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Search results

  1. brain enclosed in flesh

    Character Just Like You! (Mine's Ramona Q!)

    Laura Ingalls from the Little House books when I was little. She was interested in and excited by everything and she didn't like doing girly stuff- she related more to her father than her mom and her sister. Now? The main character in my book!
  2. brain enclosed in flesh

    Older INTPs and function development

    I'm old and I've been giving this some thought so I'll give it a shot- First off, I'm not convinced that I'm an INTP. In high school I tested as an INFP and I look back at my childhood and that's pretty much what it screams, so... I'd say Fi was my first big thing. Then Ne in high school. Then...
  3. brain enclosed in flesh


    Zeut alors! I no longer live in Nebraska, but that is where I am from. Je viens de Omaha, mais maintenant, je habite a Colorado (which I don't think is correct French).
  4. brain enclosed in flesh


    je viens de Nebraska. Howdy, neighbor! In the midwest, Carnap, all we talk about is corn and hogs, so the only vowel we need is 'o'. This is how we say it: "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," and "ahhhhhhhhhhh."
  5. brain enclosed in flesh

    Where are you from?

    A-Where are you from.. The midwestern United States but I've lived in a college town in Colorado for 15 years. B-Do you enjoy living there/ have a sense of identity due to it? Not particularly. It's never felt like home. I'm pretty different than most of the people who live here. C- What...
  6. brain enclosed in flesh


    Salut, Presque! Nearly or almost what?
  7. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    Yes, I know, Cognisant. I was speaking figuratively to go along with your question/answer concept. What I meant was: 1. Is this the theme/question I want to address? 2. Am I resolving it in the most suitable way? 3. Am I expounding on the theme in the way I truly want to be? 4. Are my...
  8. brain enclosed in flesh


    Yes, I would agree on autopilot vs. fake. People who are 'fake' seem to be aware that they are being so- like it's a conscious manipulation to get what they want or to be perceived in a particular way. I know that for me it just happens, and I am typically unaware of how I am behaving until...
  9. brain enclosed in flesh

    Sex fetishes

    Yep. This exactly. It's so obvious when a guy has watched porn and is trying out the moves. It makes me laugh (and not want to continue, by the way). It's dull dull dull. I'm not an actress and I don't want to be with an actor. Oh, and Sly? Cheating on your girlfriend- excellent excellent...
  10. brain enclosed in flesh

    Conspiracy Theorists

    I think conspiracy theorists get a rush from controversial, baseless theories, kind of like some get from fundamentalist religions. I know people from both groups, and I see a similar gleam in their eyes, hear the same catch in your throat. Well, I guess the groups often overlap... It just...
  11. brain enclosed in flesh

    Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks Music Video (Bizarre)

    I dig it as well. They remind me of Hummels- you know the sculptures grandparents have? (If you're younger than thirty you might not know about them.)
  12. brain enclosed in flesh

    Mullholland Dr.

    I completely agree. Just let it work into your brain and your senses and do its thing. Don't try to explain it. I haven't seen Mulholland Drive in years and every once in awhile that elderly couple will creep out of a paper cup and laugh as they scamper across my floor. It's always a bit...
  13. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    You are right, Cognisant. There needs to be a reason for a story, an answer of sorts to a question. The problem for me is- 1. Is this the proper question? 2. Is this the proper answer? 3. Should I phrase this question/answer differently? 4. In what fashion should this question be proposed...
  14. brain enclosed in flesh

    Curious about this trait

    It would seem to me that all of this could be attributed to Ne/extraverted intuition. We're usually taking in external information from multiple directions. Being open to all possibilities can both distract you from the task at hand and make you laugh at what others may consider to be 'nothing'...
  15. brain enclosed in flesh


    Something I wanted to add in regard to empathy for animals/anthropomorphism: I don't believe empathy for animals is anthropomorphism. We are animals as well; I believe there is a shared understanding of feeling between us, just as we have with fellow humans. For example, we can tell when an...
  16. brain enclosed in flesh

    The Fountain of Life

    I love you, Snow Queen. All I can say about XIII/whatever is that from the first instant I laid eyes on one of his posts I knew he was the contrivance of immature insecurity. I can't help but feel sorry for him.
  17. brain enclosed in flesh

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    I hate ranking things (so many variables), yet I feel compelled... Bob Dylan Bright Eyes Modest Mouse Sonic Youth Chopin (Hooray for Patty Smith and The Clash, Snow Queen!)
  18. brain enclosed in flesh


    Well put. I call it, "method living"- like method acting. I do the same thing when I write fiction.
  19. brain enclosed in flesh


    Thanks for the answers, Decaf. It definitely cleared some things up, although the distinctions between INFP and INTP still remain nebulous to me for some reason. Respectfully beg to differ: empathy (according to Encarta) : 1. understanding of another's feelings. 2. attribution of feelings...
  20. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    This is a ton of fabulous advice- thank you, all. I'll get back to you in detail after I've digested it. (Send more if so inclined, as well.)
  21. brain enclosed in flesh


    What sort of more personal reasons? I mean, I know I do this a lot, even with people I care about tremendously- I have every intention of calling that person back on the day that I agreed to call them back, but then life happens, I completely forget until it pops into my head the day after, but...
  22. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    Yes, I know people, but not people that I want to read it necessarily or to give input. I've had friends read other things before and either they blew it off after they said they would or they weren't all that helpful- a one sentence spoken response, or "It's good. I like it!" I'd like...
  23. brain enclosed in flesh


    Does the empathy you refer to also include empathy toward animals and potentially inanimate objects? Because this is what confuses me. I have ridiculously uncontrollable empathy in regard to certain beings, but I also am not the best about, say, writing thank you notes or calling someone back...
  24. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    Okay, but who? How do I find someone?
  25. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    uh, what are the Ti j-like qualities again?
  26. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    all right, I'm a j! I'd better go so I can be all j now- time's awastin'. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj j!
  27. brain enclosed in flesh


    This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I am in the same boat as you. How I would put it: In myself I am an INFP. To the outside world, I display as an INTP. I'll explain: Someone kills a bee. How I feel inside: "You bastard. What the hell did that bee ever do to you? He is a...
  28. brain enclosed in flesh

    Completing original work

    I wasn't sure if this was the right section to post this in, but I couldn't think of a better place... I imagine this will resonate with most of you- I finished the rough draft of my novel over a year ago. I have been rewriting it for the past year. I was able to be uncharacteristically...
  29. brain enclosed in flesh

    Different Function Attitudes

    If pressed to categorize myself, I'd say I'm an INFP. Or I was an INFP until about a year ago, then I blocked my Fi because I no longer trusted it- I was pretty confident it led me down a path of serious pain. I strengthened my Ti, so now I'm an INxP. And my Ti and Fi like to fight, so I need...
  30. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    Exactly. I need more Ni to point out there is nothing more than a man behind the curtain. I get swayed so easily by this shit and it makes me disgusted with myself. You'd think I'd learn by now- you mean I both think AND feel, pretty much equally? How is that possible? :eek: It would be...
  31. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI in relation to Archetype and Enneagram

    soth, you should check out the new thread I started about different function attitudes. I think it might be enlightening (or make things more confusing). I think we're in the same boat, kid. If we are, I think we might be INFP with an overdeveloped Ti function. Not to speak for you or...
  32. brain enclosed in flesh

    Different Function Attitudes

    Reading through these exercises makes me even more confused. If they are on point, I would say the strength of my different functions goes like this- Fi/Ti Ne/Si Ni/Se Fe Te Good Lord, I'm a jumble. No wonder I have such a hard time figuring anything out.
  33. brain enclosed in flesh

    Different Function Attitudes

    Interesting and potentially helpful? http://greenlightwiki.com/lenore-exegesis/How_to_Experience_Different_Function-Attitudes
  34. brain enclosed in flesh

    Maturity in the INTP

    It seems I am immature when I am supposed to be mature and mature when I am supposed to be immature- any sort of group ritual that is supposed to be taken seriously, I cannot. any sort of activity that is supposed to be fun, I do not have fun. In other words- funerals- hilarious. roller...
  35. brain enclosed in flesh

    Why do YOU avoid social events

    QSR, I think in the OP when you wrote 'networking' I was thinking something different than what you were saying. I was thinking when they have you in a group and you're supposed to do little exercises together- team building is what I was thinking, I think. Because yeah, like everyone else...
  36. brain enclosed in flesh

    Why do YOU avoid social events

    The planning, the effort, trying to think of things to say, to ask. My Fe sucks. Some people I hit it off with, so talking is fun, but it's pretty rare that I want it to continue for more than ten minutes. I get bored and want to engage my mind in something of my own choosing, not something that...
  37. brain enclosed in flesh

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    It would make sense to me, just intuitively, that red heads would be more sensitive to thermal pain as a survival mechanism- massive amounts of sun touching fair skin= serious burn.
  38. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    yes, and my children have quite a bit in common with me, personality wise- I'm seeing it more as they get older- so we are compatriots of sorts. We are all perceivers, attempting to erase the bit of J which still remains in my husband. J is not tolerated in our household!
  39. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI in relation to Archetype and Enneagram

    I'm pretty sure I'm 4w5, too. Full confession: that's what I got the first time I took the test. I didn't think it was right and I took a few more which I think I gamed to get 5w4. Four doesn't fit me at all. Five fits me more. 4w5 I think fits me perfectly- I think this kind of connects with...
  40. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    What's supposed to develop in the 30s? I think that might be part of my issue. Maybe my Ti is growing and my Ne is declining and it kind of saddens me, like I had this time of unbridled creativity and I didn't do anything with it. I'm shriveling into this brick of dullness that analyses crap to...
  41. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    Well, that's what I mean. I tend to divulge way too much or talk too much sometimes, like I get in this zone and I don't know how to filter or shut up. And then afterwards I feel like a jackass. Sometimes I don't do this, but often I do. I think it keeps me from talking a lot of the time.
  42. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    Chocolate comes to the rescue! Yeah. That is it, exactly. And if I compare myself to a stereotypical ENTP, I would say I am exceedingly staid, logical, reserved. But next to a stereotypical INTP, I am an all over the place, saying whatever the hell comes to mind, impulsive chatterbox.
  43. brain enclosed in flesh

    I'm 34 and still don't know what to do with my life. GAAAA!

    Good idea. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
  44. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    Lurked on the entp.org site for a moment. Saw the phrase 'business model' and came scurrying back. Ugh.
  45. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    I don't have doubts about you, I could just really relate to your am I losing my mind thread. It reeked of Ne, that's all- so I meant doubts about the INTP, like maybe you and I were ENTPs. Pure conjecture, of course.
  46. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    This is me as a parent: http://www.entp.org/discuss2/showpost.php?p=33259&postcount=14 Makes me think I'm an ENTP. Although I am primarily introverted (95%), I think the dominant Ne might weigh more heavily in describing my personality.
  47. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    Mathy- me: Ne Ti Fi Si Fe Yeah, Chocolate! Help me!
  48. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    I wasn't even remotely offended, soth- sorry if I offended you by making you think I was offended!;) well, what it is... I'm considered bipolar. How much of this, I wonder, is just being dominant Ne? And the 'I' part of the NTP is a result of being embarrassed/ashamed of all of the f-ing up...
  49. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    But much of me thinks.... who gives a shit?
  50. brain enclosed in flesh

    Introverted ENTP

    yes, I know red mage. I just didn't feel like going back to that thread. I guess I'm having a hard time grasping this 'extraverted' bit. It seems to me you can have a dominant 'e' function and still be introverted.
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