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Recent content by cpv

  1. Personality Prediction

    All my data got delete by mistake. Just my bad luck. If you can answer the test again that would be great. :o
  2. Personality Prediction

    Hey Chad. It's good to know that you got the same results, despite the different questions. When I have enough data, what I will try to do is to build a model of all the INTPs, all INTJs, etc. from their facebook information, for example their likes. I will be using machine learning and...
  3. Personality Prediction

    Thanks for the support :)
  4. Personality Prediction

    It's not about money, it's about science :)
  5. Personality Prediction

    Hello All, I am Aleksandar, an INTJ :) I am a computer science student and I am researching about ways of predicting the Myers Briggs indicator type. Particularly, I am building an application that will predict your type without answering questions, but by looking at your facebook profile...
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