondary Ne (extraverted intuition) function. ENTPs have dominant Ne with secondary Ti.
  2. Is this place what I think it is?

    And what would you call what we do here? :p
  3. Collective Consciousness

    But that happens already! How will collective consciousness make it any worse?
  4. wana see if you guys are like me...

    (Thread moved to intro section)
  5. gender choice in profile

    If "it" didn't have connotations of non-personhood, we wouldn't have this problem. I doubt that any of these solutions will become widely accepted within the next few centuries, though.
  6. INTP Characteristics

    At first I thought it was a hat. Then I thought, well, it could also be hair. But it's probably a hat. But yes, that is horrible quality.
  7. How are You today?

    You know what we should do? Unitarian Universalist evangelism. :D
  8. gender choice in profile

    Just looking at the nature of the problem, it's immediately obvious that it is one of those things for which many solutions have been devised and none agreed upon.
  9. Heros and Villians

    Eh, there are so many different types of hero. I don't think there's really much justification for choosing INTP. Really, from what I've seen, ISTP is more likely.
  10. gender choice in profile

    Yes, she did that on purpose. Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen her around here much recently. Maybe she's busy with school?
  11. gender choice in profile

    Eh, I guess we don't really need that. I was mostly thinking of pronouns.
  12. Drinking?>

    That approach actually sounds potentially good. Give them smallish amounts every once in a while, and by the time they're of legal drinking age, the novelty of it will be mostly gone. It would need to be done carefully in order to avoid causing an addiction, though.
  13. INTP BC

    A related question: What about in very poor countries, like in Africa?
  14. How are You today?

    Pfft! That would have been funny. "Hey, quit trying to convert me; I'm already a Christian. I don't agree with your position, though, and here's why..."
  15. The Game

    But that would imply that you hope there is a Hell.
  16. The Game

    Bump. :D
  17. Permission to come aboard Cap'n?!

    Ichthys is Greek for fish. Who? Lemme guess. ShaiGar? :D
  18. World War 2 History

    Murkrow? He's decided he's an ENTP now.
  19. Permission to come aboard Cap'n?!

    I think I found INTPc first, but I didn't bother looking through it much at all. I then forgot about INTPc and the entire concept of a forum for INTPs for a while. A few months later, I decided to Google "INTP", and came upon this forum that way. So although I found INTPc first...
  20. Songs that offend you

    I'm not easily offended. There is, however, some irony in listening to "Happy Together" (which contains the lyrics "I can't see me loving nobody but you, for all my life") soon after reading about polyamory.
  21. INFJ?

    Yeah. Even if you ask it wrong, someone will likely grab your question and try rewording it until you have a good question. Just go ahead.
  22. How are You today?

    Sturgeon's Law. :p
  23. World War 2 History

    This is an ENTP, here. The "yelling" is a joke, too.
  24. Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

    First, think carefully about whether he means the classes or the subjects themselves. Yeah, I think the key word here is "consciously". NFs do it more instinctively, and don't have to make as much conscious effort.
  25. Friends

    There's already a thread for this. http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=544 (Wow, I write that sentence a lot.)
  26. INTP Characteristics

    Yes, so do I. That's so fun! :phear: (Eh, we should get an "evil grin" smiley. That's what I was trying to get across, but :phear: was the closest we had.)
  27. What songs are you listening to?

    That was hilarious! :D
  28. pretty sure I'm an ENTP

    I was expecting something like this.
  29. INTP Characteristics

    I do that. @Aurora: It means you can cause your eyes to move left and right really fast, or "vibrate". Video might be hard; you'd need a high refresh rate.
  30. Am I really an INTP?

    (But you have a sig!)
  31. leaving?

    Ah, I get it now. Yes, I think I've done that at least once. At least it only ended in embarrassment.
  32. leaving?

    Could you explain what that last sentence means?
  33. The Game

    RULE THREE IS A GUIDELINE! GRRAH! The reason you are supposed to announce your loss is to cause other people to lose!
  34. The Game

    Anyone looking at this thread has lost, so announcing our losses would do nothing to cause more losses and would therefore be pointless. This post does have a point, though, and that is to recruit new players. ATTENTION! Anyone who does not know about The Game, please click on this link...
  35. How do we express our creativity?

    With freeware, you get all the features for free. When you just get a demo and have to pay for the full thing, that's called shareware.
  36. Good afternoon

    (I did that on purpose! :D)
  37. Good afternoon

    INFJ? I guess that makes two. Welcome. http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=510
  38. How are You today?

    My high school? :D
  39. About you?

    Eh, I'm sticking with my fish.
  40. Are you on medication?

    Which one?
  41. XNTP

    No, he was asking this: Do we use N to emulate S? Do we use T to emulate F?
  42. Reality, Patterns, and Personhood

    I just remembered this thread.
  43. leaving?

    Wait, hadn't you just gotten out of that state a couple weeks before you joined?
  44. Why did you pick your name?

    Friar Pug Rush, I'd like to hear your answer to this question.
  45. Trust

    Neither do I. My reason's more nihilist, though. "He screwed up. So what? It doesn't really have to matter all that much."
  46. Handedness

    Which term?
  47. XNTP

    NO, that is NOT how they actually see the world. That is how an incredibly immature ESFJ sees the world. When your best two functions crash and you're left with only the not-very-developed ones, well, of course it'll feel like you're going mad.
  48. Ever get into Trouble at School?

    So go into honors/GT, skip a class, or both. That ^ is why I'm taking AP Calc BC as a high school sophomore.
  49. Why do peple not vote/research

    Yeah, freedom of speech is not that restricted. Even so, the only outdated parts of 1984 are the year number and the technology.
  50. Test for new job.

    Just like everything else.
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