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Search results

  1. Tyria

    Artificial Skin

  2. Tyria

    Well ha we invented the tractor beam

    The first thing that of thought of when I read this was from a movie (the second Austin Powers movie skit with a tractor beam.) Science has gotten 300% cooler because of a tractor beam though. I wonder if it could help move furniture one day? Some of the pieces are so heavy :(
  3. Tyria

    Robotic Deception

    Wait, why? We've come to far to let a little fire stop us.
  4. Tyria

    Robotic Deception

    I think it's kind of awesome in a way. It would suck to be stalked by robots, but it also means that people are 1 step closer to making robots more (people like?) I would love to have an advanced AI friend (even if it did trick me).
  5. Tyria

    Happy birthday :)

    Happy birthday :)
  6. Tyria

    Robotic Deception

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1310788/The-real-2001-Scientists-teach-robots-trick-humans.html It's about time.
  7. Tyria

    Real Person

    The purpose of my post is to ask questions to clarify the phenomenon described in the OP. When you are in this 'empty shell' state, do you experience any feelings? If so, what are they and how would you describe them? Does this 'empty shell' state happen only when you are in social...
  8. Tyria

    Absence from the forum

    I'll be gone for some time. See everyone around.
  9. Tyria

    What happens in the meadow at dusk?

    The night sounds begin.
  10. Tyria


    Congrats on two years Melkor :)
  11. Tyria

    Brain Works Test

    1st attempt Auditory : 33% Visual : 66% Left : 50% Right : 50% You exhibit an even balance between left- and right- hemisphere dominance and a slight preference for visual over auditory processing. With a score this balanced, it is likely that you would have slightly different results...
  12. Tyria

    Happy birthday SOTH :)

    Happy birthday SOTH :)
  13. Tyria


    Thank you Nai :)
  14. Tyria


    I wanted to ask some questions: Where is the best place to start in Nietzche's works? Is it with the Birth of Tragedy? Or can you start with any of his works and have a good understanding of his positions, etc. Does anyone know of any good resources to help aid someone when reading...
  15. Tyria

    I picked up the Emotion Machine. I'll have to let you know what I think after I'm done reading it.

    I picked up the Emotion Machine. I'll have to let you know what I think after I'm done reading it.
  16. Tyria

    Ask a Saint anything

    Have you changed at all since you became a saint?
  17. Tyria

    Poll: Colors

    Black and red.
  18. Tyria

    Pretty Cool! [Thoughts??]

    Every type has feelings. I wonder why everyone tries to make INTJ's seem like they don't. :confused:
  19. Tyria

    Gulf Oil Spill

    http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703871904575215714243494620.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEADNewsCollection What do you think about it? What do you think will happen?
  20. Tyria

    Pretty Cool! [Thoughts??]

    That was depressing. Why did you post that?
  21. Tyria

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  22. Tyria

    I think it's an original piece. I'm not sure myself.

    I think it's an original piece. I'm not sure myself.
  23. Tyria

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  24. Tyria


    Sell non vital organs.
  25. Tyria

    Haha, how do you come up with that stuff? In all seriousness, don't ever try to take...

    Haha, how do you come up with that stuff? In all seriousness, don't ever try to take anything like that in combination. I would hate for someone to go the the hospital (or jail) after mixing those things. Where did you find the bandicoot for your profile pic?
  26. Tyria

    Lurkers are associated with the community. Especially if they stick around for a while :phear...

    Lurkers are associated with the community. Especially if they stick around for a while :phear: Well, if you want to distract yourself here I think you'll find plenty of places to spend time. After spending 3 or 4 weeks I'm sure you know where the good places are. I joined as soon as I...
  27. Tyria

    I imagine it would be somewhat similar to the effect that people get if they consume other...

    I imagine it would be somewhat similar to the effect that people get if they consume other stimulants and depressors at a party (minus a boatload of the other possible effects). I'm stressed because I have a large amount of work to do in a short amount of time. No girl troubles or boy...
  28. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Adymus, are there ways for an INFJ to refocus their vision for how the world should be (if it becomes distorted and unrealistic?)
  29. Tyria

    It's good to be here

    Welcome to the forum Maverick. Please don't be put off by your welcome. We're glad to have you.
  30. Tyria

    Ask a Saint anything

    How did you achieve your sainthood? I'm interested in the story if you're willing to share it.
  31. Tyria


    I really like it. Thanks Anthile!
  32. Tyria

    Stressed but I'll get through the week. Are you feeling burn out by things? Why not combine...

    Stressed but I'll get through the week. Are you feeling burn out by things? Why not combine drink and caffeine? It'll be like a Guiness and Red Bull :D
  33. Tyria


    It's an arbitary milestone. It gives people a chance to celebrate a member.
  34. Tyria

    Hey you :). That is a really eye opening thread that you have going on about the Iraq War...

    Hey you :). That is a really eye opening thread that you have going on about the Iraq War Veterans. It's almost painful to watch and hear some of the things that they say, but all is fair in war I guess. I'm still glad that you posted it though! I doubt I would have found it otherwise.
  35. Tyria

    ~The Melkor BIRTHDAY club~

    Re: ~The Melkor club~ Yeah, that's a rather disturbing seaurchin love child. Only the darkest depths of the internet could spawn such a thing.
  36. Tyria

    How long have you been lurking Faux Pas?

    How long have you been lurking Faux Pas?
  37. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Let's use an example of an INXX that scores a 50:50 on the F/T axis and a 50:50 on the J/P axis. What would this person be considered?
  38. Tyria


    Congrats on your 1st 1000 posts :)
  39. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    We think alike Polaris :phear:
  40. Tyria

    Hai Gaiz

    Welcome back. Will you have to deploy anytime soon?
  41. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Adymus, what if you are 50:50 on an axis (for example the P/J axis). Which would you be?
  42. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    I would love to see that as well. The descriptions that you gave are both informative and pretty funny too.
  43. Tyria

    Plastic bags and the environment?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phthalate There was a similar problem in medical tubing with plasticizers being leached out. There's been a switch to have plasticizer free products to protect consumers.
  44. Tyria

    Life-changing speech

    Why the sigh? Do you think his book sold well because it was popular? Was it something else?
  45. Tyria

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  46. Tyria

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  47. Tyria

    I am the α and the Ω

    Welcome Faux Pas. Are there any other reasons (besides what has been stated) that you don't post often in forums?
  48. Tyria

    Life-changing speech

    I would have loved to have him as a professor. I have nothing but respect for someone who can live so fully despite the hardships he faced. He really is an example for how to live your dreams.
  49. Tyria


    Lobstrich, If you do want to be a psychiatrist, I think you need to look at both medical school and the training you would need afterwards to become a psychiatrist. You are looking at a substantial commitment of both time, money, and hard work (if this is the path that you want to pursue)...
  50. Tyria

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Thank you for posting this Adymus. It is an enjoyable and informative read.
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