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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    English- Creating a Utopia

    take the fact that you and your teacher can't come to an agreement about something so trivial as proof that nobody could ever agree on what a utopian society for everyone should be.
  2. Agent Intellect

    The Chip

    i like a woman that will not be offended easily and that will argue with me until my INTPness is all worn out. i think its a little strange to generalize people like this, though. are all "western" women more assertive then women of asian ancestry? physically speaking theres an obvious...
  3. Agent Intellect

    name changes

    i've always thought you were female too, even though some of the other girls on the site i still have to remember aren't guys. fernando seems like a gender-neutral enough name to me. oh well, you're all strangers anyway!
  4. Agent Intellect

    Female INTPs

    damn, that leaves me out.
  5. Agent Intellect

    Psyco/social Alchoholism part 2

    1)Are you an? Introvert* - Extravert* 1 2)How old are you? 23 3)Do your family and friends have a culture of drinking? abstinence modesty gluttony 3 4)How often do you drink to the point of feeling it? daily biweekly weekly monthly yearly+ 1 5)How often do you drink excluding meals...
  6. Agent Intellect

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    is the INTP more suseptible to being molded into something? i always thought the chameleon affect was more of a very temporary thing. like when i'm at work i act different then i do when i'm with family, or with a couple friends, or talking to people on an internet forum. i sort of act the way...
  7. Agent Intellect

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    Fe is kind of what gives us the chameleon affect, isn' it? i have a difficult time letting out any emotions, and when i do, i often wish i hadn't immediately after. but i have an even harder time with other peoples emotions. when people start emoting all over me, its like trying to fit a...
  8. Agent Intellect

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    because the Fe inner child is autistic. i don't understand it and it doesn't understand me. it cannot be understood logically and clashes with the way my mind works. feelings don't compute, particularly other peoples feelings.
  9. Agent Intellect

    The emotionally-invulnerable INTP

    a lot of my inner monologue is occupied with reminding and chastising myself of past regrets and worrying myself into anxiety about the future. i'd have to say that 90% of my depression and anger is self-induced. i don't know about emotionally invulnerable, but i don't think anyone else can hurt...
  10. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to?

    i like the song Hells Bells by AC/DC. and i really like classic rock when i'm working (its usually what we have on the radio while we work) but for some reason i can't just sit down and listen to it on my own.
  11. Agent Intellect

    The Voice Inside My Head

    i have three voices. theres the one that thinks anything and everything i do is stupid or incorrect. this voice is usually either quiet or painfully present. theres the one that proposes ideas, for which the third "skeptic voice" often questions in a debate or interview-like fasion the way...
  12. Agent Intellect

    Michael Crichton

    i've read The Andromeda Strain, Congo, Sphere, Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Timeline, Prey, State of Fear, and Next, and numerous essays and speeches of his on the web. never read any of his non-science related stuff. i actually liked the way he wrote. it was simple and concise, was easy to...
  13. Agent Intellect


    i was just noticing in the past few days how much stuff is on the shelf in my room that i, in a way, knew was there, but never really paid any attention to. once i look at it and try to notice whats present, i'm suddenly like "oh yeah, there it is" even though i never technically forgot it was...
  14. Agent Intellect

    Just realized... fear.

    glad i'm not the only one lol. its a lot of self doubt. the same thing happens while writing stories. i spend 80% of my time going over what i've already written, changing and revising shit and thinking about how stupid it all sounds. before i knew about MBTI i used to think i was just a slow...
  15. Agent Intellect

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum seriously. the non-theists are becoming outnumbered around here! then again, i suppose it doesn't much matter when nobody wants to debate the subject anymore. the cognitive science of religion thread is an agreement fest where the we've resorted to splitting...
  16. Agent Intellect

    Am I an Intj? or a intp? or a mix of both?

    hmm, interesting. does anyone here identify themselves with their country?
  17. Agent Intellect

    INTP vs INTJ

    if thats the case, i'd probably put my money on nature. because of my dad being INTJ, he's always been very aloof and "hands-off" with his parenting. both of us have always respected each others space. my mom, on the other hand, is ISFJ (and she actually took the test) and was always trying to...
  18. Agent Intellect

    INTP vs INTJ

    i'm almost certain my dad is INTJ, but i also wouldn't be surprised if he was ISTJ.
  19. Agent Intellect

    Behavior of the Masses=good. INTP=bad.

    i don't want to sound like an old timer blessing the young-uns with wisdom, but for me it seems that the being different thing gets easier as you get older. christ knows i had a hell of a time during school (i don't even feel like going into it) but since i graduated, its been a lot easier...
  20. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

  21. Agent Intellect

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: Which type of INTP are you? i would have to say that these descriptions were written as a joke. i read these a while back on INTPc i think, and everyone there seemed to think they were hilarious. i found them funny in a self-depricating way, but even funnier is that people took them seriously.
  22. Agent Intellect

    INTP vs INTJ

    besides the part about wanting adventure, i completely agree (i enjoy mental adventure, anyway, if thats what was meant). my girlfriend is INFJ, and some of these points seem to be the same with her. when we first started talking, we'd stay up all night talking about all sorts of interesting and...
  23. Agent Intellect

    Concealed Carry

    its about the right to choose whether or not to own a gun. nobody has to own one, but its better to have the choice. and, as i said earlier, the only people that gun laws will restrict are the people who will have a gun for honest reasons. unless they amend the constitution to repeal the second...
  24. Agent Intellect

    Concealed Carry

    but who can say that this person can own a gun but this other person can't? or to say you can have a gun for this reason but not that reason? why should the government be able to tell people they aren't responsible enough to own a firearm? thats treading dangerous territory (even more dangerous...
  25. Agent Intellect

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    i don't care much for Fringe. i tried watching it a few times, was intrigued for maybe the first 15 minutes every time but ended up completely losing interest. i just can't really get into the characters for some reason.
  26. Agent Intellect

    presidential census

    i call Secretary of INTPness
  27. Agent Intellect

    Well..what about the others?

    my sisters boyfriend is ENTP. i'd say the main difference between us is that i like to think about the information that i already have for long periods of time, to build on the knowledge i already have through discussion and debate, where he gets a lot more out of the actual accumulation of...
  28. Agent Intellect

    Creative Writing Resources

    "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott is a good book about writing (and its very amusing, too). the main thing i'd say (and also said in "Bird by Bird") if you want to write is just to write. the book has a chapter called "Shitty first drafts" and it talks about how the first draft should just be...
  29. Agent Intellect

    Michael Crichton

    Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park and State of Fear died yesterday. i don't really know what to say about it. he was probably one of my favorite authors and scientists that i've ever read. his newest book that he was writing is now suspended indefinitely. i think, in MY opinion, the...
  30. Agent Intellect

    Help us with a forum logo

    does a banner really matter? i mean jesus christ, who are we trying to impress?
  31. Agent Intellect

    Concealed Carry

    exactly. the only people gun laws keep guns away from are people who would not use them to murder or rob people. or use them as fireworks on the fourth of july. people around my apartment did that this last independance day. and people like a cousin of mine shouldn't have guns. he got in a bar...
  32. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    for me, i've never let somethings popularity affect my opinion of it. whether i hate it or not. like with those 90's boy bands, i didn't hate them because they were popular, i hated them because i thought they made shitty music. i suppose i'd be lying if i said it didn't affect it somewhat. like...
  33. Agent Intellect


    someone with poorly developed Ne would probably not be as bright of an INTP. it doesn't matter how much logic someone has if they only think about their own ideas and stuff. i'd say thats what happened with Thomas Young. he was so sure of his own correctness that anything else was just people...
  34. Agent Intellect

    Odd hidden types in the MBTI

    i think if anything, This thread proves that there is a large difference, at least in peoples lesser functions. some INTP's have a much more developed Fi then Fe (which is supposedly the feeling function were supposed to develop) and even for myself, my Te and Ni were higher then both my Fe and...
  35. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    hmmm, is there a difference between counter culture and anti culture? to me, counter culture has always been a feeling of apathy for what the status quo thought was "cool" or "in", where anti-culture seems to be more like "i look at your standards and spit on them. i'm going to do the opposite...
  36. Agent Intellect

    Just realized... fear.

    its not so much an external fear with me, though. i don't care as much that others think i'm incorrect so much as myself. i need everything clear, concise, and correct. i need to know that for myself everything can be understood. and i do this in my own head constantly. even if i know what i'm...
  37. Agent Intellect


    well, IQ tests have questions tailor made for the way INTP's think, so thats not really a fair assessment. i would say that INTP's have a higher tendency to be more curious about how and why things work then a lot of types, and are therefore more inclined to try to figure it out. INTP's are like...
  38. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    ohmigod, i just got the really cute shirt today. its sooooooooooooooo adorable. i can't wait to see what all my friends say about it. sorry, couldn't resist.
  39. Agent Intellect

    How do you feel emotions?

    humans are social animals. even introverts are still acting out a part in society. i've been reading up a bit on cognitive science and evolutionary psychology, and its made me wonder about how the different MBTI types fit into society. what i've read of evolutionary psychology, humans are the...
  40. Agent Intellect

    Taking and meaning offense [thread split]

    Re: The my body my right argument. [abortion -thread merge] i have close to no sense of aesthetics. i still wear the oversized, tattered clothes that i wore in high school (christ, thats over 5 years ago now), pretty much all either black, gray, or dark blue. i can't think of anything more...
  41. Agent Intellect

    How do you feel emotions?

    i could have said that word for word about myself. its sometimes like the physical me is just a player and the mental me is watching how i myself will react to certain situations so i can analyze it. because of this, i almost feel more at home sitting here staring at my computer monitor...
  42. Agent Intellect

    Taking and meaning offense [thread split]

    Re: The my body my right argument. [abortion -thread merge] maybe this deserves its own thread split, but... i often find that i say things that most people would find very offensive or disgusting. maybe it is a lack of forethought, but some people just have a higher threshold for what they...
  43. Agent Intellect

    How do you feel emotions?

    just to clarify about Newton, he was a bitter asshole and was quite notorious for having feuds with other people and was (i think) the first scientist to be knighted and was president of the royal society. after failing to force someone to give up their work on astronomy, he systematically...
  44. Agent Intellect

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    must..... resist..... derailing thread..... you satisfy my INTPness just fine! ...oh God, i need help.
  45. Agent Intellect

    Holy shit

    i can't wait for this crucking election to be over so we can finally put one of those spagholes in the crucking white house.
  46. Agent Intellect

    Favorite Beer

    yeah, you can always blow off your INTPness on me. edit- christ, once you start you just can't stop
  47. Agent Intellect

    Psyco/Social Alcoholism Study part 1

    how many shots are in a fifth? i can put away 4 to 5 fifths in a week sometimes (on top of beer chasers). i guess i'll go with 25+ edit- i'm an introvert
  48. Agent Intellect

    Favorite Beer

    theres a problem with talking about our INTPness? i didn't know it was going too far, i just thought it was sitting around and shooting the shit with each other.
  49. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    i've been brushing my teeth with my own shit for years, then. does that make me crazy?
  50. Agent Intellect

    A Rake of Weirdos (or the social game)

    best bet is to find someone even more weird then you are. it works out well for me.
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